Stonewall – 10.9.21 – “Imprompt-Q”

3 HIM (+ 4 runners) got after it on a Saturday morning and posted for a mildly creative beatdown that was (prior to 0600 hours) completely unplanned.

PAX: Breadsticks, Zalinsky (WL from The Rock aka Rock Hill AO)

Runners: Black Lung, Cowboy, Deep Dish, Michelin Man

QIC: Cunning Linguist

Gloom Factor: Mild. Low dew point and a temp of 65 degrees made for rather exquisite weather conditions.

YHC arrived about 10 minutes early and found traveling salesman Zalinsky from Rock Hill in town for a wedding. Breadsticks and others appeared in time for the 0600 kickoff.

At 0600, YHC gave a condensed version of the Disclaimer and then set off on a Mosey to the Gale Lane Community Park for our Warm-O-Rama.

15 x SSH
10 x LBAC
10 x rLBAC
10 x Imperial Walkers
10 x Hillbillies
10 x Good Mornings OYO
12 x SnL Squats

Given that there was exactly 3 of us, we performed a modified DORA for THANG 1 (and thanks to Zelinksy for the creative input on this one)

DORA 1-2-3
Partnered up as a trio
150 x Merkins
300 x LBCs
450 x Squats
Between each movement, mosey to halfway point around the loop where one person did LBCs (uncounted) and the previous LBC person would then run the reminder of the loop.

Upon completion, countdown from 30-1 was called out, then we moseyed back to STARTEX for THANG 2.

Real American/Merkin Routine
YHC grabbed his phone from his ride and played Rick Derringer’s classic “Real American”
During Verse 1, Overhead Press AMRAP
During Chorus 1, Real Merkins AMRAP
During Verse 2, Windmills AMRAP
During Chorus 2, Real Merkins AMRAP

Another 30 second countdown, then mosey to the corner of the park nearest the intersection of 12th Ave S and Kirkwood for THANG 3.

Simple Sprints
One PAX run from the bridge to end of the path where the walkway does a zig-zag/switchback.
The other 2 perform Lt. Dans while waiting their turn.
End when all 3 have their turn to sprint.

At long last, a sprint to STARTEX where we had approximately 5 minutes to spare and witnessed the runners returning just in time to join us for MARY.

All IC
10 x LBCs
10 x Happy Crunchy Frogs
10 x American Hammers
10 x Freddie Mercury
10 x Alternating Heel Taps
10 x Alabama Prom Dates
10 x Flutter Kicks


Always an honor to lead, and as usual, the Men of Stonewall put in a fantastic effort this AM. Thank you for letting me take point for an hour!

Welcome to F3 Nashville, brother Zalinsky from THE ROCK aka Rock Hill. It was a pleasure meeting you and having you in attendance today!

TAPs for all families (including the Michelin Man family) that are experiencing various health challenges right now.

YHC encouraged everyone to make outreach to those who have gone “radio silent” lately. 

See you all on the flip side.


PurpleCow 2021/9/27

PAX: Toga, Blackwidow, DoubleCheck, Nurse.Ratched, Faulkner, Venus

QIC: Boone’s Farm

Conditions: Perfect


  • SSH x20
  • LBAC x10 F/R
  • Squats x10


Mosey to GWP around path to playground for:

  • 5 pull-ups,
  • 10 wrestler bridges


Mosey to parking lot, partner up, P1 performs exercise, P2 lap around parking lot, flapjack for combined totals (1 group of 3 50% increase in rep count):

  • 100 squat jumps
  • 150 merkins
  • 200 LBC
  • 250 Flutter-kicks (4-count)

Mosey to basketball court for gassers x2

Indigenous People’s  Run back to BMS with AYG up hill

Finish with 30 sec GM

Great effort by all this morning. Prayers for healing for Faulkner’s friend with cancer.

Always an honor,


9/11 20 Year Convergence

9/11 20YR

PAX: Venus, Black Lung, Tuna, Overruled(W/L B’ham), Boone’s Farm, Hugs not Drugs, Umbrella, Wedding Singer, Olan Mills, Floppy Disk (11.2 run), Super Nova, Ponzi, Tampa Libra, Works 4 A Guy, CCR, Michelin Man, Cub Cadet, Cunning Linguist, Chowduh, High Flyer, The Jeweler, PopALock, T Cell, Siri, Steve Jobs (FNG), Ratatouille (FNG), Fishure (FNG), Ginger, Quiver, Bagger Vance, et al

General Disclaimer given, workout specific disclaimer given.
Mosey to BMB and back.

WOR x 20 … SSH, IW, GMA, Phelps, BAC (F/R)

110 flights

9 x Ruck presses bottom
11 x Bulgarian SS bottom

To the Top

9 x Ruck swings top
11 x Ruck squats top

RNR 11 times total

Time around 0730

Atlantis – 7.19.21 – “Who’s Next? Q’s Next!”

4 HIM (and 1 additional Running HIM) did that hard thing and posted for a challenging yet classic workout that was meant to highlight the importance of the fundamentals.

QIC: Cunning Linguist
PAX: Bareback, Oatmeal, Sooner, Pumpkin Spice (aka The Running HIM)

Gloom Factor: Virtually nonexistent with a light dusting of moisture

At 0530, YHC announced the Disclaimer and led PAX around the left-hand side of the loop and toward the lower parking lot where we deplaned for the Warm-O-Rama.


25 x SSH
10 x LBAC
10 x rLBAC
16 x WMH
10 x Imperial Walker
15 x SnL Squat

YHC then continued on a brief mosey toward the water tower (aka the ‘Bob Ross Thing’ where we began Part 1 of The Thang.

THANG 1:  DORA 1-2-3

YHC gave the history lesson for the day: this is the week of the 50th Anniversary of arguably the greatest rock album ever — ‘Who’s Next’ by The Who. Although, let’s be honest: if you actually argue with this sentiment, you probably hate puppies.

With the classic ‘Baba O’Riley’ booming from the Bluetooth speaker, YHC announced the classic Dora 1-2-3 in honor of such a classic album.

Partner 1 runs a lap around the Water Tower, Partner 2 does the following (and the Partners flip flop with each successive lap):

100 x Merkins
200 x LBCs
300 x Squats

Upon completion, Bareback gave us a 30 count

Then, YHC led his fellow HIM on over to the swings for Thang 2.


YHC expressed vulnerability here and admitted his love for pro wrestling. For those who have been paying attention, this is not a surprise. However, this set of PAX was less familiar with YHC’s vices (from what I could tell).

Tomorrow night, after a long 7 years away from the ring, CM Punk is (likely) returning. In honor of his return, YHC played ‘Cult of Personality’ by Living Colour (aka CM Punk’s entrance music) and we did the following OYO:

10 x Carolina Dry Docks
10 x Monkey Humpers
10 x Pickle Pounders
10 x UNKders (or ‘Down Unders,’ a pull up from under a swing)

Repeato until song completion.

Oatmeal gave us a 20 count.

Next, YHC led the PAX over to set of benches for another short THANG:


YHC played an Atlantis-themed song (namely, ‘Ocean Avenue’ by Yellowcard) while PAX performed the following until song completion:

15 x Dips
10 x Incline Merkins
5 x Decline Merkins

Sooner gave us a 10 count.

With just a few minutes to spare, we then set off on a mosey to STARTEX for Mary.


YHC put another relevant song on (‘Waterfalls’ by TLC) while leading PAX in the following:

10 x Freddie Mercury
15 x Big Boy Sit Ups
15 x LBCs
25 x Alabama Prom Dates
10 Alternating Heel Taps
1 minute Pigeon Stretch
10 x American Hammers

YHC officially called “All She Wrote” at 0615

We did that COT, and with no official announcements or prayer requests, YHC led a Prayer for Blessing and Healing, then we had on-site Coffeeteria and Fellowship with PAX.


Always an honor to lead, gents. Thanks for having me. I think I may have overdone it today, but I found myself digging deep because of your energy this morning. I just could not let y’all down!


Blockz N Bucketz N Beans

Blockz n Bucketz n Beanz

Temp: 62
PAX: Shocker, Shootuh, Spandex, Det Pichachu, Red Skull, Blue Mule, Olan Mills, Black Widow, BnB, VooDoo, Space Needle (Quohog), Well Water, Van Dyke (Chavez Y Chavez). Florida Man (Jorts), Half Shell, Bagger Vance

Quick disclaimer, grouping up of 2 F3ers to 1 413er. All PAX grab a block. Return blocks to circle. Mosey the front loop around the buses and back to circle.

IW X 10 IC
HB X 10 IC


In groups of three with block in tow, each group performs
100 Block Burpees
200 Block Squats
300 Block Flutter Kix

PAX 1 run w block to Mater’s Civic and back. PAX 2&3 start on work set. Flap Jack until Reps completed.

Bucket Brigade
413er grab 5 gallon bucket of water. F3ers flank 413er. As a group carry bucket to far Quad. Every time water spills out there is a team penalty for entire group.

Penalty 1 – 10 Burpees
Penalty 2 – 10 Squats
Penalty 3 – Bucket transfer PAX to PAX around entirety of Quad 4.
Penalty 4 – 10 Merkins w feet on wall
Penalty 5 – Bucket transfer on 6 around traffic calming circle. PAX bear crawl in Native American run fashion.

413er returns bucket.


High Plank


NMM: Today’s Q was a combo of the BV classic Weight v Wait and the words of Proverbs 27:17 …

I’ve been a huge fan for a while now of pairing up or partnering the F3/413 PAX and today proved no different. Having been DR last week and missed out on the PFT admin’s by Red Skull YHC had to dig deep into the Pain Cave for this Q. The idea that we have a physical weight (the block) and a mental weight (why you’re an F3er/413er) hit home from the beginning today. I ripped that Weight v Wait concept from Rob Jones; a double above knee amputee who served as an IED searcher in the Marines. Hoping that Red Skull can expand upon this during the week of Bible study.

(YHC was struggling w the 413 names hence the other names in parenthesis.)

BH :
Spandex’s bro
Shocker’s nephew
BnB’s 2.0 coming Dec 2021
Traveling mercies


22 July 21

PAX : 

CCR, 11, Go Now, BnB, Red Skull, T Cell, High Flyer, Low N Brow, Movin On Up, Bagger Vance
Conditions : 68 w 86% humidity and a slight northwest breeze

Mosey a bit out to Southside of stadium for

SSH, WMH, IW, Phelps
Bear crawl to utility pole
Bernie back

Count off 1s & 2s

R1 – SE Corner
5 P/U
10 Merkins
15 Squats

R2 – SW Corner
5 Chest Rows
10 Burpees
15 Lunges

R3 – NW Corner
5 P/U
10 Reverse Burpees
15 LT Dans

Plank Leap Frog
Bernie-Sprint Push RNR x 6 (1s Bernie and 2s chase)
IR 1s & 2s lR

R3 – Back to SW Corner
RnR Set 1 w max pull ups

IR back

R4 – Time Filler

Bear Crawl to light post
Crawl Bear back
Side shuffle right to light post
Side shuffle left back
High knees to light post
Reverse Thrusters back

High Plank
Flutter Kix x 30 IC
Peter Parkers x 5 right
Ola Dollies x 20 IC
Peter Parkers x 5 Left
High plank
Scorpions x 4 IC
Flutter Kix x 20 IC
Atomic Merkins x 5 IC
High Plank


Speaker went out at minute 2:30. Will have to bring that playlist back out since BnB loved it so much.

Sufficient early chatter re: YHC’s poor comz skills led to gasps for breath during the workout.

Great to be back out at the newly coined Maquina Verde … more to come on that.

HF with the double barrel Phil Mickelson coffeeteria along with “The Good Stuff”.
T claps man.

Such a warm greeting from T Cell this morning; made me feel super welcome. He’s definitely been working out.

New AOQs – Detention : Works for a Guy
Sir Ellington : Pedialyte

Lift up 413 Strong as they go through some Recruiting difficulties.


Bomber – 07.16.21 – “NYD Redux”

18 HIM posted for a trimmed down re-test of the 2021 NYD Divergence circuit and to build upon their foundations.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Black Lung, BnB, Chowdah, Crawlspace, Hambone, McAfee, Michelin Man, Right Said, Rock Drop (LEX, SC), Suit (Smyrna, GA), Siri, Solo Cup, Supernova, T-Cell, Toolman, Vector, Wet Wipes


It’s been months since YHC last Qed, so after feeling good about myself for a decently executed welcome and disclaimer, PAX moseyed up the driveway and around community center to circle up for the first phase of the workout.


  • SSH x 11
  • LBAC x 11
  • OH Claps x 11
  • R LBAC x 11
  • SnL Squats x 11

Next up, we revisited the benchmark test from NYD ’21. Because only a handful of today’s PAX were present then, this was a new baseline for many (I smell another re-test). The only modification was that the time was shortened by 10 minutes. Never fear! for a rounds per minute rate can be calculated. AMRAP for 11’

  • Ab Thrusters x 5
  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 15
  • Prone Snow Angels x 20

Next up, in celebration of YHC’s eleventh year of marriage, we focused on building upon our foundation with none other than a leg-heavy round of elevens.

  • Explosive Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 > 1 (each leg)
  • Run up driveway
  • Curtsy Lunges x 1 > 10 (each leg)

SSH for the six right into Mary:

  • Plank
  • Bird Dog holds
  • Reverse Plank
  • Tabletop
  • Jane Fondas



Though my presence at workouts has been limited this year, it felt natural to pick right back up with the PAX if not physically at least relationally. That’s the magic of F3 and dare I say this group at Bomber, specifically.  Very appreciative of the Q opportunity, and, as hinted at above, look for another re-test in the fall. Better write that number down if you haven’t forgotten it already!


TAPs for those continuing to be impacted by COVID, both those receiving care and those giving it.

Michelin Man is itching for a shirt order. Sound off on Slack if you’re interested so we can ensure we’re good for the minimum. We’re looking at a high-visibility option to throw in the mix because S-s-s-s A-a-a-a-F-f-f-f-E-e-e-e…


PA out.

PurpleCow – 2021/7/12

PAX: Wedding Singer, Ponzi, Ginger,  Not-a-Sport, Blackwidow, DFrost

QIC: Boone’s Farm

Conditions: Schweaty


Mosey to GWP

  • SSH x20
  • WMH x10
  • Merkins x10
  • Squats x10
  • Michael Phelps x10


Mosey to playground for:

  • 5 pull-ups,
  • 10 swerkins
  • 15 dips


Mosey to parking lot, partner up, P1 performs exercise, P2 lap around parking lot, flapjack for combined totals:

  • 100 merkins
  • 200 squats
  • 300 LBC

Mosey to basketball court for gassers x4

Mosey back to BMS with AYG up hill

Finish with Mary:

  • 20 American Hammers IC (real ones where whole torso rotates not just hands)
  • 50 Flutters IC
  • J-Lo x10 IC

Great effort by all this morning. Prayers for Hugs dad and family, Not-a-sport’s friend Lindsey.

Always an honor,


Westeros 7-5-2021: Party in the USA

6 HIM resisted the strong temptation of the post-fireworks/beers/brats/burgers fartsack and came out to make themselves better. What better way to do that than to a Q celebrating the holiday a mere hours past?

PAX:  Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Oatmeal, FNG Supernova, Tool Man, & Vector (QIC).

Conditions:   mid-70s. Not too humid.

Playlist:  ‘Merica!

Living in America – James Brown
American Girl – Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers
American Idiot – Green Day
American Boy – Estelle w/ Kanye
Young Americans – David Bowie
Kids in America – Kim Wilde
Born in the U.S.A. – Springsteen
R.O.C.K in the U.S.A – John Mellencamp
America – Neil Diamond
Party in the U.S.A – Miley Cyrus
Surfin’ USA – Beach Boys

Disclaimer given and then mosey to the tennis court:

  • Warm-o-rama:   SSH x 20,  Squats x 15, LBAC x 15, Seal Claps x 15, RLBAC x 15, Willy Mays Hayes x 10 OHO, Good Mornings x 10
  • Stars:  At each corner of court, do 10 star jumps, then bear crawl (you’re welcome, Cub Cadet) to next corner and do another 10.  Stop after 50. Repeat with star merkins and lunges.
  • Stripes:  Run to front of WEMS.  Round of “13s” back-and-forth in front of school with squats on one end, merkins on the other.
  • Mary:  Mosey to Startex.  American Hammers x 15, Freddy Mercuries x 15, American Hammers (again) x 15, Box Cutters x 15, Flutter Kicks x 15, and American Hammers yet again (’cause “Merica!) x 15.


  • Welcome FNG Supernova, a friend of Spinal Tap, a hospitalist at Stonecrest who got his name due to almost missing the workout due to the “riveting” podcast on Supernovas he was listening to at the start.
  • Prayers and thanksgiving for those about to travel and those recently returned.

Thanks, HIM.  Honor to lead you this morning.




2 July 2021


TEMP : 72

PAX : CAPSLOCK, CCR, A/R, Noodler, Rug Dr, Movin on Up, Topanga, Black Widow, Pedialyte, Voodoo, Bagger Vance

Before we started, there was a albeit brief, a thorough welcoming of CAPSLOCK.


Mosey long route to CWBC lot.

SSH x 13 IC
WMH x 10 IC
IT Band Stretch x 10 L/R
IW x 10 IC
HB x 10 IC
Scorps x 6 IC R/L
Beast x 6 IC R/L

MARSOC Short Card w lap of CWBC Main lot to East lot and back to FLC.

30 Merks
30 Squats
30 LBC
10 (8) CT BB
10 WindMills
30 Atomics
30 Mtn Climbers IC
30 F Kix IC
10 (8) CT BB
10 Chain Breakers
30 Merks (40 were performed … Q count fail)
30 Side Straddle Hops IC
30 Superman’s
10 (8) CT BB
10 Cherry Pickers
30 Atomics
30 LT Dan’s IC
30 Ola Binary
10 (8) CT BB
10 GMA

NAR to pull up station

3 Sets Max Pull Ups

Mary :
Plank Progression 3’


NMM: Dusted off an oldie but goodie this am. The mosey between rounds added just the right amount of time to get us through the am. Always like counting off in 1s & 2s to give guys a pards and someone to push and be pushed by.
Loved seeing CAPSLOCK back out in the gloom. Great example of living third in his decision to move to Philly to help his M take care of his MIL. That’s self sacrificing leadership and what F3 is all about.
Last week’s FNG, Voodoo has become Mr. Consistency over the last 7 days and has steadily improved. VQ in the works?
Nice work by all the PAX this am. Thank y’all for letting me Q. Hope to get more guys out in the G this summer and make a big push as we head back to school in a few weeks.
BH: Prayers for humility in our handling of others and our day to day. Prayers up for the young men at 413 as they finish their last week of this class. We also lift up CCR’s friend, Suzanne and her recent cancer diagnosis.
