First Real Cold One…

AO: toratoratora
Q: 40 Minutes
PAX: greyalbum, Hot Route, Ultratecht, Inivictus, Long Cut
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: vCold (see title)

WARMUP: Mosey / Stretching

THE THANG: Rotation Station – 1 min on and 1 min rest for 6 stations (2 times through):
– Pull Ups
– Sit Up Machine
– Box Jumps
– Squats
– Push Ups
– Dips

Native American Run

Mary to close it out

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas is coming

COT: Invictus baby on the way

Post Butterball Crawl Beatdown

AO: cruelhall
Q: Donkey Hammer
PAX: BTU, Pedialyte, Young and Restless, EZ-Go, Michael Freiburg
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool but lovely

WARMUP: SSH, calf raise, WMH, GM

Grab block

Thoracic rotations
High plank -> right/left foot forward (rotate, wiggle hips, knee down, bends towards and away from knee)
Prone snow angel
Prone scorpion
Down dog to up dog
Side lying shoulder rotation
Jane Fondas
Supine pigeon
Straight leg raises – R, L, B

THE THANG: Four corners Tabata: 40 seconds on, 20 off with different modes of travel between corners.

Squats with side step
Block merkins
Calf raises
Jump squats
Extended side plank each side then high plank
Jump over block then merkins

Modes of travel between corners:
Bear crawl
Crab walk
Duck walk
Reverse lunge
Alligator merkin

MOLESKINE: Happy Thanksgiving. Welcome, BTU.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: start planning to attend 2nd annual Crieve Hall Butterball Crawl now.


Keep it movin

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Chunks, hambone, Puzzlah, SalPal, Tim the Toolman
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSHs, Willy Mays, Good Mornings,

Long Mosey with five stops for the following:
5 Tuck/Box Jumps
10 Merkins
15 Burpees
20 Lunges
25 Squats

Finished with sevens on the hill.
Merkins at the top
Komodo Dragon Walk at the bottom

Be grateful

BrewsDay on Tuesday
BrewRuck on 12/14
One month until leanpax 2025

Be grateful

Joy center

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning stār
PAX: Parka-Eh, Timber, Pebbles, morning stār, Bumble bee (2.0), Pele (2.0), Smoltz (2.0), Mona Lisa (2.0)
FNGs: 1 Mona Lisa (2.0)

WARMUP: SSH, arm circles, mosey.

5 burpees and run up hill. Pair up at top of hill.

Each pair completes a hill run and then walk backwards together while practicing appreciation using GAMES:
– gratitude for something in the present
– anticipation for something in the future
– memory from past that brings you joy
– experience: somethong you can do to bring a smile to someone’s face
– singing (Timber Lee us in Lean on me)

– the joy center of our brain is the only part of our brain that can keep growing our whole life
– Cold plunge face off … props to all the PAX that embraced the suck. Parka-Eh reigns as this years champ!


AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Timber, Siri, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Chilly but not too bad

WARMUP: Stretches and SSH


Played in traffic
– 20 minute run down 70 (on the sidewalk)
– 5 merkins for every oncoming car that drives by
– 5 squats for every oncoming truck or bigger that drives by
– 5 burpees for a padiddle
– 5 second speed pick up everytime a vehicle going same direction passes

Ring of Fires
– Squat ROF to 10
– Lap around PainTrain with hill sprint
– Merkin ROF to 10
– Lap around PainTrain with hill sprint
– Burpee ROF to 5
– Lap around PainTrain with hill sprint
– BB Sit-ups ROF to 10

MOLESKINE: Apparently nobody drives trucks at 5:30am in Bellevue. Need to remember to pay the random Padiddle car doing laps $5.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Keep eye on slack for F2 events

COT: just replaced my living room floor. Came with some frustrations along the way but so worth it in the end. Reminder to PAX to push through minor setbacks and focus on the bigger wins ahead.

The freedom of forgiveness

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning stār
PAX: Timber, AAA, Sparrow, Half Lyfe, El Capitan, Étouffée, Papa Bear, Pebbles, morning stār, Pitmaster, Bumble bee (2.0), Shmoltz (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: chilly and windy

WARMUP: moved all the joints and some SSH

THE THANG: each packed picked up a coupon or two; this was their burden for the pilgrimage ahead.

We spent most of the time in the gloom walking in essential silence reflecting on parts of our lives that were painful.

We paused for body builder burpees, bird dogs and dead bugs with some step ups thrown in there.

YHC then invited each PAX to practice forgiveness through a simple yet practical process.

MOLESKINE: it was a pleasure sharing this sacred space with you all.

– leanpax is coming
– cold plunge battle happening at the-knoll on thursday; bring a down. Your clothes wont’ get wet unless it rains.

COT: YHC shared how forgiving myself for the consequences of my choices around toothcare in childhood has liberated me from regret, fear and anxiety.

May we all grow in the courageous skill of forgiveness,

Accidental Q

AO: westeros
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: CubCadet, Vector, Sherlock, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore
FNGs: None

WARMUP: I think Cub Cadet led the warmup at 5am…


Made this up on the fly as YHC did not expect to Q. My plans to Q were an educated wish.

1. 6 sprints up the hill. Until Vector is mad.
2. Ring of squat-fire. No not a Mexican restaurant’s revenge, this was just what is in the tin, hold an Al gore and take turns squatting. Last one out (Toolman of course) wins.
3. MORA. It’s a DORA but More! 300 lunges, 250 pointers. 200 squats. 100 imperial walkers. Run up the steps and do 20 of: flutters, hillbillies, or sumo squats.
4. Windshield wipers until time.

COT: Your accidental Q was excited to make this up as we went along. Fin.

Bringing Down The Horse

AO: toratoratora
Q: greyalbum
PAX: The Bobs, Ultratecht, Goose
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Breezy cool


Butt Kickers
High Knees
Overhead press
Arm Circles
World’s Greatest Stretch


Run to bars

5 pull-up
10 atomic merkin
4 pull – up
15 WW1
3 pull-up
20 crunchy frog
2 pull-up
25 drop squat
1 pull-up

Circuit 40 sec on/20 sec rest move to next station

Box jumps
Sit ups
Wide Merkin
Split squats
Aussie row
Prom dates
Crunchy frog

40 Burpee / Lunge walk
100 Squat jumps / Bear crawl / Crab walk

Do the reps/Run out and back on the trail
20 Merkin
20 WW1
20 Flutter Kick

1 min wall sit

ANNOUNCEMENTS: greyalbum show at Basement on 8th Ave 12/4 7pm

COT: Thanksgiving travel, family time

PLAYLIST: The Wallflowers: Bringing Down The Horse

Cruel Work

AO: cruelhall
Q: Cowboy
PAX: Donkey Hammer, Young and Restless, Accounts Receivable, Mistah Mistah, EZ-Go, Matador, PoundPuppy
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crisp and Cold or was it Hot and steamy. Can’t remember

WARMUP: SSH, GM, WMH, Downward Dog – Calf Stretch
Burpee Buy-in – 11
Mosey to the Pavilion behind school
4 Corners, 4 Stations, 4 Groups. Each group at a sifferent station. Do the exercise, hold for the six. All travel at the same time
Round 1 Reps = 10 Travel = Crab Walk
Burpee Buy-in – 10
Station 1 = Side Step Squat 2is1
Station 2 =Git Ups
Station 3 = Tuck Jumps
Station 4 = Iron Mikes

Round 2 Reps = 9 Travel = Bear Crawl
Burpee Buy-in – 9
Station 1 = Bowing Merkins
Station 2 = Bowing merkins
Station 3 = Elbow to Knee – Suzanne Somers Style
Station 4 = High Low Plank

Round 3 Reps = 8 Travel = Duck Walk
Burpee Buy-in – 8
Do Round 1 & Round 2 Exercises plus these
Station 1 = Single Leg Squat
Station 2 = Git Ups
Station 3 = Tuck Jumps
Station 4 = Iron Mikes
Burpee Buyin 7
Burpee Buyin 6
Mosey Back to Star Deck via Indigenous Peoples Run + Burpee
Burpee Buyin 5
Burpee Buyin 4

Mary and Time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: – Turkey Trot 11/28, BrewsDay Dec 3

Toy Story

AO: thebuffalo
Q: greyalbum
PAX: Sandlapper (David Suggs), Ultratecht, The Bobs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crispy and cold

WARMUP: On this day in 1995 the movie Toy Story was released. We gather today to honor this great film.

Buzz’s Arrival mosey
Arm circles (like Buzz flying)
High knees (landing like a space ranger)
Buzz Lightyear side straddle hops
Buzz’ To Infinity and Beyond ultimate stretch


Repeat 3 rounds 40 seconds ON/20 sec rest

1. “Woody’s Rope Climb” Climbing plank (alternate arm reach)
2. “Buzz’s Infinite Push-ups”
Push-up variations (optional hand lifts)
3. “Toy Army Crawl”
4. “Sid’s Dodge” Lateral bounds (quick side-to-side)
5. “Andy’s Stampede” Squat jumps 

40 secs ON/20 sec rest
Group 1 wall sit 
Group 2 merkins
Little Bo Peep Lost Sheep rows/overhead press
Pizza delivery drivers/squats
American hammers/Andy’s Army man sit ups
Inverted head stand merkins on the wall(descending into the alien toy grabber machine – “You have been chosen”)

COT: Thanksgiving travels