Covenant – 03/28/2023

10 men gathered on the morning after the tragedy at Covenant, a mile and a half away from where tragedy unfolded, to remember the lost and hurting, and to work out some anger (or maybe that was just the QIC)

PAX: Rocket Mortgage, Cowboy, FeelTheBerns, Moneyshot, DrRupp, Pole DAncer, Sooner, Subway, Nomad (Very Important Visitor from NW Arkansas), Detective Pikachu (QIC)

Some liberties were taken to spell out Covenant with exercises after the Warmarama. 27 reps each (9 for each of the three children lost yesterday in the tragedy)

Overhead press
V-ups (happy crunchy frogs)
Emperial Walkers (imperial walkers)
No-hand merkins (hand release merkins)
Alabama Prom Dates
Nordic Jacks (mountain climbers)
The Ring of Choice – 1 pax at a time chose an exercise to do 27 of. Pax held plank while waiting

We did many (>6?) laps of the Green Hills Park loop. Each loop was around 1/3 of a mile, so we ran over 2 miles.

Pray for the victims, pray for their families, pray for their friends, classmates, teachers. Pray for our country’s leaders, and pray that they will do the right thing(s).

Baseball Arguments – 03/27/2023

PAX: Salpal, Pep, Vector, Supernova, Blueprint, Natural Ice, Black Lung, DintyMoore, Right Said, Grape, Blue Mule, Red Skull, Chunks, Siri, Detective Pikachu (QIC)

Gloom: Great

15 men argued over baseball trivia while doing merkins, squats, side straddle hops, and running. Good fun.

COT: Thanks for letting me lead on my late Birthday Week. Pray for Covenant School, those who have lost, and those who are hurting. Pray for our country’s leaders, pray for them to do the right thing(s).

Bomber 3-24-2023: 53DM

YHC turned 53 last week (you may have seen Cub Cadet’s backblast from the OTB cruise workout in the middle of the Caribbean last week – see Titan channel), so wanted to celebrate a little late with my favorite burpee brothers (even though not a single burpee occurred). Playlist wasn’t a cute theme – just a playlist of YHC’s favorite band, Depeche Mode, who kicked off their world tour last night and who I will see for the first time next weekend.  If you didn’t like post-punk British new wave or the number 53, you were not happy . . .

PAX:  Black Lung, Cream Cheese, Cub Cadet, Dinty Moore, Firefox, Pep, Pop-a-Lock, Right Said, Supernova, T-cell, Vector (QIC), Wet Wipes 

Conditions:   Balmy 70 with birds tweeting

DM Playlist:  
Personal Jesus
Just Can’t Get Enough
Behind the Wheel
Never Let Me Down Again
Walking in my Shoes
It’s No Good
I Feel You
Everything Counts (Live)

Disclaimer given and then a tradition unlike any other:

  • Warm-o-rama:    SSH x 53 (Pep asked “How old are you Vector?” to which I responded “Oh you will learn very soon”)
  • Wander to Rec Center:  LBAC x 15, RLBAC x 15, WMH 15 OHO, Good Mornings 10 OHO
  • Thang 1:  53 Dora

Partner up. one does exercise, one runs around rec center:  53 pull ups, 153 merkins, 253 squats.  When done, improvised rock pass on wall.

  • Thang 2:  Presents!

Go to hill and see what presents the HIM brought.  PAX pick exercise x 53 reps, then sprint up the hill.  So many good presents . . . but oddly, I didn’t ask for Black Lung’s present, as I suspected it might have rhymed with “burped peas.”

  • Thang 3: My gift to the PAX

As at every quality birthday party, you get a take home gift.  Today it was DIDs: 18 dips, 18 incline merkins, and 17 decline merkins (adds up to 53. Get it?).  PAX was so deserving that they got a second present of the same thing.


  • Prayers for Firefox’s M, kids making college decisions, and others unnamed. CSAUP this weekend and Richland Creek Run the following weekend (sign up for F3 team).

Thanks, HIM.  Thinking back, the thought that at 53 I could do what I do now (even though I’m a little slow) would have been laughable. I owe thanks to each of you (not just those not present today but who spent time with me in the gloom).  You’ve made me a better man, and I deeply appreciate each of you.



Blind Buddy Run

Class 2 Round 1 –

Invesco, Transplant, Electric Beast, Galileo, D Pole, Jigsaw, Redo, Luigi, Hickory, Beaker, Life Force
Chunks, Y&R, Decaf, Pearl, Knuckles, Skeet, Right Said, Grey Album, Red Skull, Bagger Vance (QIC)

Mosey to Stop Sign Blind Buddy Style F3 PAX leading

WOR @ STEM bldg
SSH x 13 IC
Russian Lunges – extended WMH x 10 IC
Walkout Spider Mans
Arm Hang Squat Warm Up
Low Bernie Shuffle
Side Shuffle (R/L)
Karaoke (R/L)

BB run back to Dumpster

All PAX grab a block and mosey to back tennis courts


Thrusters (50) / team
Block Push Pulls x 4 directions x 10 (40) total
Block Curls back to back (30)
Lt Dangers – Lunge, Lunge, Squat (20)
Dead Bugs x (10) each leg modified for time
Blockees x (5)

Return Blocks


Groundwork / Natural Movements
Bear Crawls to 1/2 line, Crawl Bear to end line
Gorilla Crawls to 1/2 line, switch orientation to end line
Frog Jumps to 1/2 line, Reverse jumps to end line
Bear Crawl Kick Throughs


Thread the Needle
Rolling Starfish
Downward Dog/Cobra


What a great morning we had. Weather was on point, effort was all out and the 413/F3 PAX pair up seemed to gel. Nice to see how the F3 crew has rallied around 413 and its Mission to help these young men become who they’re designed to be. Be sure to come out and support at 🐢🐰on Tuesdays as well.

BH :
Lots of TAP for lost loved ones in the COT.
CSAUP next weekend, the day of the 25th into the morning of the 26th. Check out the main channel for deets or DM Hipster. TAP for his quick recovery from a meniscus tear earlier this week.


Titan – 03.01.23 – “1st of tha Month”

With probably another 4 years on my frame since my last visit to Titan, YHC was honored to Q at Toolman’s request and honored some musical birthdays in the process.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: . Blue Mule, Buster Bluth, Dinty Moore, Grey Album, Preacherman, Solo Cup, Stuntman (WL-BHM), Tim the Toolman, Vector


Mosey to circle overlooking Lake Watauga for COP with soundtrack provided by Bone Thugz-N-Harmony’s “1st of tha Month”

  • SSH
  • WMH
  • LBAC F
  • OH Claps
  • LBAC R
  • Good Mornings

Birthday #1: Glenn Miller

Soundtrack: “In the Mood,” “A String of Pearls,” “Chattanooga Choo Choo”

Mosey to the plaza event center where many a big band dance party has occurred. It was time to get in the M.O.O.D. with “In the Mood” and other Glenn Miller hits as our soundtrack. AMRAP the circuit below until time.

  • Merkin x 20
  • Overhead Squats x 20
  • Overhead Press x 20
  • Donkey Kicks x 10 ea leg

Birthday #2: Justin Bieber

Soundtrack: “Baby,” “Sorry,” “What Do You Need?”

Mosey to Hill of Sisyphus for 11s inspired by the Bieber’s first hit, “Baby.”

  • Little Baby Crunches at top
  • (Little Baby) Iron Mikes at bottom

Birthday #3: Roger Daltrey

Soundtrack “Won’t Get Fooled Again,” ‘My Generation”

Mosey to playground for another AMRAP circuit honoring our frontman of The Who.

  • Windshield Wipers x 5 ea side
  • Hydraulic Squats x 5
  • Overhead Pulls (a.k.a. Pull-ups) x 5

Mosey back to the Great Lawn for another Who tribute with “My Generation.” Burpee each time you hear the lyrics “my generation.” Works out to 38 in 3:19.

With the clock almost at 0615, we didn’t get to properly celebrate…

Birthday #4: Kesha

“Tik Tok” while we waited for the six and then COT, BOM


Truly a great experience and privilege to be back at Titan, and many thanks to Toolman for making the ask. As the location of Nashville’s first weekday workout and my first Q, Titan remains a special AO throughout all of its evolution over the last 8.5 years. Plus, you regulars really knocked it out of the park with the renovations!



  • My mother’s health, Pep’s job search, Vector’s 2.0’s international trip

Pleasure to lead as always!

PA out.

Devil’s Den – 02.15.2023 – Dropped Balls

Title: The Calm Before The Storms, or
Rugby Without Any Tackling And Plenty of Dropped Balls
PAX: Skeet, Backrow Bits, Linus, McAfee
QIC: Detective Pikachu
Gloom: Yes

Warmarama: 6 will be 1st, 1st will be 2nd over to Local Parking Lot
10 Merkins to warm our arms up

Thang: Rugby drills
We learned how to pass
We learned how to defend
We learned how to kick (sort of. QIC promises the ball will be more inflated next time)

We ran a lot

We did a lot of merkins (penalty for the ball hitting the ground)
We did some squats (after QIC’s arms got too tired)
We did more merkins (after QIC’s arms rested enough)

Moleskin: it doesn’t have to be an absolute beatdown to be a fun workout. #moresportslessburpees

III Pillars – 02.14.23 – “Lovefools”

Nine PAX acted like a bunch of lovefools after Cupid paid a visit to III Pillars this morning.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Go Fish, Grape, Grisham, Haggis, Pep, T-Cell, Vector, Yum Yum


Today’s theme followed the lifecycle of a young man’s date.

Mental and physical prep – Warmorama

  • SSH
  • LBAC F
  • OH Clap
  • LBAC R
  • WMH
  • Good Morning
  • Bulgarian Split Squats 2 x 10
  • Skullcrushers 2 x 10

Buying flowers – “Flower” by Moby

  • Classic routine of holding people’s chair and moving up and down on corresponding lyrics #crowdpleaser

Time to meet our date – Cindy

  • 20’ 12’ AMRAP of 5/10/15 with Pull-ups/Merkins/ Squats, respectively.

This place sucks, let’s go dancing – Cupid Shuffle

  • Plank circuit – J-Lo’s during chorus, Mountain Climbers, Kicks, and Low-to-High in sync with instructions

Misguided advances are rejected and we find ourselves alone back home looking through old Valentine’s cards – Mary

  • I’m Jane Fonda You
  • You Make My Heart Flutter Kicks
  • Be My Little Baby Crunches
  • You Make Me So Happy Crunchy Frogs (T-Cell)
  • I Want You to Be My Alabama Prom Date (Grape)
  • Let’s Monkey Humper Around (Yum Yum)
  • You Put the Pound in My Pickle (Grisham)

Frustrated by a date gone bad, it was time to take it out on this stupid little Valentine box with Boxcutters.



Thanks once again to the PAX for putting themselves out there this morning. Rejection isn’t easy, but we’re better for it. Glad to introduce many of these guys to the “Flower” routine. It’s certainly been a minute for me. Also, grateful for minimal judgement during the “Cupid Shuffle.” Certainly had to be where the date turned sour since Cindy realized we couldn’t dance. 



  • Pep’s job search continues, and his renovation has begun
  • Yum Yum’s mother’s health as well as his MIL’s health. Prayers for safety as they travel to visit.

Love you all. XOXO
PA out.

DevilsDen is On the Books!

Backblast: 2/8/23

Conditions: 50ish, clear, and perfect for the kickoff

Q: Reveille

Pax: Skeet, McAfee, Linus, Coxswain, Toothless, Detective Pikachu, Rev

Disclaimer was given before a short mosey to the light post followed by Warm-O-Rama


    • x15 LBC each way
    • x15 T-Claps
    • OYO Good Mornings
    • x15 Imperial Walkers
    • x25 SSH

The Thang: F3 Lebanon 2.0

YHC decided to rehash the first Lebanon workout from a few years ago. What followed was a version of DORA:

    • Swerkins x50
    • Caroling Dry Docks x100
    • Rows x150
    • Air Squats x 200
    • Partner runs to the parking lot fence and back

Once the first round was finished, we condensed to a second round

    • Incline Merkins x 30
    • x60
    • Lt. Dans x120 (I think the most we got to was ~65)
    • Partner lunges halfway across the painground and back.

Mosey back to startex for some cool-down stretches

    • Tricep pulls
    • Cross-body arm stretch
    • Runners Stretch
    • Up Dog
    • Down Dog

COT: Appreciation was shown for Coxswain (Murfreesboro), Toothless (Nashville), and Detective Pikachu (Nashville) for making the trek to celebrate the official opening of Devils Den.

F3 2.0 workout this Saturday, Feb. 11 (details from Skeet on Slack).

Brewsday is on Monday of next week at 12 South. Open Tab that following Friday.

Misty Mountain OTB Friday mornings at Charlie Daniels park. QSource to follow.

It was an honor to lead you HIM this morning!



Titan 2-1-2023: Gods, Heroes, and Myths . . . and a Little Ice

In my 5+ years of F3, I’ve enjoyed making the journey across Sylvan Park (which today was treacherous, my friends, with ice and a cold chill . . . ) to visit Titan, the world’s only AO with a Parthenon (looking at you, F3 Athens).  But I have never Q’d at this impressive locale . . . until today!  8 HIM braved the slick roads to make themselves better, complete with a theme and (of course) a playlist befitting the AO.

PAX:  Black Lung, Chunks, Crawlspace, Kervorkian (Double Respect WL from New Bern NC), Natural Ice, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Vector (QIC) 

Conditions:   31 degrees with ice all around (but not in our hearts . . . aww)

Theme:  Ancient Mythology (Greek, Norse, whatevs — you try making a playlist that fits 40 mins on the topic . . . )

Patented Cheesy Yet Secretly Good Playlist:  

Venus – Bananarama
God of Thunder – KISS
Icarus – Bastille
Zeus – Eminem (f. White Gold)
Immigrant Song – Led Zeppelin
Way Down Hadestown – Hadestown Original Broadway Cast
Dirty Diana – Michael Jackson (I know it’s about Diana Ross, but c’mon, there’s a Roman Goddess named Diana too)
Venus – Frankie Avalon
Zero to Hero – From Disney’s Hercules
Cupid – Sam Cooke
Carve Away the Stone – Rush
Venus – Shocking Blue

Disclaimer given and then mosey to the side of the Parthenon:

  • Warm-o-rama:   WMH x 10, Good Mornings x 10, SSH x 20, LBC a 20, RLBC x 20, Squats x 20
  • Thang 1:  The Story of Sisyphus:

Famous for cheating death x 2, Sisyphus was committed by Hades to an afterlife doomed to push a large rock up a hill for eternity (as the rock would roll to the bottom just as he neared the top).

11s planned for the Parthenon steps (but rapidly changed as we noted the ice slick): Bear Crawl to top of grass/icy hill – Squats – Crawl Bear (trying to not break one’s arm/ankle/ass/etc.) to bottom – Merkins.  Somewhat amusing watching the PAX navigate the downhill — but zero broken asses!

  • Thang 2: The 12 Labors of Hercules

Mirroring the trials of early HIM Herc, we did 20 reps of 12 exercises:  Merkins, Irkins, Derkins, Squats, Jump Squats, Mountain Climbers, Star Jumps, Dips, American Hammers, Happy Crunchy Frogs, Squats again, Burpees.

  • Thang 3: Pheidippides and the Marathon.

In 490 BC, during the wars between Persia and Athens, Athenians were certain they’d lose and had sadly planned to burn their city and kill their women and children if they lost the Battle of Marathon, a burg about 40km away. Well, Athens won (“Do You Believe in Miracles!), so ole Pheidippides bolted to Athens to stop the destruction.  So, in honor of his run, we ran 3 laps on the circle (4 if you’re Black Lung) and successfully saved Nashville.

  • Thang 4: Working for that GOD BOD

20 of each:

Gorilla Humpers
Overhead Press

Overhead Press

  • Mary with Alabama Prom Dates, Boxcutters, Some Crazy Plank Thing that Chunks Made Up, Freddy Mercuries to name just a few.


  • Prayers for Chunks as he nears some big transitions at home with his mediation
  • Prayers for travelling PAX
  • Keep pushing all you LeanPaxers!
  • A lot of beer drinking planned after LP is over (but don’t lose all of your gains,  PAX!)

Thanks, HIM.  As always, I appreciate your tolerance for my crazed themes and ’twas an honor to lead you this morning.




F3 413 Q

Temp : 40
Gloom Factor : Mod
PAX : Bus, T Retch, Chef Yo, Contractor, Plumb Line, Master Chief, Pinky, Squidward, Red Shark, Potluck, Bolt, Zorro, Jazz Hands, Thing 1, Comeback, Mindset, Pearl, Hacker, Grey Album, BNB, Y&R, Black Widow, Toga, Crawlspace, Knuckles, Chunks, Skeet, Red Skull, Michelin Man, Shocker, Decaf, Bagger Vance (QIC)

Mosey Big Loop w some alternating modes of transit …

SSH x 13
Walkouts w Stretch x 4 (1,2,3,4 merkins)
Squat Repatterns x 10 IC
IW X 10 IC

Block Pile
Rows x 5 (6,6,6) RnR
Hip Thrusters x 10 each leg
Dead Bugs x 10 each leg RnR
Block Pull Throughs x 10 each arm RnR

Rows x 5 (6,6,6) RnR
Merkins x 5 (6,6,6) RnR

Black Top
Bear Crawl Kick outs to mid court Bernie Skips back x 5
Burpees x 5


NMM : Today’s theme was Resilience and no Resilience comes without Struggle and taking Personal Responsibility. I’m reading Eric Greiten’s Resilience right now and highly recommend it to all.
We also spent a lot of time under tension with wall sits and planks interspersed in the workout. Time under tension is a great way to build strength and stamina in workouts and life.

We were also blessed with BNB posting today back home for a bit from Raleigh.


“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭13‬ ‭ESV‬‬