QIC: Noble Virus
PAX: Noble Virus, Iditarod, Schnitzel, CDL, Aristotle, Yosef, Woodshed
Warmup lap around the square with a Mozy, cherry pickers and politicians.
7 merkins- 4 sets in honor of July 4th
17 burpees and 76 LBCs in honor of 1776.
Mozy to the parking garage
Bear crawl up the incline with 17 burpees in the middle
17 Star planks (opposite arm/leg reach)
76 Side Straddle Hops
Mozy to the courtyard
17 burpees
17 box jumps
76 American Hammers
Mozy back to the square
17 burpees
Circle of Fire
Modified Indian run, PAX in the back dropped and did 8 burpees to complete the set of 76. Remaining PAX lunged, bear crawled, broad jumped instead of running.
Broken Wheel Field-trip!
8 PAX in Attendance: Barney Fievel, Soccer Mom, Von Trapp, Show Me, Aunt Bea, Netflix, Tebow & 3rd Degree (QiC)
YHC couldn’t sleep (too excited about Q’ing) and came early for a 10 burpee on the minute for 10 minutes pre-party. Awesome playlist, if I say so myself. Eventually the PAX came in and we got (kept) rolling.
Warm up lap around parking lot, enjoying the aroma of ripe port-o-jons
- 13 SSH
- 13 SJ
- 10 Tempo Merks
- 10 Tempo Squats
- 30 seconds GM OYO
- 30 seconds Willy Mays Hays
Mosey to Nolensville Elementary School Pain-ground (~0.3 mi) for 11s
- Swerkins (Swing Merkins)
- Pull-ups
MOT: lunge walk back and forth
Back to Park bridge (~0.4 mi)
“It’s kinda my thing…”
Bear crawl and then crawl-bear the bridge. Always a good time.
Old-guy Wisdom imparting intermission. I think they were intimidated by Netflix’s biceps and were overcompensating…anyway, enough mumble-chatter, time to land this thing…
- Flutter Kicks x 25 IC
- High-Plank, alternating Knees to opposite Elbow x 25 IC
What?! Over already? The fun was just starting…to be continued at The Forge!
- Convergence tomorrow at Centennial Park (Parthenon) 5:30-7:30 CSAUP. Hit me up if you want to carpool.
- Pray for Barney and his family as they welcome another 2.0 any day now (Patience, peace, strength and health)
- Make sure we put God first, then family, then everything else…priorities
Love getting to lead these HIMs.
Until next time,
3D, out!
7/2/18 – The Purple Cow
Felt like a sauna as we got after it at The Purple Cow. 5 HIM got better in the heat and humidity this am.
PAX: Boone’s Farm, Ponzi, Offshore, FNG – Backlash (Jon Watson), Umbrella
QIC – Umbrella
Mosey to Granny White Park and to the tennis courts for:
SSH x 20
WMH x 10
GM x 10
BAC Forward x 10
O/H Press x 10
BAC Reverse x 10
Tempo Merkin x 10
Slow N Low Squat x 10
Mosey to pedestrian track around perimeter of Granny White Park. Mosey was continuous for two laps with stops for the following every ~200 – 400 meters:
Stop 1 – 5 burpees – continue mosey
Stop 2 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, mosey
Stop 3 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, mosey
Stop 4 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, mosey
Stop 5 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, mosey
Stop 6 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, 1 min high plank, mosey
Stop 7 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, 1 min low plank, 35 American Hammers, mosey
Stop 8 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, 1 min alternating arm planks, 35 hammers, 40 air presses, mosey back to parking lot at BMS for 10 Good Mornings to finish it off.
PAX performed valiantly. 2 laps of The Purple Cow completed exceeding 2.5 miles, T-Claps for FNG Backblast who was suffering from disk problems in back but toughed out the work for his first post.
Prior to closing out COT, we discussed a quote I keep on my desk that states the following:
“The finish line of comfort and the starting line of growth look an awful lot alike.” – Dan Klein
Whether we are looking to grow spiritually, in our marriage as husbands, as fathers, as leaders, or physically; we must push through discomfort to allow real growth and progress to take hold. The PAX of The Purple Cow got stronger today and pushed through the finish line of comfort. Challenge going forward was to determine what other area of our lives to we need to push through comfort to be the men God is calling us to be.
God Bless,
6.29.2018 Pony Racing
Posting live from Midtown hospital after arrival of another 2.0 by the M. Sorry for the delay. 20 come out for a muggy beatdown. Little does the PAX know it will be a surprise Co-Q with Big Stick and YHC, to be referred to as Big Nuts moving forward.
Start our with a brief mosey and return to the parking lot for the WOR. Can’t fully remember with all this hospital time but it was pretty standard. 20 SSH, 10 squats, 10 merkins, 10 GM, 10 BAC and a few cherry pickers all IC.
Big stick on DJ spins some amazing William Tell Overature for the PAX to experience my welcome home from work ritual my children have adopted. During the song (all 10 minutes), group 1 will King Arthur around the parking lot while group 2 does AMRAP hand release burpees. Flap jack until song is complete. Really got the heart pumping and saw some horrible form by the end! Hans Zimmer never cuts corners on his epic movie soundtracks.
Hand off to Big Stick for a brutal circuit of 20 rows, 20 power merkins, 20 WWIs, 20 tuck jumps and then 15 butler pull ups all together as a group. We did 3 rounds of this with a surprise last round of 40 reps in honor of CCrs bday he didn’t tell anyone about.
PAX: Big Stick, Donuts, BV, Floppy, PSL, CCR, AR, Capslock, Edible Arrangements, Reefer, PSL, Flatline, SkidMark, 3rd degree, Robinhood, Vegemite, Venus, Ludwig, Swampfox, Yard sale.
TClaps to BV for best Coconut form during the KAs. ATQ never skimps.
Miles of Smiles
Temp 75…Thick
Gloom Factor Nil
Foggy Pirate Not present nor accounted for
PAX: HeadStud, Preacher Man, Yard Sale, Vegemite, Foxtrot, Big Stick, Money Shot, Cowboy, Life Champ, Venus
QIC: Bagger Vance
0529:35 – Disclaimer
Partner up
Evo I –
Partner Indian Run to Lone Oak and Overhill
Evo II –
Partner 11s Merkins at LO OH intersection and Merkins 1/2 up OH
Time called at 0605 w most PAX on the 5/6 6/5 Merkin loop
Evo III –
Slowsey back to StartEx down tower w a short wall sit break for the 6 on BPT
Evo IV –
Bear Crawl 50’ down front stretch of track
NM: A great surprise to have Vegemite and Yard Sale post with us at The Skunk. Always a pleasure watching those two get after it. Today’s Q was inspired by YHCs noticeable lack of running in June, which will be rectified in July. Think that is the most mileage a non running Q has covered in quite some time. T Claps to Big Stick for allowing me to highjack his Q since he’s been KSAing all on his own as of late.
My greatest pleasure this AM was seeing that sea foam green Sequoia roll into The Skunk and knowing that none other than Head Stud was back in the game. Fantastic to have you back out in the G with us again brother.
Life Champ with the heart of a true Champion today. Back off a weeks long road trip with the Fam and getting it handed to him but like the Life Champ he is, he never wavered and never gave in to that voice of defeat.
Per usual, Big Stick led the way w Preacher Man. Way to get after it men.
BH: Lots of stuff going on this month.
Wed Am – Convergence at Titan 0530-0730. Should suck, should be some Burpees. All other AOs closed.
Wed – Party at your Grease Trap’s house to raise funds and awareness for Team Job.
Fri – 1st Friday Lunch
21 July Warpath and Tn Can Ruck
Grant me a ready spirit, a fearless heart, a right faith, a firm hope and a perfect love, that for Thy sake I may lay down my life patience and joy. ~Jan Hus
1776 – Detention – 7/2/18
PAX: Accounts Receivable, CCR, Floppy Disk, PSL, Dine N Dash, Frugal MacDoogal, Capslock, Grisham, Frogger, Edible Arrangement, Dr Smart, Too Tall, Reefer, Hollowback Girl, Dilly Dilly, Big Perm
CONDITIONS: Perfect for sweating
16 PAX resisted the fart sack this first morning of a holiday week…
5 Burpees
Jog around the bus loop – wave to police officer parked at bottom of hill
Side Straddle Hops (20 count)
Hop Kicks (20 count)
Seal Claps (10 count)
Squats (10 count)
Willie Mays Hayes (10 count)
Indian Run around neighborhood loop
Mosey to top of hill by swing set
11s (Hand Release Merkins at bottom of hill / Pull Ups at top of hill – Jog in between)
(Due to Q’s mis-judgment of time we completed about 7 of the 11)
Mosey to hand rails for some Independance Day inspired Rows (17), WW1s (7), and Burpees (6) – Rinse and repeat for a total of 4 sets.
Mosey to parking long for Mary
MARY: (round robbin of PAX favorite ab exercises)
Flutter Kicks (20 count)
Froggers (20 count)
Mountain Climbers (20 count)
LBCs (15 count)
Squats (10 count)
Freddie Mercs (15 count)
Mariahs (20 count)
American Hammers (20 count)
Feet To The Sky (not sure of actual name) (10 count)
One Legged Table Top Thrusters (not sure of actual name) (20 count)
Box Cutters (20 count)
Team Job 4th of July Extravaganza. (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/team-job-4th-of-july-extravaganza-tickets-47214304255)
4th of July convergence at Titan. Two-hour Co-Q.
1st Friday lunch this week. Stay tuned for possible location change.
Nice work gents,
Accounts Receiveable
Stonewall – 6/30/2018
PAX: Pop-A-Lock, Cowboy, Skidmark, Spitz (FNG), Animal (FNG), Venus (EXTREME LIFO), Bagger Vance, Blue Mule, Black Lung, Reveille, Vegemite, Bicentennial Man
QiC: Hambone
13 pax posted for a nasty beatdown and 1 posted for a preruck of 4 miles.
17 Slow and Low Squats IC
10 GMs IC
12 Merkins IC
There was an extremely simple and extremely taxing (for YHC) workout.
1. Run to Portland Brew and back to Sevier Park (~.9 miles). Squats, SSH, or Plank for the six/Hambone.
2. COP including 12 Merkins IC as the last exercise.
3. Repeat.
With a total of 4 rounds, the Stonewall Pax completed ~3.5 miles of this awful workout.
Pax closed out with dips, planks, and 6 Minutes of Mary.
1. Sweat was not a rare commodity. TruthNugget that some pax skipped coffeeteria because they were soaked to their jimmies.
2. Truly embarrassing to be at the back of your own workout, but zero regrets and I plan on pulling this one out again.
3. Five pax (Bagger, Hambone, Vegemite, Pop-a-Lock, and Black Lung) posted for coffeeteria.
Welcome to The Forge!
Nolensville broke in their new AO, The Forge, with a workout focused on strength, endurance, and coordination. Iron sharpens iron!
PAX in Attendance: Barney Fievel (Q), Nimbus 2000, 3rd Degree, Numbtucks, Aunt Bea
- 30 seconds of Good Mornings
- 20 SSH
- 10 Imperial Walkers
- 1 Al Gore
- 10 LBAC (forward and reverse)
Thang 1: Mini Cooper with 20 pound coupons
- 6 Burpees, 6 Merkins, 6 Deep Squats, one lap around track
- Rinse and repeat decreasing one rep each time
- Total of 1.5 miles and 21 reps of each exercise
Thang 2: Stadium Runs with Assorted Exercises
Run up, along the backside and down the bleachers doing an exercise in-between with your coupon.
- 20 side-to-side lunges (use coupon as your center point)
- 20 bicep curls (with coupon)
- 10 windshield wipers (on your six, coupon held over you, feet touch from right to coupon to left to coupon)
- 20 overhead tricep curls (coupon overhead and behind back)
- 15 derkins (close grip hands on coupon)
- 10 pull-up rows (coupon in lap)
- 10 burpees (with coupon)
- Flutter Kicks
- WW1s
- Alabama Prom Dates
- Megan Berry’s
- J-Lo’s
Hebrews 12: 1-3
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Bomber 6/29/18
A baker’s dozen got up and got better.
PAX: Trapper Keeper, Reveille, Hambone, Crablegs, Barthelona, EnFuego, The Baptist, Crawlspace, Porcelain, Pop-A-Lock, Princess Aurora, T-Cell
QIC: Hi-Viz
CONDITIONS: Pretty darn perfect.
Slow-N-Low Squats X 20 IC
Air Presses X 15 IC
Reverse LBAC X 15 IC
Good Mornings X 10 IC
Mosey to the driving range for Bear Crawl and Lieutenant Dans, switching at each post along the way. Plank and wait for the six.
Mosey to the stop sign and partner-up for DORA. One person runs down the hill and back up (with a three-Burpee speedbump), while their partner makes progress toward the team goal of:
-100 Hydraulic Squats (Dropped the Hydraulic part for time/knee sake)
-200 Merkins
-300 Plank Jacks
Mosey to the parking lot wall for some newly-dubbed ‘Durkin Docks.’ Complete a Durkin, walk your hands back to a pike position and complete a Carolina Dry Dock. Walk hands back and start over. One minute was enough.
BoxCutters X 10 IC / Reverse X 10 IC
Flutters X 15 IC
High Plank
-Sign-up for TN Can Ruck. 7/21. Hit up Slack or PA for details. (The patch looks killer, BTW.)
-4th of July convergence at Titan. Two-hour Co-Q. Should be a barn-burner.
-Speaking of the 4th, if you’re looking for afternoon family fun with a great purpose, check out Slack for details on the event to support St. Jude and Team #JobLikeTheBibleName.
-Hambone on deck at Stonewall in the AM.
-First Friday lunch next week.
Great work, men. SYITG.
Don’t Stop Til You Beat It with a Bad Jam that makes you wanna Scream
Murfreesboro, Bragg’s Isle, 06/28/2018
Michael Jackson died 9 years ago this past Monday, June 25 (R.I.Pee-hee). AND his dad died just yesterday. YHC has been waiting months to craft yet another musically-motivated creative workout that burns through the King of Pop’s career with his highest-energy hits. This Is It.
QIC: Aristotle, with a single white glove on his left hand
PAX: Iditarod, Aristotle, Ace & Jack (fartsack for King), Noble Virus, Grohl, and special guest The Count from Chattanooga
YHC overcame technical difficulties with the Bluetooth speaker while Noble Virus did a simple lap around the MMC parking lot and led PAX through Good Mornings x10 and Imperial Walkers x15.
(As we shall see, five minutes of fiddling with the Bluetooth was totally worth the next 40.)
“Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough” (DSTYGE) = With the speaker operational, YHC cut WOR short and quickly queued up DSTYGE as our cardio/mosey theme song and we began a brisk mosey to Bragg’s Isle. Halfway there, we switched to backwards Politician stride (today, it’s the Moonwalk).
“Beat It” = Leg workout. As a group, nothing but Lt. Dan’s (squat + bi-weekly lunges) from the weird metal statue all the way to the gazebo. Sprint AYG from the gazebo back to the statue. Squats x25 OYO for good measure. Before the cops catch us for tresspassing, we Beat It.
Mosey to the playground with DSTYGE providing us with a groove. The song lasts for the entire trip there.
“Bad” = Back workout. Partner up PAX. One partner does bench dips on the picnic tables, one partner does Pullups (or Negatives, or Inverted Rows) x10 on the monkey bars. Switch. Repeat until the end of the song. Who’s Bad?
YHC intended to mosey PAX to the basketball court to properly stage the next number, but for the first time ever in the history of Bragg’s Isle F3 we were caught by the train. Incline Merkins x20 while we waited, to no avail. So we utilized the soft playground floor instead.
“Jam” = the centerpiece and original inspiration for this workout, many months ago. Each synth horn blast in the song, every 8 beats or approx every 5 seconds, is your cue to do an 8-count Bodybuilder (slowed-up burpee with Merkin and split jack). There are 66 horn blasts in “Jam” and no PAX did them all but we tried to keep up. Extra credit: after Heavy D’s second rap interjection, the horn blasts come at you every 4 beats, 7 total. Do burpees there, and stop for the pause where MJ kicks the basketball behind his back into the hoop nothing but net. (Y’all remember.) It ain’t too hard for me to Jam.
With the train long gone, DSTYGE for a gentle mosey back to MMC parking lot.
“Scream” = Circle of MARY. Each PAX picks their ab poison while Michael and Janet belt out to remind us the pain makes us wanna Scream:
- Iditarod – Flutter kicks x20 IC
- Grohl – American Hammers x10 bi-weekly OYO
- Ace – Leg lifts x15 OYO
- Noble Virus – Rosalitas x 15 OYO (in honor of CDL)
- The Count – Boxcutters x15 IC
- Jack – American Hammers x15 bi-weekly OYO
- Aristotle – LBC’s for the last minute of the song
Michael Jackson was awesome, Jesus is better (not sure where I was going with that but it works). Prayer.
Make that change.