11.29.18 – Increased Gravity at the Pound

Image result for macarena

Conditions: 37 degrees felt forgiving after the past few mornings. The PAX are thankful for the conditions and the chance to get a good workout!

3rd Degree led the PAX in a pre-party consisting of five pull-ups, five plank jacks, American Hammers and six Iron Mikes on the minute for 10 minutes. Participants included Creeper, Soccer Mom, 3rd Degree, Numbtucks and Cheese Whiz. The pre-party was kind enough to assist Barney in placing the coupons for the Thangs ahead.

14 PAX became one with The Gloom including: 3rd Degree, Soccer Mom, Cheese Whiz, Stats, Pocahontas, Sprinkles, Mic Drop, Inspector Gadget, Creeper, Numbtucks, Tebow, Altidore, Nimbus 1500, and Barney Fievel (QiC).

Disclaimer (non-standard)

Warm up:

After a quick half mile mosey, the PAX performed the following exercises to the cadence of “Here Comes the Hotstepper” by Ini Kamoze in constant motion:

  • Side to side overhead claps
  • Imperial walkers
  • Iron Mikes
  • Squats
  • Slow SSH

We’re nice and toasty for a new Thang!

Thang 1: Calculated Coupons

PAX line up with one large coupon (20 pounds) and one small coupon (5 pounds). A second 5 pound coupon awaits each PAX across the parking lot.

PAX begin with Hair Burners across the parking lot using the 20 pounder. Once there, the 20 pounder is left and the 5 pounder is transported back to the starting position via the crab walk. Finding themselves with two 5 pounders, each PAX cross the parking lot once more via lunges with one coupon in each hand.

Thang 2: Rock Hard Macarena

This is pretty simple. We performed the “Macarena” to the music with a 5 pound coupon in each hand. If anyone felt humiliated, their humiliation was quickly replaced with sore shoulders and arms.

Thang 3: Coupon Dodgeball

20 pounder = 4 points

5 pounder = 1 point

PAX count off into 1’s and 2’s to create two teams. All coupons are placed on the center line. Everything is performed while crab walking. PAX transport coupons back to their team’s line via the crab walk. PAX are able to take back as many coupons as they’re able each attempt. The side with the most points after 5 minutes wins!

Team 2 brought home the W today with a score in the neighborhood of 25-8. Way to show everyone that Team 2 is actually #1, or something.

One more half mile mosey finds us ready for some Mary.


Circled up for some GM and WMH OYO. 15 seconds of deep breathing closed us out.

Post party consisted of 33 derkins and was attended by 3rd Degree, Barney Fievel, Soccer Mom and Nimbus 1500.

1 Corinthians 1:17 – For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel—not with wisdom and eloquence, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.

Don’t forget about the F3 Christmas Party hosted by Numbtucks!

  • Date: Friday December 7th @ 6pm
  • Location: 601 Mer Rouge Drive
  • Details: Adults only. There are still openings for one dessert, one beverage and two side dishes. RSVP with Numbtucks.


Titan 11.28.2018 – Iditarod/IDIDarod

PAX: T-Cell; Princess Aurora; Rev; Sand Lapper; Blue Mule; Porcelain; Trapper Keeper; Bicentennial Man; Cunning Linguist; Brother at Law (QIC)

10 brave men climbed out of bed this morning, despite their weather app displaying a temperature in the high teens.  Fortunately, the wind was calm and we quickly shook off the chill.


10 SSH

Mosey, with 15 SSH  speed bump to move all them limbs

Circle up on backside of Parthenon

20 SSH

LBAC x15

Reverse x15

10 low and slow squats

10 GMs

10 WMH



Inspired by Porcelain doing “DID Sprints” a few weeks back, I decided to build a few circuits around DIDs.”

First: DID Sprints x2: 20 dips, 15 incline merks, 10 declines, sprint the ellipse

Mosey to front of Parthenon

Second: Animal Kingdom DIDs: 20 dips, 15 incline merks, 10 declines.  Crab walk length of Parthenon; bear crawl short side of Parthenon (core and SSH for the six); duck walk long side of Parthenon; crawl bear short side of Parthenon.

Mosey to McDonalds Amphiteater (TM).

Third: Elevation DIDs x2: 20 dips, 15 incline merks, 10 declines, then 10 box jumps, 20 step ups.

Mosey to playground with an AMRAP partner pullup finisher.


Mosey to statute for Mary

15 J-Lo’s (h/t to CCR for suggesting this one because she can say “I did Arod”)

10 Flutterkicks

10 GMs


Always a pleasure to make it out to Titan and see the Westside crew.  Everybody kept up a great pace throughout, which allowed us to get a lot of work in.


There were a lot of announcements, many of which I have forgotten, but here goes: First Friday lunch at Richland CC on leadership presented by Umbrella, check slack for details.  Libeery (Beer Library?) some time in December, watch Slack and read Freed to Lead–the F3 bible.  PA is coming up with a winter Ironclad challenge; watch this space.  Cunning Linguist expecting a child (based on my maths) this summer.  Huzzah!


Everybody made a hard decision to get out of bed this morning in quite frigid weather to get better today.  Take that attitude with you beyond the workout.  Get it.


Many thanks to Mrs. Rev for the cinnamon rolls.  You can really taste the difference between homemade cinnamon rolls (especially the icing) vs. Grands, and I love Grands too!  What a special world.  Grateful.

Tardy Party

PAX: Umbrella, Backlash, Offshore, Black Widow, Life Champ, and yours Q-ly Tampa Libra.

Mosey to the garage for a warmup – SSH, WMH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, BACs.

Part I: Partner up.

  • Partner 1 does a wall-sit and holds Partner 2’s leg for 9 Bulgarian Split Squats each leg.
  • Partner 1 carries Partner 2 up the ramp
  • Partner 1 does a wall-site and holds Partner 2’s legs for decline merkins
  • Partner 1 carries Partner 2 up the ramp
  • Switch  and repeat until you reach the top

Part II: 7’s

  • Referee jump with a jump squat at the bottom of the garage
  • Up the stairs
  • Speed bump at the top = Side plank with 3 leg lifts on each side
  • Down the stairs
  • Shoulder-tap hand-release push-ups
  • After the first round we modified for time and stay on the top of the garage

Mosey back to the cars, quick mobility work, COT, prayer, and coffee.

Came in a minute late and held the group a few minutes late, my apologies for that and thank you for your grace.

Bagger and Frogger heading down to FL
MP’s wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer
YES benefit concert and prediscussion about F3 drive for the Christmas Store

Titan – 11.21.18 – “Gnarly”

11 PAX previewed YHC’s latest “evention” – the Gnarcourse – at Titan.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Harvey Updyke, Hi-Viz, T-Cell, Preacherman, Pumpkin Spice, Reveille, Crawlspace, Right Said, Cunning Linguist, Porcelain


After a nice jaunt around the Parthenon, PAX circled up by Lake Watauga to count cadence with the ducks:

  • SSH x 15
  • Squats x 15
  • WMH x 16
  • LBAC F/R x 12
  • Merkins x 10

Mosey back to the cars to pick up our equipment and explain the rules of Gnarcourse*

PAX are divided into two teams with each man getting a flag football belt to wear. At the starting point, there is a physical challenge – in this case, 20 HRM and 20 Jump Squats – before running a predetermined course (measuring .25 – .50 mi). The aim is to gain as many points as possible in the allotted time.

  • Each lap completed = 1 point
  • Each physical challenge = 1 point
  • Full circuit = 1 bonus point

PAX are not required to do the lap and PC each time, but one bonus point is awarded for completing both each round. As an example, a strong runner might find they will accumulate more points by focusing on laps rather than stopping to do the PC. However, they would miss out on the bonus point of doing the PC for that lap. The same could be said for a tabata machine who would rather do calisthenics than run.

Now for the Gnar: when the PAX lose all three flags, they must stop for a 20 burpee penalty before continuing the course. Flags can be grabbed at any point on the course except the PC area, and there are no tagbacks.

Team with the most points wins.

*rules are still not set in stone, but feedback from this first go and subsequent trials will help shape the event for the 2019 Gnarcourse Grand Prix – oh yeah, it’s coming

In the end, Team Blue barely edged out Team Yellow by a few points with most getting in at least 4 full circuits,



I’ve been scheming the Gnarcourse for a couple of months now, so I was glad to have a great crew to experiment with the first trial.  There was some swift evasion and steadfast patience exhibited by several PAX, and the experience can only get better from here! Be on the lookout for more opportunities as well as the pre-blast for the 2019 Grand Prix.


  • Dec 7 – Friendly Friday
  • Dec 7 – 12th Man lunch opportunity at noon at the Richland Country Club. Ping Umbrella on Slack to get signed up.
  • Dec 10 – Christmas gift giving at Nashville Rescue Mission – see #3rdF on Slack or ping me to get signed up.
  • Go Tigers.

PA out.

Oregon Trail Part 2

Conditions: 25 degrees

16 PAX in Attendance: 3rd Degree, Tebow, Altidore, CheezWhiz, Stats, Nimbus1500, ShowMe, Netflix, Creeper, Sterno,  SoccerMom, Inspector Gadget, NumbTucks (NimTucks this morning), ragdoll, Barney Fievel & WMD.

PreParty: 3rd Degree, SoccerMom, CheezWhiz, Creeper and Gaylord Focker (Don’t know what they did, I’m more of a Post Party kinda guy)

Warm up:
Started circled up for 10X: Twist Lunges, Knee Tucks, Toy Soldiers, T Merkins, Prisoner Squats & Prisoner Iron Mikes?

Prairie Problems
Partner swap:  PAX 1 Prairie Grass Pullups (Burpups) 10X, while PAX 2 completed as many “side plankups” as possible.  Swap then Rinse and Repeat for 10 mins

Base of the mountain 
The cold is tough on those wooden wheels.  15X (Broken Wheel) One Legged Hops on the Right Leg, 10X Angle Grinders, 15X One Legged Hops on the Left Leg, 20X Mountain Climbers.  Rinse and Repeat from the park entrance to the back parking lot, otherwise known as the Rockies

BurpBack Mountain 
Gotta do what you have to keep warm with your partner.  PAX 1 did Politicians up the Hill and Bear Crawled down 3X, while PAX 2 did Burpees.  Swap then Rinse and Repeat until there were an aggregate of 50 Burpees done by the pair.  Part way through, we lost some feet to frost bite, so the last 25 were one legged Burbees.

Quick Snake Run back to home base

30 Seconds of: Reverse Crunches, American Hammers, Jack Knife Sit-ups, One Legged Prom Dates (one round per leg, while my name was bellowed in a compromising way be the PAX), Wine mixers, Crunches, Mountain Climbers & Freddie Mercuries.

Post Party
Nimbus1500, 3rd Degree, CheezWhiz, Creeper, NumbTucks and SoccerMom & Barney completed 10 Yurpees

Winds of Winter – 26 Nov 2018

Conditions: Lots of wind + little heat = solid gloom
PAX: Hi-Viz, Porcelain, Bicentennial Man, Pumpkin Spice, Crablegs
QIC: Crablegs

Starting in the main parking lot, we shook some holiday rust off with a mosey to the back court, AKA Crabtrap, for some WOR including: SSH, WMH, Cherry Pickers, LBAC – F/R, Squats

Next was a mosey to the other cage where the chainlink fence provided ample relief from the elements.

PAX line up on the tennis courts for a ladder of Agassis, 2 courts wide.

  • Agassi, 1 burpee. Agassi, 2 burpees…repeat up to 8 burpees.
  • Agassi, 10 LBCs. Agassi, 20 LBCs…repeat up to 50 LBCs
  • Agassi, 5 Merkins. Agassi, 10 Merkins…repeat up to 25 Merkins

We escaped the cage for a brief mosey around the soccer field and back up to the lot for Mary. PAX alternated exercises until we hit time.

  • Box cutters x 25
  • Flutter kicks x 25
  • JLo x 25
  • Alt Heel Tap x 25
  • Freddy Mercury x 25
  • Alphabet (only to Y)
  • Finish with Perfect form in the peoples chair til the end ~40s.


NMM:  Thankful today for the accountability of this group of men to get out there and embrace an exceptionally gloomy day. Looking forward to some redemption at #TheHill on Thursday.

BH (shamelessly copied from BV):
1 Dec STONEWALL MOVES TO FT NEGLEY: this week only due to Winter Warmer
1 Dec BV’s Tacky Christmas Party
7 Dev Umbrella hosts First Friday, 12th Man lunch at Richland Country Club $20/man buffet w speaker (see attached)

Short Card & The7

Temp: 37ish and Windy
Gloom Factor: High
PAX: Life Champ, Tampa Libra, T Cell, Venus, Foxtrot Talks a Lot, Bagger Vance

Short slow mosey around the lot, side shuffle, politician.

Circle Up
(All IC X 13)

Evolution I


30 Merkins
30 Air squats
30 Crunches
10 Burpees
10 Windmills

30 Push-ups
30 Mountain climbers
30 Flutter kicks
10 Burpees
10 Cherry pickers (4-count)

30 Merkins
30 SSH
30 Supermans
10 Burpees
10 Chain breakers

30 Push-ups
30 Lunges
30 Hello dollies
10 Burpees
10 Trunk twists

Evolution II

Seven Rounds
7 Thrusters
7 Supine Thrusters
7 Iron Crosses
7 8 Count BB
7 KB Swings
7 Pull Ups


NMM: Cold and windy. Not a lot of MC due to PAX engrossment with YHCs Ranger Panties. Fantastic to have TL out of the Shire and FTAL, Venus back in the fold. Life Champ wasn’t on the Lam, merely sipping PCs on a boat. Good to have T Cell back in the game after his in laws gave he and his family the runs and hurls.

1 Dec STONEWALL MOVES TO FT NEGLEY: this week only due to Winter Warmer
1 Dec BV’s Tacky Christmas Party
7 Dev Umbrella hosts First Friday, 12th Man lunch at Richland Country Club $20/man buffet w speaker (see attached)


Six for circuits

PAX: Edible Arrangements, Bagger Vance, Bad Boy, Care Bear, Boy Band, Porcelain

QIC: Boy Band

As Bagger is still recovering from his ankle/foot issues and there were few HCs prior to showtime, YHC planned a no running circuit workout inclusive of some jump-rope for cardio burn.

We started with a quick mosey to drop some coupons (~30lb cinder blocks and 18lb Ball) to the playground along with jump rope and pullup assist band. Then back to the parking lot for WOR and to pick up Bagger.

WOR:  SSH, Good Mornings, Squats, FLBAC, BLBACs, Seal Claps, Overhead Press.


Six stations for six PAX.  Station 1 was jump-rope to 100 (modified to 50 after 2 cycles due to timing and form).  This kept the pace. The remaining 5 stations were AMRAP exercises that changed with each cycle as follows.

Station 1: Jump rope, Jump Rope, Jump Rope, Jump Rope, Jump Rope

Station 2: Kettle Bell Swings, Bent Over Rows, Overhead Press, Weighted American Hammers, Kettle Bell Swings, Weighted American Hammers, Bent over rows

Station 3: Ball push ups (alt. arms), Weighted sit up, Shoulder raise, weighted sit-up, Ball push ups, Weighted sit ups, Bent over rows

Station 4: Goblet Squats, Single Leg Deadlift-R, Derkins, Crunchy Frogs, Squats,  Crunchy Frogs, Bent over rows

Station 5:  Overhead press, Single Leg Deadlift-L;  Blockees, Plank Jacks, Overhead Press, Plank Jacks, Bent Over rows

Station 6: Pull ups, Pull ups, Maktars, J-Los, Pull Ups, Flutter Kicks, Pull Ups

MARY:  Mosey back to the parking lot with the coupons. As we did a lot of core work during the circuit and YHC’s legs were feeling a little under-worked we circled up for 3 minutes of rapid fire deep squats.  We lost count around 55 and did somewhere near 70 in that time.

COT – Prayers for all those PAX who are welcoming new little ones into their lives.  There are a bunch.

Moleskin: Thanks for the opportunity to lead. We had a great turn out with many of the regulars still out of town for the holiday weekend. My abs are still sore from all the weighted core work, and I suspect tomorrow will be worse.



15 Pax – Barney Fievel, 3rd degree, Creeper, Rag doll, Cheeze wiz, Soccer Mom, Hush Puppy, Altidore, Mic drop, nimbus 1500, Numbtucks, Hans(FNG), Tom Petty(FNG), Polar Express(FNG), Gaylord Focker



Mosey to parking lot


Warmup –

SSH 10 in cadence

High knees 10

Butt kickers 10

Willie mays on your own

Calf raises 10

Windmills (right hand to left foot and vice versa) 10


Workout –


Suicides in the parking lot run to first line touch line and politician back


Bombs – after each exercise run to end of parking lot and back

10 burpees,

15 overhead claps

20 merkins

25 big boy sit ups

30 squats


24 plank jack burpees

9 dips

80 mountain climbers each leg is a half while partner does lunge walk

100 pushups – partner does 10 after completion the next person does 10

Indian run around the school



Bicycle crunches  – 20 in cadence

Flutter kicks – 20

Side plank each side



Welcomed 3 FNG and pray

Bomber 112318: Leftovers

CONDITIONS: 40 and calm at 0600 start. Nice sunrise.

PAX: Crawlspace, Tiny Dancer, Norm (F3 Raleigh), Right Said, Porecelain, Cunning Linguist, Shadow, Dutch Oven, Pumpkin Spice

QIC: Hi-Viz


WOR: Quick mosey to the nip, followed by 23 of each, IC: SSH, Merkins, Air Presses.

T-Cell (who was planning to Q, until a a last-minute logistical issue) provided YHC a turnkey workout, so it was fairly straightforward. Run the greenway and stop at nine points along the way to perform 23 of each of the following exercises to spell out LEFTOVERS.

L Lieutenant Dans
E Elevated Merkins
F Flutter Kicks
T Travoltas
O Overhead Presses
V V-Ups
E E2Ks
R Reverse Lunges
S Squats

We rounded the corner back into McCabe with two minutes on the clock, just in time to find Tiny Dancer and wrap up with Jane Fondas on each side for good measure.


Great work all around. Nice to have Norm from Raleigh visiting. Enjoy the rest of your long weekend. Viz out.