Need for Speed

AO: handsomizer
Q: Spinal Tap
PAX: Fulton (St. Louis), Grape, Black Lung, Natural Ice – CBO, Freakonomics, Dragon Spark, Juicy J
FNGs: 1 Juicy J


THE THANG: Grassy Area: dips, decline merkins, step ups, squats

Stairs: Stairway to heaven with incline merkins at each step with 20 dips at each platform

Incline sprints: 50, 80, :100: effort

Finish with fire hydrants and Jane Fonda

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 family event coming up at Percy Warner. Sign up for Venmo Natural Ice – CBO to contribute

COT: prayers for Grape parents and Black Lung colleague Issac who was diagnosed with brain cancer

Spring 2025 9-Square Tournament

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Timber, Cheeks, Stubs, Siri, Pitmaster, G-string, The Merchant, Sooie
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool and calm

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Squats, WMH, Mosey

Bearcrawl Battle for starting King

– Two 15 minute halves
– Halftime run around the track
– Corners did 10 merkins between rounds
– Middles did 10 squats between rounds
– King does burpees equal to amount of points between rounds
– If King gets out he has to run to the buses and back

Congratulations to THE Timber who has been crowned our new Universal 9-Square F3 Champion of the Woooorrrlllddddd! And also now owns the record of 15 points!

MOLESKINE: Mumblechatter was consistent and glorious throughout.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Spring Fling April 6th, Merchant Hot Wings April 26th, PainTrain Merkins Madness March 31st

COT: Moment of silence and reflection, especially for those prayers unsaid we keep close to our hearts. Give us the strength and courage to bring those up with honesty to ourselves so we can bring them to others when help is needed.

A Few Merkins More

AO: the-knoll
Q: The Merchant
PAX: Half Lyfe, Lady Liberty, Étouffée, Pebbles, Stubs, morning stār, Sooie, Gold Digger, Bumblebee, Derby
FNGs: 1 Derby
A little chillier than Tuesday, but dry and clear skies

10x SSH, 20x BACs, WMHs, 5x Motivators

Dora: Split up into pairs
One person ran a lap from the playground to the baseball diamond and back, while the other repeated an exercise until they returned, then the two swapped

Repeat until each duo finishes 200x each of:
Alabama prom dates

Everyone went in a circle and picked an exercise for the group to do 10-20 of, then we ended with a ring of fire.

We briefly contemplated the importance of rest

Spring Fling
The Merchant’s Hot Buns Spicy Wing Challenge

Burpee Bonanza

AO: thestronghold
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: Chunks, Red Skull, Skeet, Dan and Dave, Purple Tiger, Barney, greyalbum, Decaf, toga, Young and Restless, Natural Ice – CBO, Freshstart, All wheel drive, Richie Rich, Fulton, Hotwire, Hoop Dreams, Hello Kitty, Poker Face, Grey Hound, By Design,
FNGs: None
Backblast: Burpee Bonanza
Conditions: Perfect in the low 40s.
Pax got the blood flowing with:
– 40 Side Straddle Hops
– A short shoulder burn of Arm Circles, Seal Claps, and Air Presses
– Some light stretching to loosen up
The Thang:
We took off on a mosey, dodging holes in the dirt path, and stopped at a random parking lot in front of a business—just in time to wave at the security cameras.
Since consistency is key, I chose my favorite kind of misery: 5 burpees on the minute, every minute, with a “resting” exercise between rounds. It’s only 5 burpees—how bad could it be?
Round 1:
– 10 minutes, 10 rounds of burpees
– “Rests” of LBCs, Lunges, and Squats
After our first set, we moseyed back toward the Startdex, stopping in another parking lot for Round 2. Rinse and repeat for another 10 rounds.
With time still on the clock and some gas left in the tank, we kept pushing. 5 more rounds of burpees, swapping in some core-focused rests to balance out the burn.
At this point, we’d hit 125 burpees, but why stop there? We added 5 more. No big deal. And then another 5 just because we could.
Final Count: 135 burpees.
Sometimes you have to trust the process and do hard things. The hardest thing you’ve ever done is only the hardest thing you’ve ever done—until you do something harder. Grateful for my brothers who push me to that next level.
– Prayers were lifted!
– Announcements: Some crazy 50-mile ruck coming up, and the Spring Fling on April 6th!

Tortoise & Hare – Run 3

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Chunks, Hair Band, Crawlspace, Barney, Judy, Right Said, Decaf, Dan Tanna, Poker Face, Hello Kitty, By Design, All Wheel Drive, Hot Wire, Greyhound, Fresh Start, Hoop Dreams, Richie Rich
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Perfect running weather – 54 degrees and dark!

WARMUP: The usual – SSH, Squats, IWs, Leg Stretches and some OYO stretching.

THE THANG: Partner up and RUN!! 3.0 miles. We had the usual hares take off in a sprint while the rest of the group maintained a good steady pace. Just like in the story, 3 of hares were overtaken but one remained out front.

We had 4 4:13 Strong men set PRs today, all of which were below 30:00! This is a fast class that continues to push themselves on Tuesday mornings.

MOLESKINE: Thank you for running with us morning. Your encouragement of the 4:13 Strong men makes a huge difference in their day.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Reminder: The annual 4:13 Strong Standing Strong dinner is on Thursday, April 24, 6p-8p. F3 Franklin, F3 Brentwood and F3 Nashville all have tables at the event. Brentwood has already filled their table, and Franklin is close. The Nashville table is in last place. If you would like to join us, let me know and I will get you registered.

COT: Prayers for family, healing, strength and endurance.

Another Round of Merkins

AO: the-knoll
Q: The Merchant
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, Sparrow, Sooie, Stubs, Pebbles, Wolfpack, Étouffée, Parka-Eh, morning stār, G-string, Half Lyfe, Timber, Papa Bear, Ex-Pat, Bumblebee, Rubiks, Gold Digger
FNGs: 1 Gold Digger
SSH, BACs, WMHs, Motivators

The Thang:
HIIT Workout
20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest
6 exercises in a round, 75 seconds between rounds

Sit Ups
Imperial Walkers

Sevens and Avicii

AO: toratoratora
Q: 40 Minutes
PAX: The Bobs, Third Coast, Long Cut
FNGs: None

Mosey and stretching

– Gym Circuit – 30 seconds on and 15 second rest (x2)
– Pull-Ups
– Rows
– Dips
– Squats
– Sit Up Machine
– Box Jumps
– 7s on the Hill
– Squats at the bottom
– Pushups at the top
– 7s in the lot
– Bent over rows
– Curls
– Army carry the block between exercises

Night moves is coming

Lots to pray for and lots to be thankful for

AOQ Grow School – The FNG Experience

AO: stonewall
Q: Toothless
PAX: Hair Band, sooner, Right Said, Chunks, Cowboy, Pep, SalPal, Tea Party
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool, not crisp. The in-between zone gear wise.


– SSH x 30
– High knees x 10
– Butt kickers x 10
– Windmills x 10
– Willy Mays Hays x 12
– Carrot pullers x 10
– Michael Phelps x 10
– Good Mornings x 10 oyo


Patrol run to lot by mansion, PAX count off forming three groups.

– Group 1 does a ground exercise
– Group 2 does a standing exercise
– Group 3 runs and is a timer

All shuffle when G3 returns to get time at each station. Runners to the ground, ground stands up, and standing group runs.

Do four sets (~2 mins AMPRAP in each station based on runners) – AMPRAP = As Many Perfect Reps As Possible:
1. Hand Release Merkins, Prisoner squats
2. American Hammers, Burpees
3. Carolina Dry Docks, Lt. Dans
4. Big Boy Sit Ups, SSHs

Patrol run back down the hill and circle up for…

Rings of Fire :fire:
– High and low plank, up/down on Thunderstruck
– SSH / Burpees on Roxeanne
Flower (Bring Sally Up)
– Squats, as directed by Moby

MOLESKINE: Good work this morning men! The rotations section featured questions to ask of your group, such as:
1. How did you get your F3 name?
2. What do you remember from your first workout?
3. What made you decide to come out to that first workout?
4. What made you decide to keep coming after that first workout?

CoT featured everyone sharing one thing they learned about their fellow PAX – this was a great chance to share about our fellow PAX and practice for learning about FNGs during the workouts!

– AOQ Grow School was this morning (thanks Pep :smirk:)
– Hot Wings event from The Merchant on 3/26
– Spring Fling on 4/6 from Pitmaster and Natural Ice – CBO
– Merkin Madness continues!
– April will be the Month of the FNG! To be shared broadly later this weekend

It was an honor to lead men! Discussion notes from the Grow School portion on the FNG experience will be posted soon for the benefit of all. Thanks for the work you put in this morning on both fronts! And thanks to Hair Band for coordinating a great opportunity for our PAX! :muscle:

— Toothless :tooth:


AO: the-knoll
PAX: Timber, Étouffée, Pebbles, Stubs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: clear skies and dark

WARMUP: -caboose is lose around the knoll
-baby arm circles
-imperial walkers
-slow squats
-Willie Mayes hayes

Pull up ladder
8- pull ups
Jog to cone and back.
7- pull ups
jog to cone and back.
Down to 1 pull up.

3 sets
1 minute pull ups jog bar hang
1 minute of leg raises

3 sets
1 minute step ups
1 minute of world war 2s

1 set
1 minute spicollis
1 minute of an exercise of choice

Finished with stretching

“We suffer more in our imagination than in reality.” Seneca

Be cognizant of the unecessary stress we put on ourselves worrying about the future and what could happen vs focusing on the now and focusing on what we can control. So many things we worry about never actually happen.



Eccentric Pain

AO: atlantis
Q: Focker
PAX: SalPal, Toothless, porcelain
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Chicago Style

WARMUP: Various stretches and letting the PAX have the illusion of choice for our playlist between yacht rock and oldies.

THE THANG: concentration on eccentric movement control with little regard to rep number.
PAX performed exercises while one PAX served as the timer with a 30lb ruck. Switch exercises when all have traveled
Burpees—>suitcase carry
Squats—>rifle carry
Dive bomber merkins—>lunge
Monkey humpers—>longer ruck shuffle

Core circuit
Slowwww heel drops
Slowwww WW1
Side planks, low plank

Merkin goal means burpee pumpers until time
1 merkin burpee, 2 merkin burpees, 3 merkins, you get the picture

MOLESKINE: this morning I was driving to Atlantis and the only plan I had was the word “eccentric”. We often focus on high reps and fast workouts, but concentrating on controlling the eccentric portion of an exercise (when your muscles are extended) allows for better hypertrophy, strength, and neuromuscular connection. It also teaches patience and mindful movements.
Plus it just really sucks and makes you way more sore. 40 merkins felt like 140.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: merkin madness continues and AOQ grow school! Hopeful plankpril comes back ( Grape).

COT: prayers for spouses, roles as fathers, Toothless mother in law and treatment.

Super grateful for you men this morning. In a world that gets fixated on numbers equaling success, doing a slow workout with a small group of guys meant a lot this AM.