Rob Baas Tribute Workout – The RaceTrack

02 Dec 2020

Temp – 19; Gloom Factor – High; PAX Turnout – Humbling

30 HIM showed up in cold and the dark to help pay tribute to my late brother.  Funyuns, Penny Loafers, Hugs Not Drugs, PSL, Big Stick, Red Skull, Dr. Smartt, Ginger, Toga, Bagger Vance, Not A Sport, Ponzi, Olan Mills, Faulkner, Too Tall, Leatherneck, Yard Sale, FTTAL, Offshore, CCR, Black Widow, Boone’s Farm, Tampa Libra, Nurse Ratched, Blue Mule, High Flyer, Big Bang, Razorback, Floppy Disk, Umbrella – QIC

5 burpees to get the blood moving and long mosey to parking lot behind Hill Center.


10 x Hillbillies; 15 x SSH; 10 x SNL Squats; 10 x BAC forward/reverse; WMH OYO, Good mornings OYO


Rob Baas – Born 9/29/74 – Father, Son, Brother, Uncle & Friend     

Part 1: Tour around Hill Center – 9 Speedbumps/29 reps at each bump:

SB1 – Diamond Merkins x 29

SB2 – Prisoner Squats x 29

SB3 – WW1’s x 29

SB 4 – Wide Grip Merkins x 29

SB 5 – Single Leg Squats x 29

SB 6 – WW2’s x 29

SB 7 – Incline/Decline Merkins x 29 total

SB 8 – Box Jump/Step Up x 29

SB 9 – Plank Hold x 74 seconds

Part 2 – Redline – Rob had a love for speed, whether riding his motorbikes or Indy Car Racing – Goal is to push our redline

Parking Garage – Politician on the flats, sprint the incline, 4 x burpee at top of each incline.  All the way to 6th floor top of parking deck where PAX met for:


We paused for Mary at top of parking garage to do so underneath a glorious sunrise – Thanks Rob

29 x Reverse Crunch; Low Plank into J-Lo’s x 15 count; 74 – 4 count Flutters

Mosey back to parking lot for COT

Thank you for the love today, men.  This F3 community has been the foundation of the best relationships I have formed since moving here  3 1/2 years ago.  I have been witness to this community rallying around each other at every turn and this week it was me and my family that have needed the prayers and support.  And of course F3 Nashville delivers.  Your prayers have carried us these past four days, and I am grateful.  Please be on watch for anyone you know that you think may be struggling with mental health issues.  For my brother it was mental health and alcoholism that overtook him, but maybe we can reach out to someone who we know may be struggling and just love on them.  Who knows, it may be just what they need to be encouraged to keep going.  From the bottom of my heart, I remain grateful to each of you brothers.

Much Love & Peace – Umbrella

5/6/19 – Purple Cow Honors SSG Loredo

namesake photo

8 HIM showed up Monday morning to get a little better today than they were yesterday.  Weather was perfect 50 degrees and the only gloom present would have been self induced.

PAX: Offshore, En Fuego, Boone’s Farm, Leatherneck, Black Widow, Olan Mills, Penny Loafers, Umbrella (QIC)

WOR:  Mosey the long way to Brentwood High football field and track for:

24 x SSH, 24 x BAC forward and reverse, 24 x squats and a few good mornings and WMH OYO while Q laying out the Thang.


Today we honored SSF Edwardo Loredo who sacrificially gave all on 6/24/2010 leaving behind a wife and three children.  The workout today first posted in his honor on 12/31/12 and consists of the following:

6 Rounds:

24 Merkins/24 Squats/24 WWI’s/400m run – we subbed in the WWI’s for walking lunges.

Upon completion of 6 rounds of work the PAX moseyed to the goal line of BHS football field for 4 x 50 yard sprints followed by 3 x 100 yard sprints to close out the Thang.


24 x J-Lo’s & 24 x Flutters

COT: Closed out the morning with a reflection from yesterday’s gospel reading at mass taken from John 21 when Jesus reappears to the disciples as they are fishing.  He asks them how many fish they have caught and as they respond “none”, he instructs them to cast their net on the other side of the boat.  When they do, their haul is so large they can’t get it back in the boat.  The takeaway for me was this….How many times do I try to do things my way as the disciples were when they were fishing?  When I consistently try to do things my way, my results are often like the results the disciples were having on their own.  But once Jesus got involved, their nets overflowed.  What would happen if we all died to ourselves a little bit more this week and asked God to be a bigger part of all aspects of our lives?   Just this week…

It was an honor to lead this morning.

Peace out,


President’s Day – Purple Cow Edition

7 PAX got better this morning in the cold, but thankfully rain free, gloom this morning.

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Backlash, Offshore, Leatherneck, Black Widow, Life Champ, Umbrella

QIC: Umbrella

In honor of President’s Day and the 45 Presidents we have had in this great country, a theme of 45 was present throughout the morning.

Long mosey from BMS through Granny White Park to settle at the tennis courts. Circle up for:
45 x SSH
45 x Shoulder work (15 BAC forward, 15 air press, 15 BAC reverse)
45 x Squat

Evolution 1:
PAX lined up on sideline of tennis courts for 3 rounds of:

Rd 1: 15 count shoulder taps, 15 count WWI’s, 15 count monkey humper – then shuffle (side, forward, side, forward)each line on both tennis courts.
Rd 2: 15 count merkin, 15 count LBC, 15 count people’s chair – shufffle the courts
Rd 3: 15 count diamond merkins, 15 count WWII’s, 15 count 1-leg squats – shuffle courts

Evolution 2:
Burpees Mile – 45 burpees performed throughout mile loop+ around Granny White Park.  Asked the men to run with different PAX after each set of burpees throughout mile to get some QT in with each one.  Lot of good chatter had when they could utter words.

Evolution 3:
30 dips/15 picnic table step-ups
25 dips/20 picnic table step-ups

Mosey back to parking lot for COT.  3 miles and a lot of effort put in this morning.

Bullhorn – QIC spoke on George Washington’s leadership lessons taken from the book by Eric Metaxes ‘7 Men: And The Secret of Their Greatness’.

It is always a pleasure to lead this fine group of men.



1/30/19 – The Racetrack – Double Shot of 7’s

Gloom Factor – High – balmy 23 degrees

5 Pax braved the frozen tundra of The Racetrack to put in a double shot of 7’s this morning and an Ironclad Winter Challenge sub freezing bonus point.

PAX: Big Bang, Black Widow, Bagger Vance, Razor, & Umbrella (QIC)

After quick disclaimer – 10 burpees to get the blood flowing and off we went for a warm up mosey around the track to the middle of field for WOR:

20 x SSH
10 x BAC Forward
10 x BAC Reverse interrupted by some mumblechatter about minivans and mistaken kid identity
10 x Seal Claps
10 x OH Press when out from the darkness and snow comes Razor to join the PAX
10 x Imperial Walker
10 x SnL squats
10 x Tempo Merkins

Thang 1 – First Shot of 7’s
7’s – Start at one end of field with sumo jump 180 squats, “sprint” to other side for Yurpees (a friendly nod to our brethren in Nolensville).

Short mosey to the bottom of hill on Maryland Way

Thang 2 – Second Shot of 7’s
Start at the bottom of the hill for a Jacob’s Ladder 7 rounds of hill repeats with Double Shot of Jack Burpees at the top increasing in amount for each hill repeat.

Finish our second round in time for quick mosey back to parking lot for Mary:

20 x LBC’s in cadence
20 x Flutters IC
20 x Alabama Prom Dates IC
20 x Shoulder Taps IC
45 second Lanny Lou hold


Spoke to the PAX about operating in an environment and thought process of fear, specifically from a position of a fear of failure as a business leader, husband and father. Also being mindful of allowing guilt and shame to creep into our self talk. Jesus never spoke, and never speaks, to us in the form of fear, shame and guilt. These are workings of the devil. Big Bang and Razor offered some additional words of wisdom here for the group.  Much appreciated.   Closed in prayer for our fellow brothers and to live today in a way that honors God.

It was a pleasure to lead you men this morning. Thanks for coming out on a cold, snowy morning.

Peace out,


12/10/18 – Purple Cow – Santa’s Ladder

5 PAX got better this morning at The Cow. 32 degrees and gloom factor was high as we shook off the weekend.

PAX: Toga, Backlash, Boone’s Farm, Black Widow
QIC: Umbrella

Mosey to the parking lot at Granny White Park.
20 x SSH
10 x LBAC Forward
10 x Seal Clap
10 x Shoulder Press
10 x LBAC Reverse
10 x Good Morning
10 x WMH
10 x Cotton Pickers
10 x Tempo Merkins
10 x Tempo Squats


Santa’s Ladder:
PAX Run 50 yard to building perform ladder down of below exercises. Each time you are perform that ladder number – “sprint” to starting point and back. Resume next rung on ladder. Ladder was as follows:
10 x Burpees
9 x Burpees
8 x Burpees
7 x Burpees
6 x Burpees
5 x Worst Merkin
4 x Worst Merkin
3 x Worst Merkin
2 x Worst Merkin
1 x Worst Merkin

RNR with descending ladder of:
Mountain Climber Merkins

PAX mosey over to parking lot for parking lot suicide sprint as follows:
Sprint to first parallel parking line – 5 x squats – reverse mosey to start.
Sprint to next parallel parking line – 10 x squats – reverse mosey back.
PAX continued across parking lot increasing squats by 5 x each time and maxed out at 25. Always reverse mosey back.

Indian Run from Granny White Park back to BMS for quick Mary:

20 count Flutter Kick
20 count American Hammer
10 count Alabama Prom Date

Massive fail by the group to bring their YES gifts resulting in 18 burpee penalty. Toga only one to bring gift but still endured burpees with group.

Mumble chatter was high this am as PAX were not happy about RNR of Santa’s Ladder, but great effort put out by all.

COT with a brief recap of Dan Klein’s My 3:59 talk from Friday’s Leadership Lunch.

It was an honor to lead you men.


The Racetrack – 11/14/18

9 PAX including half a mobile Bagger Vance got better this morning in the sub-freezing weather for a Racetrack version of smoke boots Q handed out by YHC.

PAX: Soccer Mom, Pope, Tiny Dancer, Boone’s Farm, Yardsale, Backlash, T-Cell, Bagger Vance,

QIC: Umbrella

Quick disclaimer then 10 burpees to get the blood pumping. Mosey around the racetrack to WOR:

SSH x 20
BAC Forward x 10
BAC Reverse x 10
Air Presses x 10
Squats x 10
Merkins x 10
GM’s x 10
WMH x 10

The Thang:

Mosey to building on west side of track for quick instruction of Cooper consisting of:

Run loop of track returning to starting point for:
10 x burpees
10 x squat
10 x merkins
Run a lap
9 x burpees
9 x squat
9 x Merkin
repeat in descending order through 1 x each and finish with lap.

Once all in we lined up on end of infield for sprint work across the field with 5 atomic merkins at other side. RNR x 4

Since we had no breath left in our lungs, time to finish with Burpee Jack Webb w/ Air Presses in ascending order 1 – 10.

Mosey to parking lot for COT.

COT & Announcements:

Bagger Vance upcoming party on 12/1 at 7:00 pm.
12th Man Leadership Luncheon on 12/7 at Richland Country Club 11:30 am

Shared with PAX that I had the opportunity to spend the weekend with my oldest son Will (10 y/o) as it was time to have “The Talk” .  I shared with Will the expectations that God has for him and his life, as well as expectations that his mother and I have for him as a young man and in this particular area. What struck me as we were talking through everything was at the core of our discussion was Discipline. Discipline in our actions, thoughts, and decisions. It was also glaringly obvious to me the hypocrisy that was coming out of my mouth at the time. I was asking my son to exercise the very thing I had been so lax in for some time….Discipline. I have found myself to lack discipline in my workouts, diet, my words at times, and even in my most important relationships (lacking intentionality and focus). I know if I struggle with Discipline at times, I am certainly not alone. At the very least, learn from my poor example of late men, and don’t let the ways of the sluggard creep slowly into your existence. We are called to be better. The challenge for today and the rest of the week was to be disciplined a little more than we were yesterday in our thoughts, words and actions.

It was an honor to lead you men today.



9/12/18 – The Racetrack – The Sequel

9 PAX got better today under perfect conditions at The Racetrack for a sequel to yesterday’s Convergence 9/11 workout.

PAX: T-Cell, CAPSLOCK, Joey Freshwater, Boone’s Farm, Razorback, Toga, Life Champ, Numbtucks, Umbrella (QIC)

Quick disclaimer followed by 10 burpees to get the blood pumping. Mosey up hill through parking garage for WOR:

15 x SSH
10 x Good Morning
10 x WMH
10 x Cotton Pickers
10 x LBAC Forward
10 x O/H Press
10 x LBAC Reverse
10 x Tempo Merkin
10 x Squat


Bottom start position was side of Holler & Dash where we performed:
Burpee Box Jump/Step Up x 1
Run up all flights of stairs to Maryland Way
10 x Atomic Merkin
RNR through the 11’s
PAX grinded through the stairs w/o much mumble chatter. For those that joined the Convergence yesterday, this was all too familiar. LBC’s and Plank for the Six.
Mosey back to starting parking lot for:

Burpee Jack Webb w/Overhead Press in place of Mary.



Reminded of Trident soft launch, Friendly Friday, Four Year Anny & Grow School, and 9/30 Golf Scramble.

CCR provided great reminder last week of Concentrica and importance of focusing on those relationships most important in the proper order. QIC followed up on those good words with thoughts from the book The Butterfly Effect. Every interaction we have each day leaves an impact; either positive or negative; either reflecting God’s love and mercy or the opposite. The challenge posed to the PAX today was to be mindful of each interaction we have today and the rest of the week, whether brief or over a long conversation, that it will leave an impact that is far greater than we will realize at the moment.

God Bless,


August 29, 2018 (Racetrack) – “You’re Doing It Wrong…” – Joey Freshwater VQ

12 HIM showed up at the Racetrack to get a little better today for a VQ by Joey Freshwater including one Willy Loman from NC (Marino) and an FNG… He did not disappoint.

PAX: Joey Freshwater (Co-QIC), Umbrella (Co), CAPSLOCK, Black Widow, Offshore, Calfkiller, Cinderella, Hambone, Tampa Libra, Razorback, Marino (WL), FNG Sitcom Mom

A muggy warm morning welcomed the PAX for Freshwater’s VQ. Umbrella proclaimed the disclaimer and the PAX moseyed up the hill to the parking garage lot to begin


10 x Good Morning
10 x WMH
20 x SSH
10 x BAC Forward
10 x BAC Reverse
10 x O/H Press
10 x Slow & Low Squat
10 x Tempo Merkin
10 x Imperial Walker

Joey Freshwater is introduced as Q and leads the group up six floors of the parking garage, across the top floor and back down to the first ramp on the first floor of garage


This is what I’d call the “You’re doing it wrong” workout because Umbrella provided constructive criticism on a movement in my first workout and I laughed my ass off afterward. AKA “The cherry popper”. Pretty much modeled after another one we did there.

Ramp One:

Sprint floor one ramp

30 merkins first corner

Lunges to second corner

30 WW1s second corner

High knees to third corner

30 jump squats third corner

Backward run to fourth corner

Wall sit fourth corner until rest of PAX gets to fourth corner

Rest count then proceed to next ramp

Ramp Two:

Sprint floor two ramp

30 burpees first corner

Bear crawl to second corner

30 flutter kicks second corner

Broad jump to third corner

30 air squats third corner

Backward run to fourth corner

Wall sit fourth corner until PAX gets to fourth corner

Rest count then proceed to next ramp

Ramp Three:

Sprint ramp three

30 merkins first corner

Power skips to second corner

30 elbow to knee sit-ups second corner

Side squat with turn to third corner

30 shoulder touches third corner

Butt kickers to fourth corner

Wall sit fourth corner until PAX gets to fourth corner



Mosey back to Racetrack lot for…

MARY (Umbrella):

High plank 30 seconds
Right arm up 30 seconds
High Plank 30 seconds
Left arm up 30 seconds
High plank 30 seconds

10 Merkins OYO

10 x Good Mornings

COT – Great job by Joey Freshwater on his VQ. He brought it today and PAX all worked hard and got better today. Reminders on 9/11 CSAUP as well as need for Q’s at Purple Cow and Racetrack in an effort to fill up calendar for September.

7/2/18 – The Purple Cow

Felt like a sauna as we got after it at The Purple Cow. 5 HIM got better in the heat and humidity this am.

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Ponzi, Offshore, FNG – Backlash (Jon Watson), Umbrella

QIC – Umbrella

Mosey to Granny White Park and to the tennis courts for:
SSH x 20
WMH x 10
GM x 10
BAC Forward x 10
O/H Press x 10
BAC Reverse x 10
Tempo Merkin x 10
Slow N Low Squat x 10


Mosey to pedestrian track around perimeter of Granny White Park. Mosey was continuous for two laps with stops for the following every ~200 – 400 meters:

Stop 1 – 5 burpees – continue mosey
Stop 2 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, mosey
Stop 3 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, mosey
Stop 4 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, mosey
Stop 5 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, mosey
Stop 6 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, 1 min high plank, mosey
Stop 7 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, 1 min low plank, 35 American Hammers, mosey
Stop 8 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, 1 min alternating arm planks, 35 hammers, 40 air presses, mosey back to parking lot at BMS for 10 Good Mornings to finish it off.

PAX performed valiantly. 2 laps of The Purple Cow completed exceeding 2.5 miles, T-Claps for FNG Backblast who was suffering from disk problems in back but toughed out the work for his first post.

Prior to closing out COT, we discussed a quote I keep on my desk that states the following:

“The finish line of comfort and the starting line of growth look an awful lot alike.” – Dan Klein

Whether we are looking to grow spiritually, in our marriage as husbands, as fathers, as leaders, or physically; we must push through discomfort to allow real growth and progress to take hold. The PAX of The Purple Cow got stronger today and pushed through the finish line of comfort. Challenge going forward was to determine what other area of our lives to we need to push through comfort to be the men God is calling us to be.

God Bless,


June 26 – Sir E – Honoring Zachary Tellier

Dilly Dilly, Spiderbite, Pope, Vegemite, CAPSLOCK, D’mish, Too Tall, Frugal McDougal, Big Stick, Yard Sale, Frogger, Edible, Bagger Vance, A-Fib, Skidmark, Umbrella, CCR, Floppy Disk, PSL, Razor

QIC: Umbrella

PAX moseyed to top of hill for:
SSH x 20
Good Morning x 10
WMH x 10
BAC Forward x 10
Shoulder Press x 10
BAC Reverse x 10
Tempo Merkins x 10
Slow & Low Squats x 10

10 Burpees
Run loop

10 Burpees
25 Merkins
Run loop

10 Burpees
25 Merkins
50 Lunges
Run Loop

10 Burpees
25 Merkins
50 Lunges
100 LBC’s
Run Loop

10 Burpees
25 Merkins
50 Lunges
100 LBC’s
150 Squats
Run Loop

If finished before the rest of PAX, help those that are struggling finish their last segment.

20 – AL Prom Dates
25 – Flutter Kicks
15 – Makhtar N’Diaye
1 minute Lanny Lou

Today we honored Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier, 31, of Charlotte was a combat infantryman with the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Bragg. He died Sept. 29, 2007 of wounds sustained while on a ground patrol in Afghanistan.

The previous April, Tellier’s unit was conducting a mounted patrol when one of its vehicles drove over and detonated a bomb, which set the vehicle on fire, according to a statement from the 82nd Airborne.

Tellier pulled two paratroopers out of the vehicle to safety, suffering severe burns to his hands. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with valor for his actions.

After he was burned, Tellier jumped up in the turret to return fire, said Sgt. Michael Layton, a member of Tellier’s unit. A lieutenant made Tellier get out of the vehicle because of his injuries, Layton said.

“Zachary Tellier has to be the biggest hero I’ve ever known or heard of, not just because of what he did, but because of his personality,” Layton said. “He came in the Army because he wanted to be around soldiers and serve his country, and he paid the ultimate sacrifice.”

Tellier is survived by his wife, Sara Tellier of Atlanta, Ga.; his father, David W. Tellier of Groton, Mass.; and his mother, Pamela Rodriguez, of Falmouth, Mass.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead you men this morning.

God Bless,
