Warm Feelings at The Skunk

6 warm blooded creatures posted for some frosty fun at The Skunk.  Here’s how it went down:

Warm-up COP: Russian Soldiers, Copperhead squats, Imperial Walkers, Scorpion Stretch, Good Mornin’s

Go grab some weights for the following:

10, 9, and 8 reps of rows, jump squats and dive-bomb merkins

1 min each for single arm snatch, single arm swings, goblet squats, deadlifts, burpees

7, 6, and 5 reps of rows, jump squats and dive-bomb merkins

1 min each for single arm snatch, single arm swings, goblet squats, deadlifts, burpees

4, 3, 2 and 1 rep of rows, jump squats and dive-bomb merkins

1 min each for single arm snatch, single arm swings, goblet squats, deadlifts, burpees

ab fun including, leg raises, v ups, pull overs, oblique crunches and weighted WWI’s

NMM:  YHC was truly a bit concerned when there were no other participants at 0526.  Thankfully En Fuego rolled in with Venus and Kathy rolling up and hanging in their sled while YHC and En Fuego started the warm-up promptly at 0530.  Big Stick rolled in somewhere around 0540 after claiming a failed Foxtrot pickup.

Hilarity ensued as everyone went through the sets, and we learned that Kathy’s special purpose is the dive-bomber merkin.  Who knew!?  It’s also interesting to see how people gear up when the temperature drops.  We had everything from tights, Venus/Razor’s ode to Mike Tyson and Kathy’s fourteen layers.  It could be that Kathy was still cold from the ruck.  He said it went well and was not overly taxing.

Special thanks to Bagger for letting me take the Q so I could make sure of no running on the bum knee.

Stay Classy,


PAX: Big Stick, Kathy, Toga, Venus, Leatherneck, En Fuego

QIC: Toga

A Tale of Two Qs

19 posted for some fun in the gloom.  Here’s how it went down:

Mosey around parking loop and down to bottom of the hill.  Backwards run up the hill and head to the main lot for warmup COP (yes, we did one this time)= SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, various merkins (regular, clerkins, werkins, staggered grip, Chuck Norris)

Check with Big Stick to see if he’s ready to take over.

While in circle, bear crawl to center, 5 merkins, crawl bear back to the outside of the circle, 5 merkins, and repeato x3.

Check with Big Stick to see if he’s ready to take over.

Lineup on parking arrows, run backwards to end of drop-off lanes, 5 merkins, sprint forwards back to starting line and 5 more merkins.  Repeato x4 with some random core work between some sets.

Check with Big Stick to see if he’s ready to take over.

Polar Bear down the lot, turn around, inchworm merkins half way and burpee broad jumps the rest of the way.

Indigenous People bear crawl across lot.  Everyone planks while the person in back bear crawls to the front.  Once everyone completed a rotation we switched to holding table and crab walks.

Check with Big Stick to see if he’s ready to take over, but Big Stick decided to leave.

Mosey back to the center of the lot for 5 minutes of Mary.

NMM: Based on last Friday’s Co Q, YHC decided to do most of the driving.  Big Stick appeared extremely prepared, and YHC planned to give Mr Stick the Q for the last ten minutes.  This served to shield the PAX from 25 minutes of sprints and explosive merkins as well as to make sure everyone got a full dose of Toga this time (can you really get enough?).  Imagine YHC’s surprise to learn that Big Stick had another date that required him to leave before the end.

There were of course the usual festivities at The Hall today.  Bagger was disappointed when YHC forgot to do both sides of the staggered merkins, nobody knows how to perform Balls to the Wall, and Ludwig needs some tricep work to maintain crab walk form.

Strong work today, happy birthday Kathy, and welcome to FNG American Girl!

Stay Classy,


PAX:  Bagger Vance, American Girl, Black Lung, Edible Arrangement, Ludwig, Big Stick, Floppy Disk, Swamp Fox, CAPS LOCK, Blue Mule, Toga, Kathy, Yard Sale, PSL, Offshore and four others I’m missing (Big Stick was supposed to take roll call)

QIC: Toga and sort of Big Stick

Walk Softly and Don’t Bother with a Warm-up

21 redwoods posted for a beautiful morning at the Hall.  Here’s how it went down.

Mosey around parking loop with high knees, butt kickers and lunges interspersed.  Immediately begin sprints across parking lot with 10 explosive merkins after each sprint.  Repeato 30x (probably 10 really but felt like 30).

Grab a partner, grab a coupon and begin 3 minute cycle where P1 executes 10 thrusters, 10 merkins (because we hadn’t already done those.., oh wait) and 10 pull-ups.  P2 does WWIs then flapjack.  Complete two cycles.

Big Stick mumbled something then disappeared.  YHC took Q.

Stay on playground for triple check.  Divide into teams of 3.  P1 does balls to the wall (B2TW), P2 does 10 swerkins, and P3 does leg raises.  Switch when P2 completes swerkins, and each person hits each station 3x.

Mosey to bottom of the hill on the northeast side of the school.  Begin The Beast= 6 exercises, 6 reps, 6 stops stopping at ~25, 50, and 75 yards up the hill and then back.  Exercises were leg raises, merkins, squats, WWII, and half of a round of burpees before time expired.

NMM:  YHC contacted Mr Stick about doing a Co-Q this morning, and there was even a comment about YHC’s portion being heavy on merkins.  Not to let that stop him, Big Stick skipped the traditional warmup, disclaimer and chit chat and went right to sprints and explosive merkins.  Was this motivated by YHC calling Big Stick second and not first, or was this because BS informed the PAX he had to go play round ball immediately after his portion of the Q? Who can say.  Nobody puts Big Stick in a corner!

All jokes aside, the PAX tackled the exploding sprints of doom and confusion around Triple Checks and The Beast with the usual aplomb.  Mumble chatter was high with discussions on the various modifications of exploding merkins, the various interpretations of balls to the wall, and where the 25, 50 and 75 lines should be for The Beast.  Good times!

PAX: Books a Million, Shug, Big Stick, Bagger Vance, Dmish/Doughnuts, Floppy Disk, Ludwig, Grease Trap, PSL, Cinderella, CAPS LOCK, Toga, Swamp Fox, Offshore, Yard Sale, and a cast of thousands (sorry Big Stick wasn’t there to capture all the names).

Qs: Big Stick, Toga

Stay Classy,

Toga and Big Stick

More Murph at The Racetrack

PAX: Offshore, Life Champ, Red Skull Bone, Numbtucks (sp?), Toga, Shug, Black Widow

Lucky 7 posted to take on The Murph at the Racetrack.  Here’s how it went down.

Mosey down Maryland Way for a half mile to kick things off.  Head back to the pull-up bars at the park. = ~1 mile

Complete 10 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 20 merkins, 30 squats.

Run back down Maryland Way for a half mile and then head back to the flag.  Some folks had time for a little Mary when they got back.

COT: YHC took us out

NMM:  Ludwig’s version of The Murph last week at Cruel Hall got me thinking about doing something a bit more like the original.  The Murph may be the most well known WOD, and you can read more about the amazing act of courage of Lt. Murphy here.  Nobody had body armor or a weight vest nor did we come close to Donald Trump Jr’s sub 32 minute PR (only 4 minutes off of the world record no less).  It was still fun to get out there and knock this out before sunrise.  The PAX cruised through all ten rounds, but the mumble chatter was distinctly light.

Stay Classy,


The Q is Optional or Missed Chance for Waffle House

PAX: Preacher Man, Offshore, Toga

Q: Toga

A hearty three posted for some fun in the sun at The Skunk.  Here’s how it went down:

Do three laps around the parking lot with interspersed high knees, butt kickers, karaoke, and backwards runs.

Warmup COP with the usual: SSH, Imperial Walkers, merkins, scorpion stretch…

Mosey around track and run to pavilion: Bulgarian split squats, irkins, Bulgarian other leg, derkins, squats

Lap around track to 2nd field bleachers, leg raises, Chuck Norris merkins, pistol squats rt and left, Bruce Lee merkins

Mosey around track to first field for WWII sit-ups, dips

Mosey to tennis courts for arc loader.  Realize tennis court is too slick and move the loader to the road beside the school.  Repeato x5

Mosey to parking lot for polar bears and crab walks.

Mosey back to flag for variable speed Freddy Mercury, Dead Cockroach, 3 minute high plank

COT: Preacher Man took us out (pays to go with a professional)

NMM:  Where to begin with this one?  First, thanks to Preacher Man and Offshore for posting in what looked like some serious gloom.  The rain actually abated (@Bagger, that means to lessen or decline) as soon as Preacher Man rolled up.  Coincidence?

Now to the cavalcade of Qs that were to be on this morning.  First up was Funyuns (Ranked #17 of Gas Station Snacks).  To be honest, YHC had one finger on the alarm trigger to fartsack this morning, but YHC remembered that Funyuns was Q and wouldn’t have many people on a rainy morning.  Fortunately Offshore remembered to read Slack and knew we were Q’less (Get it?  I kill me sometimes.).

We also learned that Funyuns contacted Big Stick to be the designated Q, but his whereabouts remain unknown.  It’s rumored that he’s taken up residence in Fox Trot’s pool house and must have assumed the workout was canceled when he heard rain gently beating on his tin roof.  It’s a bit of a theme, so you better wear your Q shoes when you post at The Skunk.., you never know when it might be your turn.

Stay Classy,


A Bigger, Better Stick

PAX: Olan Mills, Funyuns, Bagger Vance, Razor, Umbrella, Toga, FNG Suge, Offshore, Edible Arrangements, Big Bang, Cobalt

Q: Toga

11 posted for a correction to a workout previously stolen by Big Stick (notably absent again).  Here’s how it went down:

Mosey to parking lot by parking deck for COP: usual warmup stuff

Mosey to bottom level of parking deck to carry partner up first ramp, run flat, partner two executes wheelbarrow, run the flat, flapjack and continue alternating till we arrived at the top deck.  Some marry to gather the 6 and hustle down the steps.

Run to Franklin Rd by Uncle Julio’s for 10 burpees, mosey to corner of Franklin and Maryland Way for 10 burpees, back to the corner of the lot and Franklin Rd for 10 burpees, and finish at the far corner of the lot for 10 more burpees.

Mosey back to the bottom of the parking deck and repeato the partner exercise back to the top.  Run down and mosey to the pull-up bars at the park.

Complete pull-up and WWII sit-up ladder: 1:3, 2:6, 3:9… 7:21

NMM:  Let’s be very clear about this workout.  It came from Swamp Fox in Charlotte.., at least that’s where it hit me in the face, and I was telling several PAX members about it one day at the RaceTrack.  Big Stick must have thought it was a good idea as he attempted to copy it a few weeks ago.  After reading the backblast, YHC felt it was necessary to do it again.., correctly.  We’ll do it again sometime when Big Stick returns.

The PAX rolled through the workout inspire of lots of Bagger confusion on what’s a flat vs. an incline.  Olan Mills has clearly been wheelbarrowed before as he hustled right up two inclines.  Big Bang eschewed the piggy back method and was running up an incline with Umbrella across his shoulders.  Funyuns appropriately showed good form since he was unable to help the grandparents stack chairs after a 2nd grade concert last evening #recoveryday #t-rexarms.

COT:  Prayers for your brothers dealing with marital concerns.  Be there for those in your life and pray for guidance on ways we can develop strength at home.

Stay Classy,


Good things from pumpkins

PAX: Foggy Pirate, Fuego, Erector Set, Big Stick, Toga, Venus/Razor

QIC: Toga

5 unsuspecting PAX members and one Q showed up to keep the walls of JTM Middle upright in the gloom.  Here’s how it went down:

Warmup COP: SSH, hillbillies.., usual stuff

Thang: Mosey to the front of the school for quad fest ’17= 20 alternating lunges (4 count) and 30 sec wall sit. 19 alternating lunges (4 count) and 30 sec wall sit.  Continue to 1 lunge and final wall sit.

Mosey to parking lot for high knees, side shuffles, karaoke, and then circle up for Mary= flutter kicks, bridges, pole smokers (vertical and then alternating sides), WWII

NMM:  Isn’t it a bit late in October for that humidity?  C’est la vie.  Quad Fest is always a hoot as the PAX almost immediately sees what they have in front of them.  When the Q asked for jokes to help pass the time during the wall sits, the PAX was graced with the presence of multiple cars arriving to watch the PAX get through the sets.  Was it a drug deal, pumpkin sellers there to make sure we didn’t pilfer a pile, or Venus’ parents?  Many theories were discussed.

Whoever has Q tomorrow, know that the crew from The Skunk did no upper body work.  Game on for tomorrow.

Stay Classy,


Little, Tiny Bells

PAX: Foxtrot, CCR, Funyuns, Brother Outlaw, Big Stick, Binary, Black Widow, Caps Lock, HVAC, Tampa Libre, Tiny House, Kathy, Razor, Capt Emilio, Blood Clot, Cindy, Blue Mule, Toga, Frugal McDougal, PREVAC

QIC: Toga

20 unsuspecting hard chargers posted at The Hill for some fun with weights.  This is what they got:

Mosey to weight room to acquire all the 25 lb dumbbells and any kettlebells less than 45 lbs..  Head out to the usual lifting area.

Big circle for “8 Minutes in Hell” (8MH) kettlebell series: 1 min 2 hand kb swings, 30 sec kb cleans each hand, 30 sec kb snatch ea hand, 30 sec kb clean and press, 30 sec reverse kb lunge ea leg, 30 sec kb single leg deadlift ea leg, 1 min goblet squats, 30 sec single hand kb swing ea hand, 30 sec kb push press each hand

Rest while doing hip extend/press/reach over combo

Repeato 8MH series then make two back-to-back circles for Russian Hammer Convey belt= each group passes KBs in one direction for one minute then reverse.  Put the weights away, say goodbye to Frugal #keymaster, and mosey to football field.

Complete 8, 100 yrd sprints with with 45 sec rest between each.

COT- Cinderella took us out

NMM:  YHC is a big fan of the kettlebell workout, but there was some concern about having enough lower weight bells for the PAX.  Doing that series is not the time to be a hero, and most of the PAX (not HVAC of course) quickly down shifted to a more reasonable size bell or one of the dumbbells.  It’s also mandatory that someone always bring some music to one of these things.  20 dudes in a circle grunting repeatedly gets weird fast, and the smooth stylings of Audioslave help get through that.

Once on the field, the PAX did an awesome job of maintaining a pace on the sprints.  This was important since nobody knew how many we were going to run.., except for Blood Clot who thought he knew.  Fun was had by all!


  • Winter F3 swag packages are coming.  Expect sweatshirts, hot cocoa and snowman building kits, Aunt Bee to model
  • Grow Ruck 11/17-18
  • Franklin CSAUP 10/7= Warpath.., see Blood Clot
  • Prayers for Grease Trap and M on their trip
  • Bring your own mug to any Crieve Hall workouts.., #cheap
  • Come to The Skunk on Mondays

Stay Classy,


Lonely at the Skunk

PAX: Chum, Head Stud, Toga, Night Stand

Four, slightly confused but ready PAX posted for fun a The Skunk.  Here’s how it went down:

Mosey one lap around park and meet at playground for warmup COP: SSH, Don Quixote, russian soldiers, imperial walkers, good mornings, merkins, scorpion stretch

Mosey to pavilion for 10 bulgarian split squats left, 10 derkins, 10 bulgarian split squats rt, 10 irkins, 10 squats to the seats and 10 clerkins

Mosey through swamp (not a good call) to tennis courts.  Complete four rounds of the arc loader= lunges followed by sprints.  Lineup for sideways bear crawls with the PAX stopping at the half and ea. sideline for PAX called exercise (LBC, burpees, merkins, dry docks, archer merkins)

Lineup at far court for suicides.  Two rounds were completed with Freddy Mercury in the middle.

Mosey back to the flag and stop for merkins and quick steps at the speed bumps.

Head Stud took us out.

NMM:  YHC was surprised by the light attendance along with the rest of the PAX.  Having looked at the Q sheet, YHC was also prepared for a beatdown from Leatherneck.., who never appeared.  The slander that would normally have followed not posting for your own Q would have been epic, but we’re going to refrain from all that.  After reading SLACK and BV’s backblast, there are clearly bigger things going on today.

Prayers for Grease Trap and family

Enter The Lucky Horseshoe

Q: Toga

PAX: Fuego, Olin Mills, Bagger Vance (?), Funyuns, Big Stick, Toga, Venus, Cinderella, Black Widow

9 hearty souls got up for a glorious, gloomy morning at the Track.  Here’s what went down:

Mosey to center of track loop for warmup COP: SSH, Storm Squats, merkins, scorpion dry docks, scorpion stretch, wonder where Bagger was…

Begin Lucky Horseshoe= 33 minutes to complete

1 lap, 20 merkins

1 lap, 20 merkins, 20 storm squats (think imperial walkers with 2 added squats)

1 lap, 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks

1 lap, 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWII sit-ups

1 lap, 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWII sit-ups, 20 lunges

1 lap, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWII sit-ups, 20 lunges

1 lap 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWII sit-ups, 20 lunges

1 lap 20 WWII sit-ups, 20 lunges

1 lap 20 lunges

1 victory lap

Circle up for ring of fire= hold plank while 1 PAX member at a time completes 7 pull-ups, continue holding plank while each member does 10 merkins.  Singing Johnny Cash was required throughout.

NMM:  YHC completed the Lucky Horseshoe a few times in RVA and nearly splashed merlot the fist time.  The Nashville PAX completed it in record time, and Big Stick was done in ~28 minutes.  YHC also posted a PR and could not figure out what happened.  Is everyone faster in Nashville?  Did YHC’s recent increase in hamburger consumption make him faster?  Is Funyuns giving out PEDs?  It turns out that the truth is in the data.  The usual Lucky Horseshoe laps are .25 mile.  The loop at the RaceTrack is .2.  Having asked Olin Mills about this prior to the running, YHC blames him for the false  info #FakeNews.  We’ll correct it next time.

Stay Classy,
