Circle Time is Over

The four horsemen posted at The Stronghold to celebrate the last F3 workout for this class.  Fun was had by all!

PAX: Cogito, Shocker, Red Skull, Toga (QIC)

Gloom Factor: 70 and Sunny

Thang:  Disclaimer followed by mosey to gravel lot for warmarama then head to the adjacent grassy area for some grass drills.

Mosey to the deck for everyone to pickup a coupon/block then head on over to the bball court.  Partner up for partner block work=

  • P1 bear crawl while P2 executes block thrusters, flapjack and repeato x3
  • P1 lunge while P2 executes block swings, flapjack and repeato x3
  • P1 carry overs while P2 executes curls, flapjack and repeato x3
  • P1 side lunges while P2 executes deadlifts, flapjack and repeato x3
  • P1 backwards run while P2 executes tricep extensions, flapjack and repeato x3
  • Core work intervals were scattered throughout

In honor of Blue Mule, and to make sure Cogito didn’t miss out on the experience, the PAX completed 30, 8 count body builders with some stops to discuss goals, core values and what 4:13 means to the PAX.

NMM: It was almost perfect!  The rain wanted to start a full downpour right when we started, but it never really got up to full, drenching speed.  That said, the PAX worked hard to get a lot done in one workout.  Best wishes to Cogito on his interviews and welcome back to Shocker from his IR status.

Stay Classy,


Box of Chocolates at Racetrack

15 Redwoods decided to get a little better on Maryland Way in the gloom.  An FNG, a Willy Loman and a Venus rising were all in attendance.

PAX: Umbrella, Parasol (FNG and 2.0), Val (Willy Loman), Olan Mills (Starsky), Venus, Big Bang, Tampa Libra, Toga (QIC), Penny Loafers, Barkley, Wedding Singer, Ponzi, Boone’s Farm, Nurse Ratched, Not A Sport

Gloom Factor: 70 and Sunny

Thang: Standard issue disclaimer then begin the APFT with a 2 mile run.  Bang and Ponzi led the pack with Parasol in hot pursuit.  Following completion of the run portion, the PAX partnered up and completed the push-up and sit-up portion of the APFT.

We immediately began on an improvement program with a mosey to the pull-up bars to complete a ladder to 5 and back down.  This was followed by 3 sets of 10 rows on the bars.

Mosey back to the lot for Mary.

NMM: So many things happening at The Track today.  We had the naming of a 2.0 (who can jump way higher than Umbrella), Val in from out of town, Tampa thanking me for having the 2 mile run at the beginning of the workout, Venus joining us half way through the run.., the list goes on.  Life truly is like a box of chocolates when you come to the Racetrack.

Stay Classy,


Time to Let Your Donkey Out

PAX: Offshore (kotter), Umbrella (afraid to get wet), Hugs Not Drugs, Venus, Cinderella, Barkley, Nurse Ratched, Penny Loafers, THE Black Widow, Toga (QIC), Honeydo (FNG), Ponzi, EZ Go, Wedding Singer

Gloom Factor: Nil, 70 and Sunny

14 redwoods showed up in some lovely weather to get a little better, faster, and stronger.  Here’s how it went down.

Disclaimer then mosey to the short track, do a lap and sorta circle up for warmarama.  Divide into two teams with Team One (a very individualistic group) going clockwise and Team Two (much more team focused and supportive) went counterclockwise.  Both teams had to mosey around the track and complete 5 pull-ups and 10 merkins at bars and 10 donkey kicks and 10 WWII on the porch before meeting back at the start.  Repeato x3

Take a break by working on Mary then do three more laps with chin-ups and offset merkins at the bars and lunges and donkey kicks at the porch.  Repeato x3

Do one more round with pull-ups and burpees at the bar and donkey kicks and squats at the porch.

Mosey to the parking lot for a fair amount of Mary.

Announcements: GrowRuck is coming!  Talk to Tampa or Big Bang ASAP.  We also had great news that Umbrella’s missing friend from BG was found and is back with his family.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

Stay Classy,


The Return of the Block Party

PAX: Pipes, Shaguar, Pusher, Jimmy John, Astaire, Moonwalk, Works for a Guy, Hambone, Bagger Vance, Detective Pikachu, Crawl Space, Dan and Dave, D frost, Red Skull, Toga QIC), The Black Widow

Gloom Factor: Nil, 70  and Sunny

A hearty sixteen posted to get a little better in the gloom.  It went something like this:

Disclaimer, mosey to everyone’s favorite gravel lot, standard issue WOR (including nipple sharpeners), then lineup for some grass drills= PAX in one line facing the fence, chop legs like the mountain climber, and then roll right, left and forward based on the Q’s cadence.  Complete 4 rounds

Partner up, mosey to block pile and collect one block for each team before heading to the bball court.  Lineup on the baseline for some block work:

  1. Round 1: P1 bear crawl down the court and mosey back while P2 executes block shoulder presses, flapjack and repeato x3
  2. Round 2: P1 Carryovers down and back while P2 executes block squats, flapjack and repeato x3
  3. Round 3: P1 burpee broad jump down and mosey back while P2 executes WWII with blocks, flapjack and repeato x3
  4. Round 4: P1 lunge down and mosey back while P2 executes block curls, flapjack and repeato x3
  5. Round 5: P1 crab walk down and mosey back while P2 executes block swings flapjack and repeato x3

Deliver blocks back to the deck in a nice, neat pile, and conduct some very quick Mary in the parking lot while waiting for the 6.

Announcements: See Red Skull’s note in channel about a 5k to run with the 4:13 speedsters, see BV’s note (in ‘main’ channel) about an upcoming convergence in Franklin.  Prayers for Pusher’s son turning ONE TODAY!!

NMM:  It’s always an honor to lead at 4:13.  Most of us haven’t faced the challenges these young men have in their rearview or the ones they have in front of them.  Stay humble, work hard, support the man next to you, and enjoy a jock jams playlist where appropriate.

Stay Classy,



Ice Storm?

PAX: @t-cell @Tim the Toolman @hambone @McAfee @bluemule @Vector @Pop-A-Lock @Michelin Man @toga (QIC)

Gloom Factor:  Nil.  70 and Sunny

Lucky number 9 posted in an alleged ice storm to get a little better this morning.  It went something like…

Circle up next to cars, lineup most of the weights in YHC’s home gym, and commence with standard issue WOR.  Mosey up and down the parking lot a few times to get the ol’ ticker going then lineup for bean bad toss=

Each PAX lines up at a station to execute an exercise whilst one member of the PAX tosses a sandbag a predetermined distance and back, run to the end of the lot, rotate to the next station and repeato.  The exercise for today’s outing included:

  • Alternating offset merkins
  • Goblet squats
  • Kb swings
  • Tricep press
  • Jump rope
  • Man makers
  • Med ball slams
  • Dumbbell side raises


Announcements:  Get training for GrowRuck 27, get yourselves to 4:13 next week, and enjoy keeping the kids busy since they’re all home from school.

NMM: YHC was terribly excited to receive an offer to Q at Bomber (a first), and the opportunity to take Hambone’s Q made it all the sweeter.  The PAX quickly learned that the main part of the driveway was relatively clear of ice, but the parking spaces were slippery as whale s@&t!  We managed to complete almost 3 times through the circuit and got to witness some sweet form on the sandbag lift and toss.  The coffee is all the better when Pop a Lock buys!

Stay Classy,


Never Stop Never Stopping

PAX: Bagger Vance, Hambone, Blue Mule, Boom Clap, Squeeze, IDK , Photo Shop, Happy Feet, Otis, Big Country, Toga (QIC), Detective Picachu, B&B, Red Skull, Shocker, Mater (Prevac)

16 Redwoods posted for a little fun in the sun, rain and mud this morning.  It went something like this:

Thang: Mosey to gravel lot for warmarama (including the fan favorite scorpion stretch in a puddle)

Mosey to grassy area next to the gravel lot for ye ol’ football ground drills= chopping feet a la mtn climbers until the Q calls for rolls right, left and forward.  Repeato x 4

Mosey to nearest wall of the STEM school for wall sits= 30 sec people’s chair followed by 10 IC alternating lunges.  Repeato x 4

Mosey to Bball court for SEAL Burpees= burpees with 3 merkins and alternating knees to elbows.  12 reps

Mosey to the nearest grassy hill for 4 minutes of Quadraphilia= bear crawl down the hill and crawl bear back up for 4 minutes= Crowd Pleaser

Mosey back to basketball court for EMOM shuttle run.  The PAX started at 5 and made it to 14.

Quick Mary and COT with YHC taking us out.

NMM: Strong work by the PAX as we focused on getting out of your head and finishing what we started.  Jobs and life don’t get done when you quit on yourself and those around you.

Stay Classy,


It will wash off

15 redwoods posted to see just how wet and muddy they could get.  Here’s how it went down:

Gloom Factor: Nada!  Seventy and sunny

PAX: Noble Virus, Detective Pichachu, B&B, Toga (QIC), Red Skull, THE Black Widow, Hambone, World tour, Man about Town, Tender foot, Dry rub , Butt Dial, Zyppah, Bagger Vance, Billy Blanks (FNG)

Quick disclaimer then mosey to gravel lot on the back 40.  Warmarama then line up facing the far side of the lot for Noah’s ark= transport down and mosey back using the following modes:  bear crawl, crab walk, inch worm merkins, kangaroo hops (broad jumps), some other animal?

Line up in the grass facing South for 5x grass drills= chopping and rolling

Mosey to bball court for some bonus calisthenics then line up on the side line for ye old EMOM shuttle run.  We started with 5 and increased by one rep EMOM.  Time was called at 14 reps

COT with YHC taking us out!

NMM:  The focus of today was working through not so awesome conditions, not giving up and not letting the guy next to you down.  Strong performance by the PAX!  Shoutout to Butt Dial who is not only the first 4:13 member to bring an FNG, but he’s also expecting a new arrival and could use our prayers for a healthy baby.

New Year, Same PFT

PAX:  Umbrella, Venus, Faulkner, Toga (QIC), Too Tall, Ponzi, Hugs Not Drugs, Enron, Nurse Ratched, Penny Loafers, Not a Sport, Double Check, Plus 1 more?

Gloom Factor:  Nada, 70 and Sunny

13 redwoods set some bars today as the PAX took on the USMC PFT.  It went something like this:

Thang: Mosey to the park for a very brief warmarama with an explanation of the day’s events.  Two columns on the pull-up bars for strict form pull-ups.  Partner up for 2 minutes of crunches.  Mosey to the street and start 3 mile out and back route heading West on Maryland Way, turn left on Granny White and reverse direction at the Virginia Way light.

The PAX closed with a brief Mary session, COT and Umbrella’s finest roast.

NMM:  YHC hadn’t really done this since college, so it’s always good to see what that looks like.  The PAX will plan to leverage this little activity quarterly with goals now set for the coming months.  Strong work today!

Stay Classy,


Two Much Coffee

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Penny Loafers, Nurse Ratched, Hugs Not Drugs, Toga (QIC)

Gloom Factor: 70 and Sunny

Five fought off the signs of a chilly, blustery morning to get a little better in the gloom.  Here’s how it went down:

Mosey to BHS track for warmarama then head to the goal line for THE BEAST with tiny animal interludes.  It went like this:

  • Complete 6 merkins at the 25, 50, 25, touch the goal line and repeat on the way back. Broadjumps/Kangaroo hops back and forth in the end zone 4x
  • Round 2= Jump Squats and Bear crawls 4x
  • Round 3= WWII and duck walks 4x
  • Round 4= Something and gorilla walks 4x
  • Round 5= Lunges and Inch Worm merkins 4x
  • Round 6= burpees

Indigenous People’s Run back to the flag and Mary till time expired.

Announcements and Prayer Concerns:

  • Kids and teachers finishing out the first half
  • Nurse’s coworker’s father having brain surgery
  • YHC is stepping down as AOQ and we are entering the dawn of the Boone’s Farm regime.  Long live the AOG!

NMM:  It’s good to know that the PAX reads Slack prior to arrival.  Everyone brought coffee mugs and Boone’s even thought YHC was signaling him to bring coffee.  Which resulted in 2 carafes of coffee floating around.  Good problems to have!

Stay Classy,



Form follows Function

PAX: Wedding Singer, Hugs not Drugs, Razor/Venus, Olan Mills, Toga (QIC), Boone’s Farm, Not a Sport

Gloom Factor: 70 and sunny

Lucky number seven posted for a little fun at GWP in the gloom.  The PAX was warned that there would be a renewed focus on the mighty pull-up, and they weren’t disappointed.

Mosey to GWP for WOR then head over to the monkey bars for pull-up clinic that went down like this:

  • Determine your max number of real pull-ups.  No, not the knee jerking, cross-fit butterfly or half arm extension varieties.  We’re talking about slow return, fully extended, head hang pull-ups.  Once you know that, plan to do half or 1/3 of that # for 6 rounds.
  • Execute pull-ups, 10 strict form merkins while making meaningful/socially distanced eye contact with your partner, and 10 WWII
  • Repeato x5

Mosey to parking lot and keep partners.  P1 runs half the lot while P2 bear crawls the same loop.  Keep the distance with the team doing bear crawls, lunges and braid jump burpees until the loop is completed.

Mosey back to the lot for Mary Fest 2020.  The PAX hit 10-12 exercises until time expired.

NMM:  Many families are dealing with illness as a result of Rona and life in general.  Prayers for healing and faith.

Stay Classy,
