Broken Wheel: Saved by the Bell


Soupy start to Tuesday for 10 F3Nolensville Pax this morning.

Pax in attendance:

Nimbus 2000 (Co-Q, VQ), 3rd Degree (Co-Q), RagDoll, Tebow, Creeper, SoccerMom, ShowMe, Barney Fievel, HushPuppy & welcome to Mr. Belding (FNG)

Mosey around lot for Creeper and HushPuppy (taking his sweet time rolling out of car and putting gloves on)

Circle up for Warm-o-rama and Disclaimer via 3D:

15x SSH IC, 10x Seal Jacks IC, 10x Tempo Merkins, 10x Tempo Squats, 10x Willy Mays Hays IC, 5x Good Mornings OYO

Nimbus VQ for the THANG:

“Indian BearCrawl”
Line up head to toe in high plank, PAX at the end bear crawls to the front, then the next guy etc. While waiting PAX are doing Elbow plank merkins (High-Plank to Low Plank and Flapjack AMRAP).
• To mid field
“Indian Crabwalk (AKA Crunchy Crab)”
While lined up on your six, the guy in the back crabwalks to the front, then next guy, etc. PAX on 6s are doing LBCCs (Little Baby Circle Crunches) while waiting.
• To mid field
Rinse and Repeat headed back towards starting position
“Catch me if you can”
Two partners. Partner 1 performs 5x Exercise called by Q, and then sprints to catch the Partner 2, who has been running backwards (AKA back-pedaling AKA Politician). When partner catches and tags Patner 2, reverse roles. Repeat until total below reached by team:
• 50 Knerkins
• 50 Scrquats
Nimbus2000 passed Q Torch to 3rd Degree who slow moseyed the PAX to the long bridge.
“Well, it’s kinda my thing…” The F3Nolensville Faithful knew what was coming…BearCrawl the bridge! PAX endured this with grit and determination. When all had reached the end, we crawl-beared back to FNG who was midway demonstrating the F3 Motto: “No man left behind, but leave no man where you found him” where we crawled with him and cheered him on to completion of the bridge. WELL DONE!
Slow Mosey back to the Parking lot for 6 Minutes of Mary as follows:
25x Flutter Kix IC
25x Freddie Mercuries IC
10x Supermans IC
And for Extra credit past 6:15 (Cobains for going over, I really need a watch)
10x WWIs OYO
COT, Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, Christening of Mr. Belding (WELCOME!)
Praise for Barney’s Mom getting into own place, Prayers for Creeper as he officiates a funeral of previous youth member from church who recently passed away.
Other Announcements:
T-Claps to Nimbus2000 for stepping up and Co-Qing. Great job!
Don’t forget to check out F3Dads Camp coming up soon!

Favorites Remixed @ BattleGround

12 Franklin and Nolensville PAX start the work-week off right this morning at F3 Franklin including:

HushPuppy, Barney Fievel, Lump, Torch, HackFace, TopSpin, Hoser, Shocker, Sanctions, BigBang, Copay and 3rd Degree (QiC)

A beautiful start to the morning weather-wise: low humidity, 60’s, just right!

Multiple PAX joined in on pre-party festivities of Murph as well as Burpees on the minute. (not sure on number count)

Warm up mosey to grass field midway through big loop.

Explain Tabata (20 seconds maximal effort of whatever is called, followed by 10 seconds rest) Outline: Sprint, rest, Exercise, rest, back to Sprinting toward the original side of the field, etc. Rinse and Repeat X 4 Songs until my portable speaker (woefully insufficient BTW, time for an upgrade!) RAN OUT OF JUICE in the middle of Nirvana’s Ode. Cobains to Cobain RIP.

We did: SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers & Squats to Tabata Songs Playlist played through BT speaker carried back and forth across the field with Q.

Playlist: UpTown Funk, Back in Black, Still Dre (No one guessed during the THANG, (no bonus points awarded), Smells like Teen Spirit (16 minutes total of Tabata)

I was kind of upset that no merlot was yet spilled, and was determined it not be me…

On to the Fully-Operational Deathstar with Speed Bump of 20 Olympic Sit-up (legs and upper body floating with hands over head and then raise upper body and bring legs in so that rump and low back are only parts touching ground throughout) OYO

Then up the horrible smelling stairway to the 6th floor for as many rounds as possible for Deck of Death: 4 suits, 4 exercises. Do the number of the card, all face cards are 10, Aces 11. Joker is 20 of Pax’s choice. For today: ❤️= jump-squats. ♠️= pull ups or Carolina dry docks to modify. ♣️= Burpees ♦️=toe taps or v-ups for modifications.

Sanctions just happened to pull out a Joker first and last…Hmmm, someone take him to Vegas.

Glad to get after it with you men. Thankful for the accountability and opportunity to lead.

Announcements: F3Dads sign up deadline is approaching, get it in!

Keep praying for Spicoli as he battles Cancer. Send him an encouraging text. Call him. Swing by, etc.

Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” That Day comes for all. Live this day, in light of that Day.


Get Funky!

12 PAX join in on the dance this morning at F3Nolensville including:

Numbtucks, Nimbus 2000, Creeper, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Netflix, A-bomb,  Pope, Show Me, HushPuppy,  Rag Doll (FNG), CheezWhiz (FNG) and 3rd Degree (QiC)

A beautiful start to the morning as we congregate in the morning light. 5:30? Let’s roll!

Warm up lap around the parking lot to catch any stragglers and deliver the disclaimer, then circle up for Side Straddle Hops (SSH) x15 In Cadence (IC), Claps x10 IC, Little Baby Arm Circles (LBAC) Forward with 4 counts of Big Arm Circles (BACs)  x10,  Repeat in Reverse, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Tempo Squats, Good Mornings On Your Own (OYO) to get our minds right.

Mosey to the Football Field, HushPuppy comes into the fray.

Explain Tabata (20 seconds maximal effort of whatever is called, followed by 10 seconds rest) Outline: Sprint, rest, Exercise, rest, back to Sprinting toward the original side of the field, etc. Rinse and Repeat as indicated with 10-15 count in-between as called by Q.

We did: SSH, Merkins, Big Boy Situps, Squats to Tabata Songs Playlist played through BT speaker carried back and forth across the field with Q.

Playlist: UpTown Funk, Back in Black, Still Dre, Smells like Teen Spirit, Rocky theme music (20 minute total of Tabata)

I was kind of upset that no merlot was yet spilled, and was determined it not be me, though I was close…

Mosey to the Swing set for Speedometer of 4 exercises. 3 PAX perform 15 Inch Worms (Feet in swing while in High Plank, draw knees to chest and back out = 1) as the speedometer, while the other 3 groups of 3 PAX each perform either Derkins (decline Merkins), Squats, or Mtn. Climbers.

All in? Good…

Now, it’s kind of my thing…Bear Crawl the long Bridge. Steel Yourself! Then Crawl Bear back across..Feel the burn! LBC or SSH for the 6.

To the Parking Lot for Circle of Trust (CoT) with countorama, nameorama, Christening of Rag Doll and CheezWhiz (FNGs) and kneel to shout out.

Announcements: F3Dads sign up deadline is approaching, get it in!

Great job EH’ing guys and for continuing to show up and work hard. Proud to be a part…3D Out!

Sweating must be Contagious…F3Franklin Battleground 5/14/18

Pax in attendance:

19 strong with 3 FNGs, two EH’d by guys that were FNGs last week! Exciting stuff…

In no particular order: Tortoise, Torch, Big Bang, Blood Clot, Gig’em, Numbtucks, Barney Fievel, Cahone, Bartman, Shocker, Hack Face, Zoolander, Hoser, Unicorn, Chopper, Flinstone (FNG), TPS Report (FNG), Goal-line (FNG) & 3rd Degree (QiC)

After the pre-party for some, and the gathered Mumble chatter in the light of the sun-rise and balmy 70s to start, off we went @5:45. Mosey around the petri-dish goose-pond then circle up on the literal poop-deck for warmorama:
25 SSH, 15 SJ, 10 TempoMerkins, 15 BAC forward and reverse with the last few as BigACs, 15 IW, 10 TempoSquats
Then we done DID it:
Derkins, Irkins and Dips in sequence. x3, x6, x9 & x12 each. R&R skipping the x9 for 51 total of each. Arms are pumped! On to the DeathStar to get sharpened.
With so many PAX, we split into 2 groups (A&B) for AYG sprints by group (for most it was AYG) to the top of the ramp and then an exercise called by Q. Then Mosey around to next ramp all the way up. We found out BC has 0 patience and DQ’d his sprint after floor 3 every time. Class Clown…
Exercises to the best of my remembrance:
Clap Merkins x10, Pullups x10, Toetaps x10, ManMakers x10, Imperial Squat Walkers x15, Pullups x5 ToeTaps x5 and then sprint to the top of the garage up the last ramp.
R Karaoke long side, mosey shortside, L Karaoke long side, Bear Crawl shortside, Politician run (Back-pedal) Long side, Bear Crawl short side, Politician run (Back-pedal) Long side
25 Flutters IC, 25 Freddie Mercuries, 15 WWI situps, 25 LBCs
CoT, Count-off, Name-o-rama, FNG christening x3 (almost had a Huevos, but the legend has not yet been born), Announcements (F3 Dad’s this Sunday @ Pinkerton Park at 3pm. Kid-friendly AO and snacks afterwards. Hit up BC if you can bring drinks…) 3rd F this Thursday at the Tenney Group @ 5:45am covering James Chapter 2.
Prayed for Spicoli after a word about not only making sure we sharpen each other physically, but that individually we let God’s Word Sharpen us daily… Hebrews 4:12.
BOOM! Sweat-fest continues…

Broken Wheel @ 2RPM

11 Pax, including Willy Loman from F3Nashville, F3 Franklin and F3Murfreesboro grace Broken Wheel’s second edition this AM with beautifully clear skies and 52 degrees.

When YHC came up to the lot there were a couple pre-partying with 12 Burps a Minute for 10 minutes. I tagged along for 4 rounds, nice and warm.

After the usual MC, a FNG, now named “Creeper” came strolling in as we rolled at 5:30.

Quick lap around the lot, then WoR with 15 SSH, 10 SJ, 10 Tempo merkins and 10 Tempo Squats followed by 10 Good Mornings OYO. Disclaimer at this point and preparatory encouragement for the suck that was to follow.


5:10:15 pullups, Merkins and Squats x 4 rounds with last round Maxing and squatting to the 6

1/3 mile track loop with speedbumps of crawlbear up baseball complex stairs (it’s kinda my thing), 15 Copenhagens on picnic table benches, lunge walking across small bridge, Monkey Humpers to the 6 and then crawlbearing back (at this point Pop-a-Lock asked what YHC had against bearcrawling….Nothing, absolutely nothing).

Back at the pavilion: 5:10:15 Derkins (decline Merkins), Copenhagens and Sitdown standups x 4 rounds with last round Maxing and squatting to the 6.

1/3 mile track loop with speedbumps of crawlbear up baseball complex stairs after Irish Dancing the bleacher steps x15, mosey, lunge walking across small bridge, Monkey Humpers to the 6 and then lunge walking back.

Then the main event, bearcrawling (you’re welcome P-a-L) the long bridge and then crawlbearing back across. Many PAX suffered through without breaks though the mind was screaming to stop. Way to go Men! Flutter till the 6.

Minute of Mary with Flutter kix x15IC, Tempo Superman x 15IC, American Hammer with Tempo Changes x15IC, and floating Starfish x 10IC to finish the burn.

Count, Name, Shout-out!

Remember to keep Spicoli in your prayers as he battles the last week of main Chemo and Radiation (still posting no-less! #What’sYourExcuse?) Props to Noble Virus as his wife expects 2.0 #2 and for the PAX about to dominate the Heavy coming up.

Pax in Attendance: FNG Creeper, Numbtucks, ShowMe, Pop-A-Lock, Blood Clot, Funyons, Nimbus 2000, Sterno, Noble Virus, Pope (no joke), YHC

Coffeeteria provided by Numbtucks, including our very own F3Nolensville 4-for-$1 Goodwill mugs. Classy!

Remember Psalm 126:5-6 and Romans 8:28. Our tears and sweat are not wasted. There is a good harvest that comes later.

3rd Degree OUT!

Broken Wheel: Starting to Spin

Hey F3 Nashville! The new kid on the block, Broken Wheel, the newest AO in Nolensville is set to start next Tuesday 4/24/18 at 5:30am. We are looking for a successful and supported launch and want you to be on the lookout for sad clowns you know that would benefit from Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. If any come to mind, point them to @F3Nolensville on twitter, or they can email F3Nolensville with any questions. Numbtucks, Barney Fievel, Tebow, Auntbea or 3rd Degree are the point men for this launch. Clown car caravan on over and we’ll see you in the gloom!