Throwback Saturday at The Forge

13 PAX in Attendance: HushPuppy, Soccer Mom, “Typo+” (FNG), MRSA,  “TVGuide” (FNG), Nimbus 2000, Numbtucks, Creeper, ShowMe, Stats, CheezWiz, RagDoll & 3rd Degree (QiC)


  • 10 SSH
  • 10 Seal Jacks
  • 10 Tempo Squats

The Thang pt.1:

Today was a throwback of technology-inspired Q. We started off with MODEM to warm up:

  • M: Monkey Humpers x 50
  • O: One-legged Burpees x5 each leg
  • D: Derkins x 15
  • E: Everest up the Bleachers
  • M: Mountain Climber Merkins: 4 count MC and then a Merkin x 15

The Thang pt.2:

Remember when the internet (and AOL) were only accessible through dial-up? We did pull ups in honor of that. Thankfully, no screeching log-on sound emitted during this exercise. Pax in partners took turns doing 1, 2, 3, 4…10 where partner assists with the last few after PAX attempts AMRAP solo. YHC and partner Numbtux made it to 8 each. Whew! Once you couldn’t get even 1 on your own, LBCs until the 6.

After this, we needed some cardio. So we did 2 AYG sprints from the end of endzone to endzone ~120yds.

The Thang pt.3:

Next stone-aged tech piece we paid tribute to was the Typewriter 

At the end zone and sideline, start with squatting side shuffle to other sideline (karaoke modification allowed for injury only, not for difficulty), perform 10 clap merkins, then advance 5 yards. Squat shuffle back to other sideline (face same direction each time you shuffle/karaoke) and perform 10 double-shots of Jack Burpees (Modified to 5 after 25 yds). (Penalty for pausing shuffle was 5 Merkins) Advance 5 yards. Perform this until the 50 yd line. Then face the bleachers. Crawl-bear to the opposite sideline and there perform 10 floating starfish. Advance 5 yards, bear-crawl to opposite sideline and there perform 10 iron mikes (Penalty for pausing crawl was 5 SSH). Rinse and Repeat until a touchdown is scored by reaching the opposite endzone. Most PAX advanced to the 30 yd line on the opposite side when time was called.

The motion of the Pax back and forth with minimal advancement is akin to a typewriter…get it?

Amazing how fast an hour goes when having fun.

Circle up for COT


  • Praise the Sky-Q (God) that Spicoli’s scans came back this week completely clear! Amazing answer to many prayers.
  • I am tentatively planning a 2nd F hangout at Nolen’s Place for 2-4-1 beers Tuesday night at 8pm. TBD.
  • I am proud of all PAX that showed today for putting out good effort. No one quit. It was intentionally grueling and you all kept going. Keep it up!
  • Great job SoccerMom and MRSA/SoccerMom/YHC for the EH of the FNGs. Excited to #GiveitAway
  • Come out and support SoccerMom’s first absolute solo-Q this Tuesday at Broken Wheel.

3D, out!



Ambitious ShowMe VQ @ BW

14  PAX in Attendance: WMD, Creeper, Sterno, NumbTucks, RagDoll, 3rd Degree (YHC), Barney Fievel, Tebow, HushPuppy, A bomb, Udder (FNG Shawn), Stats (FNG Chris), SoccerMom (co-Q) & ShowMe (VQ)

NumbTucks @ 5:18 for a pre-party showing with YHC doing 11 burpees on the minute x 10 rounds. Random running music playlist including ACDC (nice!) Enya and Yanni and other lullabies provided by Numbtucks.


  • Jog around a baseball field/field-house and back to parking lot
  • SSH IC x 25
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 15
  • Tempo Squats IC x 15
  • 30 seconds GM OYO
  • 9 Burpees OYO

The Thang(s) 

Bear Crawl Snake to Baseball field (adjusted to gazebo): PAX in High Plank ~5ft apart while PAX in back weaves through planking 13 to the front and then calls NEXT. R&R.

Baseball Team UP until 7 runs (adjusted to 1): PAX divided somewhat evenly between 4 bases set ~15 yds apart and team must complete rep # before boo-boo bear-crawling to next base. All the way around = 1 run. First Base = 115 Hydraulic squats (adjusted to 50), Second Base = 50 Finger-tip Merkins, Third base = 75 squats (adjusted to 50), Home Plate = 100 Wolverines (Burpee Variation)

Lunge-back Mountain: PAX moseyed to gravel hill and while P1 performed AMRAP lunges (each leg 1/2), the other Partner politician ran to dumpster at top of hill and moseyed back. 100 lunges as a team before plank and wait for the 6.


  • flutter kix x 25 IC
  • Willy Mays Hays x 30 seconds OYO
  • Amber Waves of Merkins


Naked-man Moleskin (look it up at the Lexicon)

  • Great job on the VQ ShowMe and the support SoccerMom. Way to step up and lead gents!
  • Welcome Udder and Stats! Great job on the EHing Sterno! #GiveItAway
  • Make sure to sign up for Q slots for F3 Nolensville on under Q Sign up (created a link in this sentence) or 3D will take them all!
  • If you can bring or Venmo $ for coffee supplies to Numbtucks or Tebow (@jstntucker or @nathan-Wright-34) that would be great as supplies are running low (Thanks guys for making coffeeteria happen almost every AO!!!)
  • Come on out for a nostalgic technology-inspired beatdown by yours truly at The Forge Saturday.

VJ-Day at Broken Wheel

On this day 73 years ago…Japan unconditionally surrendered to the USA, officially ending WWII. In honor of the sacrifice of a generation that is almost all gone, we performed this workout:

16  PAX in Attendance: WMD, SoccerMom, Creeper, MRSA, Shocker (F3Franklin), HushPuppy, Sterno, NumbTucks, RagDoll, CheezWiz,Nimbus 2000, ShowMe, Barney Fievel, Weasel, Tebow & 3rd Degree (QiC)

NumbTucks earned some Extra Credit this AM with a pre-party showing with YHC doing 10 burpees on the minute x 10 rounds. FooFighters was the BG Music. Shocker got him some from rounds 4-10. RESPECT!


  • Indian Run Warm-up lap around the 1/3 mi track with Old Glory in the lead.

The Thang 


Partner up. While P1 runs the football field and Politicians back, P2 is performing AMRAP of the following exercises before flap-jacking.

  • B: Burpees
  • O: Over-head Press Squats (1 Squat and 1 over-head press at top)
  • M: Mountain Climber Merkins
  • B: Big Boy Sit ups (WWIIs)
  • S: Scissor Lunges

Intermission with AMRAP Pull-ups x 3 rounds. If <10 pull-ups reached alone, partner assisted Pull-ups substituted until 10. Then back to the football field for another acronym.

  • A: Angle Grinders (Look at the Lexicon)
  • W: Wacky Jacks
  • A: Alternating Shoulder Taps
  • Y: Make a Y shape on the ground on your 6 holding partner’s legs while they throw your legs down x 73 times as a team (split however you want)

Mosey with Old Glory to the Bridge for my favorite: Bear-Crawl-Crawl-Bear the length for the win.


  • So thankful to live in the USA. We enjoy freedoms unheard of only 2-3 centuries ago. But freedom is never free. We honor and acknowledge that today.
  • Thankful that F3Dads Camp was a huge success!
  • Make sure to sign up for Q slots for F3 Nolensville on under Q Sign up (created a link in this sentence) or 3D will take them all!
  • 3rd F opportunity to meet at F3Franklin Nantan’s house (Tortoise) to pray for Spicoli as he battles cancer. Tweet or Slack 3D for deets.
  • Speaking of Slack, get on it! Besides Twitter, it is the main source of Mumble-Chatter and hilarity (as well as plans for 2nd and 3rd F events) Here is the link again:
  • Come support HushPuppy as he has his VQ/Co-Q with Barney Fievel at The Forge Saturday.

Love getting to lead these HIMs.

Until next time,

3D, out!

Back to School at Broken Wheel

15  PAX in Attendance: Mr. Belding, SoccerMom, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Creeper, MRSA, Shocker (F3Franklin), HushPuppy, Sterno, NumbTucks, RagDoll, CheezWiz,Nimbus 2000, Wrecker (FNG), Tebow & 3rd Degree (QiC)

YHC wanted to celebrate the beginning of the school season with an education-inspired Q.

13 years of education at least obtained by all PAX present (K-12) so we will do a rep for each year of each exercise called. We even did the Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag (a first, and possible return to later, cool moment).

NumbTucks earned some Extra Credit this AM with a pre-party showing with YHC doing 10 burpees on the minute x 10 rounds. AudioSlave was the BG Music.


  • None…let’s go! No Pre-school today men.

The Thang 

We will all Run 1/2 lap (1/6 mile) around the 1/3 mile track and perform 1×13 rep set of exercises for each letter of the alphabet. (A&B at one stop, C&D at next, etc.)

6.5 total laps (2.333 miles) and 26 different sets of exercises (some were combined)


  • A: American Hammers
  • B: Burpees
  • C: Crawl-Bears (13 IC across bridge)
  • D: Derkins
  • E: Everest (1 lunge up stair, then air squat on step, 1 lunge with next leg, then squat, etc. 13x)
  • F: Freddie Mercuries (Thanks NumbTucks for the idea!) IC
  • G: Gorilla Humpers
  • H: HillBillies
  • I: Irkins IC (26 total pushups)
  • J: Jackees (Burpee variation: single shot of plank jack after merkin during burpee)
  • K & L: Kicking Lunges: Karate Kick and then lunge walk that leg forward, each side is 1/2 count
  • M: Mountain Climber Merkins: 4 count MC and then a Merkin x 13. Whew!
  • N: Neverlands: Remember how Michael flies in Peter Pan (swimming motion) after being sprinkled by Tinkerbell’s fairy dust? Yeah? Well we did that. Prone position. Start in superman and then spread legs and arms to side IC. Like horizontal plankjacks. Better tuck your justifier to prevent permanent damage on this one!
  • O: Overhead Claps IC
  • P: Pullups
  • Q: Something I made up on the spot. Basically like a V-up but leave one leg extended. So we kinda made an O shape with arms/legs and the extended leg is the tail of a Q. It’s hard to find a Q-exercise. And it turned out to be a pretty good Mary exercise after 13 IC reps where each side is 1/2!
  • R: Run (thanks again NumbTucks!) Sprint the well-seeded football field (120 yds including both endzones) Dang, Mr. Belding is fast!
  • S: Side planks. Hold both sides ~7 seconds each.
  • T: Toe Taps: on your 6 hold your feet vertically and raise arms and upper torso off ground to touch your toes while keeping your feet straight.
  • U: Underdogs: Inverted Horizontal rows under swings
  • V: V-ups
  • W: Wacky Jacks (Thanks P90X!)
  • Y: Make a Y shape on the ground on your 6 holding partner’s legs while they throw your legs down x 13 times
  • Zig-Zags: Partner lays prone with arms underneath and partner jumps back and forth over partner side to side making a Z shape. Each side is 1/2. 13x (Disclaimer made prior to start, so no worries)

What?! Over already? The fun was just starting…to be continued at The Forge!


  • We Christened Mr. Belding’s EH FNG Gary with the moniker “Wrecker”. He killed it this AM. Strong work Wrecker and Mr. Belding.
  • Pray for HushPuppy and me as we take our 2.0s to F3Dad’s Camp this weekend in Alabama. 128 Pax are attending!
  • Make sure to sign up for Q slots on or 3D will take them all! (except when Down Range, which is this weekend)
  • Eph. 4: Let’s grow up, mature, increase in true knowledge. Be Humble, put others before yourself. Enjoy Grace and Don’t waste this life!

Love getting to lead these HIMs.

Until next time,

3D, out!

Good Morning Tuesday! Broken Wheel Hill Work

10 PAX in Attendance: ShowMe, Soccer Mom, MRSA, Aunt Bea, Netflix, NumbTucks, RagDoll, Pope (F3 Franklin), Tebow & 3rd Degree (QiC)

YHC rolled up a few minutes early to plant the Shovel Flag to be greeted by a Rucker (NumbTucks) and Pope, enjoying the early morning Gloom. Eventually the PAX came in and we got (kept) rolling.

Warm up Indian Run around the 1/3 mile track keeping Old Glory in the front by passing to the sprinting Indian.


  • 100 (90+10) SSH IC

Thang 1

Mosey to Ball-field Stairs for 7s


  • Clap Merkins at the bottom
  • Iron Mikes (jumping split lunges/scissor lunges) (1/2, 1)) at the top (made me think of Punch Out…Classic)

Image result for mike tyson punch out

MOT: Partner Carry up the stairs (flapjack each round so 3 times each) and Bear-Crawl down the Hill

Thang 2

Continued partner work: Crawl Bear up hill next to stairs, 2 burpees at top, bear crawl down then partner holds legs while you wheelbarrow walk up the stairs. Mosey back to bottom and flapjack wheelbarrow positions each round so 3 times each (6 total)

Thang 3

Max reps of pullups and when tapping out, partner grabs legs and assists PAX to complete 3 more.

2 rounds. MC killer.

Thang 4

Modified Dora: Partner 1 does AMRAP Merkins while the other sprints (jogs) to the other end of the parking lot and back then flapjack to 60 total Merkins.

Then Round 2 with goal of 80 Imperial Squat Walkers, but Q cut it short so we can enjoy the traditional end to a 3d BW Q, the bridge…

“It’s kinda my thing…”

Bear crawl and then crawl-bear the bridge. Always a good time. For time’s sake (which the PAX were very prompt to remind YHC about. Multiple times…) we moseyed to the far side then BC first 1/2 back and CB the 2nd “half” to the flag. LBCs to the 6. Counts as Mary, right?! Sure.

What?! Over already? The fun was just starting…to be continued at The Forge!


  • Pray for Barney and his family as they welcomed another 2.0 recently and are figuring life out as family of 4 (Patience, peace, strength and health)
  • Make sure to sign up for Q slots on or 3D will take them all! (except when Down Range, which is all of next week)
  • Phillipians 2:5-8 Be Humble, put others before yourself. Enjoy Grace and Don’t waste this life!

Love getting to lead these HIMs.

Until next time,

3D, out!

Soccer Drills and History Lessons @ Broken Wheel

11 PAX in Attendance: HushPuppy, ShowMe, Mr. Belding, MRSA, Nimbus 2000, Aunt Bea, Shocker (F3Franklin, Respect), WMD (FNG) and KEEN (FNG), Soccer Mom (VQ) & 3rd Degree (Co-Q YHC)

Warm up Mosey around Parking Lot x 2 while HushPuppy pulled the classic 2-wheel turn in…

Round up, Disclaimer for the FNGs (and all PAX, but especially them)

Warm-Up all IC except for GM:

  • 10 SSH
  • 10 Seal Jacks
  • 10 Tempo Squats
  • 10 Tempo Merkins
  • 10 LBACs forward and 10 Reversed with last 3 IN Big Arm Circles
  • 25 seconds of GM OYO

Handover to SoccerMom who lost sleep due to giddyness to lead his VQ…BTW, did we mention he is a seasoned soccer player and coach? Game on!

The Thang pt.1:

Terrible Things Come in 3s:

Bear Crawl Cone to Cone (10yds apart) with 3 Merkins at each cone (4 cones in a square) for 3 minutes, Then Lunge Walk cone to cone with 3 burpees at each cone x 3 mins., then back to Bear-crawl with 3 WWIs @ each cone x (you guessed it…) 3 minutes.

The Thang pt.2:

Wall of Jericho

Q is also a History Major and teacher, so he briefed us on Bible lessons about Joshua and the Israelites marching around the wall 7x and taking Jericho…

So we ran the cones and after each lap (~40 yds) we did 30 seconds of whatever exercise he called:


  • J-Los
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Peter Parkers
  • SSHs
  • Merkins
  • Flutter Kicks
  • WWIs

No walls came down but heart-rates were UP!

The Thang pt.3:

Waves of Americans: Another Hx lesson where we celebrated the anthem of America the Beautiful and the amber waves of grain, except now it’s Merkins.

Circle of Fire where High plank is held and then as Q goes to down position of Merkin, PAX to right in successive wave go to down and then Q returns up to high plank and circle continues, forming a vocal wave of pain, completed an unknown numbers of waves

The Thang pt.4:

Hx lesson about Pyramids…

Partner up and while one PAX performs 20 Merkins, the other does WWIs x20, then flapjack. Followed by 30 of each, then 40 of each.


Dying Cockroach: LBC position, where lower half goes up and to left, followed by top healf in 2 full rotations. TIME!

Great VQ SoccerMom!!!! Thanks Coach 😉


  • Christened FNGs WMD and KEEN, Welcome fellas!
  • Praise for Barney and his family welcoming Savannah Rose home recently (hopefully we will see this bleary-eyed Papa again soon…)
  • Saturday the Forge will burn-on as Numbtucks returns and Qs
  • Warpath 8 Saturday 5am @ F3Franklin AO BattleGround. 3D and Shocker at least will represent
  • TN CAN RUCK taking place the same day…message Princess Aurora about it

Love getting to lead these HIMs. Love seeing newer PAX stepping up and leading. Love seeing two new PAX initiated today, WELCOME! You are why we’re here.

Until next time,

3D, out!

6 Blast off in BLIMPs at The Forge

6 PAX in Attendance: HushPuppy, Soccer Mom, Netflix, Nimbus 2000, Aunt Bea & 3rd Degree (QiC)

Warm up Mosey around NHS Field gate to opening, everyone touched the Sword in the Stone on passing toward the track.


  • 14 Seal Jacks
  • 14Tempo Squats
  • 14 LBACs forward and 14 Reversed
  • 25 seconds of WMH & GM OYO

The Thang pt.1:

The Burpee-Beast Mile

10 Burpees Every 1/4 mile (1 lap), start and end with 10 Burpees. 1 mile, 50 Burpees at 8min mile pace during laps was goal. Most completed in this time frame. Soccer Mom killed it and averaged 7 min mile pace. All in all, finished mile and burpees in ~10 minutes. Everybody warm? Great, let’s go.

The Thang pt.2:

Takeoff in a BLIMP

AMRAP instructed exercise while partner runs across football field 100yd there and back with instructed Mode of Transportation (MOT) then Flap Jack


  • Burpees
  • Lunges
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Merkins
  • High Plank


  • Karaoke (Switch leading side at 50 yd line)
  • Politician
  • Regular Mosey
  • Skank (Skipping with as high a vertical component as possible)
  • Grab Bag (mix and match 4 MOTs switching everytime you go 50 yds, must be 4 different variations)

After that…

The Thang pt.3:


Loved it last week, had to bring it back: Bear crawl and then crawl-bear Sprints from endzone to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 yardlines with Burpee Speedbumps at every 10 yard mark 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 all set to the 8:16 minutes:seconds of Stairway to Heaven. It rocked! YOU TRY IT!


Partner Carry Variations:

Wheelbarrow, Piggy Back, Partner Drag, or Wounded Warrior your partner Flap Jack partners at 100 yards


Flutter Kicks IC x 25

Great work today men, total sweat-fest. F3Nolensville is getting better, stronger, faster! Loved seeing PAX go to the men still finishing and finish with them.


  • Pray for Barney and his family as they welcome another 2.0 any day now (Patience, peace, strength and health)
  • Pray for Hard season for NumbTucks’ family.
  • Pray for Aunt Bea friend recently Dx with cervical CA.
  • Matthew 7:24-27 Waves and Storms come no matter what, make sure you are on a solid foundation and you will stand.
  • Thankful to AuntBea for the Iced Coffee (Brought it in a cooler with a jogging stroller. Reminded me of Dude’s Group from What to Expect when Your Expecting film.) Hilarious! NHS Football team was coming in for practice as we were enjoying the brew and I thought we looked suspiciously like men enjoying JD on the Rocks!

Love getting to lead these HIMs.

Until next time,

3D, out!

Sparks Fly at The Forge

7 PAX in Attendance: Barney Fievel, NumbTucks, MRSA, CheezWhiz, Aunt Bea, Tebow & 3rd Degree (QiC)

Warm up lap 3/4 around NHS Track


  • 25 SSH
  • 25 Tempo Squats
  • 26 (2 per 4 count Cadence for 13 reps) Merkins IC
  • 12.5 LBACs forward and 12.5 Reversed
  • 25 seconds of GM

Start of The Thang:

10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes, nice and warm now! Slowsy to the other side of the track for…



  • Clap Merkins
  • Floating Starfish

MOT: Run across Football field Sideline to Sideline

After that…


Bear crawl and then crawl-bear Sprints from endzone to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 yardlines with Burpee Speedbumps at every 10 yard mark 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 all set to the 8:16 minutes:seconds of Stairway to Heaven. It rocked! YOU TRY IT!


Royal Burpees around the insignia at half-field

7 of each burpee called

We did: Turk n’ Burps, 360* Burpees (aka Tony Hawks), & Barrel Roll Burpees

Last but not least, some AYG Sprints x 3 sideline to sideline and 1 from endzone to endzone

Great work today men, total sweat-fest. F3Nolensville is getting stronger!


  • Pray for Barney and his family as they welcome another 2.0 any day now (Patience, peace, strength and health)
  • Pray for Hard season for NumbTucks’ family.
  • Pray for CheezWhiz and Ragdoll as their business rolls out new stuff and CheezeWhiz is remodeling a home
  • Make sure we put others (families) before ourselves. We are to be servant-leaders. Weekends are not for us to serve ourselves.
  • 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 “Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be men of courage, be strong. Whatever you do, do in love.”
  • Thankful to Tebow for the Iced Coffee (not ColdBrew…get it right!) Our coffeeteria went for 40 minutes. Love it!

Love getting to lead these HIMs.

Until next time,

3D, out!

Broken Wheel Field-trip!

8 PAX in Attendance: Barney Fievel, Soccer Mom, Von Trapp, Show Me, Aunt Bea, Netflix, Tebow & 3rd Degree (QiC)

YHC couldn’t sleep (too excited about Q’ing) and came early for a 10 burpee on the minute for 10 minutes pre-party. Awesome playlist, if I say so myself. Eventually the PAX came in and we got (kept) rolling.

Warm up lap around parking lot, enjoying the aroma of ripe port-o-jons


  • 13 SSH
  • 13 SJ
  • 10 Tempo Merks
  • 10 Tempo Squats
  • 30 seconds GM OYO
  • 30 seconds Willy Mays Hays

Mosey to Nolensville Elementary School Pain-ground (~0.3 mi) for 11s


  • Swerkins (Swing Merkins)
  • Pull-ups

MOT: lunge walk back and forth

Back to Park bridge (~0.4 mi)

“It’s kinda my thing…”

Bear crawl and then crawl-bear the bridge. Always a good time.

Old-guy Wisdom imparting intermission. I think they were intimidated by Netflix’s biceps and were overcompensating…anyway, enough mumble-chatter, time to land this thing…


  • Flutter Kicks x 25 IC
  • High-Plank, alternating Knees to opposite Elbow x 25 IC

What?! Over already? The fun was just starting…to be continued at The Forge!


  • Convergence tomorrow at Centennial Park (Parthenon) 5:30-7:30 CSAUP. Hit me up if you want to carpool.
  • Pray for Barney and his family as they welcome another 2.0 any day now (Patience, peace, strength and health)
  • Make sure we put God first, then family, then everything else…priorities

Love getting to lead these HIMs.

Until next time,

3D, out!

Battle Brothers @ Titan

14 PAX Present at the inspiring Parthenon for a Brother-themed Q by YHC today.

PAX: Third Person, Porcelain, Bicentennial Man, Princess Aurora, Mickey Mouse, Reveille, Right Said, Hi-Viz, Smokey (Willy Loman from NC), Doubtfire (F3Knoxville PAX), the Bandit (F3Knoxville?), Blue Mule, Trapper Keeper, 3rd Degree (QiC)

Quick mosey to East side of Parthenon for WoR: SSH, SJ, Tempo Squats, IW, LBAC F and BaCs F

7s: Double shot of Jack-ees at bottom (Burpee with plank jack after merkin and SSH instead of jump at end), Piggy-Back Carry Partner up stairs, Lt. Dans at Top (Plank and wait for Partner PRN) Bear Crawl down stairs, Continue 7s alternating carrying-partner each time (Mickey really liked this one…Bicentennial Man almost got runover twice)
Mosey to John Thomas Statue on SW side of Parthenon
Speed Bump of Partner Leg Throws x20 each
Mosey to the Pain-ground
 One Partner High-Planks until other Partner performs 5 pull-ups, 10 Merkins and 15 squats
x5 rounds each partner
Mosey to Parking lot North of Parthenon:
Perform Mary exercise until Q yells GO! and then sprint to other end of parking lot
Alternating High and Low planks
Twisting WWIs
Flutter Kicks
Back to Statue for 3:6:10 of DIDs
Dips, Irkins and Dirkins (3 of each, 6 of each, etc)
LBCs x25 IC
Freddie Mercuries x25 IC
Supermen x 10 IC (Hold up on 1-3, down on 4)
American Hammers x15IC
CoT, Countorama, NameoRama
F3Franklin Hosts Warpath8 7-21-18 5am @ Battleground launch. 4 hours of Fun (~14 miles, with 10 short AOs interspersed. JUST SAY YES!)
BrewRuck that same afternoon (DoubleDip!)
F3Dads camp 8-10 through 8-12 coming up. Sign up by 8-1.
Ecclesiastes 4:9–12
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken. (ESV)