Broken Wheel – 5/14/19

14 PAX: 3rd Degree, Numbtucks, Stats, TypO+, TV Guide, Mic Drop, Creeper, Kermit, Mufasa, HotNReady, Scrooge, Staples, Inspector Gadget, Tebow (QiC)

Warmup: quick ShowMe lap, then
2 rounds, 10 reps each of SSH, Merkins, & Squats, then
GM, WMH, and lunge stretch

Main Event
Partial lap with medic in hand around the track to the football field which was in pristine and damp condition for:

Sally – squats

Then, from the sideline:
11s – V-ups & supermans (5 MC & run to opposite sideline after each set of 11)

Then, from the goal line:
15 MC merkins, bear crawl to mid-field
15 iron mikes (each leg is 1/2), bear crawl to opposite goal line
15 burpees
rinse and repeat back to the opposite goal line with 10 reps of each and crawl bear

3rd Degree may have won that race, but you’re all winners in my book. Participation trophies for all of you

Already fairly soaked, we circled for a little Mary right there in the wet grass:
AH, WWI, alternating high to elbow planks, Imperials

Several PAX raged hard with Pre and Post Parties led by Creeper. Nice work, fellas.

– F3 Dads this Sunday 5/19, 3:00pm @ Nolensville Park
– 2ndF Saturday 5/25, 6:00pm @ Staples’ barn for brisket smoked by Numbtucks; possibly the most anticipated 2ndF to date; we may need t-shirts made for this event; TV Guide, start working on Barn and Brisket art; mouth is watering already; Numbtucks will buy the meat (USDA Prime only), and we will reimburse him + tip + drinks + whatever else for holding down the pitmaster duties

Be praying for Scrooge’s Mom as she gets back test results Thursday, and for Soccer Mom

Good work, everybody

Foggy Broken Wheel – 4/9/19

Public semi-locked Field @ Nolensville Park

19 PAX came out – Stats, Show Me, TypO+, 3rdD, TVG, Hush Puppy, Inspector G, Creeper, Wolverine, Nacho Libre, Kermit, Barney Fievel, Numbtucks, Staples, Road Rash, Mufasa, Scrooge, Old Hickory, Tebow (QIC)

Conditions in three words: foggy, gloomy, damp.
Several got up early and pre-gamed with a pull up, jump squat apocalypse. Nice work Numbtucks, Typo, Staples, Kermit, Show Me, Barney, & 3rd Degree.

At 0530 we all got started and warmed up with a quick lap, then SSH, Goofballs/Nordic Tracks, Hillbillies, ACs, Huggers, Merks, MCs, low plank climbers, calf/lunge stretch, squats

10min AMRAP – Running Cindy + burpees:
– parking lot lap
– 5 burpees (gotta pay to play)
– 1 round of Cindy (5 pu, 10 merks, 15 squats)

Mosey to the football field (where the gates were on serious lock down – chains, heavy duty locks, face ID, the works; approximately 30% of the perimeter of the field, though: fence-less… welcome to Nolensville) for a couple of couplets

21-15-9 reps of:
– V-ups
– Burpees
Then, lunge to midfield,
21-15-9 reps of:
– American Hammers
– HR merks
Then, lunge back to goal line

Finally, dig deep, embrace the pain:
40 low plank climbers
40 jump knee tucks

My time was up. PAX including but not limited to 3rd Degree, Barney, Hush Puppy, and Show Me wanted more, so they got in a post party (again, Nolensville likes to party) of Yurpees.

– Warpath XI this Saturday starting @ Armada (Pinkerton Park) @ 0500. Check Slack, contact the Franklin crew to confirm details
– Also this Saturday, Stats on Q (not Scrooge) at the Forge with pre-party starting @ 0515
– Sterno’s got the reins on Thursday at The Pound!

Good work by all. Go Braves


Ski Prep @ The Forge 3/2/19

17 PAX consisted of Altidore, Stats, 3rd Degree, Kermit, Ragdoll, Sterno, Typo+, Best Balls, Little Miss Piggy, Cheese Whiz, Show Me, Numbtucks, Staples, Creeper, Nimbus1075, Old Hickory, & Tebow (QiC).

3rd Degree led a solo pre-party of Bearway to Heaven (I wasn’t there, so I cannot confirm whether it was Led Zeppelin or a Led Zeppelin cover band version of Stairway to Heaven) before Stats joined in mid-way.

We got warmed up with a quick jog/shuffle/politician into SSH, BACs, pause merkins, GMs, pause squats, calf/lunge stretch, more squats, burpees, skaters, and a quick demo of Hillary* merkins
(*hand release clap = HRC = Hillary Rodham Clinton = Hillary)

Props to the banged up Numbtucks for hanging out and doing some pilates/PT in the parking lot while we did our thing. We covered some NHS/Summerlyn real estate; It went like this:

– Parking Lot Tabata: (skaters, tuck jumps) x 2, (AHs, MCs) x 2
– Indian (aka upside down kingdom) Trail Run w/ speed bumps: 10 Hillary merks + 15 jump squats at each bump
– 10 burpees + 10 lungees then, w/ partner,
– 3 min AMRAP of lateral hop x 20 over partner in plank, switch
– Soccer Field Leg Circuit: 4 iron mikes, 4 jump squats, 4 broad jumps (advance the width of the field)
– Playground 3 min AMRAP w/ partner: (T2b + pull up) x 5 (scale: 10 underdoggies) while partner does Al Gore, switch
– Copenhagens x 30
– Soccer Field Leg Circuit (half of field width)
– reunite with Numbtucks for a final Parking Lot Tabata: wide merks, V-ups, diamond merks, AHs, merks, V-ups, MCs, tuck jumps

Finally, some flutter kicks with the remaining seconds finished up our hour.

Post-Party action was a politically inspired “Democratic Convention” of 5-1 Hillarys, w/ 30 yd politicians in between.

Great work by everyone. One confession – I skipped over more planned burpees due to what seemed like merlot from Cheese Whiz mid workout. After the workout he claimed it was phlegm. Not sure if I believe him, but assuming he’s not lying, I then kinda felt like the way you feel when you leave a birdie putt short…what could’ve been…Sorry, guys. We’ll make up for the lost burpees next time. A fired up Show me coined a new name for Indian Run – Upside Down Kingdom run – in a way that only Show Me can. Good work, Show Me.

Let this date, 3/2/19, be known as the day that E&B finally opened after weeks, months, years of anticipation. Look out 2nd F

!CONVERGENCE! with F3Franklin !THIS SATURDAY!, 3/9/19, 0600-0730 @ Pinkerton Park. Let’s show up strong and have some fun with our brethren down in Franklin. Word is they’re a little rough around the edges, and they may not shower and brush as often  as is standard, but they’re good people, too. See y’all at Broken Wheel,



The Pound – 1/24/19

13 PAX – Sterno, 3rdD, TV Guide, Kermit, Creeper, Altidore, Stats, Steinbrenner (via F3Memphis), Inspector Gadget, Show Me, TypO+, Nimbus 1350, Tebow (QIC)
Conditions: like a cold shower – cold, soggy, exhilarating?

We tried to Warm Up with a short jog/shuffle and then SSH, Imperial Walkers, Squats, BACs, Huggers, Merkins, Spider Climbers, Squat Jacks, and Floating Starfish

5 min AMRAP x 2 (PAX split into 2 groups)
Playground station: 8 t2b, 8 AH, 8 Floating Starfish
Pavilion station: 8 dips, 8 derks, 8 one-legged burps

Mosey to the Brewery – speed bump of 10 balls to the wall at the concession stand at the urging of 3rd Degree

With partner:
Lt. Dansbees (Lt. Dan + burpee) x 50, partner runs lap, switch
Burpee iron mikes (burpee + iro… you get it) x 50, partner runs lap, switch

There was pre-party and post-party action – you know how we do it. And by we I mean several other guys. Good work, fellas. Props to Kermit for the deer jerky and coffee.

Welcome, Steinbrenner from F3 Memphis. Prayers for Kermit’s daughter’s test results. And continue to pray for Soccer Mom.

til next time,



Merry Christmas @ The Pound – 12/20/18

14 PAX for a dark and rainy good time: Staples, Kermit, Show Me, TypO+, Griswold (FNG), Mursa, Cheese Wiz, 3rd Degree, Altidore, Stats, Sterno, Creeper, Netflix, Tebow (QIC). We had all the Christmas spirit feels with some Christmas music – with a minor malfunction (thanks, Mursa for the gloom-proof speaker).
3rd Degree and Creeper got in a pre-party of 8 rounds of 5 burpees with a sprint. Well done, fellas

WARM UP jog then,
SSH x10
Imperial Walkers x 10
Squats x 10
Merkins x 10

Let’s WORKOUT shall we
Run / politician suicides with exercises:
(Run) 0.5 light pole for 25 merkins (then politician back)
1 light pole for 50 iron mikes
1.5 light poles for 75 mountain climbers
2 light poles for 100 SSH

Mosey to Mill Creek Brewery happy hour:
Bear Crawl / reverse lunge suicides, then repeat with
Crawl Bear / lunge suicides

Happy hour continues:
10-1 reps of:
Apollo Onos
HR merkins
American Hammers

Lots joined in (were guilted in?) for a post party led by 3rd Degree (he likes to party) of 10 pull ups, 9 merks, 8 jump squats, 7 pull ups, …
Coffeeteria at Nolensville’s finest, Mama’s Java (pending E&B completion) with Numbtucks, 3rd Degree, and Show Me discussing the Christmas devotional.

Welcome, Griswold, Typo’s bro-in-law. Love the rake story. Classic Clark Griswold.

Continue to pray for Soccer Mom and his family as they’re about to move next month. Check out for more info and to stay caught up. Also be praying for Soccer Mom’s sister-in-law (and newborn baby) as she starts cancer treatment.

See y’all on Saturday. Merry Christmas!



Stranger Things & Numbtucks tribute – The Pound 11/1

11 men showed up for a heavy-hearted tribute to recently injured PAX – by a couple folding tables, no less, allegedly – Numbtucks. It was a single-leg themed workout from the warmup on. Also, still in Halloween mode, we got weird with some Stranger Things etc. music. Not the “Neverending Story” soundtrack as Barney guessed. Close, though.

11 PAX
: TV Guide, Barney Fievel (Co-Q), Altidore, Nimbus 1100, Stats, Sprinkles, Pocahontas, Mursa, Creeper, HushPuppy, Tebow (Co-Q)

Lap around the track then, SSH x 15, GM x 10, SL GM x 10 each leg, SL inchworms x 5 each leg, huggers, squats

10, 9, 8, … 1 SL merkins
SL hop from light to light between sets

5 min AMRAP:
5 toes to bar
5 SL burpees

Q reigns were handed to Barney who led us on a merkin run around town. Performed irkins and derkins at various spots before heading to the church to attempt some merkin waves (circle merks?). Still needs some work.

Back to the parking lot for
“Sally” – squats (PAX were mercifully given choice between squats and more merks)

Alt. shoulder taps, crunchy frogs, AHs, reverse plank SL holds

2ndF lunch at Nolensville’s own In-n-Out, Burger Shack TODAY @ 11:30
Get well Numbtucks

See y’all at lunch


The Pound is Launched

iPhone 7 front facing camera not all that good in the dark

Nolensville’s newest, freshest AO, The Pound, got off to a solid start with a Tebow-led Elite 11 wannabe QB camp. 3rd Degree, Altidore, Show Me, Nimbus, Stats, Barney Fievel, Typo+, Creeper, HushPuppy, Pocahontas, and Tebow were present.

Jog to soccer fields – thanks to whoever turned on the lights
SSH x 25
GMs x 10
Inchworms x 5
BACs x 10 + 10
Huggers x 10
Lunge stretch
Squats x 10
SSH x 10

Soccer field trudge – down and back:
Duck Walk / Merkins – down
Partner 1 – duck walk until partner 2 tags in, then merkins
Partner 2 – 15 merkins, then run and tag in to duck walk
Lt. Dans / Burpees – back
Partner 1 – walking Lt. Dans until partner 2 tags in, then burpees
Partner 2 – 10 burpees, then run and tag in for Lt. Dans

Mosey to Mill Creek Brewery parking lot for happy hour

11s – mountain climbers (x2) / iron mikes (x2) with run in between sets
Plank merry-go-round

Barney came through with the coffeeteria

Thanks to everyone for coming out and helping launch another opportunity to get better. Thanks to Stats and Altidore for the flag.
And, finally, Nolensville swag has arrived (online)! Thanks to TVGuide and 3rdDegree for producing. Order by Nov. 8 – go here to get all swagged up:


VQ & Ants – Broken Wheel – 9/25/18

The storms held off for Creeper to get his feet wet as Co-VQ. The ants, however, did not hold off according to Numbtucks.

10 PAX: Creeper (Co-VQ), Tebow (Co-Q), 3rd Degree, Numbtucks, Soccer Mom, Show Me, Stats, Barney Fievel, TypO+, Hush Puppy

Warm Up
Jog, SSH x 15, Inch Worms x 5, Imperial Walkers x 10, WMH, Squats x 10, Huggers, Roller Coasters, Merkins x 5

Merkin Mile – 4 laps around loop w/ partner
partner 1 does 10 merks @ halfway point of each loop while partner 2 planks
partner 2 does 10 merks after each loop while partner 1 planks

Indian Wall Sits – everyone on the wall while each PAX successively does 2 laps around concession stand

Bear Crawl Ring of Fire – bear crawl around pavilion one complete rotation CCW, then 10 merks each successively while all other pax in plank; RxR CW

Flutter Kicks, AH, Crunchy frogs, Side planks, Mountain climbers, Al Gore

Great work by Creeper leading us through the workout portion. I hope I used the word “successively” right because I doubled down and used it twice.

The Forge is happening this Saturday for those who aren’t attending the 4 year anniversary at Stonewall. 2ndF this Saturday night at TypO+’s house. Check slack for details.








The Forge – 9/15/18

19 PAX took in the sunrise-ish together at Nolensville High. They were:
Nimbus, 3rd Degree, Numbtucks, Cheese Whiz, Netflix, Altidore, Little Miss Piggy, Typo +, Stats, Utter, Show Me, HushPuppy, Barney Fievel, Soccer Mom, RagDoll, Tebow (QIC), Ned Ryerson (FNG), Pocahontas (FNG), & Happy Gilmore (FNG)

We bypassed the football field in search of some new territory and also because it was locked, and headed to the soccer field which was unlocked (obviously an indictment of NHS’s view of their soccer program) where we did:
High knees, side shuffles, and some politician before circling up for some

SSH x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15
Squats x 10
Lunge Stretch (“Barre”/yoga portion of the workout)
Squats x 10
HR merks x 10

Got Some
11s – V-ups & Merkins

Cross the soccer field via
Burpee Broad Jumps (4 jump lunges after every 4 burpees; feel a little bad about that, FNGs)

Cheesy Tabata x 2 (8 mins)
Imperial Squats, HR Merks, WWIs, Mountain Climbers, Forward Lunges, Reverse Lunges, etc…

Mosey to the playground, partner up for
10 rounds each:
Partner 1 – 5 plank jack merkins (jerkins) only while
Partner 2 – bar hang (L-position)

Mosey around the courtyard only to find that EDGE that we all search for in the form of the perfect concrete box jump/step up/dip platform maybe ever created. We performed a variation of those exercises for several minutes while being serenaded by Mr. Geddy Lee, D.L. Roth, and our friend Axl

Mosey back to the parking lot for a quick cool down,
Willie Mays Hayes
Mountain Climbers

Loved to see that big of a group come out on Saturday morning including 3 FNGs. We’ve received word that the FNGs – “I will not answer to War Eagle” Pocahontas, Needle-Nosed Ned Ryerson, and Gilmore, Happy – relayed some positive reactions and should be returning. Allegedly. Great work, everybody. See y’all at Broken Wheel on Tuesday!



Football Saturday @ The Forge 8/11/18

PAX: Numbtucks, Cheese Whiz, Little Miss Piggy, Creeper, Nimbus, Soccer Mom, Tebow (QIC), 2-Star (FNG)

400m jog
Circle up at mid-field, disclaimer,
SSH x 15
Good mornings x 10
Burpees x 5
BACs x 10 both ways
Burpees x 5
Lunge stretch
Squats x 10

Gettin Some
First Down & 11s – squats & hr merkins (advance 10 yds after each “11” – end zone to end zone)

Partner up: “Exotic Smashmouth” – Burpee over partner in plank x 5 each (advance 10 yds – end zone to end zone)

“Exotic” side shuffle suicides – goal line to 10/20/30/40/50 yd line, 1 burpee every direction change

11s – V-ups & supermans

Mosey around baseball fields, a plank stop, and back to the gridiron

Partner up: back peddle 30 yds , bear crawl back / back step alt. lunges, 8-10 mins

Bataan death march* around track – Indian run, last in line does 3 burpees before running to front

American hammers

*typically includes 5 burpees, but in the moment some mercy was shown, for better or worse

Welcome FNG, 2-star. Couldn’t have been a better morning for gettin some work in. Also, college football (and NFL I guess) is almost here (go Noles). See y’all at Broken Wheel on Tuesday.