Titan 09/13/17

Q: Crawfish

PAX: Bicentennial man, Porcelain, Green Bean (ATL), Crawfish

The cool and soggy morning kept many PAX in the fartsack, but 4 persevered and were rewarded.

Mosey up the Parman Pl hill and back to the refuge of The Parthenon.

Warmorama: GM x 12IC, SSH x 30IC, WMH x 16IC, Toy soldiers x 10IC

Mosey to playground. While 2 PAX run around the performing arts center other PAX performs AMRAP pull-ups. Flapjack until group total reaches 150.

Mosey to Parthenon lot for Webbicide. 5 merkins at first lightpole, return to start. 5 merkins at 1st lightpole, 10 merkins at 2nd lightpole, return to start. 5, 10, 15 at 3rd pole… 5, 10, 15, 20 at 4th (Green Bean joined us for the last round following some confusion on launch point). R&R with squats.

Burpee indian run around jogging path back toward the launch point. After one round AYG back to the LP.

Mary: Flutter kicks x 30IC, J-Los x 15IC, Crunchy frogs x 10IC, 1 min plank progression.

COT: Prayers for Job and The Kemps, prayers for victims of Harvey and IRMA.

Small but hardworking crew today. Thanks for the effort men!



Stonewall 09/02/17

Q: Crawfish

PAX: Badboy, Three Putt, Deep Dish, Porcelain, Toga, Third Person

Lots of stragglers this soggy morning, but 7 PAX came out to show Harvey what they thought of him.

Mosey to gravel lot for warmorama: GM, SSH, toy soldiers, WMH, BAC F/R

Plank compass: Perform 5 diamond merkins. With legs stationary use only arms to rotate 90 degrees to the right. 10 wide merkins, rotate 90 degrees to left. 20 regular merkins, rotate 90 degrees left. 10 wide merkins, rotate 90 degrees right. 5 diamond merkins.

Long mosey to the dog park. Split into 2 teams. 6 exercises, 50 reps each. Each PAX must complete all reps before team can move on to next exercise. First team to complete all exercises and a lap around the dog park wins. Exercises: Squats, Flutter kicks, merkins, alt leg jumping lunges, WWII sit ups, Makhtar NDiayes. 1 minute plank recovery.

Mosey to covered pavillion for burpee/merkin varietal 10->1 reps.

Mosey to bball courts. Bear crawl length of court and back. Lunge length of court and back. Duck walk, Crawl bear & broad jump each to half court and back.

Mary: Flutter kicks 30IC, American hammers 30IC, LBCs 20IC, Plank x 2min.

COT: Continued prayers for Job and the Kemp family.

