Flying Fickle Finger of Fortune

AO: toratoratora
Q: Hipster
PAX: The Bobs, 40 Minutes, Ultratecht, Daylight, Longcut, Invictus
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: pristine but sweaty

WARMUP: Quick mosey out of the airpark, grab a coupon, standard WOR fare on the blacktop

THE THANG: Wheel of Fortune

Each PAX spins the wheel (randome selection app), and as a group we do the specified movements. Here is the full menu of options:

4 x 25 yd sprint
50 yard suicide
25 flutters IC
25 Yard Admiral Dans
50 Yard Walking Lunges
1 minute coupon kb swings
1 minute high plank
1 minute merkins
10 Navy Seal burpees
1 minute dry docks
1 minute diamond merkins
25 American Hammers IC
25 partner merkin daps
1 min block curls
25 yard bear crawl
10 pullups
15 Kobe’s IC
Double Repeater
10 8 count BB’s
25 coupon goblet squats
1 min pickups
1 min coupon tri extendo
1 min plank jack thrusts
Dealers Choice
1 min coupon squat thrust
20 coupon bent over rows

We got through about 20 rounds total, and as fate would have it we did a lot of upper body work to compliment the lower body beat down from last Friday (thanks greyalbum)

MOLESKINE: New crowd favorite – partner merkin daps Chunks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming convergences

COT: TAPs for all the guys going through some stuff – thanks for sharing and being vulnerable, men. Leaning in to the discomfort is how we grow, and it helps to have support along the way. We’re all in this together.