Don’t Kill My Vibe

AO: toratoratora
Q: 40 Minutes
PAX: LogJam, Ultratecht, greyalbum, The Bobs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool and slightly damp, but nothing like last week…

WARMUP: Mosey and stretching


Partner Challenges
Pair up and complete as many reps as possible (AMRAP) in 2 minutes.
1. Push-Up Relay
– One partner does push-ups while the other holds a plank. Switch every 10 push-ups.
1. Leg Burner Combo
– Partner A holds a wall sit while Partner B does 20 bodyweight squats. Switch after squats.

Burpee DORA – Burpees
Partners do 50 Burpees collectively. Trigger is when the partner runs around the hangar.

Team Circuit
4 stations and rotate through 4 rounds. Work for 45 seconds, rest for 15 seconds between exercises.
1. Curls
2. Mountain Climbers
3. Jump Squats
4. American Hammers

COT: Lots of shared gratitudes and prayer requests.