
AO: thestronghold
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: bluemule, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Dan and Dave, toga, Chunks, Chyna, Young and Restless, Red Skull, Mullet, Right Said, Skeet, Decaf, Natural Ice – CBO, Airball, Yes Chef, Square root, Toadstool, Mane ‘N Tail, Saxman, D Pole, Big Rig, Duece and a Half, Jackie Moon, Take 3, Toots, Wolverine
FNGs: None

– Squats
– Merkins
– Arm Circles
– Air Press
– Seal Claps
– Moroccan Nightclubs
– Stretching as needed

PAX set off on a mosey toward the Helicopter Pad. However, YHC quickly grew deeply disappointed at the sluggish pace, so the mosey evolved into a series of sprints to keep things honest.

Burpee-A-Clock-Alypse – Round 1
– 5 burpees on the minute, every minute, for 15 minutes
– Between sets, YHC generously provided “active recovery” through squats, SSH, and LBCs
– Total burpees: 75

After finally feeling properly warmed up, we took off on sprint intervals back toward the StartEx. Along the way, we peeled off for 5 more rounds of burpees to bring the total up to a nice, even 100.

Upon returning to the StartEx and realizing we still had time left, YHC—ever the gracious leader—gifted the men with an opportunity to complete 5 bonus burpees (you’re welcome).

Outstanding effort from the men of 413 Strong today. The grit, attitude, and willingness to push through the suck were truly impressive. Proud to lead this crew!