The Wet Bandits

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: greyalbum, The Bobs, Ultratecht
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, Don Quixote, Imperial Walkers, High Knees, Merkins, Stretches, Arm Circles, Air Press, Seal Claps

THE THANG: “Wet Bandits Escape”
The Theme:
PAX took on the role of the Wet Bandits, bungling a break-in at Kevin’s house and attempting to “escape” through a gauntlet of booby traps and obstacles. The route simulated their chaotic escape, with periodic stops to “navigate obstacles” using themed exercises.

The Thang:
A quick mosey through the park to get loose, stopping at multiple “booby-trapped” locations along the way.

Station 1: “Paint Cans to the Face”
Imagine dodging paint cans swinging down from above.
– Exercise: Burpee Apocalypse
– Performed in descending sets: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (Total: 55 burpees)
– Obligation fulfilled as Chief Burpee Officer.

Station 2: “Slippery Steps”
Mimic the struggle of slipping on icy steps.
– Exercises (3 rounds):
– Mountain Climbers x 20 IC
– Freddy Mercuries x 20 IC
– Iron Mikes x 10 each leg

Station 3: “Micro Machines Mayhem”
Picture crawling over scattered toys in Kevin’s hallway.
– Exercises:
– Bear Crawls
– Walking Lunges

Station 4: “Burning Doorknob”
Channel your pain tolerance as Harry grabs the scorching doorknob.
– Exercises:
– Hand-Release Merkins x 20
– LBCs to cool off
– Repeated with descending Merkin counts: 15, 10

Station 5: “Broken Christmas Ornaments”
Avoid the pain of stepping on shattered ornaments scattered by Kevin.
– Exercises (3 rounds):
– WWI Sit-ups x 25 OYO
– American Hammers x 20 IC
– Repeated with depending WW1 Count 20 and 15

Bonus Station: “Penance for Late PAX”
– Additional burpees for late arrivals: 10 + 9 (Total: 19)
– Final Burpee Count: A modest 74.

MOLESKINE: Keep it moving!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brew Ruck tomorrow, YHC is looking for people to lead events and social hangs for F3

COT: Praises for The Bobs 1 year sober, and prayers for greyalbums family as the navigate his mothers struggles with Alzheimer’s

Thanks for the invite to the East Side and the opportunity to lead