Toy Story

AO: thebuffalo
Q: greyalbum
PAX: Sandlapper (David Suggs), Ultratecht, The Bobs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crispy and cold

WARMUP: On this day in 1995 the movie Toy Story was released. We gather today to honor this great film.

Buzz’s Arrival mosey
Arm circles (like Buzz flying)
High knees (landing like a space ranger)
Buzz Lightyear side straddle hops
Buzz’ To Infinity and Beyond ultimate stretch


Repeat 3 rounds 40 seconds ON/20 sec rest

1. “Woody’s Rope Climb” Climbing plank (alternate arm reach)
2. “Buzz’s Infinite Push-ups”
Push-up variations (optional hand lifts)
3. “Toy Army Crawl”
4. “Sid’s Dodge” Lateral bounds (quick side-to-side)
5. “Andy’s Stampede” Squat jumps 

40 secs ON/20 sec rest
Group 1 wall sit 
Group 2 merkins
Little Bo Peep Lost Sheep rows/overhead press
Pizza delivery drivers/squats
American hammers/Andy’s Army man sit ups
Inverted head stand merkins on the wall(descending into the alien toy grabber machine – “You have been chosen”)

COT: Thanksgiving travels