In my head take 2

AO: handsomizer
Q: Grape
PAX: Pep, Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Frasier, caprate, Black Lung, Old Maid
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: very pleasant, unlike the attitude of the lady setting up for Vandy commencement

10 good mornings OYO
Mosey to the bottom of stairs (a couple burpee stops along the way)

THE THANG: Partner up
Run the stairs while other partner does exercises
Change exercise with each new song

Ab thrusters
Monkey humpers
Back to startex with some Mary stops along the way

COT: prayers for Pep in his search for a project and for parents approaching summer


Tribute to Tamara, my step mom

AO: offthebooks
Q: morning stār
PAX: morning stār
FNGs: None

YHC got out way early to show solidarity to #pain-train official launch. This BD is dedicated to Tamara, my step mom who passed last week. She was 82.

CONDITIONS: 55F a few degrees colder than #pain-train right now ; sprinklers gong in the park

3:30 local time / 5:30 central time – YHC gave himself the disclaimer.

– 5! Motivators
– 1 lap around the park green (about .15 miles according to Strava)
– 10 rotation as of each joint
– 1 lap around
– OS resets (rocking, cross crawl, segmental rolls, baby crawl)

Today’s #may-you-pull-up ladder is 5,5,4,3,2. With the intent to build more “rest” time between sets YHC came up with:
5 rounds of … take the ladder number (x) and do:
– x pull ups
– x laps around green with x Lt.dans at the start and x! Motivators at the half way point
– rinse and repeat till done with pull up ladder

This ended up being:
– 19 pull ups
– 19 laps
– 79 Lt dans
– 79! Motivators

(If YHC had added this up ahead of the he would have put another 3 Lt dans and motivators in there for a total of 82.)

Ukrainian hammers till the end.

Practiced coming back to joy with GAMES, focused around my step mom, her passing and tantrum. Did this through our the BD.


– I didn’t want to get up and out, the fart sack was nice and warm. My desire to workout at the same time as #pain-train was what got me out there.
– Had to work through fears of perceived danger as I walked to the park. 3am is early.
– I didn’t want to get to get we and then I realized that my step mom didn’t want to get Parkinson’s. There’s lots of things I may not want in life and learning to work thekfubthen is a good life skill. Thankfully one only gets wet once.
– 82 minutes for 82 years of life. Life is precious.
– some ducks were out which was comforting even though every odd noise (from the sprinklers) kept triggering my horror movie fears that some one was about to jump out and chase me
– had a profound revelation about “modify as necessary” … that removes the excuse that x is injured and so I’ll stay home. I still show up and do something different. A commitment to BE there with the PAX is power. It also takes intention to decide how to modify and fortitude to do it.
– Didn’t think I could do pull-ups due to a twinge in my left shoulder, but it felt much better after warmup!

keep moving my friends,

ALL ABOARD! Pain Train Launch!

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack , Siri
PAX: Cheeks, voucher, Timber, The Banker, FLO, G-string, Firefox, Toothless, Vector, Salami, Puzzlah, Pop-A-Lock, Sooie, Ex-Pat, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Peeerrrfection

WARMUP: Jog around the track and a Siri led shoulder burn.

Thang 1 – Coupon 11’s
Merkins on one end
Coupon squats on the other
Coupon carry between the two sides

Thang 2 – Parking Lot Tabata
20 seconds work/10 seconds rest
Jump Squats

Jog around the church

Iron Mikes

Jog back to caboose

THANG 3 – Merkin Ring of Fire
PAX circle up in high plank. Go around in a circle doing 1 merkin, then 2, then 3, then 4. Hold high plank waiting for the merkin to come back around to you. Feel the burn!!

MOLESKIN: PAX enjoyed coffeterria and tagging coupons with F3 logo after.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: may-you-pull-up challenge is upon us!

COT: Thanks to everyone for coming out to the launch today. Thought a lot about what it means to Plant Grow and Serve lately. As Pain Train enters its SERVE phase a reminder to all PAX to seek out initiatives to Plant something for yourself, put the time and energy necessary for it to Grow and then find how it can best serve others. Cheers!

Staying Dry

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Cal Worthington / Nantan / F3 Charleston Cent, bluemule, Nutty Professor, Cowboy, moneyshot, Haggis
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Wet with eventual sunny sunrise

WARMUP: various stretches

THE THANG: 10 – 1
– Hand Release Merkins
– Y’s
– T’s
10 – 1
– Squats
– Lunges
– humpers
10 – 1
– Alabama Prom Dates
– Jane Fonda L
– Jane Fonda R
10 – 1
– ww1
– Leg Raises
– Reverse Crunch

One lap
20 low and slow squats
20 carolina dry docks
20 diamond merkins
20 legs raises
20 crunchy frogs

MOLESKINE: the rain tricked us but we remained dry and content. Cal Worthington / Nantan / F3 Charleston Cent brought good energy once again this week. Nutty Professor looked right at home on the track.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: pain-train launching tomorrow! greenmachine Will be closed next week for thestronghold

COT: prayers lifted for perspective in this life. No day is guaranteed so be quick to love, quick to forgive, slow to speak and slow to anger. Gratefulness for Haggis and his new job!


AO: atlantis
Q: SalPal
PAX: Firefox, Young Pawn, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Crawlspace, Right Said, sooner, Lunch Lady, Timber, Wolfpack, Sooie, The Merchant, Subway, Siri, Bareback, Chunks, Skidmark (lol)
FNGs: 1 Skidmark (lol)
Please comment the person I forgot and I’ll add. Running on 3 hours of sleep and as many cups of coffee.

CONDITIONS: 2 inches of water on every playable space at West Park

WARMUP: Quick circle of standard warmsups

THE THANG: 10 men took their shirts off, 9 left them on, played 7v7 ultimate with subs. Good times had by all.

MOLESKINE: Loved the energy and commitment to the game out there. Thanks for coming out guys.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: pain-train launch! may-you-pull-up ongoing. Comment if I missed any.

Siri’s dog
Lunch Lady and ongoing improvement in health + friend’s funeral this weekend
Right Said Crawlspace family recovering
Young Pawn and M on tough conversations
Intentions spoken and unspoken

In my head

AO: titan
Q: Grape
PAX: Pep, SalPal, Natural Ice, Tim the Toolman, caprate, Puzzlah, DintyMoore, Sherlock, Salami, The Merchant, Right Said, Cal Worthington / Nantan / F3 Charleston Cent, Cropduster, CropDuster, Churro, DoorDash
FNGs: 3 CropDuster, Churro, DoorDash
CONDITIONS: sweaty and spicy

10 Imperial Walkers
10 OH Clap
10 Seal claps
10 Moroccan night clubs
Mosey to the ellipse

THE THANG: Partner up
Run the ellipse while other partner does exercises
Change exercise with every song
OH Press
Dry docks
Mountain Climbers
Freddie Mercs
Back to startex for flutters at “closing time”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: May you pull up
Ultimate at Atlantis

COT: Right Said family health
Cropduster dad’s health
@churro coworkers
@doorsash dad’s health
SalPal daughter’s ear infections

Black Dots

AO: iiipillars
Q: Young Pawn
PAX: Black Lung, Grape, Pep, Haggis, gov’t mule, YumYum, t-cell, Go Fish, Teva, Formica, Swiffer, Pipe Dream, Full Monty
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSHs, arm circles, Hillbillys, Imperial Walkers, and a mosey to the track. Then, a 4 minute plank to show that iiipillars has what it takes to match middle-tooth.

THE THANG: Two rounds of a 45s on, 15s upper body circuit punctuated by a lap of the track and followed by 3 minutes of Mary.

MOLESKINE: Thanks to Haggis for coming in clutch with the Rivian:tm: speaker. Playlist is if anyone needs a backup. iiipillars boasts a really delightful group of HIMs, I look forward to being back.

:coffee:️ Coffee provided by the imitable princessaurora on his way to Mammoth Cave.
🧎‍♂️‍➡️ Prayers offered for three with cancer, Haggis job interview, and other requests spoken and unspoken.

Hear us when we call, O God of our righteousness, have mercy on us and hear our prayer.


Illegal Takeover

AO: the-knoll
Q: The Banker
PAX: Sooie, Pebbles, Parka-Eh, Wolfpack, Timber, morning stār, G-string, Ex-Pat, Rubix, Bumblebee, Pele
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey to baseball park with a few stops to do BAC’s and Good mornings.

THE THANG: 11’s Burpees one end, squat jumps/lunges MOT, Donkey Kicks on other end

2 each Wall sits and rotating one leg extension (one min total)

Mosey back and took a pit stop in front of El Cap’s home to do some big boys in his honor.

MOLESKINE: Talked about Pele and his ability when things got hard or pressure was intense to remember his Why. He’d think back to when he was a boy and playing barefoot. That joy allowed him to play free. May we always build our foundation on that joy that allows you to love freely!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: May push-up challenge

COT: prayers for all!

2ndFing while co-working in public, Bellevue Edition

AO: 2ndf
Q: morning stār
PAX: Wolfpack, FLO, Ex-Pat, morning stār
FNGs: None
4 PAX enjoyed a meal, focused productivity and intentional conversation on a fine Tuesday afternoon in Bellevue, TN.

CONDITIONS: the pizza was good, the space was spacious and the Italian music was loud

WARMUP: YHC and FLO chatted about life and work as we enjoyed our pizzas. Ex-Pat joined for the remainder of lunch. Wolfpack came later after a work call.

THE THANG: several rounds rounds of 25 min focus work time followed by 5 to 10 min walk around One Bellevue from 12:30pm to 3:30pm. Modify as necessary.

– This was a good second iteration for those of us that work from home (alone). We intend to do this weekly, likely on Weds am.
– YHC found a coupon in an alley way to add to the pain-train inventory!

– We’ll do this again next week on Wed from 8am to 11am at the well, then lunch at 11.


AO: westeros
Q: CubCadet
PAX: DintyMoore, Vector, Tim the Toolman, Pep, Hair Band, Red Skull
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Wet and windy with a hint of electricity in the air. And then, at 5:30, the skies cleared…

WARMUP: Mosey to the school pick-up and drop-off circle. Mumblechatter reflected on how nice it was to just be 5 men over 50 hanging out. And then DintyMoore and Hair Band joined us, late. Mix of SSH, Arm circles F / B, seal claps, WMH, GM, IW and HK. Pax sufficiently warmed up.

THE THANG: Belated celebration of Cinco-de-Mayo, with Pep getting the right answer on the history of the holiday. Hint, has nothing to do with Mexican Independence or the Alamo.

C – Climbers, 35 reps each leg
I – Iron Mikes, 45 reps each leg
N – (High) Nees, 55 reps each leg
C – Crunches, 65 four count
O – Overhead Claps, 75 reps

Between each letter, pax did a lap of the traffic circle. Last lap was done French retreat style, backwards (aka Bernie).

Mixed in some squats and chair on wall, then mosey to front steps. Did two sets of stair climbs doing incline merkins every other step. Mosey back to start for 8 minutes of Mary, round robin, 25 reps each exercise.

Entertainment provided by an 80’s pop rock mix (Squeeze, Phil Collins, Huey Lewis), yeah really old stuff. It was a recycle, because I didn’t remember I was Q until 10:35 last night.

MOLESKINE: Gratitude for opportunity to work out together on a day when most thought the weather wouldn’t cooperate.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: pain-train kicks off in Bellevue this weekend. No bomber And for those, like me, who missed it, westeros has a new AOQ. Thanks to Chunks for his leadership, and to bluemule for stepping up to lead.

COT: Prayers for Hair Band visit home to Mom, his company and his new endeavors at church. Prayers for Pep to get another project at work. I’m probably forgetting something. Sorry. Oh, and thank you, Lord, for letting the Respects win one hands down, no ties / no debate.