[offthebooks] Pain Train Take 3 (Res Caboose Park on Bellevue)

AO: offthebooks
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, 0, 0
FNGs: 1 0
CONDITIONS: 55 degrees and perfect

WARMUP: Half mile mosey and some stretching


Thang 1:
Merkin Mountain – 1 merkin, 1 burpee, 2 merkins, 1 burpee, 3 merkins, 1 burpee… continue alternating up to 10 merkins then back down to 1. 100 total Merkins and 19 Burpees

Thang 2:
15 yard down and back lunges with sidetwists x5

1/5 mile Mosey

Thang 3:
1 set Max Pull Ups
3 sets half reps of max

Two sets of:
20 LBCs in cadence
20 side to side heel taps in cadence
10 knee raise
10 second hanging hold


COT: Fantastic conversation about what it’s like to be in that unknown and off balanced space between stability and transition.