Green Machine – 12.30.21 – “Wet Leg”

Six PAX took a ride on the Green Machine Thursday morning. Conditions: soggy and mild.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Cowboy, High Flyer, Moneyshot, Ponzi, Works For A Guy


Armed with an indie/alt/post-punk/rock playlist and some simple exercises, PAX took a long mosey before settling down at the pull-up station for a COP warm-up and EMOM circuit:

  • Pull-Ups x 5
  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 15

Perform all three sets, resting for remainder of minute. 15 minutes total.

Mosey over to the parallel bars for another circuit

  • Dips x 15
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups x 15
  • Lunges x 16

RnR x 4

Mosey along the westside of the Victory Trail to the steep hill leading up to yellow gate. Bernie up the hill x 8.

Hobble back to start for 2.25MOM:

  • Plank x 45″
  • Side Plank R x 15″
  • Plank x 15″
  • Side Plank L x 15″
  • Plank x 45″


High-quality crew this morning in spite of the fact that every time YHC Qs the Green Machine, it has been/is raining. Tclaps to High Flyer for the process improvement during our first circuit as well as for the hair-bending coffeeteria. For the musically curious, playlist is below.


TAPS for Charlie, Heather Norton, Spicoli Family, and other families dealing with sickness.

NYD Convergence tomorrow at Stonewall. 0600 run with Bagger and co.  0700 Main Event with White Bison coffeeteria to follow. Foxtrot has promised prizes and treats, so show up to find out what’s up his sleeve!

PA out.

Golden Horseshoe 2021-12-20

PAX: House on the Praire, Ponzi, Faulkner, Venus, Hugs not Drugs, Red Skull, Black Widow

QIC: Boone’s Farm

Conditions: a balmy 25


Mosey to BHS track

  • SSH x20
  • Squats x10
  • Shoulder Presses x10
  • Michael Phelps x10


  • Lap 1 around track
  • 20 merkins, lap 2
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, lap 3
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, lap 4
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, lap 5
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, 20 Lunges (1 is 1), lap 6
  • 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, 20 Iron Mikes, lap 7
  • 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, 20 Iron Mikes, lap 8
  • 20 WWI, 20 Iron Mikes, lap 9
  • 20 Iron Mikes, lap 10

House on the prairie and Ponzi finished under the 33-minute time limit.  Ponzi told YHC was about 5-7 seconds away from finishing under time (ouch).  Everyone put out great effort this morning with rather chilly conditions.

Prayers for those who lost family and friends as holidays often brings those wounds fresh.

Always an honor,


Quick Tour of Sir E’s Greatest Hits

12 21 21

Temp : 38
Gloom Factor : Moderate
PAX : Pedialtye, Det Pikachu, Yard Sale, Red Skull, Floppy Disk, Bagger Vance

Disclaimer Claimed 0530

Mosey through parking lot back up Marchant

Imperial Walkers x 12 IC
Hillbillies x 12 IC
Side Straddle Hops x 21 IC
Squat n Reach x 6 IC

Exploring the canvas of Sir E

Pull Ups x 21
Swerkins x 21
Squats x 21

-Big Lot-
Dips x 21
Irikins x 21
Dirkins x 21

Burpees x 21
Mtn Climbers (4 ct) x 21
Side lunges (2 ct) x 21

-White Barn-
Atomics x 21
Squat Jumps x 21
8 ct BB x 21

Speed Bumps
(1) 1 Burpee, 1 Squat, 1 Flutter Kick (4ct)
(2) 2 Burpees, 2 Squats, 2 Flutter Kicks (4 ct)
(3) 4 Burpees, 4 Squats, 4 Flutter Kicks (4ct)
(4) 8 Burpees, 8 Squats, 8 Flutter Kicks (4ct)

Plank Progression 1-2’
Alabama Prom Date Finishing Position 30”
Razor Cuts x 5 IC



*Prayers for traveling mercies over Christmas break.

*1 Jan 22 – NYD Tradition continues. Stonewall 0700. There will be coffee and treats. 0600 STP 4-5 mile Yog.

*IronClad – Our winter workout series kicks of 1 Jan as well. Link below.

F3 Nashville, its time for the return of the Ironclad Challenge and you need to sign up! From January 1 – March 31, 2022, PAX will earn points for participating in F3 events.

Sign up here today:
Let’s fill up this list!

First F
1. Posts – Post at least 26 times.
2. Posts below 32* – Post at least 3 times in temps below 32*
3. Away Posts – Post at least 5 times away from your normal AOs.
4. Q – Q at least 2 times.
Second F
1. 2F Event – Attend at least 2 second F events.
2. Coffeeteria – Attend at least 8 coffeeterias.
3. FNG or Kotter – Bring at least 1 FNG or Kotter with you to a post.
Third F
1. 3rd F Event – Attend at least 1 third F serving event. This can be with other F3 guys or on your own but if you do it on your own, you need to report about it at your next post.
2. Book – Read Freed to Lead or a minimum of 1 book on leadership.
1. CSAUP – Attend at least 1 CSAUP event. Attending GrowRuck 027 will count as fulfilling this category!



Temp: 51
Gloom Factor: Max
PAX: PSL, CCR, Pedialyre, Black Widow, Venus, MOU, W4AG, Toga, Topanga, D’Frost, Bagger Vance

0529:50 Disclaimer Claimed
Nice long mosey down Hogan, to Trousdale and back up bus loop w Skips, SS R/L, Bernie

Squat and Reach x 8 IC
SSH x 20 IC
HB x 10 IC
BAC F/R x 5 IC
High Plank Hand to the Sky x 10 SGL CT


Bottom of bus loop to the gate

7 Merkins
7 Squats return
SSH 4 6

7 (2 ct) ASTs
7 (2 ct) Lunges return
SSH 4 6

7 (8ct) BB
7 Squat Jumps return
SSH 4 6

7 (4 ct) Mtn Climbers
7 Russian Lunges (R/L) return
SSH 4 6

APD 4 6

Plank thrusters
APD 4 6

Dive Bombers
Hop kix
APD 4 6

RnR R I,III,V, VII as previous and II, IV, VI in succession.

Wall Sits


Black Widows x 5 IC R/L
Scorpions x 10 IC
Squat n Reach x 5 IC


Topanga didn’t puke which we all expected after his late night soirée with the bourbon n book club.
The personal text tactic worked as MOU & Toga can attest to.

*Prayers up for Spicoli’s family as he lost his battle with cancer on 10 December. Link below from caring bridge.

*Prayers for traveling mercies over Christmas break.

*1 Jan 22 – NYD Tradition continues. Stonewall 0700. There will be coffee and treats. 0600 STP 4-5 mile Yog.

*IronClad – Our winter workout series kicks of 1 Jan as well. Link below.

@channel F3 Nashville, its time for the return of the Ironclad Challenge and you need to sign up! From January 1 – March 31, 2022, PAX will earn points for participating in F3 events. Sign up here today: Let’s fill up this list!

First F
1. Posts – Post at least 26 times.
2. Posts below 32* – Post at least 3 times in temps below 32*
3. Away Posts – Post at least 5 times away from your normal AOs.
4. Q – Q at least 2 times.
Second F
1. 2F Event – Attend at least 2 second F events.
2. Coffeeteria – Attend at least 8 coffeeterias.
3. FNG or Kotter – Bring at least 1 FNG or Kotter with you to a post.
Third F
1. 3rd F Event – Attend at least 1 third F serving event. This can be with other F3 guys or on your own but if you do it on your own, you need to report about it at your next post.
2. Book – Read Freed to Lead or a minimum of 1 book on leadership.
1. CSAUP – Attend at least 1 CSAUP event. Attending GrowRuck 027 will count as fulfilling this category!

Check out the screen shot for more details. Happy winter PAX! 🥶
