Field Trip – Bomber – 08.30.19

Conditions: A perfect 68º with relatively low humidity

QIC: Toothless

20 PAX: Cub Cadet, Tiny Dancer, River Dawg, Pumpkin Spice, Princess Aurora, Black Lung, Lemon, Firefox, Hi-Viz, Denty Moore, Right Said, Shadow, Porcelain, Lunch Lady, T-Cell, Crab Legs, Vector, Hambone, Cooties (FNG)


  • 20 x Side-Straddle Hops
  • 10 x Willy Mays Hays
  • 10 x Windmills
  • 20 x Merkins
  • 20 x Little Baby Crunches
  • 20 x Squats

Main Event: Field Trip

PAX took off on an a mosey with an approachable pace down the greenway to the West. Upon reaching an access path to 51st, PAX held a plank and wait to group up.

The Q explained that the next leg would be a modified Indian Run down 51st where the back PAX would drop and complete 3 plank-jack burpees before running to the front of the line, tapping the new back PAX on his way up as a signal to drop for the burpees. After a short while the Q broke up the one line into two to allow for more participation. At a stop sign about a quarter mile down the road, all PAX dropped for 10 plank-jack burpees. PAX reconvened into on line for a brisk mosey to stop in front of Porcelain’s house.

The Q asked that everyone take a knee and pause the workout to offer thoughts or prayers for Porcelain and his M with the arrival of their new 2.0. This is one way the Q felt would speak to the fact that F3 is much more than a workout.

After that, the Q called recover and led another brisk mosey to Richland Park. There the PAX were instructed to complete a set of 7’s:

Hand Release Merkins – Lt. Dans (modified to Traveling Lunges) both ways – Prisoner Squats

There was a decent amount of disgruntled mumble chatter, and the HIP (High Impact PAX) found themselves a little red in the face after the running and additional leg work. After a plank and wait with arm raises to let the PAX finish, the Q started off on a mosey back down 48th. At a stop sign half-way back, the Q called for 10 plank-jack burpees for all PAX, who were remarkably spread out at that point in the mosey and needed some assistance grouping up. Credit to Tiny Dancer and Hambone who made a Kodak moment running side by side leading the mosey.

Post burpees, there was a slight incline to keep everyone’s heart rate up. Turns out the Q was pushing himself a bit and ended up with a Q splash at the last stop sign where the PAX graciously planked and waited. Q called a mosey to the post after he was “all out”.


Captain Thor until time – CT is an increasing ratio of 1:4 WWI’s to American Hammers, i.e. 1:4 > 2:8 > 3:12 > 4:16 and on

COT + Announcements:

  • Iron PAX 2019 is in full swing, catch the workouts on Mondays across F3 Nashville or other days if they’re offered – if you’re the Q on another day and have PAX who typically don’t post on Monday’s consider leading PAX through the Iron PAX challenge for the week
  • F3 Nashville 5 year anniversary is coming up on September 14, sign up form is a yes and no kind of RSVP so even if you’ll be DR, sign up and say you won’t be joining so the count is more accurate
  • There were a couple more announcements, but the Q did a bad thing and procrastinated this back blast leading to some gaps in memory. I’ll be better next time!

I was proud to be out there with such a fine group of HIM this morning. As always, it was an honor to lead!
