The Burden Run

22 PAX in Attendance : Creeper, Nimbus 1500, Stats, Staples, TVG, 3rd Degree, Old Hickory,  Cheez Whiz, Swinger, Show Me, Numb Tucks, Whoops, Ulysses, Sprinkles, Topper, Double Bird, Mickey Mouse, Pocahontas, Tebow, Little Miss Piggy, Ragdoll, YHC Kermit on Q.


Numb Tucks led 3D, TVG, Staples, Stats, Nimbus, & YHC on a 45 min off the cuff blaster.

Starting off with suicides on the tennis court. Partner up and PAX A suicides 7 laps while partner B planks. Each PAX continues this rotation in decreasing number, finally ending in 1 lap.

It was lovely to say the least. And I have failed to mention that is was already a stunning 98 degrees (J/K 72…) with a negative wind… it was pretty much like walking through warm pudding this morning except we were actually running through it.

Next 15-10-5 DIBs 3 Rounds. Where Im pretty confident that not a single PAX was actually keeping up with whatever they were doing because it would have been nearly impossible with that much MC….

Next was a quick mosey to the small bridge for a quick Bear Crawl (I felt cheated) and down the trail to the semi steep incline where we Crawl Beared up (I did not feel cheated…)

Then we continued our mosey around the pond where there was another speed bump of 50 calf raises. Which are deceptively difficult at 5:30a.m.

Mosey back to parking lot and called it a wrap. Thank the Lord.

Thanks Numb Tucks for stepping up and leading. Next time maybe Stats can get get there on time and he can lead….. :[

Medic: Brought to you by Metallica. History lesson included….

6:00a.m. starts with a quick intro, the fine print details and an impromptu prayer for those seeking The Higher Power. 

WarmUps :


Willie Mays Hays OYO

11ish SSH’s IC

High Plank (Lifting L&R Arm)

All the while giving a schooling on the background of Metallica and James Hetfields faith, or lack there of, depending on where you stand.

Thang (Burden Run)….

Think of a Indian Run mixed with a Batan Death March, meets a Ruck Sack and a Shovel Flag Carry, yep it freaked me out a bit too.

Its a little hard to explain you kinda needed to be there (TWSS?) but I’ll give it a good ol college try, which is destined to fail like all my other good ol college try’s….

PAX start to mosey as the lead PAX carries shovel flag. Starting Rear PAX drops and does 2 Burpees with said ruck. PAX then sprints to about 10 yards in front of the lead PAX (Carrying Shovel Flag) to provide enough time to drop the ruck and grab the shovel flag before he is passed. Now the new rear PAX continues in line until he reaches the dropped ruck where he then puts on the ruck, drops and does 2 Burpees, then sprints to 10 yards in front of the lead PAX, drops the ruck, and is handed the shovel flag. Rinse and Repeat.

This is the MOT for the entire workout.

Speedbump #1  (The Sidewalk)

50x Jane Fonda’s (I think that’s what they’re called) Lay on your side and raise your leg as high as you can. After 50 roll to your other side and repeat. Numb Tucks started complaining after 4… he was pretty consistent.

Speedbump #2 (The Curb)

25 Incline Merkins… They were more like baby incline merkins because the only incline was the curb….

Speedbump #3 (The Busses)

25 Decline Merkins. It just seemed right. There was a hill, we needed a speed bump to allow others to catch up, and bada bing bada boom.

Speedbump #4 (The Ledges)

I enjoy God’s created natural areas. I also like to pull out a few Sasquats when we can, so there’s that. Also, I enjoy meandering through the woods, so to train for the elevation gains and losses we used the ledges as a stair master.

25 Sasquats

50 Step Ups = (Step all the way up the ledge and back down with both feet, facing the ledge, counts as 1)

50 Step Downs = (Standing on top of the ledge and facing out, step all the way down with both feet and then back up, counts as 1)

Yes, you read that correctly.

Speed Bump #5 (The Cluster ….)

Theres was nothing “OK” about what happened here…

50 Negative Leg Raises

50 Negative WWI

One PAX literally crapped himself while doing one of the exercises. Because it completely disrupted the flow we did a 10 Burpee penalty for that ol messy mess.  That was completely uncalled for, thanks Wiz 🙂

We continued in our reps and a couple PAX broke out with amnesia and could not remember how many frikkin WWIs we were doing to the point that Q got a little irritated with folks inability to remember a simple number repeatedly, so,…  In honor of amnesia we did 10 more Burpees.

Speed Bump #6  (The Parking Lot)

Since now we are honoring things,…. In honor of Little Miss Piggies 16th wedding anniversary we finished the morning off with 16 Ironmikes each side is a half…. cause that makes sense right? After we finished, LMP stated that he is looking forward to 10 more years of marriage, so to honor that…. we did 10 more Ironmikes each side as one.

Thats a wrap.

Post Party – 

There wasnt a Post Party cause degummit everyone was frikkin spent. Or nobody stepped up. I actually forgot that we didn’t do a PP until I started writing this sentence…

Other News-

  • 2nd F opportunity:

We have quite a few. If I miss one I’m sorry so here goes: This coming week after Defiant and after Broken Wheel those who are interested will be meeting at E&B for a nutrition accountability group…. There are rules, goals, consequences, and rewards. Thanks Numb Tucks for leading this.

Next Friday we are doing some climbing at Ascent in M’Boro around 6:00pm. and then food and beer afterwards. If you’re interested hit up Kermit.

In July Stats is heading up another challenge, I forget the deets but check Slack for more info, Im sure we will be seeing some emphasis on this as it draws closer.

  • 3rd F opportunity:

Staples coworker Robert lost his life this week. Lift up Roberts family as they are grieving.

Thank you HIM for burning it out today.  Its a blessing to have the opportunity to serve you guys.

Peace out!
