Carmen Sandiego Stole Barney’s Coupons!

Image result for carmen sandiego

Conditions: 56 and partly cloudy. Sweating season.

Pre-party led by 3rd Degree consisted of 8 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 4 merkins, and 3 of toes to bar. Attended by Numbtucks, Kermit, Staples, Creeper, and Stats.

19 PAX chased Carmen around the world including: Barney Fievel (YHC), Show Me, Staples, Hushpuppy, Peaches, Ragdoll, Mufasa, Inspector Gadget, Kermit, Stats, Tebow, Nimbus, 3rd Degree, Creeper, Wolverine, Nacho Libre, Scrooge, Numbtucks, and TV Guide.

Intro and Disclaimer

Warm-up: 30 SSH IC, 15 squats and 10 seal jacks IC.

Carmen Sandiego is one of the world’s most infamous, cartoon thieves, with a long history of stolen art, diamonds and rare artifacts. This time, she really outdid herself and stole Barney’s precious coupons! This morning, we’ll chase her to the ends of the earth and take back whats ours!

Thang/Location #1: Nolensville, TN, USA

This is home base, our training grounds. Let’s get ready for the chase ahead by busting out 10 burpees on the minute for 5 minutes.

PAX jumped on Indian Airlines after Barney received a tip that Carmen had been spotted somewhere in India. Don’t ask why we’re taking Indian Airlines TO India. There will be no questions on Indian Airlines. PAX Indian run to the upper part of the park.

Speed bump: Somebody got some bad Indian food and tossed cookies all over the plane. Let’s put down and get cleaned up. Perform 20 box jumps on the bleachers.

Thang/Location #2: Himalayan Mountains

We’ve tracked Carmen to this mountainous region, but don’t know exactly where she might be hiding. Let’s search the mountains thoroughly by bear crawling 10 “steps” down the mountain diagonally, then crawl bearing 10 steps back up. Repeat this 10 times until you’ve searched the region. Looks like we just missed her! Let’s jump back on Indian Airlines and keep searching…

Thang/Location #3: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Barney received a tip that Carmen is hiding somewhere in the favelas, or stacked shanty towns of Rio de Janeiro. Let’s book it there on the double by taking Indian Airlines (Indian run to elementary school playground). Climb the favelas and chase Carmen down by performing 10 pull-ups (or under doggies) and sprinting to the far fence. Repeat 10 times. Still no sight of her, let’s keep looking!

Never did see Carmen, and we just spent thousands of dollars shuttling us all over the world for $30 worth of rocks from Lowe’s. We may not be bright, but we look good. Next time, Carmen!



Post-party also led by 3rd Degree. Numbtucks, Ragdoll, Creeper and Nimbus got low and kicked 10 dwarfs. Nice dwarf kicking, boys.


III Pillars – 04.30.19 – “Super Dora”

6 PAX hit the beautiful blue track at III Pillars for a heroic edition of Dora 1-2-3. Conditions were super.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Deuce (WL-Jackson), En Fuego, R/eddit, Tampa Libra


Disclaimer with a quick interruption by En Fuego to punish the PAX for failing to complete his challenge of serving our wives with one random act of kindness. 12 8ct Body Builders later, we took a mosey around the lot and up to the track for a COP:

  • SSH
  • SnL Squats
  • WMH
  • LBAC F/R
  • Merkins

Partner up and mosey over to the playground for a Jump/Pull superset, a staple in any superhero’s training program. P1 performs SSH x 75 while P2 performs pull-ups AMRAP. Flapjack. RnR x2 with every person having one opportunity to sub the SSH with the heavy rope jumps.

Keeping same partners, mosey back to the track for Super Dora. P1 runs a lap around the track while P2 performs the exercises, tagging out after each lap until all reps are complete.

  • Peter Parkers x 50 (each side)
  • Iron (Man) Mikes x 75 (each side)
  • Captain Thors (1 BBS+4 American Hammers) x 100

Time for a blind buddy run in honor of Vision. P1 closes his eyes and runs the track while P2 verbally and physically guides them. Flapjack.

Back to the parking lot for a little Mary and COT/BOM.


Great to have R/eddit back out and Deuce joining us from Jackson, MS. Many collisions were narrowly avoided during the blind runs, but I believe all fully trusted their partner and never opened their eyes. It’s possible that Boone’s Farm ingested some Super Soldier Serum as he seemed to be the most fit and agile. Tailgate coffeeteria was especially enjoyable.


  • Nolensville killed it with 28 at the inaugural CSAUP,  The Gauntlet. Look out for these guys!
  • 5/27 – Memorial Day Murphocalypse at Concord YMCA – 0500 – Come for the Murph, power through the WOD, and stay for the Speed Ruck
  • Redesigned Scorpion shirts should finally be coming!

PA out.

07 May 19 Riley Howell

Temp: 50s
Gloom Factor: Moderate

PAX: Renegade, Black Lung, CAPSLOCK, Yard Sale, Foxtrot Talks a Lot, Big Stick, PSL, Brother @ Law, Razorback, Dr Smartt, Boy Band, Too Tall, Dilly Dilly, Floppy Disk, Bagger Vance

Today’s workout is in honor of Riley Howell. All reps will have something to do with his DOB, age and DOD.

21 Pull Ups to Start


Date of Birth 12/13/1997
12 Imperial Walkers IC
13 Hillbillies IC
97 second high plank


Partner Up
Age at Death 21
21 Hill Ascents AYG
ODDS 21 Squats
EVENS 21 Merkins

Date of Death 04/30/19
Flutter Kicks 30 IC
Plank Jax 19 IC
Hello Dollies 30 IC
Supermans x 19 IC
Flutter Kicks x 30 IC
Mountain Climbers x 19 IC
Hello Dollies x 19 IC
High Plank x 30 sec


NMM: Felt an overwhelming desire to honor the late Riley Howell after reading several articles highlighting his heroics. A selfless young man in an age of selfies. There is an opportunity we all have to die to ourselves, everyday we can choose our needs or put the needs of others first. Thankfully, most of us will never have to make the decision to lay our life down so that others can live but if so, let us do it boldly and without fear. More than likely, we will be called to give up what we want for the well being of our wife, our children, work or our community…let us do so with the same courage that Riley did.

Prayers up for Kate and her brain tumor removal. Meal Train, yard work and kids days calendar to help Ludwig to follow.
Prayers for Barbara, CAPSLOCKs M in Law and her surgery recovery.
Prayers for Adam and Margaret in CA, victims of a theft and mugging that they are healed and come to know the Lord through all this.
Prayers for me and Leslie as we travel to Italy from 8 May to 18 May. Safety for us and for our children as they stay here w inlaws and sitters.
Concord Road YMCA BACK LOT
0500 Murph
0700 Speed Ruck
Come for all or come for one.


The Buffalo – 05.03.2019

The first ever running of The Buffalo was a great success.  13 strapping men turned out to see what Shelby Park had to offer.  We have only scratched the surface my friends.

PAX: Hipster; Tampa Libra; Razorback; Ludwig; Sidewalk Prophet; White Cloud; Dick Whitman; Hot Route; Vector; Princess Aurora; Pumpkin Spice; Hambone; Brother at Law (QIC).

WOR: Jog the long away around the tennis courts, through the parking lot, and back through the playground to the parking lot for some…

Side Straddle Hops x20; Good Mornings x10; Willie Mays Hays x10; LBAC w/ lunge x10; reverse that x10; Slow and Low Merkins x10.

THANG: Mosey to the tennis courts for DORA 123 partner suicides.  Partner 1 runs a suicide (all 3 alleys and back) while Partner 2 starts work on Dora: 100 merkins total; 200 LBCs total; 300 squats total.  Plank and wait for the six.

Mosey down the winding stretch of Shelby Ave south of the community center to the Mission Picnic Pavilion for the following:

1 set of DIDs (10 decline merkins; 15 incline merkins; 20 dips)

30 seconds AMRAP Split Squats

Rinse and repeat on opposite leg

30 seconds AMRAP box jumps

Then do that whole super set over again.


Mosey back out of the park up Shelby Park Greenway, which is a real bastard.  Stop at each alcove to gather the troops, with planks and merkins performed while waiting.

6 MOM: Only had a few minutes left, so finished it up holding some high plank.


Announcements: An excellent first day at The Buffalo.  3 FNGs came out and were named (Sidwalk Prophet; Dick Whitman; White Cloud).  Many thanks to the Crieve Hall and West Side residents for bringing them out and coming to support us.  We have more FNGs ready to come as well, so there will be plenty more where that came from.  We got a nice little taste of what this AO has to offer but we’re only scratching the surface.  The one constant is that brutal hill coming back out of the Park.  That’s not going anywhere.

It’s been a really great 18 months for YHC being involved with F3 and launching an East Nashville AO has been on my to do list for about 12 of those months.  So excited to finally get it going and so appreciative of everybody’s support.  Especially my main man Hot Route, whose support finally made the East AO happen.

Second East Nashville AO?  Hipster is ready to launch a Cornelia Fort AO next.  Let’s do it!

Many thanks to Hipster for the coffee.  Great coffeteria after.

The drug dogs (bomb dogs?) at Shelby Park Community Center were very reassuring and reminded us that we were safe.

Shouts to the first officer on the scene who yelled at us as we mosey’d.  Turned out he was nice though and thought we were rucking.  I told him to join us, he said “This is what I’m doing at 530 am on Friday’s.”  Touche.

I led us out with a short prayer expressing my gratitude for F3 and all that it does for me.  Sentiments outlined above.

Brother at Law

Foundational VQ @ DEFIANT

GayLord Focker led the charge at Defiant today for the first time.

Pre-Party: YHC led NumbTucks & Staples in a Gauntlet Aftermath Flashback of burpees on the minute (actual 60 seconds). Creeper got 5 rounds. 10 rounds total, 10 x 10.

After a brief discussion in continuation of a Slack discourse re: nipple-chafing, we got to work…

robert de niro GIF

8 PAX in attendance for the Main Event: NumbTucks, Stats, Creeper, Barney Fievel, 3rd Degree (YHC), HushPuppy, Staples & Gaylord Focker (VQ)

Warm-up/Disclaimer/Review of Core Principles:

  • ShowMe Lap
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • LBAC x 20 IC
  • LBAC IR x 20 IC
  • MERKINS x 15 OYO
  • Good Mornings OYO

Core Principles:

F3 Workouts:
  • Are free of charge
  • Are open to all men
  • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  • End with a Circle of Trust

Mosey to back of school and while running, Q spotted a Cataquack near Pink Pkwy and called out quietly as to not attract the attn. of said monster: DUCKWALKS

Welcome to the Super Mario Kart Super Circuit!
mario kart GIF
Mario and Luigi decided to have some Brotherly competition
4 obstacles
Banana Canyon – Burbees
Red Shell Beach – LBCs
Enter Bowser’s Land – Iron Mike’s
Exit Bowser’s Land – Iron mikes
Curves – bear crawls
Straights – scuttlebugs (Legs-first Crab Walk)
2 laps
1st – 5 reps each obstacle
2nd – 10 reps and change straights to lunge walks
Team Mario wins!!!

mario kart GIF


Lava island
Alternate Al Gores and 5 pull ups when the lava strikes to get across the island x 3
Duck walk off the island

Mosey back to lot for:

A few minutes of Mary:

  • Freddie Mercuries x 20 IC
  • FLUTTER (not to be confused with scissor) Kix x 25 IC


What we Learned:

  • GayLord kept his goal of wanting to Q before he and his wife started Grad school (class is today!) Great job bud.
  • Keep GayLord’s mom and their family’s suffering in your Thoughts and Prayers with her deteriorating memory and forced retirement
  • Barney’s coworker Sue with husband recently Dx with Colon Cancer
  • GLF encouraged us with the following: “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
    ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭31:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Post Party: YHC led a few brave adventurers in a new move: Dwarfkins…Dwarf-kick, then a Merkin, then kick to the other side and Merkin = 1. We did 10.

the lord of the rings dwarf GIF


  • The Gauntlet was everything we hoped for. Shirt purchasing rights for participants pending. Stay Tuned.
  • RagDoll is planning our first ever F3Dads local event for May 19th, Sunday afternoon. Free event with kid-friendly 45 minute workout with fellowship time afterwards. Message RagDoll for more info.
  • Memorial Day CSAUP including preparty Murph set for 5/27/19. Brentwood YMCA, Preparty, Hero of the Day Workout 6-7, then Ruck Post-party.
  • Make sure to sign up for Q slots for F3 Nolensville’s 4 AOs on under Q Sign up (created a link in this sentence) or I will gladly take them all!

Stay on the Path…3D-out!

Buddy Murph

Conditions: perfect
18 PAX: Ludwig, Vegamite, Blacklung, Floppydisk, DillyDilly, Dmish, TooTall, MasterSplinter, Reefer, Flugtag, BigPerm, MovinOnUp, CCR, BoyBand, EdibleArrangment, PSL, BrotherAtLaw, AccountsReceivable
Intro / Disclaimer
Warm Up:
5 burpees
Jog around bus loop
20 side straddle hops
15 imperial walkers
10 bac forward 10 backward
Indian run around neighborhood loop
(struggled with maintaining a consistant pace. 😉 )
Partner up (Partner Murph)
100 pull-ups
200 pushups
300 squats
1 partner does AMRAP (through one exercise at a time) while other partner
runs suicide (back pedal to starting line)
Each pair combines reps to hit totals.
30 sec body saw (low plank)
20 ww1
20 plank jacks
10 good mornings
10 windmills
10 Goodmornings
20 Alabama prom dates
20 Alternating shoulder taps
Circle up for prayer and java.

A Good One – Titan 05.01.2019

PAX: CCR (COQIC); Brother at Law (COQIC); Pumpkin Spice; Crablegs; Right Said Fred; Hi Viz; Hambone; TK; WL from Lexington whose name escapes me…

I think I got the PAX right.  Sorry… waited too long to write this!

CCR took part 1.  Brother at Law (YHC) took part 2.

WOR: Jog up and around the train, back down the hill driveway.  Circle up for classic WOR led by CCR.  Capped off with some excellent Hop Kix by all.

THANG: A CCR Titan classic: 11’s on the big driveway hill.  Mountain Climber merkins at the top.  Split squats (both legs) at the bottom.  Two burpees at ever road/sidewalk/concrete on the way up and back down.  An absolute smoker.  After every 2 legs something got chopped off because it was becoming clear that it wasn’t getting finished in a split Q, but everybody was hurting when we wrapped it up about 6 or 7 reps in.

BAL tags in.  Up to the Parthenon for some AMRAP 30 second exercises.  30 seconds on, 10 seconds off of: Split squats; decline merkins; box jumps; dips.  Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to playground for 8 minutes of Cindy: 5 pull ups; 10 merkins; 15 squats.  Go until I call time.  Good mumblechatter and focus on form by all.

Mary: Grab bag of American Hammers; High Plants; AL Prom Dates.  Time.

Announcements: Great workout this morning and always an honor to lead.  Prayers offered up especially for Ludwig and his family and the 4:13 Strong Guys as they were preparing to take the next steps in the program and their lives.  Walk for Williams Syndrome this Saturday (5/11) at Centennial.  See Slack for details.

Good work.

80’s Tribute from Foxtrot to You!

Bad boy, black lung, edible arrangement, the jeweler, Bagger, me and the San Antonio guy   Rounded out the crew this morning

The 80’s play list with the JobRocker was in full effect…… Freeze frame – J Geils Band , Hot for Teacher – Van Halen, What I Like About You – The Romantics Footloose – Kenny Loggins , Would I lie to you – eurythmics , Take on Me – Aha, The Power of Love – Huey Lewis, Let’s go crazy – Prince, The Bird- The Time, She Blinded me with Science -Thomas Dolby, Dancing with myself – Billy Idol, Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves, Let it Whip – Dazz Band, America the Beautiful- Ray Charles to finish..

We began at the dog park because Stonewall was shut down for a festival. Mozy to gather BV on Leland and then back up Gale across 12th to side grassy knoll area. 

25 SSH, 10 GM, 10 WMH,  10 cobra stretch’s, 10 back arches, 10 merkins, 10 Baby arm circles, 10 air presses, 10 seal claps

Mozy down gale to Belmont and enter the soccer field area. 

The thang:

80 count ladders between end lines, thus a ‘tribute to the 80’s’ .

1st set

20 merkins,run, 60 squats

40 merkins, run 40 squats

60 merkins, run 20 squats 

2nd set

20 Fence holding leg ups, run, 60 line jumps (back & forth count as 1) 

40 fence holds run 40 line jumps

60  fence holds run  20 line jumps

3rd set

20 Dry docks, run, 60 Jump ups

40 run 40

60 run 20

4th set 

20 Sit ups hands thru fence, run 60 air presses with coupon

40 run 40 

60 run 20

Quick soccer penalty kick interlude. 

BV had 3 remarkable saves, brought back memories from high school. 

Mozy back to grassy knoll. 21 burpees to commemorate 21 year old who gave his life to save others in Chapel Hill, NC this past week. 

Quick hustle back to dog park and close in circle. 

Foxtrot talksalot

Nolensville’s 1st CSAUP: The Gauntlet!


F3 Nolensville was started April 2018 with our first AO, Broken Wheel. One year later, we’ve grown to a total of 4 AOs and have welcomed dozens of new PAX. We continue to grow and sharpen each other in Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.

Today, we take our next step and launch our first CSAUP. This challenge consists of 5, 15-minute AOs spread out across an 8 mile course designed by YHC. Ready for a little Tour de Nolensville? LET’S ENTER THE GAUNTLET!!!

Conditions: A warm morning in the country. Rain in the forecast, but it held off for us. We started at 5am sharp by bowing our heads and inviting the Holy Spirit into our midst.

28 PAX threw down, including: Barney Fievel (YHC), Sterno, 3rd Degree, Nimbus 1500, Tebow, Playboy, Hustler (FNG), BoyBand, Ebola, BigBang, Torch, Pope, BloodClot, Hot ‘N Ready, Creeper, Mr. Opus, Kermit, Staples, TV Guide, Inspector Gadget, Little Miss Piggy, Mickey Mouse, Altidore, Cheese Whiz, Stats, Show Me, Gaylord Focker, and Old Hickory.

AO #1: The Forge

Led by Barney Fievel (YHC)

PAX moseyed to the football and numbered off into 1s and 2s. Each group went to opposite goal lines (AKA “zero yard line”) and performed the following routine:

Typewriter-style bear crawl/crawl bear-heavy workout. PAX perform 5 merkins, bear crawl across the football field. Perform 5 jump squats before side crawling 10 yards and crawl bearing back to the original side of the field. Repeat until 15 minutes are up. How far did you get?!

AO #2: Defiant

Led by Sterno

This guy always brings the heat. Today was no exception.

10 burpees on the minute for 4 minutes just to get your mind right.

Line up and perform the following exercises after bear crawling forward about 15 yards. Crawl bear back to start before transitioning to next exercise.


      1. Merkins x 10, rinse and repeat
      2. Carolina Dry Docks x 10, rinse and repeat
      3. Werkins x 10, rinse and repeat
      4. Diamond Merkins x 10, rinse and repeat
      5. Hand-release Merkins x 10, rinse and repeat

AO #3: Broken Wheel

Led by 3rd Degree

Start the Broken Wheel portion of the morning’s festivities with an all PAX Bear Crawl and Crawl Bear the Mill Creek Bridge. Classic.

Mosey to the lot.

At the lot, with the time left, partner up for some Coupon work. TClaps to Kermit for obtaining and marking the new cinder-block coupons! F3 Nolensville baby!

P1 and P2 perform the following routine:

      1. P1 AMRAP Blockees while P2 BooBoo Bear Crawls to light 1 then switches legs and Boo Boo crawls back to P1, then flap jack. Coupon-less PAX complete the BooBoo bearcrawl there and back, then AMRAP burpees.
      2. All Pax Broken Wheel Mosey to the 2nd light with 15 rep single leg hops then 3 HRCs, then swap single leg until back to start

COT: supplied Gatorades were passed around while 3D exhorted the PAX about the strength that’s evident when we are broken. Suffering and adversity provide an opportunity for the strength inside to become evident when outwardly broken, which can also encourage onlookers. No matter your personal obstacle, Adapting and overcoming IS possible.

Illustration: 3D recently saw character and strength of will in some running partners. They ran arm in arm, not due to affection, but one was blind. They didn’t sit on the sidelines complaining about their “disability” but instead worked hard and got after it despite their circumstances. The other runner showed strength in character to serve their friend by pacing themselves off their partner and providing guidance.

AO #4: The Pound

Led by Tebow

After some debate with the groundskeeper over who the park really belonged to, Tebow reset 10 cones and PAX partnered up for a burpee heavy routine.

One partner planks while the other partner performs 6 burpees, jumping over the planking partner after each burpee. Switch, then advance to the next cone and repeat. 10 cones/rounds total means each PAX got 60 burpees in.

AO #5: The Forge (Final Round)

Led by Nimbus 1500

Bear Brawl Suicides. PAX partner up on the goal line/zero yard line. One partner bear crawls forward to the 10 yard line, while their partner places hands on their shoulders and provides resistance. Once 10 yard line is reached, switch and bear crawl back to goal line. Repeat going up by 10 yards each round. Routine ends on the 50-yard line.



The Hill 5/2/2019

PAX: Frugal Macdoogal (QIC), Big Stick, Money Shot, Renegade, Joey Freshwater, Boy Band, Foxtrot Talks A Lot, Too Tall

We’re getting close to the 2 year mark at The Hill, so QIC thought I’d reintroduce the group to hills around campus.

Here’s what went down:


Mosey down to the track for a warm up lap them meet in the middle for WOR.

SSH x 10, GM x 10, WMH x 10, FBAC x 10, RBAC x 10

For the rest of the time, we did variations of 11s QIC would call 10s x 2s (we would go total 10 reps of 2 different exercises by increasing/decreasing by 2 and running a hill in between reps – starting with 2 reps/run hill/8 reps until 8 reps/run hill/2 reps).

10×2 Round 1: Merkins, Run Softball Hill, Squat Jumps

Mosey to the hill between track and soccer field.

10×2 Round 2: Carolina Dry Docks, Run Hill, Gorilla Humpers

Mosey to drive by buses.

10×2 Round 3: Squat, Run Hill to Stadium, Dirkins

Mosey behind baseball field to playground.

10×2 Round 4: Pullups, Run Hill to Baseball Field, Donkey Kicks

Mosey back to top lot.

Flutter Kicks x 50

LBCs x 30

COT and continued prayers for Ludwig and his wife’s upcoming surgery, Spicoli, and Charlie with SAGE at FRA.

We ended 10 minutes early in order to spend some extra time together, something that we’re going to do once a month in order to continue to grow in fellowship with one another.  Boy Band shared a little bit of his life story – where he’s from, meeting his wife when she was in 7th grade,  how he got to Nashville, etc.

Till Next Time,