Your Finest Merlot, Please

Image result for eagles lightning fire

Conditions: About 45 degrees and soggy. Gloom is in full effect, but starting to feel the first hints of Spring.

Pre-Party: Stats led Kermit, Staples, Creeper, and Barney in a bear crawl of the Nolensville bridge where several of us completed our first end-to-end crawl without stopping. Nice work, fellas!

15 PAX pushed themselves to get stronger, including: Barney Fievel (QiC), Staples, Kermit, 3rd Degree, Tebow, Creeper, Netflix, Inspector Gadget, Nimbus 1500, Altidore, Stats, Scrooge, Matlock, Sterno, and Old Hickory

Warm-up: Long mosey around track followed by 20 SSH, good mornings OYO, and 1 Al Gore.

What started out as a calm, peaceful morning ended violently when Barney dropped his truck bed and revealed 20, 20-pound coupons. A grin spread across his face and, while it wasn’t clear why, it was obvious Barney wanted to see someone throw up.

Thang 1: Love Thy Neighbor

Partner up. 4 exercises with an assigned number of reps (below) must be completed as a 2-man group. One PAX begins assigned exercise while other PAX moseys to the other side of the parking lot and back. He then picks up on the reps where his partner left off while said partner does the moseying. Repeat until assigned number of reps of each exercise are completed.

Exercises were:

50 Blockees (coupon burpees)
100 Block Merkins
150 Block Squats
200 Block American Hammers

Thang 2: Bumpy Mosey

Half mile mosey with 3 speed bumps.

1 – Partners take turns doing 10 pull ups and AMRAP Copenhagens.

2 – Stopped by our beloved bridge, but were not here to crawl. Pick your poison on which foothold to use (low, medium, high) for 30 derkins.

3 – Partners take turns doing 15 leg tosses each on the side of a hill.



Post-Party: 3rd Degree led the PAX in 3 rounds of 7 pull-ups, 7 merkins, and 7 jump squats.


Nolensville / Franklin Convergence is Saturday the 9th from 6-7:30am. The Forge will not meet this day. Rendezvous at Nolensville Park to carpool to AO.

Colossians 3:13 – Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

It’s tiresome to dwell on negative things. Let’s forgive those around us as Christ did and free our minds and bodies in the process!

-Barney Fievel-