12 Franklin and Nolensville PAX start the work-week off right this morning at F3 Franklin including:
HushPuppy, Barney Fievel, Lump, Torch, HackFace, TopSpin, Hoser, Shocker, Sanctions, BigBang, Copay and 3rd Degree (QiC)
A beautiful start to the morning weather-wise: low humidity, 60’s, just right!
Multiple PAX joined in on pre-party festivities of Murph as well as Burpees on the minute. (not sure on number count)
Warm up mosey to grass field midway through big loop.
Explain Tabata (20 seconds maximal effort of whatever is called, followed by 10 seconds rest) Outline: Sprint, rest, Exercise, rest, back to Sprinting toward the original side of the field, etc. Rinse and Repeat X 4 Songs until my portable speaker (woefully insufficient BTW, time for an upgrade!) RAN OUT OF JUICE in the middle of Nirvana’s Ode. Cobains to Cobain RIP.
We did: SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers & Squats to Tabata Songs Playlist played through BT speaker carried back and forth across the field with Q.
Playlist: UpTown Funk, Back in Black, Still Dre (No one guessed during the THANG, (no bonus points awarded), Smells like Teen Spirit (16 minutes total of Tabata)
I was kind of upset that no merlot was yet spilled, and was determined it not be me…
On to the Fully-Operational Deathstar with Speed Bump of 20 Olympic Sit-up (legs and upper body floating with hands over head and then raise upper body and bring legs in so that rump and low back are only parts touching ground throughout) OYO
Then up the horrible smelling stairway to the 6th floor for as many rounds as possible for Deck of Death: 4 suits, 4 exercises. Do the number of the card, all face cards are 10, Aces 11. Joker is 20 of Pax’s choice. For today:
️= jump-squats. ♠️= pull ups or Carolina dry docks to modify. ♣️= Burpees ♦️=toe taps or v-ups for modifications.
Sanctions just happened to pull out a Joker first and last…Hmmm, someone take him to Vegas.
Glad to get after it with you men. Thankful for the accountability and opportunity to lead.
Announcements: F3Dads sign up deadline is approaching, get it in!
Keep praying for Spicoli as he battles Cancer. Send him an encouraging text. Call him. Swing by, etc.
Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” That Day comes for all. Live this day, in light of that Day.