QIC: Vegemite
PAX: Bagger Vance, PreVac, Ludwig Von Oshkosh, Big Stick, Floppy Disk, Skidmark, Olan Mills, Edible Arrangements, Black Lung, Razor (Venus), Tidy Cats, Rooster, Swampfox, Accounts Receivable, Yard Sale, Foxtrot Talks A Lot, Frogger, Offshore, Brother-at-Law, 3rd Degree, Spider Bite, Balloon Knot (FNG), Sandlapper (FNG) (Missing two on this list — ping me on Slack if I didn’t include you.)
YHC’s first solo Q saw 26 HIM up bright and early for a little Cruel Hall action. As there were two FNGs today, BV suggested I drop the disclaimer before a quick mosey out of the parking lot and back around for today’s WOR:
SSH x15 IC
Slow and Low Squats x12 IC
Good Mornings x10 IC
Willie Mays Hayes x10 IC
Calf Stretch x10 IC
Baby Arm Circles x10 IC
Reverse BAC x10 IC
PAX counted off by twos, and the 1s looked to their left to find their partner for the day. Then we all moseyed down to the bottom of the bus loop for an explanation of today’s THANG:
A documentary series on Netflix called The Toys That Made Us inspired today’s workout. If you were a kid in the 80s, you owe it to yourself to check it out. One of the toys they covered was G.I. Joe, so what better way to take everyone back to their childhood than by working together to defeat Cobra. This was a variation on B.O.M.B.S., and I’ve listed the modifications below:

C: Carolina Dry Docks x150
O: Overhead Claps x200
B: Big Boy Situps x200
R: Reverse Lunges x200
A: Americans (AKA Merkins) x150
Partners worked together to complete all reps. Partner 1 started the exercises while partner 2 ran the bus loop. Flapjack that until each team completed all reps. Teams planked and waited for the six.
Once we finished that up, YHC realized there wasn’t enough time to properly pay tribute to one of the most B.A. characters in the G.I. Joe universe, Snake Eyes. Don’t worry, we might revisit my plan for him at some point in the future.
Instead, we moseyed back to the playground area for 80 rows split among each team. Partner 1 started while partner 2 did AMRAP merkins. Once we finished that up, we moseyed back up to the parking lot to end the week like Ludwig started it. We actually finished two rounds of his excellent Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear Suicide and Burpee Extravaganza. Partner 1 started off with the Bear Crawls, while partner 2 did AMARP burpees — we flapjacked that after P1 finished.
Somehow during the Bear Crawls/Burpees, the timer on my watch stopped. It seemed strange that there was always 5 minutes left every time I looked down at it. After the suicide/burpee combo, MARY consisted of 20x Flutter Kicks followed by 20x Hello Dollys. Fortunately, someone else knew it was time to stop after that.
Keep Prevac and his wife in your thoughts and prayers. She’s been dealing with dizziness, head/neck pain, and nausea due to some inflammation in her mandible. Also, please continue to keep Ludwig and his wife in your thoughts and prayers. Last Friday was one year out from her brain tumor surgery.
I appreciate y’all allowing me to Q, and I’m looking forward to more in the future.