19 bell ringers posted for some fun on The Hill. Here’s how it went down:
Mosey down to gym for quick disclaimer, partner up for The Chipper: 30 pull-ups, 50 squats, 50 sit-ups and 100 kb swings (cumulative reps for the team)
Grab a kettlebell and head outside to the courtyard for multiple rounds of My Little Buddy:
- Partner 1 executes 10 kb clean and press ea hand while partner 2 holds a plank. Flapjack and repeato x3
- Partner 1 executes 10 kb snatch while partner 2 holds balls to the wall. Flapjack and repeato x3
- Partner 1 executes 10 curls ea hand while partner 2 holds boat pose. Flapjack and repeato x3
- Partner 1 executes 10 merkins passing kettlebell from right side to left on each rep while partner 2 holds decline plank. Flapjack and repeato x3
- Sit back to back with partner and pass kb 25x clockwise and 25x counterclockwise.
- Divide into two groups and pass all weights to top of amphitheater and back down. AMRAP for 3 min
- COT and YHC took us out.
- NMM: It never fails. When you get a bunch of guys swinging weights around, you have the option of listening to a lot of mumble chatter or bringing a speaker. YHC failed to bring the speaker, and a chorus of Aaron Neville wannabes happened. CCR, Kathy and possibly Venus were bringing it with the falsetto. YHC should have seen that coming??
- Solid work by all today, and it’s always fun to see who is smart enough to grab a decent sized kettlebell vs. those who maybe, kind of should have opted for a more sensible choice (looking at you BV and Umbrella, #Overachiever).
- As always, special thanks to Mr McDoogal/Keymaster for access to the facilities.
- Announcements:
GrowSchool this Saturday!!!! These are great opportunities to come together as a PAX, enjoy some good fellowship and refocus on leadership and the 3rd F.
0600-0700 Workout at The Hill!
0715-0815 GrowSchool inside FRA w coffee (Rumored appearance by bagels or biscuits)
BV at the mic to speak briefly on 3-5 topics from past GrowSchools, Freed to Lead and the F3 podcast.
KB workouts are a the wave of the future. Similar to how kickboxing is the slort of the future.