Cold, Fast Run

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Right Said, Judy, bluemule, Chunks, Hacker (Franklin), baggervance, Decaf, Young and Restless, Hair Band, Crawlspace, Woodpecker, D Pole, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Lost & Found, Evel Knievel, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs, Long Horn
FNGs: 1 Long Horn
CONDITIONS: A Cold 30 Degrees

WARMUP: SSH, IW, Squats, WMH, Stretch

THE THANG: RUN!!! 3 mile loop around the 4:13 Strong campus.

A great effort this morning which resulted in an “All In” time of 36:00 and several PRs. We were fast enough today that we had time for a little Mary at the end: Burpees 10, 9, 8, 7 plus some Flutter Kicks and Hello Dollys.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Great work this morning. The 4:13 Strong men appreciate the encouragement and support that the F3 PAX bring to The Stronghold.

Get it Right

AO: thestronghold
Q: toga
PAX: Doggystyle, bluemule, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, toga, Minnie Pearl, Red Skull, D Pole, Evel Knievel, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Dantana, Woodpecker, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Lost & Found, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs
FNGs: 15 Dantana, Woodpecker, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Lost & Found, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs
CONDITIONS: Snowy and 18 degrees

WARMUP: Mossy to the gravel pit for some basic “in cadence” warm up. It took multiple attempts for the group to meet the Qs expectations. Each failure was rewarded with a 5 burpee penalty.
Don Quixotes
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Copperhead Squats
Scorpion Stretch

Pair up F3 and 4:13 Strong – run to the block pile. Each pair grabs a block followed by a Rifle Carry to the basketball court.

PAX 1 performs an exercise with the block while PAX 2 travels to the end of the court, completes an exercise and then travels back for a switch:
– PAX 1, Overhead Press, PAX 2, Run + 10 Merkins x 3
– PAX 1, Reverse Table Top, PAX 2, Bear Crawl + 15 Squats x 3

Rifle Carry block back to block pile and circle up for Mary.

Great first workout in some adverse conditions. Thanks to @toga for leading and for our 10 PAX that braved the weather to welcome the new class.

Cold Air Don’t Care

AO: handsomizer
Q: Grape
PAX: Natural Ice, Black Lung, Freakonomics, Red Skull, Young and Restless, Plunger, Lube (F3 STL)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold, but not cold enough to wear sleeves

WARMUP: “Say Anything” run- pass the speaker and run to front with speaker over your head- we did a loop that was exactly 1 mile

THE THANG: Deck of Death- Hearts were Merkins, Spades were squats, Diamonds were dry docks, Clubs were WW1’s; Jack and Queen were 10’s, Kings and Aces were stair runs with a burpee

The Boss, Mr. Springsteen, serenades us as we completed 74 reps of each exercise and 8 total stair runs

MARY: 4 MoM dealers choice

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brew ruck, lean pax, etc

Dealer’s Choice

AO: handsomizer
Q: Chunks
PAX: Grape, Red Skull, Salpal, Natural Ice, Freakonomics, Young and Restless, Cuban Missile, Cash Cab, Mr Emcee (Tallahassee), Plunger, Blueliner
FNGs: 1 Blueliner
Last nice morning before it gets cold

Advised the PAX to stretch before because there would be no warm up today.
Started with 5 mins of Mary, thanks for the idea @hairband
In honor of Native American Heritage Month, Indigeneous Peoples Run the long way around the stadium and down the ramps to the bottom of the stairs, but when we heard the word Run in the song “Dog Days are Over” by Florence and the Machine the PAX had to sprint.
Met at the bottom of the stairs and Bear way to Heaven up the stairs. Grape remarked that it was harder today than usual, probably because we didn’t do arm circles to warm up. Moseyed down the ramps to the bottom of the stairs.
PAX took turns picking an exercise to do while they ran up the stairs touching each step and running down the ramps.
Ran back up the stairs together and did a 5 Burpee buyout.
Indigenous Peoples run back to Startex with a Sprint to the finish.

Check slack for all the things
Blueliner was added to the PAX today.
Prayers for all those traveling for Thanksgiving

The goal of F3 is to grow leaders. Part of being a leader is asking for feedback. I asked the PAX for 2 things I could have done better as a Q today. 1. While the 1 PAX is running have the rest do the exercises in cadence instead of everyone for themself. 2. The run/timer was a little long to be doing just one exercise for that long. Also, received feedback my playlist was “meh” (Salpal), but he will understand the joys of being a dad to a teenage girl soon enough.

Thanks as always for the honor to lead.


Struggle bus: Grisham WOD

AO: thestronghold
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Skeet, Red Skull, Crawlspace, Right Said, Dan and Dave, Hair Band, greyalbum, Mullet, toga, Ginger, Decaf, Knuckles, Ringworm, baggervance, Thunder Duck, Hacker (Franklin), Young and Restless, Shocker (Mark Holmes), backtrack, pizzalot?, hops, re-inlist, peewee, sally the camel, peach fuzz, flipper, red shark, cool cucumber, iron lung, two more that split before the count
FNGs: None

Burpee-pocalypse 10 down to 1

Burpee over block x 5
Block press x 5
R&R x 10, 15. 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5

The Grisham WOD was the welcome party workout for STRUGGLE 001 so YHC thought it only fitting to show the 4:13 men who opted out, and the F3 PAX who were unable to attend, what was up. The STRUGGLE 001 class endured this workout, q’d by @bigbang, after admin and before leaving the grounds. After completing this workout they still had 8hrs and 10+ miles left to go. Mad respect for these men, they absolutely crushed it then and did it again with confidence this morning.

Re-inlist was Team Lead for this portion during Struggle 001 so I thought it was only fitting he bring us home for the last 4 rounds

I felt like the 4:13 men earned the right to choose Mary so they had the option of typical core work or the burpee-pocalypse. @IronLung loudly chose burpees for the group, which was super fitting for this class. He even took over calling out the rounds “3 BURPEES SIR, DOWN!” 😂

– Praise report for the Gunn family
– Prayers for @HairBand and his family navigating the death of a great-grandparent and the related family strife
– Praise again for the $5k from the F3 Foundation
– YHC shared that on Nov 21 we’ll be adopting a little girl we’ve been fostering for 1.5 years now
– Signing Day tomorrow!

Weight vs Wait

AO: thestronghold
Q: baggervance
PAX: Chunks, Right Said, Pop-A-Lock, Knuckles, Hacker (Franklin), Red Skull, Ball Box, Dan and Dave, Gump (F3 Kansas City), Decaf, Skeet, Young and Restless, Wreck-it-Ralph, Pizza Lot, Hops, Iron Lung, Re-Enlist, Pacer, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Peach Fuzz, Flipper, PeeWee, Phelps, Crawdad, Big Biscuit, Sally the Camel, Red Shark, Black Jack, Cool Cucumber, Cheesesteak
FNGs: 17 Pizza Lot, Hops, Iron Lung, Re-Enlist, Pacer, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Peach Fuzz, Flipper, PeeWee, Phelps, Crawdad, Big Biscuit, Sally the Camel, Red Shark, Black Jack, Cool Cucumber, Cheesesteak
CONDITIONS: Absolutely Perfect

Grab a coupon
Parking Lot Stretches
Mosey to the upper gravel lot
Side Straddle Hops x 13
Imperial Walkers x 13
Hillbilly Walkers x 13

1. Move the block – Farmers Carry, Overhead 2 Arms, Overhead 1 Arm, Out-front Straight Arm, Murder Bunnies, Bear Crawl Block Pulls,
2. Mosey to the basketball court – one group runs suicides while the other holds plank or does flutter kicks; switch x 4
3. Blockies x 13

5 8 Count Body Builders to end

A great morning; thank you to all the PAX that came out to welcome the new class.