Musical Beatdown

AO: thestronghold
Q: Minnie Pearl
PAX: Shocker (Mark Holmes), toga, Chunks, Young and Restless, Dan and Dave, Decaf, Ripcord, Red Skull, Skeet, greyalbum, Minnie Pearl, Unc, Trajectory, 5-points, Long Way, Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Temper Tantrum, Light Weight, Skid Mark
FNGs: None


Paired Various workouts with songs:

Chumbawamba Tubthumping-burpees
Dee-1 No car note-block rockets
Family Force 5 Chainsaw-thrusters & shoulder presses
KB Church Clap-Church Clap
Moby flower-merkins
Derek Minor who you know-shrugs
Limp Bizkit rolling-grip rip & rolls
Holes dig it up-gravediggers
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes-head shoulders knees & toes

“For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.””
‭‭Acts‬ ‭9‬:‭16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Come to signing day!!!

COT: kept private

Tortoise & Hare, Episode 3 of 6

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Decaf, Young and Restless, bluemule, Chunks, hambone, Focker, Natural Ice, Michelin Man, Longhorn, Judy, Right Said, Crawlspace, SalPal (retired), Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Temper Tantrum, Unc, Tampax, Skid Mark, Long Way, Trajectory
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 73 degrees, low humidity, beautiful sunrise – a perfect day for a run.

WARMUP: Assign PAX to their pace groups and begin the standard warmup – SSH, Squats, HBWs, Stretches

THE THANG: Every man was assigned a group to run with. It was the task of each man to stay with the assigned group. Doing so would ensure a Personal Record time for every 4:13 Strong man. Four were successful, six could not do it.

Congrats to Speed Walker (25:49), Five Points (26.23), Baby Boy (26:27) and Temper Tantrum (28:58).

Thank you to all of my Pacers for setting and holding the bar.

MOLESKINE: The 4:13 Strong men are in week 4. This has traditionally been the hardest week of the 40 Day, not because we do anything different, but because the men become comfortable and over confident. Please keep the 4:13 Strong men in your prayers this week…they all need it!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day for this class will be Friday 8/30 at 11:30am. Join us, help celebrate what our men have accomplished and enjoy a delicious lunch of Hot Chicken with Mac & Cheese.

COT: Prayers for strength, healing and endurance.

Concrete vs Steel

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: Shocker (Mark Holmes), Dan Tanna, Young and Restless, toga, Grape, Dan and Dave, Skeet, Decaf, Red Skull, Right Said, Frozen, C#, Blitz, Sgt Meatball, Westside, Pacer, Triple 7, Yak, Wes (DR Seattle)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: More than Pleasant

WARMUP: No Warm Up – Played the Song “Great Day to Be Alive” as a 4 min warning and opportunity to stretch


TRIVIA Concrete vs Steel

Divided the 4:13 men into their fraternities and divided the rest of the PAX

Must perform a Burpee before answering the question
Q1 – Core Principles of 4:13 Strong
13 SSH
Q2 – Mission of F3

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Round 2 – Bible
Q1 – Noah’s Sons Names
BOMBS – Starting at 5 and adding 5 reps each exercise
Q2 – How many years were the israelites enslaved

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Round 3 – Finances
Q1 – Reasons to save money
BOMBS – Starting at 10 and adding 5 reps each excercise
Q2 – Who needs a budget

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Round 4 – Work
Q1 – What does OSHA stand for
BOMBS – Starting at 10 and addeing 5 reps each excercise
Q2 – What are two free things you can bring to the job

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Stopped at stop sign and walked back to the Startex together.

Last Question for 5 points:
What are the requirements to graduate 4:13?

Group stuggled to answer this question, so we settled it with a Ring of Fire won by West Side.

Game ended in a tie for the first time.

Always honored to lead at 4:13. Thanks, Chunks

SIGNING DAY 4/26 AT 11:30 AM! Come support these men as they start the real work at their new jobs.

Last Minute Switch

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Shocker (Mark Holmes), Chunks, Dan and Dave, Minnie Pearl, Bill Dance, Decaf, Young and Restless, Yak, Frozen, Westside, Pacer, Trajectory, C#, Triple Sevens, Blitz, Sgt Meatball, Mr. Clean
FNGs: 1 Mr. Clean
CONDITIONS: A chilly 46 degrees

WARMUP: Mosey to the gravel lot for a Toga-inspired warm-up:
– Motivators
– Slow and Low Squats
– Imperial Walkers
– T-Ups
– Scorpion Stretch

– Run to the front STEM parking lot for some EMOM work: 15 burpees, 20 squat jumps, 25 WWI’s
– Run to the NSA parking for another round of EMOM work
– Run to the Dept of Safety parking lot
– 15 burpees then Lt. Dan’s with locked arms to the next light
– 20 jump squats then bear crawl to next light
– 25 WWI’s then crawl bear to final light
– Run to the helipad – 15 burpees
– Run to the maintenance parking lot – 20 jump squats
– Run to the smoke stack – 25 WWI’s
– Run to the hill for two attempts at crawl bears up the hill
– Run to the StartEx for a little Mary

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Stronghold is headed to Franklin to defend the flag. Join us at The Armada at 0630 for a Mid-TN / Alabama convergence.

COT: Prayers for strength, courage and wisdom

Tortoise & Hare #1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: bluemule, Longhorn, Hacker (Franklin), Right Said, Chunks, Decaf, Young and Restless, Big Country, Wookie, D Pole, Mix Tape, Milli Vanilli, Comeback, Army Surplus, Frozen, For the Girls, Westside, Pacer, Trajectory, C Sharp, Triple Sevens, Blitz, Sgt. Meatball
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Very cold 27 degrees

WARMUP: SSH, IW, Squat. WMH, stretches

THE THANG: RUN!!! 3 mile loop around the campus. Not bad for the first official run. Fastest time for the new class was 28:23, and all in at 40:18. Had a little time at the end for some Mary.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Happy 37th birthday to bluemule. Thank you for starting your day at The Stronghold!

COT: Comeback closed us out with a prayer.

Ridin Dirty

AO: westeros
Q: Hacker (Franklin)
PAX: Vector, Right Said, Chunks, Pep, Siri, Natural Ice, DintyMoore, Young and Restless, CubCadet, Breadsticks, Frenchie, Roboto, Tommy Girl
FNGs: None
– IW
– slow ass merks
– GM
– Runner’s Stretch

The Thang
Pain stations with 1 minute AMRAP / 30 second rest
1. HR merks
2. 4 ct flutter kicks
3. BBS
4. 70lb farmer’s carry
5. 60lb sandbag burpee
6. 60lb medicine ball over the shoulder throw
7. 50lb row
8. 50lb goblet squat
9. 30lb plate uhaul
10. 40lb badonkadonks (Alabama Prom Dates)
11. 35lb kettlebell swing
12. 25lb kettlebell clean to press
13. stepups with 30 lb plate
14. battlerope

Lock in gains with a quick mosey, then r/r to time

– Plank rotation
– LBCs
– Scorpion Stretch
– Cobra
– Downward Dog

– Beer tasting at Blue Mule’s house on Friday
– Tortoise and Hare tomorrow at thestronghold, bootcamp on Thursday
– Culture week in Franklin this week — all workouts led by current/former Nantans focusing on F3 culture
– Q vs Q on April 6th at +TN+37064/@35.9212646,-86.8612508,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x88647e558f4ee3e1:0x360564ef7acd299c!8m2!3d35.9212646!4d-86.8612508!16s%2Fg%2F11gh6bcw6g”>,+405+Murfreesboro+Rd,+Franklin,+TN+37064/@35.9212646,-86.8612508,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x88647e558f4ee3e1:0x360564ef7acd299c!8m2!3d35.9212646!4d-86.8612508!16… in Franklin at 6:30 AM. If Huntsville brings more PAX, they’re going to take our flag. Please, think of the flag. All TN PAX are welcome. If any AL PAX happen to ask you for the address, its… uh…

Prayer Requests
– As discussed in-person

Identify and focus your energy on what you can control. There is a lot of stuff swirling around in all of our lives, some of which affects us greatly, and most of which we cannot control. You can think of these events as fitting into a series of concentric circles, like a target or dartboard. At the center, the bulls-eye, is your area of control. If you really think about it, that area is limited to yourself, your attitude, and your actions. Beyond that lies the area of influence, which gets a lot trickier: there many things we all want to influence, but influence is uncertain and situational. It isn’t control. You might have a lot of influence over, say, your kids or people who work for you, and much less over more distant relations or strangers. At the same time, the things we want to influence vary greatly in importance to us. The sweet spot for impact is high influence/high importance scenarios, but it can be productive to invest in low influence/high importance situations, so long as we understand up-front that those are investments that might take a long time to pay off (if they pay off at all) and may require allies with greater influence to help. Beyond the domain of influence is noise. Noise is a distractor. A Jester. The news, people who are beyond our reasonable influence, whose interests contradict our own, these are all noise in terms of our ability to create impact. The only thing you can do here is remove yourself from the noise, if you can, or choose to ignore the noise, if you must.

Sorry for the wall of text, but that was what was on my mind at the airport on Saturday.

Thanks for letting me lead today!

First One – Done!

AO: thestronghold
Q: Right Said
PAX: Dan and Dave, moneyshot, Betty Ford, Cowboy, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, Minnie Pearl, bluemule, Red Skull, Sunshine, Bill Dance, Wookie, D Pole, Comeback, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Pacer, Mix Tape, Milli Vanilli, For the Girls, Westside, Trajectory, C Sharp, Triple Seven, Blitz, Sergeant Meatball
FNGs: 9 Mix Tape, Milli Vanilli, For the Girls, Westside, Trajectory, C Sharp, Triple Seven, Blitz, Sergeant Meatball
CONDITIONS: Absolutely perfect at 57 degrees

Mosey to the front parking lot for:
– SSH, LBAC, R-LBAC, Seal Claps, Good Mornings, WMH
– Partner Up – 1 F3 PAX to 1 4:13 Strong Participant (we had the perfect number to get to our 1:1 ratio!)
Mosey to the basketball court with a quick stop at the Block Pile to pick up one block per pair.

Assemble along the baseline – Partner 1 works while Partner 2 moves the length of the court and back, swap and then hold plank for all in.
– Round 1: Block Curls, Suicides
– Round 2: Block Squat, Lunge
– Round 3: Overhead Block Press, Suicides
– Round 4: Block Wings, Suicides

Circle up for the Doomsday Circle (Ring of Fire) – Each man does one merkin, advancing around the circle until 500 merkins were completed. If a break was needed, complete 15 SSHs and then re-enter the circle.

Mary – Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercuries,

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The newest class is off and running. Thanks to the PAX from greenmachine who joined us this morning. It was great to have you out!

Six more weeks with this class. Come out and join them.

Buns- Lightly Toasted on Both Sides

AO: thestronghold
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Red Skull, toga, Wedding Singer, Skeet, Young and Restless, Crawlspace, Right Said, Chunks, Decaf, Dan and Dave, Sunshine, Casual Friday, Dantana, WoodPecker, Tater-tot, Minions, Neanderthal, Sunshine, Iron Flush, Mr. Krabs, Goldilocks, Peach Pie, Evel Knievel, Princes Hot Chicken, Wookie
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Ripe with opportunity

Mosey through campus
50 SSHs
Grab cinderblocks and meet on basketball court

Split up into equal teams
Round 1:
1 person Lunge walk with block over head or in arms, rest of team blockees. First team to cycle through all players wins that round, winning team shout “done” when finished
(Plank until all in)

Round 2:
1 person duck walks w block, team members goblet squat
(Plann until all in)
Repeat, team with most victories puts the blocks away while everyone else does burpee apocalypse

Rinse & repeat

Burpee-apocalypse increasing to 10 (but I gifted the men a surprise set of 1 at the end instead of 10, so really we only went to 9)

I enjoyed how the teams held themselves accountable. It was especially interesting to me how quickly people forget the community around them when they’re tired and doing something difficult. Points driven home: take care of each other, push yourself to work hard even when it’s easy to slack off

– 4:13 5k this saturday
– bluemule leading the final Q for this class next Thursday the 29th
– Signing day for the men Friday March 1st
– F3 Franklin Half Marathon Saturday March 2nd, check Middle TN slack channel

– each man shared a prayer request or praise report: health, wellness, families, the class to complete the 40 day challenge with excellence, the men who didn’t make it, tests this week, newborn babies and babies on the way, traveling mercies, and unspoken prayers


AO: thestronghold
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Red Skull, Ginger, Young and Restless, Grape, olanmills, Doggystyle, Decaf, Skeet, Minnie Pearl, Sunshine, Lost and Found, Goldie Locks, Yak, Prince’s Hot Chicken, D Pole, Bill Dance, Army Surplus, Tatter Tot, Woodpecker, Evil Knievel, PeachPie, Mr Krab, Neanderthal, Wookie, Iron Flush, Mittens
FNGs: None

Let’s nail the COT first bc it was a marquee moment for YHC. This morning was a (not so) nice reminder that yeah you can feel good about yourself getting out and doing good but that doesn’t mean there are not lessons for you to learn along the way.

Here’s the short of it. One of the guys was chirping at me pretty consistently. At first I was confused and wasn’t sure who he was talking to or what nonsense he was even saying. I pushed back a little eventually and he clearly was not getting the point so I escalated a bit and I went too far. It was a calculated or intentional escalation that I felt necessary at the moment BUT I said something I did not mean to say and there is no excuse. The whole thing is on me and I own that. Period. I stopped the whole thing and publicly owned up to it, hopefully he heard my apology took it as sincere and we all move on better.

I’ve got egg on my face and to be honest it’s been wearing me out all day.

The only silver lining is hopefully everyone there saw an example of a man admitting he is wrong, owning it, and apologizing. Not something we see a lot of these days to be sure. I’m sorry I let y’all down and hope I can earn the trust and respect back.

SSH x 50
Squats x 10
Fire Hydrant x 20 each side
Jack Webb – goal was to get to 10 but it was crawling so we stopped at 8. This was done together with each PAX down the line calling out the next rep number and exercise

Grab a block and head to the hill

7s: Reverse burpees at the bottom, We’re Not Worthy at the top. Carry you block with you at all times.

YHC planned on a politician up the each each round, as well as a surprise speed bump, but we were already running behind.

Mosey to the basketball court

P1 does 10 burpees while P2 does 10 block thrusters, switch and rinse/repeat

P1 does 9 burpees while P2 does 9 block thrusters

Goal was to get to 1 but we ran out of time and I believe only got to 5

No Mary due to time

More Hare Than Tortoise

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Hair Band, Judy, baggervance, Young and Restless, Decaf, Right Said, Crawlspace, Skeet, Long Horn, Woodpecker, D Pole, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Army Surplus, Yak, Lost & Found, Evel Knievel, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 39 Degrees

WARMUP: Long warmup led by Neanderthal

THE THANG: 3 miles around the 4:13 Strong campus. A new class record was set as well as some individual PRs.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: This class will be running in the Dream Streets 5K on Feb 24. Join the 4:13 Strong team and come run with us.