Daft Punk is playing at my house

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: LorelaiG, t-cell, Two Face, Zelenskyy, Sooie, Haggis, Black Lung, Go Fish, Will Norton, Grape, Swiffer, Foot Drop, Fake Job, gov’t mule, Tackle Box, Good Morning America, Full Monty
FNGs: None

Oh-so hot, the perfect foretaste of what will surely be a steamy 14th anniversary.


Mosey to the field for some

I’s, Y’s, and T’s
SnL Squats


Marriage, like life, is a dance. With YHC celebrating an anniversary tomorrow, it was time to prep with a dancer-inspired workout.


4 sets:
Explosive jump lunge w mid-air switch x 5 ea side//1’ rest with Merkins x 20


4 sets:
Bulgarian split squats x 12 ea side//1’ rest with Prone Snow Angels x 20

Shake it out with a lap


4 sets:
Partner Nordic Curls x 8-10, alternating each set


4 sets:
Deep Squat Calf Raises (with wall assist) x 15//Tibialis Raises x 20

Reverse crunch for six


4 sets:
Pull-ups x 8-10//Pseudo-Planche Merkins x 15

Mosey back to flag


– Gulliver’s Travels challenge is in full swing. The perfect excuse to check out some AOs you might not otherwise attend. Speaking of…
– 4:13 Strong is back in action. Hit up thestronghold and help lead this class of men toward new lives.
– Night Moves at Bicentennial Park this Saturday.


– Praises from Haggis for a special time on the road with his dad.
– Prayers for Swiffer ‘s friends’ daughter Victoria and her upcoming surgery, and praises for a successful first operation.

A pleasure as always, men. Life’s a dance, and you sure learned as you went today!

PA out

III Pillars – 09.05.23 – “Fumble”

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: batter, Bad Boy, Cowboy, Harbaugh, Pep, Zelenskyy, wardas1, moneyshot, monster biscuit, Grape, Go Fish, Pencil Pusher, Young Pawn, It’sJUSTLunch, Focker, Betty Ford, Will Norton, Haggis, Swiffer, 0
FNGs: 1 0

After a brief disclaimer and admission to being a Clemson Tiger, YHC informed the PAX I would be attempting to make them experience the hurt and confusion I felt watching our season get off to a rocky start at Duke. While I’m not sure if I accomplished the hurt, confusion abounded throughout the workout!

Mosey to track for 4 laps/.5 miles at medium pace and followed with COP:
– SSH x 28
– LBAC F/R x 7
– SnL Squats x 28
– Merkins x 14


Head over to the jungle gyms and swingset to grab some bar for pull-ups. Max reps followed by equal number of seconds rest. Rinse and repeat until you can only get one rep.

Mosey back over to the short hill off the track. This is where I really laid on the confusion. Re-living the two fumbles and dropped passes, we dropped the B.A.L.L. as well. PAX continuously run down hill and back up stopping EMOM to perform 7 reps of exercises below. After going through entire circuit in the first round, I adjusted the game plan to be one exercise at each minute mark.
B – Burpees
A – Ab thrusters
L – Lunges (2ct)
L – Leg Raises

After one (or two) cycle(s) through, PAX were instructed to run the hill 16 more times, still stopping for exercise EMOM. Once all laps were done, PAX could rest for remainder of minute.

It was all as confusing it looks, but rest assured, it was very on brand for the Clemson offense.

Mosey back to startex for…

– APDs x 10
– Merkins x 15
– Jane Fondas L/R x 10

– 9/9 – @Cowboy on Q for a 9/11 workout at 0600 at Percy Warner Stairs.
– 9/13 – F3 Nashville’s 9th Anniversary workout at #titan. 0500 preamble led by YHC. 0530 main event with @DintyMoore
– 10/1 – Octoburpee Challenge begins. See @Black_Lung for details
– Prayers for @batter’s cousin’s marriage and @two_face’s next step in his career

Go Tigers.
PA out.