Filipino Friday

AO: bomber
Q: Firefox
PAX: Vector, Tim the Toolman, Crawlspace, CubCadet, Sherlock, Wet Wipes, Puzzlah, Pep, DintyMoore, Right Said
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Calm before the Snow

Having returned from 2.5 weeks in the Philippines, YHC queued up a playlist of Filipino/Filipino-American artists, equipped the PAX with 25lb bags of rice and led the mosey to the upper parking lot.

20x SSH
15x Air Presses
15x Filipino Night Clubs

Part 1: PAX split up into 2 groups of 5, each with a bag of rice. Groups did an indigenous peoples’ run around the parking lot, passing the bag of rice back to the last person, who would run it back to the front. In my group’s case, the pass was more of a toss. 2 laps around the lot.

Part 2: PAX split up into 4 groups of 2 or 3. Laying on the ground, PAX did a WWI to grab the bag of rice in front of them and then pass it back to partner, then getting up to reposition on the ground behind their partner to receive the bag of rice again. We did this down half the length of the parking lot and then did the reverse back to the starting point.

Part 3: In the same groups, 1 PAX held a plank while the other run the length of the parking lot, holding the bag of rice over their head. Second time through, we run half the length of the parking lot.

Part 4: Mosey down to the playground. PAX had to answer questions about the Philippines. We did reps of an exercise related to the answer. If anyone in the group could answer within a specified margin of error, 5 penalty burpees would be waived.

– 117 mountain climbers for the ~117 million people who live in the Philippines (+ five penalty burpees)
– 76 flutter kicks for the over 7600 islands in the Philippines (+ five penalty burpees)
– 124 plank jacks for the 124 islands in the Hundred Islands (at low tide) (+ five penalty burpees)
– 15 pull-ups (times 2 sets) for the 15 million people that live in Metro Manila
– 16 hanging leg lifts for the 16 Tennessees it would take to make up the population of the Philippines (+ five penalty burpees)
– 64 fire hydrants for the 64″ average height of Filipino men
– 61 dips for the 61 foot length of the longest recorded whale shark (+ five penalty burpees)
– 48 kick throughs for the differential between today’s low temperature and the low temperature in Manila

MOLESKINE: No bags of rice were harmed during this Q.
Also, YHC introduced “One More Thing” after Count-o-rama and Name-o-rama. Each PAX shared a word or sentence of gratitude to kick the day off on a positive and thankful note.

Also, also, our tunes were highjacked when my younger decided that 6am was a great time to be playing Chappell Roan on my Spotify account. Actual playlist below.


– Safety for all those traveling and/or affected by fires and winter weather
– Many thanks to DintyMoore for his leadership as AOQ for the last year and change

It was an honor and pleasure leading y’all today!

Candy Crush

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Crawlspace, Cream Cheese, CubCadet, DintyMoore, Firefox, Michelin Man, Papa Bear, Hedwig, Puzzlah, Pep, Tim the Toolman, Wet Wipes
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a little soggy

WARMUP: typical activities

There is candy for all in this adventure.

There are five locations. Teams must travel together between exercise locations. Teams travel together as a group via different modes of transportation. Each workout location requires you to find 10 pieces of candy per team.

The game locations.
Stairs by Community Center – first challenge
Twenty merkins at base of stairs then bear crawl to top of steps across street.

Parking Lot – second challenge
Sprint from roundabout side toward clubhouse, bring back one piece of candy via Bernie from picnic table by driving range until all pieces have been accumulated. Other team members hold plank.

Playground – third challenge
25 Pull Ups
Locate Candy by swings after completing pull ups. Hold plank for six.

Home Plate – fourth challenge
Run to first base, crab walk to second, bear crawl to third, lunge to home plate, find candy in first base dugout.

Start Ex – Final Challenge
25 wall jumps
Army crawl to picnic table. Return to start ex and hold plank and candy bag until all team members return.

MOLESKINE: 4:13 Strong commitment day and Struggle 003

ANNOUNCEMENTS: BrewsDay on Tuesday at 12South Taproom


Sinple Things

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Black Lung, Crawlspace, Cream Cheese, Firefox, Papa Bear, Pep, Right Said, SalPal (indefinitely fartsacking), Sherlock, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Wet Wipes
FNGs: None

Mosey around neighborhood block to coupons
– stops @ cross streets for 10 merkins and 10 squats

1) Grab coupon for each PAX at Cage

tel:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Devils Press
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Squats

Mosey around ball field

12’ EMOM
10 Coupon Squats
10 Merkins
5 Coupon Swings

Put coupons away and Dealers Choice Mary to finish
Freddy Mercuries
American Hammers
Prom Dates

MOLESKINE: choose to love on those in your life and lead boldly

5k walk/race day tomorrow
Walk for Apraxia
Hustle for the House
Shade Tree 5k

COT: prayers for our country and peace in the Middle East. Great to see SalPal (indefinitely fartsacking) at coffeeteria

Friday the 13th

AO: bomber
Q: Grape
PAX: Papa Bear, Vector, Pep, Right Said, Hedwig, Wet Wipes, DintyMoore, Tim the Toolman
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC, Moroccans

THE THANG: thirteen reps of the following exercises, mosey to a different location after 2 sets (we also changed up the exercises because I got tired of doing so many burpees…I think we did like 200 burpees though when you put it all together)

Jump squats
Ab thrusters
Original burpees
Normal merkins

MOLESKINE: enjoyed the conversation about music. I have included the playlist below!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: come workout tomorrow!

COT: prayers for Wet Wipes mom, Right Said elbow, Hedwig F-I-L and S-I-L and M, for our country, for peace in the Middle East



AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: CubCadet, Firefox, Papa Bear, Pep, Sherlock, Tim the Toolman, Wet Wipes, Puzzlah, Hedwig, Dirtbag, Ronaldo 2.0, Leonardo 2.1
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: perfect according to Wet Wipes

WARMUP: mosey around big field to batting cages

Jog around baseball field to the batting cage

Backside of batting cage has lots of coupons and grab 1 coupon per PAX

Two Rounds of 10 – EMOM
20 Bent Row
20 Alabama Prom Dates
20 Shoulder Press
20 Kremlin Twists
20 Elevated Push-Ups
20 Toes to Chin High Pull
20 Blockees
20 Alternating Shoulder Taps
20 Leg Raises
20 Lunges

After two rounds – run to school playground for basketball game. Split teams based on numbers and play 3v3 (both ends) with 20 second shot clock. Defense calls out shot clock while defending. Two five minute games were played.

Mosey back to flag

It’s great to be back at the most respected AO in Nashville. Thanks for granting time away for gullivers-travels-challenge and for all our guest Qs during August.

23-year 9/11 Memorial Convergence at Capitol steps next Wednesday
10-year F3 Nashville Anniversary Convergence at Sevier Park next Saturday

COT: We all need a little more grace.


AO: bomber
Q: sooner , Oatmeal
PAX: Papa Bear, Pep, Vector, Schnauzer, Grape, Tim the Toolman, Firefox, CubCadet, Cream Cheese, Hedwig, Wet Wipes
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: respectable

WARMUP: mozy and a respectable amount of stretching


Sooner begins we’ll choreographed routine

Thang 1: Ab circuit
– 50 crunches
– 50 heel taps
– 50 leg extensions
– 50 Freddie mercs
– 50 crunchy frogs
– 50 hammers
– 50 big boys

Oatmeal gets tired of ab work, throws sooners plan to the winds and takes over

Battle for the most respect (aka f3 bocce)
Split the pax in 2 groups… Sooner gets stuck doing 11s (burpees+star jumps) whilst oatmeal has fun and games getting his friends to play with his ‘bocce’ balls

There was a winner. They are now respected.

MOLESKINE: endeavor to follow in the footsteps of your respected forebearers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: September stuff

COT: healing and gratitude from oatmeal


AO: bomber
Q: CubCadet
PAX: Papa Bear, Tim the Toolman, Pep, Blueprint, Wet Wipes, Hedwig, Black Lung
FNGs: None

WARMUP: 30 seconds of waiting around to see if anything interesting was going to happen. CubCadet said “I’ll Q bc I hate those ones where each person does something for 5 minutes.” Three minutes later, Black Lung strolled up and said “I’ll Q because I think I am supposed to.” Sensing a burpee heavy Q, CubCadet said “oh no you don’t”…and the rest is Bomber history as archived on slack. .

– 11s up and down the hill (Papa Bear picked monkey humpers at the bottom). The top was squats and merkins, not to be combined then confused with……
– Moved to the picnic tables. 2 sets of 15 dips, 15 incline merkins, and 10 step-ups each side.
– Bernie to start. Dealer’s choice, up to 25 reps. Ended at 6:13 much to the discontent of Black Lung

MOLESKINE: Nothing insightful beyond discussing the etymology of “respect.” Michelin Man we missed you, but hope to catch you next time. Couldn’t replicate your enthusiasm.


COT: Prayers for Wet Wipes Mom, struggling with dementia, and his Dad as primary caregiver. Hedwig and his wife expecting first 2.0. Big week of tests. Blueprint who had been away for a while but really great to have him back. Apologies, as I do feel like I am forgetting someone we prayed for. Thank you for the chance to lead Bomber, the most RESPECTed AO in Nashville. Rumor is Black Lung is up next Friday, where I’m sure I’ll be doing a lot of (modified) burpees.

At least I caught it

AO: handsomizer
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Natural Ice, Rocket Mortgage, Right Said, bluemule, Blueliner, DintyMoore, Wet Wipes, Good Morning America, Chunks, Salami, Patty, Hedwig, DintyLess
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Humidity 10/10

Mosey to Bottom Of Stairs
OYO stretching
Bearway to heaven

Kickball! With 5x Squat Jumps every 3 outs
The Ground
The Foul Line

It was a pleasure to end my F3 Nashville Journey with my last Q at the AO that Natural Ice, BnB, Blue Nile, and I started. I have loved every second of working out in the Gloom with you boys, and when we visit Nashville, I’ll SYITG

Combined going away and our 2.0’s first bday party tomorrow. Details will be on 2nd F channel
5K at Handsomizer tomorrow night through Nashville SC. Contact Salami for details

I’m moving August 3rd to Woodruff, SC. I would appreciate your help in loading the uhaul starting at 6am on 8/3. Coffee and doughnuts will be provided. Please HC to me so we will know how much to buy.

I’ll be at some AOs next week, but this was my last Q here.
So, for the last time in Nashville, DP out.

2.0 Fun

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Cream Cheese, DintyMoore, Firefox, Hedwig, Puzzlah, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Wet Wipes, Clue, Leonardo, Ronaldo
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: last perfect morning

SSHs – 5
Toe Touches – 7
Side Jumps – 5
Donkey Kicks – 7
Bird dogs – 5
Imperial Walkers – 7

Home plate – 7 burpees
Gorilla Crawl
1st base – 5 iron mikes
Backwards Crab Walk
2nd base – 5 Burpees
Frog Jumps
3rd base – 7 merkins
Army Crawl

Kickball until 6:12
3 outs = 5 burpees
1 run = 5 lunges
Fielders = jumping jacks
Non-kickers = fence sit
Runners = hold plank

Quality time with our 2.0s was a fun way to spend the morning.

Hedwig starts new job on Monday


Murph Training

AO: bomber
Q: Grape
PAX: CubCadet, Focker, SalPal, Pep, Vector, Papa Bear, Sherlock, DintyMoore, Wet Wipes, Hedwig, Breadsticks, Humble Brag (DR- STL)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC F, LBAC R, and then more SSH as Focker arrived late

THE THANG: Ran around McCabe and made various stops to complete sets of 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, and 15 squats until we had run 2 miles and done 100/200/300

Subbed pull ups for burpees on a couple of sets

Threw in some lunges at one point

Lots more SSH as well

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout on 6/8 at 9am at Green Hills Park

COT: seemed like a lot of people were/are going through some kind of loss or transition. Prayers for the HIM
