Spontaneous Combustion

AO: pain-train
Q: El Capitan
PAX: Wolfpack, G-string, Stubs, Cheeks, El Capitan, FLO, Pitmaster, Siri, Waffle, @OfficerDangle
FNGs: 1 @OfficerDangle
CONDITIONS: Crisp + chilly


– Downdog, Cobra, sprinter stretch both sides
– 10x three-count merkins
– Back stretches
– BACs & BacBACs x7
– Imperial walkers
– Mosey to grab two cinder blocks with some high knees & butt-kickers thrown in for good measure


Station Work at playground

80 seconds on, 20 sec. Rest. (Three complete circuits, adjusted to 60 seconds of work for circuits #2 & #3)

– Pull-up / Hangs
– 20 merkins, then hold plank
– Jump rope or Knee Taps
– “Psycho” squats with coupon (goblin goblet, straight-arm, above-head)
– Bear Crawl Plank hip-knee-toes
– Swims :sweat:
– American Hammers with weight / Reverse burpees (sit-up to jump)

Ended with two burpees.


Reading from Every Moment Holy, Volume 1: “A Liturgy for the Ritual of Morning Coffee” while drinking coffee. :coffee:


March Merkin Madness continues! (We knocked out 70 today).


Nameorama, Countorama, named our FNG Wes @OfficerDangle (welcome aboard!), and closed in prayer.

I enjoyed our time together, men! :el-capitan:

Go to church or the devil will getchya!

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Stubs, Siri, G-string, Pitmaster, Wolfpack, FLO, Waffle, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Shorts are back on the menu!

WARMUP: The usual suspects.

Run to Bellevue Church of Christ
10 rounds of:
10 second high plank hold
10 merkins
10 second rest

Run to Bellevue Baptist Church
10 rounds of:
10 second low squat hold
10 squats
10 second rest

Run to Cross Timbers Freewill Baptist Church
10 rounds of:
10 second hollow body hold
10 big boy sit-ups
10 second rest

Run to Bellevue Presbyterian Church
10 rounds of:
10 second low plank hold
5 burpees
10 second rest

Run back to red caboose

Loved the counting rhythm we organically fell into. I think it really helped us lock into the workouts and push it together.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: biscuit run march 1st. Boardgame night Feb 28

COT: My mom sent me a book of daily devotions as she felt it may be good to bring into our COTs when I lead. The thoughtfulness of wanting to share something that was meaningful to her because she felt it would help me too really made an impact on me this week. It made me ask myself the question, am I actively listening to others and am I actively supporting and providing for them based on what I hear? Encouragement to PAX (including myself!) to listen more and take action to better the lives of those around us. Thanks Mom 😀

Short Card, Knoll Ed.

AO: the-knoll
Q: Malibu
PAX: Pebbles, AAA, Waffle, Timber, Stubs, Sparrow, Sooie, morning stār, Malibu, Bumblebee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 27*, frosty, and motivated.

WARMUP: Mosey to stop sign, BAC+BBAC, slow squats, imperial walkers, something else I can’t remember rn, and stretching on own.

THE THANG: modified version of a workout from an earlier life: the Marine Corps Recon Short Card. The Knoll’s edition of this is: tabata (120s work, 60s rest) of each:
Crunches (dealers choice of WWI, WWII, baby crunches, or other)
Mountain climbers
Flutter kicks
Burpees again
Daisy pickers
Back extensions
American Hammers

MOLESKINE: sometimes life stretches you and diminishes your ability to create new things. A lesson from Marine Corps days in these situations: sometimes the value of habits isn’t in something new but in going through something that works. Grateful for this community to do the work in the dark, cold, and yet wonderful mornings together.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lean pax coming up in January.

COT: Closing prayers for family and brothers, in the words of a great friend (Peace at Last, JH Newman).

Coffeeteria ftw, thanks to Pebbles for bringing the brew!

Link takes us to the Links

AO: the-knoll
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Stubs, Waffle, Pitmaster, Wolfpack, Link, THe Judge
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Run to stop sign, 5 motivators, run back to playground, 5 motivators, Leg raises, WMH

PAX split into two teams. One PAX from each team stepped up and hit their ball towards a light 15 yards away. Closest to the light wins, losing team runs to the light and back to retrieve the balls. Both teams do either:
– 10 Merkins
– 20 Squats
– 50 SSH
Link let us know which one each round. We played golf for roughly 25 minutes so lots of Merkins were merked, squats were squatted and hops were straddled from the side.

PAX circled up and passed the light around in a circle. Music was playing and if it stopped on you… TWO BURPEES! PAX held a low squat while passing. Did this for roughly 6 minutes


MOLESKINE: We’ve got some solid golfers on our hands. And Stubs definitely had it out for The Judge in Hot Potato :slightly_smiling_face:


COT: Link reminded us of the message on Tuesday to make sure you are taking the time to quiet down and find your foundation, action and growth in your day. What are you reading and reflecting on in these ways?


AO: the-knoll
Q: G-string
PAX: Pebbles, Timber, Waffle, AAA, Stubs, Sooie, morning stār, Ike(William Herbert), Bumblebee, The Judge, Rubix
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warmer than Tuesday and wet

13 of each for the colonies
– Don Quixote
– Hill-billy
– BACs
– Merkins
– Indigenous people’s run to the stop sign and back

– 56 Pull-ups for the 56 signatures on the Declaration of Independence
– 65 No Surrenders for the 65 countries who have won independence from Great Britain
– 76 Merkins for 1776 signing of the Declaration and the 76th birthday of the British Monarch, King Charles
– 87 Squats for 1787 ratification of the Constitution
Each of the PAX was encouraged to modify up or down according to their ability. There were Sandbags and Coupons available.

One of the cultural phenomenon lost as the British Empire spread was stone lifting in Ireland and Scotland. There were heavy stones of cultural significance that the people lifted as rights of passage, job interviews, funeral games, etc.
I brought a large stone from home that anyone who wanted to could attempt to lift. T-Claps to Timber and Waffle for lifting the stone, to Pebbles and morning stār for working together, Sooie for getting an ghaoth faoi (the wind under it), and to the 2.0s for their heart to try!!

– American Hammers
– WW1s
– WW2s
– Panamas

There were blocks and sandbags to allow PAX to modify up as well as options to modify down. Know yourself and what you need. Push yourself when you can, and pull-back when you need to.

– No Noise November
– Bingro

– Prayers were offered up.