Sinple Things

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Black Lung, Crawlspace, Cream Cheese, Firefox, Papa Bear, Pep, Right Said, SalPal (indefinitely fartsacking), Sherlock, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Wet Wipes
FNGs: None

Mosey around neighborhood block to coupons
– stops @ cross streets for 10 merkins and 10 squats

1) Grab coupon for each PAX at Cage

tel:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Devils Press
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Squats

Mosey around ball field

12’ EMOM
10 Coupon Squats
10 Merkins
5 Coupon Swings

Put coupons away and Dealers Choice Mary to finish
Freddy Mercuries
American Hammers
Prom Dates

MOLESKINE: choose to love on those in your life and lead boldly

5k walk/race day tomorrow
Walk for Apraxia
Hustle for the House
Shade Tree 5k

COT: prayers for our country and peace in the Middle East. Great to see SalPal (indefinitely fartsacking) at coffeeteria

Simple workout

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Vector, bluemule, Right Said, Young and Restless, Spinal Tap, DintyMoore, Natural Ice, Tim the Toolman, Sherlock, Hacker
FNGs: None
Cool fall morning

– run around school
– seal claps
– imperial walkers
– hillbillies
– Good mornings
– Willie mays Hayes


100 – pull ups
200 – windshield wipers
300 – fire hydrants

Upcoming chili cook off: if you want to volunteer contact Natural Ice or Wolfpack

Gratitude for right said’s surgery going well
Pep work
Dinty Moore: tough administrative situation at work

F3 Nashville 10th Anniversary Workout

AO: stonewall
Q: princessaurora
PAX: Chunks, moneyshot, DintyMoore, Grape, Black Lung, Focker, hambone, Strutter, Midwife, floppydisk, FLO, Young and Restless, Works for a Guy, Vector, Hi-Viz, osha, Natural Ice, Toothless, Right Said, McAfee, Michelin Man, Spinal Tap, caprate, Siri, Dewey, Cowboy, Zelenskyy, Salami, EZ-Go, sooner, Splitter, Jason Callen (Deep Dish), Pep, Wolfpack, Skinny Pop
FNGs: 1 Skinny Pop
36 PAX posted at the birthplace of F3 Nashville to celebrate 10 years of making better men.


Medium mosey to Soccer Field for COP, all x 10
– Groiners
– Newtons Cradle

Quick mosey to Sunnyside Mansion to show them that we’re all Men from U.N.C.L.E. This phase of the workout honors Jesse “Uncle” Wilker who flew in from Charlotte, NC to teach a handful of us about F3 and prep us for launch approximately 3650 days ago.

Partner up. With P1 running a lap around Sunnyside Mansion, P2 performs reps of the following exercises until they reach 100 cumulative for each.
– Uneven Merkins (aka Staggered Merkins)
– Newton’s Cradle (2 is 1)
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Lunges (1 is 1)
– Elbows to Knees (alternating sides every 10 reps or so)

Abs of choice while waiting for six.

Mosey to Tennis Courts

Line up along court #1 doubles sideline for some shuttle runs. PAX perform 10 jump squats followed by a shuttle run to center service line, court #2 doubles sideline, court #2 center service line, and court #2 far doubles sideline. Drop one rep and repeat all the way down to 1 Jump Squat and a shuttle.

Sticking around the courts, PAX circled up for everybody’s favorite jerk, Jack Webb: Merkins and Air Presses in a 1:4 ratio. We took this one all the way up to 10:40, and everyone LOVED it.

Mosey to Sunnyside Hill

Lining up with previous partner at the base of the hill, P1 performed LBCs while P2 sprinted up to the flag. RnR x 3.

Since we didn’t get here alone, one last AYG with everybody together up the hill before a mosey back to the startex.

– Boxcutters x 10
– Crunchy Frogs x 10 (missed you t-cell)

One ten-second good morning to close things out!


It was truly an honor to lead this workout. I had no idea what the heck I was getting into 10 years ago, but I’m glad I didn’t let that stop me. Really grateful for the all the men that have stepped up to lead along the way. Whether it’s been as a workout Q, an AOQ, or a position at the regional level, you are making me and countless others better for it. I don’t take that for granted. Nor should you.

Can’t wait to see what the next decade holds!

Also, a special thanks to all of you who brought coffee, baked goods, and other refreshments for extended coffeeteria. What a great way to end!

Prayers for job changes, job searches, ailments, and recoveries.! Deadline to orders yours is 10/5.

PA out.

Friday the 13th

AO: bomber
Q: Grape
PAX: Papa Bear, Vector, Pep, Right Said, Hedwig, Wet Wipes, DintyMoore, Tim the Toolman
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC, Moroccans

THE THANG: thirteen reps of the following exercises, mosey to a different location after 2 sets (we also changed up the exercises because I got tired of doing so many burpees…I think we did like 200 burpees though when you put it all together)

Jump squats
Ab thrusters
Original burpees
Normal merkins

MOLESKINE: enjoyed the conversation about music. I have included the playlist below!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: come workout tomorrow!

COT: prayers for Wet Wipes mom, Right Said elbow, Hedwig F-I-L and S-I-L and M, for our country, for peace in the Middle East



AO: bomber
Q: sooner , Oatmeal
PAX: Papa Bear, Pep, Vector, Schnauzer, Grape, Tim the Toolman, Firefox, CubCadet, Cream Cheese, Hedwig, Wet Wipes
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: respectable

WARMUP: mozy and a respectable amount of stretching


Sooner begins we’ll choreographed routine

Thang 1: Ab circuit
– 50 crunches
– 50 heel taps
– 50 leg extensions
– 50 Freddie mercs
– 50 crunchy frogs
– 50 hammers
– 50 big boys

Oatmeal gets tired of ab work, throws sooners plan to the winds and takes over

Battle for the most respect (aka f3 bocce)
Split the pax in 2 groups… Sooner gets stuck doing 11s (burpees+star jumps) whilst oatmeal has fun and games getting his friends to play with his ‘bocce’ balls

There was a winner. They are now respected.

MOLESKINE: endeavor to follow in the footsteps of your respected forebearers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: September stuff

COT: healing and gratitude from oatmeal

I Hate Math

AO: westeros
Q: CubCadet
PAX: Tim the Toolman, Red Skull, Pep, Vector, Hedwig, Spinal Tap, Sherlock, Natural Ice
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Sweat thru the shirt during warmups

WARMUP: 6 pax carried 1 picnic table to the corner just because. Then last man up mosey almost to the school, turn around back to corner. Standard warmups (SSH, WMH, GM, LBAS, Squats, etc).

– Pax lined up youngest to oldest (math), counted off by 3s to make teams. .
– Three teams of 3 going for max reps of exercises with movements up / down hill (to port-a-potty as marker).
– Pax A does dips at top while Pax B jogs down to Pax C who was doing BBSU at bottom. Pax B tags out Pax C who Bernies up to tag out Pax A…continue for 13 minutes. Change exercises to Merkins at top, squats at bottom for 13 more minutes.
– Team of Spinal Tap Vector and Hedwig won, 1532 to 1403 to 1252. (lots of math). Their prize was to run with medicine ball to stairs and back to flag (conspicuously missing due to bluemule “software update”)
– Rest of pax moved picnic table back then did dealer’s choice Mary, before winning team joined us.

MOLESKINE: Mental challenge was keeping track of the numbers in the song titles. All songs had numbers in title. Vector missed at least one, which means the Q won :face_with_rolling_eyes:
– Fifteen, 1000 Nights, Summer of 69, 100 Years, 3 AM, 57 Channels, 1979, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, Positively 4th Street, 25 or 6 to 4, 365 = 3677 (last math)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Vector is back. We missed you. Though westeros is not technically the most RESPECTed AO in Nashville, you do the math. Pep has a theory he will share about us old people. He’ll share.

COT: Prayers for a good week of leadership and fellowship. Hedwig and his wife having big tests for 2.0. Thanks for the chance to lead.

2.0 Fun

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Cream Cheese, DintyMoore, Firefox, Hedwig, Puzzlah, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Wet Wipes, Clue, Leonardo, Ronaldo
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: last perfect morning

SSHs – 5
Toe Touches – 7
Side Jumps – 5
Donkey Kicks – 7
Bird dogs – 5
Imperial Walkers – 7

Home plate – 7 burpees
Gorilla Crawl
1st base – 5 iron mikes
Backwards Crab Walk
2nd base – 5 Burpees
Frog Jumps
3rd base – 7 merkins
Army Crawl

Kickball until 6:12
3 outs = 5 burpees
1 run = 5 lunges
Fielders = jumping jacks
Non-kickers = fence sit
Runners = hold plank

Quality time with our 2.0s was a fun way to spend the morning.

Hedwig starts new job on Monday


A Sweet and Salty Suprise

AO: bomber
Q: SalPal
PAX: Pep, Hedwig, DintyMoore, CubCadet, Vector, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Brisk, you’d think it was still spring.

WARMUP: Short mosey + active stretches.

1. Hill bernies + burpees + jog down + iron mikes on a timer. Reps added until splits left ~30 seconds for rest.
2. SWEET or SALTY? DintyMoore picked SALTY. Situps, Air Presses, Low Plank Hold, Tricep Dips, and “You vs. You Burpees”
3. Precision sprints – try to run to outfield and back, get as close as you can to 30 seconds. Missing time meant burpees.

MOLESKINE: People spent time trying to figure out if SaltyPal is a bit, or if I’m genuinely that angry all the time. It’s a bit of both. 😉

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout next week, see slack for deets.

COT: Prayers for healing, community members and family recovering from surgery. Hedwig with 2.0 en route + new job. Prayers for my M + her job search, praise for ongoing success. All other intentions spoken + unspoken.

Cafe Star Bagel for Coffeteria.

Stay salty Nashville. Sally out.

Murph Training

AO: bomber
Q: Grape
PAX: CubCadet, Focker, SalPal, Pep, Vector, Papa Bear, Sherlock, DintyMoore, Wet Wipes, Hedwig, Breadsticks, Humble Brag (DR- STL)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC F, LBAC R, and then more SSH as Focker arrived late

THE THANG: Ran around McCabe and made various stops to complete sets of 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, and 15 squats until we had run 2 miles and done 100/200/300

Subbed pull ups for burpees on a couple of sets

Threw in some lunges at one point

Lots more SSH as well

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout on 6/8 at 9am at Green Hills Park

COT: seemed like a lot of people were/are going through some kind of loss or transition. Prayers for the HIM


Last Minute

AO: westeros
Q: Grape
PAX: Vector, Pep, Hedwig, OfficeSpace, SalPal, Spinal Tap, DintyMoore, caprate, Tim the Toolman
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: beautiful, the only thing gloomy was SalPal’s attitude


V Ups

Several sets of this with some moseys

Tennis court Mary and ping pong (exercises at the four corners, fifth group would travel to a corner and start doing the exercise and supplant that group who would then travel to the next corner, etc)

Mosey to the stairs for three sets of a baby Bearway

Mosey to startex for more Mary

MOLESKINE: it was fun whipping something up on the fly! If you would have told me two years ago that I would be leading a workout group of 10 guys and would be able to fill a 45 minute workout with virtually no prep, I would have thought you were crazy. Grateful for what this organization has meant to me.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout on 6/8 at 9am at Green Hills Park

COT: prayers for friends and colleagues who have lost loved ones
