An Excuse to Work Legs

AO: atlantis
Q: Hair Band
PAX: SalPal, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Puzzlah, Siri, Pothole
FNGs: 1 Pothole

Mosey 1 laps around soccer fields
Good mornings
Cherry pickers
Willie mays hayes
Cowboy hip rotations (fwd & bck)
50 SSHs

30 sec high knees + 10 perfect merkins
Repeat 10 times

15 Drop squats + sprint parking spaces
Repeat 8 times

Lunge walk around parking lot

4-5min of 10 burpees + 10 v ups alternating

In a world of well rounded workouts, Hair Band seems obsessed with getting our legs solid as marble. Complaints from the pax about leg soreness will be seen as badges of honor from Hair Band and only seek to fuel his love of leg based workouts. If anything, Hair Band feels like a merciful Q in that he allowed us to do Merkins.

• Night Moves hosted by SalPal March 6th, check his preblast for details
• AOQ Grow School coming back atcha Saturday March 22nd stonewall tel:0600-0800
• Spring Fling hosted by Natural Ice – CBO, check main channel for details
• May CSAUP coming your way

• prayers for work transitions and changes happening, prayers for men looking for work, prayers for babies on the way, over all health and well being

Thanks for letting me Q, this was a fun workout and due to my lack of bringing a speaker the mumblechatter was mumbling.

Welcome to Pothole!

Rock on,

Hair Band :sign_of_the_horns:

Filipino Fthursday

AO: atlantis
Q: Firefox
PAX: Pole Dancer, CubCadet, Toothless
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Practically tropical

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot, each PAX carrying a 25lb bag of rice.
15 x SSHs
15 x LBAC
15 x RLBAC
15 x Air Press + Calf Raises
OYO WMHs and GMs

THE THANG: Continuing on from Filipino Friday at Bomber, we listened to a playlist of Filipino/Filipino-American/Half-Filipino artists and made good use of our rice bag coupons.

Thang 1: Partner exercises.
Partners faced each other on opposite sides of a picnic bench (short dimension) and did step-ups at the same time, passing a rice bag at the top of their step-up. Approx 3 min to The Little Ones “Argonauts”

Partners were on their six, toe-to-toe and did sit-ups, passing the rice bag at the top of the sit-up. Approx 3:50 min to Bruno Mars’s “Locked Out of Heaven”.

Partners faced each other standing and did squats, passing the rice bag when standing. Approx 3:30 min to Enrique Iglesias’s “Bailamos”.

Thang 2: Filipino Trivia. PAX did reps of an exercise based on various Filipino-related stats.
– 120x (each) Mountain Climbers for the over 120 languages spoken in the Philippines
– 333x (collective) Plank Jacks for the number of years of Spanish colonial rule
– 48x (each) V-ups for the number of years of American colonial rule
– 330x (collective) Freddie Mercurys for the number of pounds of rice consumed by the average Filipino in a year (Americans eat ~27 lbs per year)
– 78x (each) LBCs for the percentage of Roman Catholics in the Philippines
– 16x (each) Decline Merkins for the number of Filipino presidents (there were actually 17, 1 before their official independence)
– 58x (each) Merkins for the number of pesos to a US dollar (plus 10 penalty burpees)
– 16x (each) Burpees for the number of million metric tons of rice consumed in the Philippines per year (plus 10 penalty burpees)
– 50x Fire Hydrants (each, per leg) because I ran out of prepared stats
– 1 minute Hollow Body Hold because.

MOLESKINE: Rice bags really hold up as coupons.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check Slack/Calendar

– A round of gratitude
– Health and safety for Toothless’s mother-in-law, CubCadet’s father-in-law, Pole Dancer’s friend’s M
– Congrats to Toothless on new beginnings!

the most annoying workout in the world

AO: middle-tooth
Q: sooner
PAX: Oatmeal, bluemule, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Hanes, DrRupp, Betty Ford, aquaman
FNGs: 1 aquaman

WARMUP: active stretching


Rotating stations + hill sprint between rotations

Station 1: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — Merkins

Station 2: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — squats

Station 3: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — hanging leg raises

Station 4: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — Triangles

Station 5: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — Australian push-ups

Team station: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — up downs

Timer is a song about Sally going up and down…

Everyone completes all the stations

Back to start


COT: Ashley

Earning the Apres

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Young and Restless, DrRupp, sooner, Toothless, bluemule
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold and Windy! I thought it was supposed to be warm in the south…

WARMUP: Mosey around the school, active warmups, dynamic stretching

THE THANG: Cross Country Skiing

Lunge the length of the field
20 Burpees
Mosey back
Lunge the length of the field
20 Star Jumps
Mosey to the Parking Lot

Inchworm from standing position into plank, perform merkin, walk feet up to hands, put hands straight up. Inchworm the length of the parking lot

Ring of Fire!
All start in high plank, transition to low plank, and back to high plank throughout the song.

DORA: 200 WW1’s as your partner travels the length of the lot and back

5 Burpee buy in for ending one minute early

ANNOUNCEMENTS: LeanPax started yesterday, juiceday kicking off, new 4:13 class at Stronghold next Thursday

COT: Prayers for health in the new year


Pole Dancer’s Christmas Special

AO: atlantis
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Toothless, Oatmeal
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Balmy and Clear

WARMUP: Mosey around the fields, active warmups, dynamic stretching

THE THANG: After warming up to the unlit Pizza Hut, the PAX decided on naughty or nice rep counts for a two pack of exercises; 25 for nice, 50 for naughty. Mosey around the water tank for a breather in between sets;

Super Mans

Mountain Climbers

Imperial Walkers
Alabama Prom Dates

Star Jumps

Followed up with Lunge travel from the Pizza Hut back to StartX

Snuck in a ring of fire to everyone’s favorite insanity-inducing Christmas son, Dominic the Donkey, before a round of Mary to bring us to 6:15

MOLESKINE: Pricing and commerce of the secondary playing cards market, upcoming vacations, D&D escapades


COT: Prayers for safe travel over the holidays, health of 2.0’s and family, prayers of healing for Toothless’ MiL


Dew & Dora

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Hanes
PAX: DrRupp, Focker, Oatmeal, SalPal, sooner, Toothless
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Tropical Winter + Puddles

Jog around the track, sprint to front

MTN Climbers
American Hammers
Bobby Hurleys (jump squats)
Freddie Mercury’s

Control – run down the long straight on track and back, keep working out till All In. Change exercise.

Mosey to flag, 1 round of toe taps


ANNOUNCEMENTS: NYD Convergence led by Grape. Lean Pax.

COT: Prayers for those who have lost loved ones during the Holiday Season. Prayers for healthy families and travel. Prayers for individuals who may have some trauma during this season.

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” -Maya Angelou

You can’t always control your environment or the things that happen to you, but you can always try to change your outlook or the way you choose to see something or someone.
The Challenge: Be the positive change wherever you are and encourage others with your effort to shape the things that you can change.

Shout out to Oatmeal and sooner for delicious coffee and encouraging and supporting another great AM in the gloom.


Merry Christmas from the family

AO: atlantis
Q: sooner , Oatmeal
PAX: Oatmeal, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Siri, Subway, SalPal
FNGs: None
Active warm-up

Mozy over to pizza hut

Santa appears out of the gloom… he looks a lot like oatmeal

Christmas Night
Santa/Oatmeal pulls a gift out of the bag and the PAX has to deliver; The pax are reindeer, led by rudolph who have to deliver gifts. Each round, Santa/Oatmeal picks off a pax from the reindeer who does an exercise while the rest of the pax delivers to playground locations specified on the card; santa’s crew of injured reindeer grows during each round of present delivery

Gift delivery travel: Native Reindeer Run around the water tower to “Whoville” aka the playground

Penalty for forgetting rudolph

Christmas Morning
Open each gift to find two unique exercises (25 each). One is naughty and one is nice. Flip a disc to determine exercise. Gating price to either be nice or get forgiveness for being naughty is Christmas/Oatmeal trivia.

Bag 1: ice skaters / Mountain jumpers; each side is half
Bag 2: elven merkins / eleven flutters aka hand release merkins with a star Superman or reverse flutters (low plank + flutter kicks); 4 ct
Bag 3: Frosty jumps / walks; low squat duck walk or broad jump; 1 is 1
Bag 4: Twinkling Star of Bethlaham or manger madness aka side straddle hops 4 CT or star jumps but with 180 rotation); 1 is 1
Bag 5: Ornamentation or Tree toppers aka plank ups or one-legged alternating box jump reaching for the tree top on the jump; each side is half
Bag 6: sleigh rides or Jingle bell rock aka Supermans or happy crunch frogs but with arms elevated verticaly instead of horizontally; 1 is 1
Bag 7: Christmas mornings aka 8 CT body builders; 1 is 1… We didn’t do this one

Santa had a loose interpretation of the rules. We did exercise for the record.

COT: healing, comfort and guidance


tag your favorite trivia question in comments

The basics

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Focker
PAX: Toothless, sooner, Oatmeal, Hanes, DrRupp, Betty Ford, Young and Restless, Pole Dancer, Wolfpack
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: wet, but only from below

WARMUP: Toothlesswas kind enough to lead warmups while I slept through my alarms

15 decline merkins, lunges to 10 swing rows
20 decline merkins, lunges to 11 swing rows
25 decline merkins, lunges to 12 swing rows
Failure incline merkins, lunges to 13 swing rows
20 decline merkins, lunges to 14 swing rows
15 decline merkins, lunges to 15 swing rows

11s in the parking lots
Sit throughs and prisoner squats

Finished with sprints and high skips

MOLESKINE: great work by all, this one challenged me for sure as was my first time leading since the new addition.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: come on out Sunday 12/15 for LOTR movie!

COT: prayers for those with illness and death in their family, praises for healing,

Is it Christmas?

AO: middle-tooth
Q: sooner
PAX: Toothless, Topanga, Hanes, Betty Ford, DrRupp, bluemule
FNGs: None
It was really cold and Oatmeal was missing


Mosey to the front of the school and do some active stretching


Thing 1
Pull ups amrap
Uphill sprint
4 sets

Thing 2
Hanging decline merkins amrap
Uphill sprint
4 sets

Thing 3
Swing set sets 25 each
– swinging thrusters
-Elevated prom dates
– Upland Jane Fonda’s
– mountain climbers
– hanging decline low plank
– swing row
– canoe on a swing (Betty Ford is really good at this)

Grateful for this shared discipline

Freed to lead

Evan, giving Tuesday, Sottick extended family

AOQ Grow School

AO: -f3-nashville-general
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Toothless, Right Said, Young and Restless, Natural Ice – CBO, Firefox, Pebbles, t-cell, hambone, SalPal, Tim the Toolman, Hair Band, F3 Omaha: @Lot Lizard, @g-string
FNGs: None

Hair Band was late so Toothless and the boys took us through a warm up

Once HB finally showed, we moseyed to the hill by the flag and had a relay race.

2 teams
Both teams do burpees
1st person does a 10 burpee buy in then runs up the hill, touches the flag, and them back down tagging the next person
The next person does not have to do the buy since they have been doing burpees the whole time
First team to complete gets to choose next exercise
Rinse repeat
Winning team gets first dibs at breakfast/coffee

During the beatdown HIMs were encouraged to discuss:
1 What “hooked” you into joining F3?
2 What leadership did you witness?

Final Tally
Team 1: IIII
Team 2: II

Breakfast is served

We were joined by Black Lung, Jason Callen (Deep Dish), & one other who i’m forgetting

t-cell shared some wisdom and thoughts surrounding the starting of F3 Nashville. He read some emails sent to him from F3 Charlotte when F3 Nash was first getting kicked off.

We split into two groups and had discussion time prompted by a list of questions the SLT put together. Groups were encouraged to pick the questions that stuck out, not necessarily go through all. :party_parrot: I encourage each of you to read these questions and answer one that sticks out to you below, let’s keep the discussion going!

List of questions:

1 Who is your favorite AOQ? And why? 
2 What makes you afraid of being an AOQ/stepping into leadership? What are your insecurities as an AOQ? 
3 What should the trajectory of an AOQ look like?
4 What makes a quality transition? How can new AOQs be lead best? 
5 What’s the one thing you do that makes your AO successful? 
6 What does success look like as an AOQ? 
7 1⭐️-10⭐️ AOQ experiences? What would perfection look like?
8 What are their experiences as AOQs? 
9 What is a good FNG intake process? 
10 How do we reconnect with Kotters? 
11 How can the AOQ be the Chief Energy Officer?
12 Best practices to achieve? 
13 What makes a good AOQ? 
14 What makes a bad AOQ? 
15 Where are AOQs not performing their duties? 
16 What should the trajectory of an AOQ look like?
17 What makes a quality transition? How can new AOQs be lead best?

– “It’s about the led, not the leader”
– Growth trajectory of AOQ:
1. Aware of breadth of influence:
1. Tone
2. Energy
3. Expectations
4. Connection
5. Give “permission” to others
1. Grow in confidence and skill
2. Set other men on fire to lead and grow

– As soon as you start feeling comfortable in the role, start looking for and investing in your replacement – basically lead before you’re ready and leave before you’re ready. You’re stewarding the time in the role well as a servant leader, not holding onto it forever.
– Personal connection is magic of F3
– Main fear to starting as an AOQ is “will anyone show up?”
– Best AOQs have a “presence,” I.e. they are felt when there and immediately missed when gone, they set the tone
– Many AOQs may stop at the logistics level, but it’s important to be intentional in thinking of the impact beyond logistics
– Big focus should be on growing leaders for sake of not just F3, but for how that shapes them as they go back to their families & workplace

• Cruel Hall Butterball Crawl! See main channel for details

• family & friends going into surgery, HIMs with new borns and babies on the way

Thanks so very much to everyone that attended, I would love to do this again. Special shout out to Toothless, Right Said, Natural Ice – CBO, & Chunks for their invaluable help in planning and putting this together. Additional thanks to t-cell for spending time with us and sharing.

It was a pleasure to Q this, I had an absolute ball.

Rock on,

Hair Band