Tortoise & Hare – Run #3

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Right Said, Crawlspace, Chunks, bluemule, Michelin Man, Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, Tater (Skeet 2.0), Whoopi, Aquaman, Big Rig, Toadstool, Wolverine, Mane ‘N Tail, Sax Man, Toots, Square Root, Airball, Yes Chef, D Pole, Jackie Moon
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A beautiful 30 degrees

WARMUP: Regular warm up – SSH, Squats, IWs, Stretches

THE THANG: RUN!! Asked every 4:13 Strong man to partner up with someone that would push them and it worked. We have 9 out of 11 4:13 Strong men set PRs today!

Wolverine set a new class record today with 26:02; our “all in” time was 37:25.

MOLESKINE: A great showing from F3 Pax and a great effort by all. To have this many men set a PR in week three shows that they are pushing to get better. Thank you for being a part of their transformation!

COT: Prayers for strength, courage and guidance.

Tortoise & Hare, run #2

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: hambone, Chunks, Judy, Barney, Decaf, Take 3, Big Rig, Toadstool, Wolverine, Mane ‘N Tail, Sax Man, Toots, Square Root, Airball, Yes Chef, D Pole, Jackie Moon
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 16 degrees and dark!

WARMUP: Regular pre-run warm-up: SSH, IWs, Squats, Stretches and WHM.

THE THANG: RUN!! We had only one PR this morning. Toots broke 30 mins for the first time and finished with an impressive 27:30!

MOLESKINE: Spirits remain high with this class. Thanks to Chunks hambone and Judy for joining us this morning.

COT: Prayers for healing, courage, strength and guidance.


AO: thestronghold
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Chunks, sooner, Oatmeal, Ginger, Red Skull, Skeet, Decaf, Shocker (Mark Holmes), toga, Ponzi, Pole Dancer, Young and Restless, Dan Tanna, Pearl (Jonathan Halter), DintyMoore, Crawlspace, Right Said, Hair Band, Mullet, Wedding Singer, Minnie Pearl, Catfish, Chyna, Whoopi, Escort, jackie moon, Toadstool (aka Princess Peach aka formerly PlayStation), Tail and Mane, Barney, Dpole?, Yes Chef, SaxMan, BigRig, Air Ball, Toots, Square Root, Wolverine
FNGs: None

50 SSH, 10 Merkins, 25 Flutters, 10 WMH, 10 GM’s

First, YHC quickly realized there was not enough blocks for what was planned. I don’t feel like I pivoted very well tbh, that’s on me for not having a backup plan in place.

Here is what was rx’d:
– 15 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 14 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 13 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run
– 12 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 11 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 10 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run
– 9 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 8 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 7 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run
– 6 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 5 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 4 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run
– 3 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 2 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 1 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run

In reality here is what happened:
Partner up – 1 block per partner group
– 15 burpees together
– P1 does 50 HR-Merks while P2 runs, flipflop
– P1 does 50 WNW’s while P2 runs, flipflop
– 14 burpees together..etc

2-3 rounds in YHC called an audible, rallied the troops, apologized for poor planning, constructively criticized poor listening, stupid questions, and bitching from PAX, and then prescribed finishing out the burpees (apocalypse+) starting at 13. Funny enough the MC and smart-mouths stopped :man-shrugging:

MOLESKINE: Lessons learned on leadership, planning contingencies, listening, using the time someone gives you to ask questions, etc

Tortoise & Hare – Run #1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Chunks, Hair Band, Right Said, Crawlspace, hambone, Young and Restless, SalPal, Skeet, Take 3, D Pole, Jackie Moon + 9 FNGs waiting to be named on Thursday
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A chilly 19 degrees

WARMUP: SSH, IW, Squats, Stretching

THE THANG: Pair up and RUN!!

MOLESKINE: What a great first run for the new class. Everyone finished sub 40:00 today. Thanks for the great F3 support this morning.

COT: Prayers for strength, courage and wisdom

Final Workout at The Stronghold for 2024

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: Noble Virus (Mark Britnell) F3 Franklin, Swingline / Jason Aeverman, hambone, Right Said, Young and Restless, toga, Decaf, Red Skull, Skeet, Natural Ice, Midnight Club, Ol’ McDonald, DreamCast, World Tour, Vera Wang
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and windy for Halloween

WARMUP: 40 SSH, Good Mornings, Stretching and some Imperial Walkers to satisfy the demands of World Tour

THE THANG: bluemule was out with an ankle injury, so Chunks stepped in and led the workout. We followed the bluemule script for the last workout of the class….running and 8-count body builders.

The first stop was a little known driveway that we have never utilized before. After a demonstration by Chunks, each 4:13 Strong man shared something they have learned over the past 40 day and then led us in 5 8-count body builders.

We then took off to the second stop where each 4:13 Strong man shared a goal for the future and then led us in another round of 8-count body builders.

Indian run back to the start for some Mary. We started with 5 8-count body builders so we could end with an even 100 for the morning. hambone then jumped in and led everyone in a round of 10 speed burpees. To ensure no more burpees were done, Ol’McDonald took over and led us in 50 4-count Alabama Prom Dates. Natural Ice took control from Ol’ McDonald and led us in a nice round of flutter kicks. DreamCast had the final say with at 30 second low plank.

MOLESKINE: Thank you to my F3 brothers for the show of support and encouragement this morning. It was a great way to wrap up the final workout at The Stronghold.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day is tomorrow at 11:30am. All are welcome. It is a fun celebrate with some great food and fellowship following the ceremony. Come celebrate with us and let 4:13 Strong buy you lunch!

COT: Chunks reminded us of how important the 1 second decisions can be and closed us with strong words of encouragement and a prayer for wisdom, strength and endurance.

Final Tortoise & Hare of 2024!!

AO: thestronghold
Q: SalPal
PAX: Red Skull, Decaf, Young and Restless, Michelin Man, Right Said, Crawlspace, Chunks, hambone, Hacker (Franklin), Skeet, SalPal, tampalibra, Tater, Vera Wang, Zoro, Ol’ McDonald, Crockett, DreamCast, World Tour,
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Perfect PR weather – mild 63 degrees

WARMUP: SalPal led us through the standard warmup but added a “birthday burpee” in between each exercise.

THE THANG: Give that it was SalPals special day, he had the privilege of issuing the final “RUN” command of the year.

MOLESKINE: What a fantastic showing from the F3 community. Thank you for joining us this morning. You helped the 4:13 Strong men finish the run in record time. Five out of Six had a PR today! What a great way to close down Tortoise & Hare!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day on Friday, 11:30am. All are welcome. The ceremony is brief followed by a time of lunch and fellowship. The menu for the day is Hot Chicken and Mac & Cheese. Come join us for this fun celebration.

COT: Prayers for strength, wisdom and encouragement.

3’s a crowd

AO: thestronghold
Q: Minnie Pearl
PAX: Dan and Dave, Skeet, Red Skull, toga, Ripcord, Young and Restless, Decaf, Purple Tiger, Minnie Pearl, Ol’ McDonald, C#, Dreamcast, World Tour, Crockett, Vera Wang
FNGs: None
Divided into 5 teams of 3 and played several “games”
-cheerleader merkins
-coupon relay race
-catch us if you can
-coyote ugly

Mary’d out with Guantanamo
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭1‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Signing day November 1!
The struggle November 1-2

Kept Private

Tortoise & Hare ep5

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: SalPal, Chunks, Michelin Man, Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, Tater (Skeet’s 2.0), Zoro, Ol, McDonald, Crockett, DreamCast, C Sharp, Vera Wang, World Tour
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Perfect 46 degrees and dark

WARMUP: Standard pre-run warm-up: SSH, Squats, HBWs, Stretch, WMH

THE THANG: Partner up and RUN!!

MOLESKINE: The tale of the Tortoise & Hare played out in real life today. Those that started off with a dead sprint were gassed by the first turn and never recovered the pole position. Those that started out with a deliberate pace maintained performance and set PRs.

Three 4:13 Strong men set a PR and Young and Restless set a PR. It was a great day to run.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The final Signing Day of 2024 will be on Friday 11/1 at 11:30. Come join us, celebrate the 7 men that are moving into the work phase and let 4:13 Strong buy your lunch.

The Struggle 003 is 11/1 – 11/2. We have a couple of open spots if you are interested. This is a fantastic experience that will push your physical and mental limits while forging deeper relationships with those you Struggle with. Let me know if you want more details or if you are ready to sign up.

COT: Prayers for family, healing comfort and direction.

Tortoise & Hare – Week 5

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Decaf, Young and Restless, Michelin Man, Right Said, Crawlspace, SalPal, Chunks, hambone, Ol’ McDonald, Crockett, DreamCast, C Sharp, Vera Wang, World Tour
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Our first cool run of the season – 46 degrees

WARMUP: The warm-up was hijacked by World Tour who seemed to short-cut everything in an effort to get to the run. We stretched the right side more than the left which resulted in some lopsided running.

THE THANG: RUN!!! Three miles around the campus. We had a couple of PRs this morning. Those that are training for the half marathon are coming into the home stretch.

MOLESKINE: It was great to have a good showing this morning to offer encouragement to the 4:13 Strong men. Thank you to the faithful PAX that continue to show up and make a difference.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Struggle 003 is coming up in just a couple of weeks. This Struggle will be on a Friday night so work won’t be an excuse. Hit up Ginger if you would like to get you name on the list. You will be glad you did it.

COT: Prayers for strength, guidance and focus.


AO: thestronghold
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Red Skull, Chunks, Dan and Dave, Ponzi, Ripcord, toga, bigbang, Grape, Patty, Right Said, Ginger, Crocket, C Sharp, Catfish, Zorro, Snapper, Old MacDonald, Pearl, Humble Boxer, Filet O’Fish, Dreamcast, Big Country, Vera Wang, Slab, Ten Pack, Speedway
FNGs: None
First. We didn’t finish the workout and that drives me crazy. I’ll take that as poor leadership there are a few things I should have adjusted BUT I’ve done this workout solo and even Q’d it a few times (starting at 200 reps) so I know it can fit in. I don’t like not finishing things, personal pet-peeve of mine :sweat_smile:

Exercises are to be done in sets of 25 reps. After completing 25 reps, run to the designated spot and do 3 burpees. After the 3 burpees, run back and continue with exercise.

175 curls
150 big boi situps
125 Overhead Press
100 Kettlebell Swings
75 Merkins
50 We’re not worthy’s
25 Blockees

The 200 rep set would have been Bonnie Blairs but I knew that was not going to happen and I’ve been doing Squatober so my legs barely work anyhow and decided to cut it :joy: