Funand games

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning stār
PAX: Sooie, Stubs, Sparrow, Ex-Pat, Bumble bee (2.0 / Q), the Judge (2.0)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: pass the soccer ball around and squats

Part 1:
2 v 2 soccer; those not playing exercise, winning team days in

Part 2:
Hide and seek tag

MARY: circle of fire with merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: big announcement coming in October at the knoll

COT: “courage” on 3

There are always some more cards to be dealt

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning stār
PAX: Wolfpack, El Capitan, Ranger, Sooie, Tea Party, AAA, Malibu, morning stār, Papa Bear, Stubs, Sparrow, Bumble bee (2.0 / Q), Link (2.0), Samwise (2.0), Iowa (2.0), The Judge (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: mild and dark

WARMUP: motivators 1 to 8

THE THANG: deck of pain
– Hearts = SSH (4ct)
– Spades = t-claps (4ct)
– Clubs = Carolina dry docks
– Diamonds = sit ups
– Ace is 1 rep, J/Q/K are 12 reps
– Joker is 10 4ct flutter kicks

MARY: dealer’s choice

ANNOUNCEMENTS: chili cookoff coming in October

COT: ball of man and “kindness” on 3!

MOLESKIN: this is Bumble bee’s second full Q … he’s growing in confidence which is so great to see. Appreciate the PAX creating an encouraging environment for him to learn and grow.

Stay curious my friends,

On the Books Anniversary

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: The Banker, morning stār, Sooie, Sparrow, Tea Party, Papa Bear, Pit Master, Dr. Stogie, Stubs, Eagle (2.0), The Judge (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool, starry, perfect

Stretch OYO
Overhead claps
Seal claps
Don Quixotes
Motivators (from 5)

Split into 2 teams. Had 6 cones set up 15 yards apart. Each cone had a different exercise on it. Each team had to complete 200 reps of the exercise. The first team to finish the 200 reps captured the cone and added 25 reps to the next exercises.
1. Squats
2. Merkins
3. WW2’s
4. Monkey humpers
5. apollo ohno’s
6. Burpees

Next up a friendly game of capture the flag. Be warned Tea Party has some speed!

“Outdo one another in showing honor”
Romans 12:10

I’ve been incredibly blessed to witness the transformations in the lives of the men at the knoll. Took time to recognize and honor the men both present and absent.

9/11 convergence at the Capitol Steps
9/14 F3 Nashville 10 year anniversary

Prayers spoken and offered.