L.E.A.P. D.A.Y.

AO: greenmachine
Q: princessaurora
PAX: Breadsticks, Cowboy, Focker, Grape, moneyshot, Rocket Mortgage, t-cell, Topanga, Works for a Guy, monster biscuit, Haggis
FNGs: None
Practically arctic juxtaposed with the balmy weather just days before

Mosey to midfield for a little COP:
– Randies
– Moroccan Night Clubs
– Fire Hydrants

Line up in the end zone for a L.E.A.P. D.A.Y. escalator. Each round, PAX perform exercise, Bernie to 50-yard line, and jog back. With each successive round, PAX are adding the next exercise on top of previous exercises before their runs.

Lunges x 10
– Eccentric Squats (3-ct down) x 20
– Apolo Ohnos x 30
– Plyo Jumps x 40

400m lap to shake the legs out, and then, in keeping with the day’s “extra” theme, perform final round with all four exercises one more time.

Moving into the upper body portion with the same format.

– Dive Bomber Merkins x 10
– Ab Thrusters x 20
– Y-Raises x 30

200m lap followed by an extra round of all three, then mosey to the pull-up bars.

Split into groups of three. One group calls ab exercise while they perform 29 pull-ups each as a team (modified for time, but not before t-cell, moneyshot, and YHC tested the original plan).


Soundtrack consisted of bonus/hidden tracks through the years, and there were some real nostalgic gems in there.

Always a great group at greenmachine. Thanks to Focker for letting me take the reins on this extra day and for caffeinating us all. I might need to make GM a part of my routine.

Murder Mile – 3/28
Plankpril – 4/1-4/30

My BIL and his wife’s pregnancy
Haggis’s job search

PA out.


AO: iiipillars
Q: Vector
PAX: Bard, Black Lung, Dollywood, Focker, wardas1, Go Fish, Grape, Harbaugh, Natural Ice, Pep, princessaurora, Tackle Box, t-cell, YumYum, Haggis, TiVo, Fanny (Kotter with a long-forgotten name)
FNGs: 2 TiVo, Fanny (Kotter with a long-forgotten name)
YHC became a smidge nervous when our AOQ Grape announced todays’ session as one I’d be “committing crimes against our bodies,” although that did prompt a HC from Natural Ice due to interest in an “awkward” workout . . . Then the lightning storm prior to start had me possibly scrambling with a workout other than “let’s stand in the middle of a field at the top of a hill.” But the storm passed, the weather was perfect, and (I think) no bodies had crimes committed against them.

For today’s theme, I unearthed a playlist used up in Louisville during a recent visit to see pumpkin spice — the Louisville PAX, not ones to note the brilliance of a theme playlist, didn’t take too kindly to some of the cheesy selections, even at one point grabbing the Vector-o-jukebox to change songs. Party foul, bro. I knew the HIM of iiiPillars were far more appreciative of cheesy playlists, so this one, about partners, seemed perfect.

CONDITIONS: Post storm perfection – nice breeze, good temp.

It Takes Two – Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock
Why Can’t We Be Friends – War
I Got You – Split Enz
Just the Two of Us – Grover Washington Jr w/ Bill Withers
We Can Work it Out – Beatles
Best Friend – English Beat
Get Together – The Youngbloods
With a Little Help from My Friends – Beatles
Together Forever – Rick Astley
You’re the One that I Want – Olivia Newton-John/John Travolta
Team – Lorde
Come Together – Beatles

(10 burpees to start due to the flag falling to the ground followed by 5 more due to some PAX sass re: YHC following his own instructions). Mosey to field.
Started with counting off and noting your partner, who you’d be stuck with the rest of the morn.
SSH x 20, LBC x 20, Seal claps x 10, Overhead claps x 10, Overhead press x 10, RLBC x 20. WMH and Good Mornings OYO x 10 each.

#1 PAIR: Plankjacks, Abd crunches, Incline Merkins, and “Regular” Squats – total 200 per exercise per pair, one exercises while partner runs lap.

#2 DUO: Dips, Underdogs, Overhead Squats x 200 with laps

Mosey back to Startex and high 5 partner for job well done.

MOLESKINE: Named FNG TiVo (given prior h/o of work with Direct TV) and a Kotter who had forgotten his name from long ago — as per renaming rules, the second name must be more embarrassing (assuming he was not the FNG once named “Soft Wood,” an unfortunate choice that led to never seeing that HIM again). princessaurora noted with the HIM’s initials BG that a Bee Gees song name was appropriate, specifically “Fanny” – a song about a woman who needed to be “tender with [the] love” of the 3 Australio-UK Disco singers. Natural Ice, there’s your awkward . . .

1. Biscuit Run Half Marathon this weekend – check slack for deets.

1. Prayers for Yuri
2. A lot of mumblechatter about the 60s flavor of the playlist . . . YHC took no offense, as great music is timeless, my friends.
3. Grateful for the PAX of HIM for allowing me to lead, tolerating once again (and far more that Louisville PAX) the playlist, and making me stronger and better each day.


The things we do for love

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape
PAX: Focker, t-cell, Go Fish, Tackle Box, Black Lung, Goose, princessaurora, Harbaugh, Baguette, YumYum, Pep, Swiffer, Dollywood
FNGs: 1 Dollywood
CONDITIONS: snowy/icy! My fingers went numb! Just like my cold dead heart


20 SSH
10 Good Mornings OYO
10 OH Claps
10 Seal Claps
10 OH Press
10 Moroccan Night Clubs
mosey to the field



Four corners with a partner
20 hand slap merkins
20 hand slap BBSU’s
20 bropees
10 partner derkins each

One partner runs while other completes exercises for a total of 100 each of:
O Squats
V Ups
Elbows to knees (4 count mountain climbers)

3 MoMary picked from a “box of chocolates”
20 APD’s
20 Freddie Mercs
15 box cutters

MOLESKINE: we followed the journey of a star crossed lover who finally had the confidence to buy his heartthrob some flowers leading to an electric love that ultimately ended with infidelity that led to our hero contemplating the meaning of life. Thankfully, he proclaimed in the end that he would survive.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday tonight, Leanpax starts again in 10.5 months

COT: prayers for Nancy, Zelensky, the Benz family, and for love

What’s the name of the dwarf kingdom?

AO: greenmachine
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Works for a Guy, FeelTheBerns, EZ-Go, Sherlock, Cowboy, Deep State, Black Lung, Esposa, Firefox, t-cell, moneyshot, Focker, monster biscuit, Betty Ford, Haggis
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Too hot for a hoodie


10 Walk out push ups
20 Imperial walkers
10 Hillbillies
Willy Mays Hayes

Our F3 fellowship had to deliver the Ring (bumper plate) to Mt. Doom. There were 4 stops on our journey with a weighted exercise at every station.

Rivendell – 3 reps for the elven kings
Pick up 15lb ring
IP run around track
– 3 mercs w ring and pass down
– Everyone mercs while we wait

Moria – 7 reps for dwarf lords
Pick up 15lb ring
IP run around track
– 7 ring presses
– Everyone mountain climbers while we wait

Gondor – 9 reps for mortal men
Pick up 25lb ring
IP run around track
– 9 ring squats
– Everyone air squats while we wait

Mt. Doom – 1 ring to rule them all
Pick up 35lb ring
IP run around track
– Overhead ring carry up bleachers
– Everyone burpees while we wait

MARY and Pippin:
Hold 6in until time

Last week of #leanpax!
Brewruck next Tuesday
Potential CSAUP at Greenmachine upcoming

Haggis job search
EZ-Go kids school change

Always a pleasure to be with this crew. Solid showing, solid effort, solid gainz!



AO: bomber
Q: Vector
PAX: hambone, porcelain, greyalbum, CubCadet, Tim the Toolman, Pep, t-cell, Sherlock, Chunks, Wolfpack, Papa Bear, Crawlspace, @CreamCheese, @Avalanche, @Topps, Waterboy
FNGs: 1 Waterboy
Continuing in the tradition of lessons in music history (previous classes included Disco, New Wave Post Punk, Old School Country, and @CubCadet ‘s favorite, Southern California Death Metal), YHC felt a Bomber Friday was the perfect time to teach a lesson on funk music. The playlist consisted of some of the greatest funk songs, but funky also means stinky. So, it’s time to break a sweat.

CONDITIONS: Perfectly funky

Play That Funky Music – White Cherry
Get Down On It – Kool & the Gang
Funky town – Lipps Inc.
Low Rider – War
Shining Star – EWF
She’s a Bad Mama Jama – Carl Carlton
Flash Light – Parliament
Super Freak – Rick James (dammit)
Got to Give it Up – Marvin Gaye
Word Up – Cameo
Jungle Boogie – Kool & the Gang

Mosey around baseball field to rec center and circle up.


#1: Get Down On It: Side Straddle Hops while this funk classic plays. Every time the words “get down” are uttered, PAX do a jump squat. Reminder as we start that it’s a 5 minute song.

#2: Upper Body: 100 reps of incline merkins, dips, and underdogs. Run around rec center after each exercise.

#3: Legs: 100 reps (each leg = 1/2) of squats, iron mikes, and mountain climbers. Run around rec center after each exercise.

– Welcome FNG Waterboy, a UF Gator
– Prayers for Yuri and family
– 9 days left for the leanpaxers

Thanks as always for letting me lead you. The mumblechatter dropped off, so I’m hoping folks got funky while we got funky. Appreciate all of you for pushing me.

Wake up, It’s The First of the Month

AO: greenmachine
Q: Goose
PAX: moneyshot, Cowboy, Black Lung, Sherlock, Betty Ford, Deep State, Works for a Guy, Topanga, FeelTheBerns, Movin On Up, t-cell, Hagus
FNGs: None

Forward Fold, Willie mays hays, Cherry pickers x2

Indian Runs 2 laps

Adora: 300 squats and 300 LBC while partner runs to midfield.

100 yard lunge

Adora: 500 SSH while partner runs to midfield

Circle of Mary

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tuesday Brewsday at the Capital View Juice Bar on Tuesday!

Charity Stripe

AO: iiipillars
Q: Harbaugh
PAX: Pencil Pusher, Baguette, Go Fish, Grape, grisham, YumYum, Pep, Pop-A-Lock, DintyMoore, t-cell, Zelenskyy, Haggis, Formica
FNGs: None
1) Circle warm-up
2) Groups of 3 – Rotating laps; 300 merkins; 300 squats
3) Groups of 3 – Rotating laps; 300 dips; 300 squats
4) Full field – jog down/ sprint back; 10 burpees per trip -> completed 8x (had to do burpees because T Cell, Grape, and Dinty Moore all missed their free throws)
5) Plank to ‘O-o-h child’
6) Closing

4 Alarm Fire

AO: titan
Q: Chunks
PAX: Firefox, t-cell, bluemule, Crawlspace, Detective Pikachu, Red Skull, Sarge, fiftycent
FNGs: None

Mosey around the Parthenon Grass stopping at each corner for some Burpees 1,3,5 (Stop1) 7,9 (Stop 2) 10,8(Stop 3), 6,4,2 (Stop 4)

A – Arms
L – Legs
A – Abs
R – Run
M – Merkins
PAX completed 4 Rounds for a 4 ALARM fire with the PAX choosing different exercises and a couple rounds with Hollow Body HO HO Holds since @firefox was in attendance. Last round was 5 burpees for each letter except the run around the circle.

Circled up for some P90X Yoga

Moseyed back to Startex for a 5 Burpee buy out and some Hollow Body HO HO HOlds to wrap up.
New Years Day Convergence at Green Machine
LeanPax starts 1/2/24
Hendersonville relaunch 1/13 at Memorial Park

Thanks as always for the honor to lead this group of men.


The Holiday Special

AO: greenmachine
Q: Timber
PAX: Esposa, t-cell, Cowboy, The Banker, Pop-A-Lock, Timber, Black Lung, Focker, Works for a Guy, moneyshot, monster biscuit, Grape, G-string (Eli Kresta), Haggis, Blinky (guest from North Carolina F3), Boyardee (said with a French accent)
FNGs: 1 Boyardee (said with a French accent)
CONDITIONS: 34 degrees, frosty turf, and beautiful

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot, coupon (cinder block) carry to the field, IC to 10: high knees, butt kicks, merkins, slow squats, BACs, back BACs, lunge stretch (covered F3 mission and core principles here)

THE THANG: done to a playlist with a lot of variety!
Part 1: 20/10s (20 sec AMRAP, 10 sec recovery)
– 10 exercises: merkins, iron mikes, burpee, coupon row, dry dogs, squat jump, coupon shoulder swings, mountain climbers, Apollo Ohnos, Prime Time merkins
– 1 min recovery run to opposite end zone and back
– rinse and repeat!
Part 2: DORA 100s (100 reps total between partners, 1 person runs 200 yards while other does reps)
– 3 exercises: burpees, floor to ceiling with coupon, WWIIs

MARY: The Little Merkin Boy: done to Bing Crosby’s “The Little Drummer Boy,” plank til end of song, merkin on every “pa rum pum pum pum”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: N/A (forgot to ask)

COT: famous playwright Tennessee Williams changed overnight after the success of his work “The Glass Menagerie.” He went from a man that scraped together all his money to afford an apartment and food, to a man that had everything given to him. He wrote about his unhappiness and how he became miserable in an essay titled “The Catastrophe of Success”. His lesson is a good lesson for me: don’t wish for a life without challenges, because that’s not the life we were meant to live! Embrace the virtue, joy, and authentic friendships you gain out of doing hard things!

We finished with a quick prayer, particularly for those during this holiday season who have lost close ones.

Thank you for the invitation, and for the great coffee, @Focker!

– Timber

Name that Tune (90 & early 00’s Rock)

AO: iiipillars
Q: Chunks
PAX: Grape, Hair Band, Pep, Black Lung, Focker, t-cell, Tackle Box, princessaurora, Go Fish, Harbaugh, Haggis, Formica, Swiffer
FNGs: None
Brisk, but nice

2 mile Pre Party run @hairband @grape @harbaugh @blacklung and YHC

Left the friendly confines for the parking garages of Burton Hills Office Park. Quickly crossed Hillsboro road and made our way to the second hill between two of the parking structures. While moseying, Yacht Rock was the playlist
Before we started playing Name that Tune, we did 5 mins of Mary Dealers Choice, but must be 20 reps. Flutter kicks, Happy Crunchy Frogs, Box Cutters, Freddie Mercs (while a Queen song played) and LBCs

Name That Tune 90 & Early 00s rock Edition
PAX was given 20 seconds to name that song and artist, but once you answered correctly you could not answer again until all the rest of the PAX had answered. Incorrect answers resulted in 5 8-Count body builders at the bottom and top of the hill. If a PAX named the song and artist correctly, they got to pick the exercise to do at the bottom and top of hill. YHC still chose the mode of transportation up the hill. Next time per feedback of the group, I will have more variety. Everyone loved the Lunge walk up the hill. Maybe we just do sprints, who knows.
PAX got the majority of the songs right and hopefully fun was had by all.
Moseyed back to the Startex with a little sprint/race to the finish. We found PA back at the startex, and was given some brotherly feedback. 😉 Thanks for the coffee PA.
Finished with Name that Tune for two songs, so PA could be a part.

Brewsday Today at 4:30 12 South Tap Room 2for1
Brewruck on Dec 16th talk to Red Skull for all the deets
Several convergences coming up for iiipillars and middeltooth
January 13th at 6:00 am at Memorial Park in Hendersonville. Please invite any friends you have in Hendersonville to join us.
Prayers for Hairband traveling
Prayers for little Luca battling an illness

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. No better way to start your morning than with you men in the Gloom.
