Animal Movements

AO: greenmachine
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Cowboy, Esposa, Hipster, Betty Ford, t-cell, Canned Heat, moneyshot, Shania, Ronaldo (2.0), Leonardo (2.1)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Lap and arm exercises

Animal Movements
Working across the field, go halfway for each exercise and switch. Some evolution/Darwinism from smallest to largest animal.

Animal 1 and 2
Inchworm :worm:
Crab walk :crab:
1/2 Bernie

Animal 3 and 4
Frog Jumps :frog:
Leaping Lizard :lizard:
1/2 lap

Animal 5 and 6
Duck walk :duck:
Donkey Jumps 🫏
1/2 Bernie

Animal 7 and 8
Coyote :wolf:
Kangaroos :kangaroo:
1/2 lap

Animal 9 & 10
Bear Crawl :bear:
T. rex :t-rex:
1/2 Bernie

Finished with 10 minutes of ultimate football with Ronaldo scoring two goals (woops) touchdowns

Great to be at green machine with my boys. Good to see Hipster on this side of the river.
Appreciate the opportunity from Cowboy to appreciate and use parts of our body that we overlook. #staysore

LentPax, Game Night, MarchMerkin, Night Moves, Biscuit Run

COT: Tactisquatch from Black Rifle on Brew today

Redemption Tour

AO: iiipillars
Q: Focker
PAX: t-cell, Grape, Harbaugh, gov’t mule, Haggis, Shania, Pep, Sherlock, wardas1, Swiffer, Canned Heat, Young and Restless, princessaurora, Howitzer, Big Bird
FNGs: 1 Big Bird
CONDITIONS: near tropical

WARMUP: stretches followed by mental math consisting of pull ups to failure, multiply by 5 and do squats, multiply by 2 and do crunches

On track do the following:
-5 dive bomber push ups
-15 monkey humpers
-20 WW1
Run around track with straightaway sprints

-5 kick throughs
-15 jump squats
-20 dry docks
Run the opposite way
Broke this up by 2 sets of 10,20,30 DIDS

Mosey to start with one legged burpees and Mary to end it

MOLESKINE: lots of grumbling about the math. Yacht rock playlist really was enjoyed by all. Great way to set an intimate mood for the FNG


COT: prayers for shared sorrow and shared joys!
“Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark” James 3:5
^i was an idiot in my marriage yesterday with my words. Learn from my mistakes

What Piqued My Interest in 2024

AO: greenmachine
Q: Cowboy
PAX: Focker, Michelin Man, Esposa, moneyshot, Grape, t-cell, Cowboy, Canned Heat, Betty Ford, Shania
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Balmy You Say? 60 something
General Stretch OYO – WMH, Good Mornings
Sit Spread legs lean forward – oops the parking lot is wet, darn let’s go to the field

Grab Coupons, 3 total and mosey
Yog to encircle the Mustang at the 50yardline.
Stretch – Sit Spread legs lean forward
Left heel to nuts –
Right heel to nuts
Low WMH – Hands down 2x count IC

Circle Up – Every 2 reps pass the coupon to the right (quickly modified to every 5). After passing the coupon run to sideline and back. Rounds as follows IC.
30 Squats. 40 Lunges, 50 Thrusters, 60 Kettle Swings (squats)
Elbow Dips at Benches on each sideline bench.
Go to Benches
Elbow dips both or 1 leg
Elbow dips run across when a guy gets there one man runs across the field. When the teams are flipped hold till the 6
Push Ups Bent Elbows

Run to the Stairs at Stands
The PAX holds a plank till their turn.
Crawl Bear up stairs and then run up stands, across, down and back to start
Hold Plank
Rinse and Repeat the stands run.
Back to Star Deck
Mary. Dealer’s Choice

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 25K Merkin Challenge, March mini challenge Merkin Ladders of 10 Per Day, Lean Pax in the last days.
PRAYERS:” for Cowboy’s Friend Richard,

Restorative Sportcore

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: wardas1, Pep, Will Norton, Swiffer, Grape, Go Fish, t-cell, Black Lung, Harbaugh
FNGs: None
The year is 1502. On this day, in the city of Bologna, Italy, a boy by the name of Uno Boncompagni is born. He will go on to study and teach law before he is summoned to Rome by Pope Paul III and appointed first judge of the capital. Uno’s administrative strengths will allow him to rise through the ranks of the Catholic Church, resulting in his eventual election to the papacy in 1572. Ever the patron of the arts and sciences, Uno will use his position to commission a modified version of the Julian calendar 10 years later. More closely approximating the solar year and properly spacing leap years, it will go on to become the most widely accepted calendar in the world.

523 years later, Uno Boncompagni is better known by his assumed name, Pope Gregory XIII, after whom the Gregorian calendar is named.

Vatican Night Clubs
SnL Squats

Building a Foundation
3 rounds – 1’ per exercise

1. Squats
2. Side Lunges
3. SL Deadlifts
4. Split Squats R
5. Split Squats L

Gregora 1-2-3
Partner up – P1 reps, P2 runs to opposite end of field and back.

100 Merkins
200 WWIs
300 Jane Fondas R/L

Mosey back to flag for COT/BOM

The story of Pope Gregory XIII had everything to do with January 7 and nothing to do with any of the workout, save for a few cleverly named exercises. Sometimes you just want to Q something that works!

LeanPax is in full swing and men across F3 Nashville are participating in the challenge. Details from Black Lung are in the thread above, and the spreadsheet to track your progress is

On 2/11, I’ll be on Q for a Valentine’s Day-themed workout to get you prepped, so go ahead and get sexy for me with a way too early HC.

We lifted up:
– the Stark family
– Elizabeth Webb
– Keith
– Ariel
– The Gilberts

AOQ Grow School

AO: -f3-nashville-general
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Toothless, Right Said, Young and Restless, Natural Ice – CBO, Firefox, Pebbles, t-cell, hambone, SalPal, Tim the Toolman, Hair Band, F3 Omaha: @Lot Lizard, @g-string
FNGs: None

Hair Band was late so Toothless and the boys took us through a warm up

Once HB finally showed, we moseyed to the hill by the flag and had a relay race.

2 teams
Both teams do burpees
1st person does a 10 burpee buy in then runs up the hill, touches the flag, and them back down tagging the next person
The next person does not have to do the buy since they have been doing burpees the whole time
First team to complete gets to choose next exercise
Rinse repeat
Winning team gets first dibs at breakfast/coffee

During the beatdown HIMs were encouraged to discuss:
1 What “hooked” you into joining F3?
2 What leadership did you witness?

Final Tally
Team 1: IIII
Team 2: II

Breakfast is served

We were joined by Black Lung, Jason Callen (Deep Dish), & one other who i’m forgetting

t-cell shared some wisdom and thoughts surrounding the starting of F3 Nashville. He read some emails sent to him from F3 Charlotte when F3 Nash was first getting kicked off.

We split into two groups and had discussion time prompted by a list of questions the SLT put together. Groups were encouraged to pick the questions that stuck out, not necessarily go through all. :party_parrot: I encourage each of you to read these questions and answer one that sticks out to you below, let’s keep the discussion going!

List of questions:

1 Who is your favorite AOQ? And why? 
2 What makes you afraid of being an AOQ/stepping into leadership? What are your insecurities as an AOQ? 
3 What should the trajectory of an AOQ look like?
4 What makes a quality transition? How can new AOQs be lead best? 
5 What’s the one thing you do that makes your AO successful? 
6 What does success look like as an AOQ? 
7 1⭐️-10⭐️ AOQ experiences? What would perfection look like?
8 What are their experiences as AOQs? 
9 What is a good FNG intake process? 
10 How do we reconnect with Kotters? 
11 How can the AOQ be the Chief Energy Officer?
12 Best practices to achieve? 
13 What makes a good AOQ? 
14 What makes a bad AOQ? 
15 Where are AOQs not performing their duties? 
16 What should the trajectory of an AOQ look like?
17 What makes a quality transition? How can new AOQs be lead best?

– “It’s about the led, not the leader”
– Growth trajectory of AOQ:
1. Aware of breadth of influence:
1. Tone
2. Energy
3. Expectations
4. Connection
5. Give “permission” to others
1. Grow in confidence and skill
2. Set other men on fire to lead and grow

– As soon as you start feeling comfortable in the role, start looking for and investing in your replacement – basically lead before you’re ready and leave before you’re ready. You’re stewarding the time in the role well as a servant leader, not holding onto it forever.
– Personal connection is magic of F3
– Main fear to starting as an AOQ is “will anyone show up?”
– Best AOQs have a “presence,” I.e. they are felt when there and immediately missed when gone, they set the tone
– Many AOQs may stop at the logistics level, but it’s important to be intentional in thinking of the impact beyond logistics
– Big focus should be on growing leaders for sake of not just F3, but for how that shapes them as they go back to their families & workplace

• Cruel Hall Butterball Crawl! See main channel for details

• family & friends going into surgery, HIMs with new borns and babies on the way

Thanks so very much to everyone that attended, I would love to do this again. Special shout out to Toothless, Right Said, Natural Ice – CBO, & Chunks for their invaluable help in planning and putting this together. Additional thanks to t-cell for spending time with us and sharing.

It was a pleasure to Q this, I had an absolute ball.

Rock on,

Hair Band

III Pillars – 11.05.2024 – Election Day Special

AO: -f3-nashville-general
Q: princessaurora
PAX: t-cell, Black Lung, Grape, gov’t mule, Swiffer, wardas1, Will Norton, Red Skull, Pep, caprate, Go Fish, Haggis, Baguette, Tackle Box, Two Face, YumYum, Harbaugh, Full Monty
FNGs: None
Unseasonably warm, likely due to the hot takes surrounding potential election results

Today, we’d be campaigning through battleground states to earn the votes needed to win the election. Given we’re a two-party system, PAX were split into red and blue teams, and, thanks to Black Lung showing up right on time (a.k.a. 5 minutes late) YHC was able to remain a neutral election official.

After a mosey to and around the track, our first opportunity to win votes was a “debate” in the form of one lap around the track. PAX were told to select one candidate to represent their party, with Howitzer stepping in for Blue and Formica for Red.

BUT WAIT A SECOND…it’s been determined that both were no longer fit to hold office and, bypassing the primary, selected Red Skull (Blue) and Pep (Red) as new candidates. In a extremely tight race, Red Skull edged out Pep by a stride handing Blue 10 points.

Blue – 10 | Red – 0

Moving on to the battleground “state”ions! Each party’s goal is to get as many votes (reps) as possible in the time allotted.

“State”ion 1 (30 electoral votes)
Ballot Box Jumps – 4:00


Blue – 40 | Red – 0

“State”ion 2 (50 electoral votes)
Handcount Release Merkins – 3:00


Blue – 40 | Red – 50

“State”ion 3 (80 electoral votes)
Swing State Ab Thrusters (feet in swing) – 3:00


Blue – 40 | Red – 130

“State”ion 4 (70 electoral votes)
Octoburpee Surprise*- 2:00
*if trailing team wins, they steal 10 votes from leading team in addition to earning electoral votes


Blue – 120 | Red – 120

“State”ion 5 (40 electoral votes)
Jane6 Fondas – 3:00


Blue – 160 | Red – 120

“State”ion 6 (90 electoral votes)
Swing State Pull-ups – 3:00


Blue – 160 | Red – 210

“State”ion 7 (60 electoral votes)
Abs-entee Ballots (Big Boy Sit-ups) – 3:00


Blue – 160 | Red – 270

This election came down to the wire with Blue having the chance to force a runoff, but in the end, Red prevailed and their version of democracy was saved.

Mosey back to flag to wrap up with some Ballot Box Cutters and Alabama Prom Dates until time.

You never know who you might offend when you Q a workout teeming with opportunities for political jokes, but I sure I hope it was someone! Hopefully everyone felt free to put fitness and fellowship over party. It’s also worth noting here that Pep has legs when the future of our country is on the line. Dude was moving faster than I’ve ever seen him go!

Also, here’s a fun fact: given this is being written post-election, I can now proudly say that the PA Election Day Q is 100% accurate at predicting the results of American presidential elections. All eyes on will be on iiiP in 2028…

– 11/9 – 0600 Tennessee Tussle at #brokenwheel in Nolensville – friendly competition between regions – see Hair Band for details!
– 11/16 – 0600-0800 – AOQ GrowSchool at stonewall

TAPS for
– Elizabeth Webb cancer treatment
– YumYum’s mother’s health
– Baguette’s trip with/for his father
– The country

God bless America,
PA out

Stages of Labor

AO: iiipillars
Q: Focker
PAX: princessaurora, Foot Drop, Swiffer, Grape, Harbaugh, Black Lung, Tackle Box, Two Face, t-cell, Haggis, Pep, Private Sandman, LorelaiG, Formica, howitzer, Shania, Canned Heat
FNGs: 1 Canned Heat

WARMUP: good mornings and that’s it

Early labor
Dilation 0-6cm
1,2,3,4,5,6 8-count bodybuilders
“Alternate between resting and working to get labor going”
Contractions 5-30 min 15-45 sec
5 merkins, 5 prisoner squats, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Run between sets to rest

Active labor
“actively work through labor with your birthing team”
“Birth affirmations”
Dilation 6-8 cm
Every PAX does 6,7,8 pull ups while everyone affirms them. PAX are doing lt dans—>monkey humpers—>prom dates to “relax” between “contractions”

“Burpee coping method”
Contractions Every 2 minutes for 60-90 sec
Dilation 8-10 cm
8 burpees in 60 sec
9 burpees in 60 sec
10 burpees in 60 sec
1 minute plank
8 burpees in 60 sec
9 burpees in 60 sec
10 burpees in 60 sec

Pushing stage!
“Keep breathing and work with your body, not against it”
Dilated 10 cm
Contractions 3-5 min lasting 30 sec
10 sprints with small la mazze breathing session

Placenta delivery
Core work

MOLESKINE: I think we can all say we appreciate more what the moms in our lives have gone through. We totally get it now

ANNOUNCEMENTS: grow school!

COT: lots of prayers today. Thankful for everyone being open and honest. Missed you Zelenskyy. You and your wife were prayed for.

Time to Workout!

AO: greenmachine
Q: sooner
PAX: Cowboy, moneyshot, Betty Ford, LorelaiG, Zelenskyy, t-cell, Black Lung, bluemule, Hanes
FNGs: None

WARMUP: mozy to track and do some active stretching


Plank circuit- 1 minute each
– plank jacks
– mountain climber
– alternating plank jacks
– jump mountain climber
– alternating shoulder taps
– high plank hand shuffle
– high-lows
– T jump merkins

Track interval ladder up and back down, 100 meter resting mozy
– 100
– 200
– 400
– 800


Brewsday was yesterday… There is a chili cook-off in a few weeks… Mini-Convergence at iiipillars next Tuesday. Don’t show up to middle-tooth because we won’t be there.

COT: Thinking about NC