Something about old dogs and new tricks.

AO: titan
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Pep, Michelin Man, Natural Ice, Detective Pikachu, Spinal Tap, Firefox, Right Said, Crawlspace, Supernova, Papa Bear, caprate, Puzzlah, Good Morning America, Tim the Toolman, Salami, Kirkland
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: solid. no complaints. no jackets.

WARMUP: none





Boo Boo

AO: titan
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Salpal, greyalbum, MySpace, Black Lung, Tim the Toolman, Puzzlah, Supernova, CubCadet, Chunks, Wolfpack, Goose, Good Morning America, Firefox, Siri, hambone, Sherlock, Pep, Red Ryder, Derail, Tom Bodet
FNGs: None

Mosey around park
50 SSHs

Lunge walk (In the grass) from bricks to concrete
Skull crushers on benches 30 reps
Turn around
Broad jump back to benches
Repeat 2 more times for total of 3
Plank until all in

Next set:
Boo boo bear crawls right leg (in grass)
Turn around
BBBCs left leg back
Alabama prom dates x40
Repeat 2 more times for total of 3
Hold plank

END with Mary


– F3 Franklin Half Marathon March 2nd, check Middle TN channel
– 4:13 Strong 5k this Saturday

– every man shared, family, health, work, and babies on the way!

It was an honor and a pleasure to lead y’all.

Rock On,

Hair Band

Good Old Fashioned Dora

AO: westeros
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Vector, Pep, Waterboy, Crawlspace, Wolfpack, Red Skull, Tim the Toolman, Shiplap, Right Said, Supernova, DintyMoore, Toothless, Natural Ice, CubCadet, Tops
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: slight chill in the air. the days are definitely getting warmer and longer. spring is coming.

WARMUP: mosey to school loop. side straddle hops, imperial walkers, baby arm circles, seal claps, air press

THE THANG: Dora! 100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 little baby crunches

finished with soccer and Mary. Q’s team scored a goal, and, sending an impending loss, Q got injured so the game would stop before the other team could score. a Clever Move by YHC

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax is almost over. brewsday is on Mardi Gras. Other things were mentioned as well.

The Natty Ice Titan Special

AO: titan
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Good Morning America, Grape, Supernova, Goose, greyalbum, Chunks, Detective Pikachu, Black Lung, Crawlspace, porcelain, Sherlock, DintyMoore, Salpal, Red Skull, bluemule, Natural Ice
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A perfect 25F

WARMUP: SSH and Stretching


Thing 1: Running Grapevine Burpee Apocalypse
A combination of @grape ‘s caboose is loose run while carrying the speaker, and @bluemule ‘s traveling burpee apocalypse. Pax ran exactly 1 mile and performed 55 burpees.

Thing 2: Classic Hilly Titan 11’s Now with 4 Bonus Bearcrawls

Pax took advantage of the fantastic hill with 11’s consisting of LT Dans at the Base and WW1s at the top. With one caveat, Pax had to bearcrawl up the hill 4 of the 10 times of their choosing.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Hendersonville is Rising! YHC was given a funny cowboy hat. Leanpax sugar/alcohol detox is in full effect!

This mornings playlist was a group effort of alternative rock starting with @chunk ‘s request for higher by Creed. I shamelessly added in a Green River Ordinance radio hit at the end.

Thank you all for the opportunity to lead!


AO: westeros
Q: Salpal , Chunks
PAX: Crawlspace, Vector, Michelin Man, hambone, Pep, DintyMoore, Grape, Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Red Skull, Supernova, Sherlock
FNGs: None
Cold enough for @Supernova to come out


Prompt start at 0529; @Michelin_Man ran. Other PAX grabbed coupons courtesy of @Tim_the_Toolman.

Thang 1: DORA on a timer:
– Blockies and Broad Jumps
– Burpees and Murder Bunnies
– Lt. Dan’s and Weighted Lung Walks

Ran back to parking lot, handoff to @Chunks

Thang 2:
– Mid-Beatdown Mary (preponderance of flutter kicks…)
– Various coupon routines (curls, press, squats, etc.), each PAX went around taking turns 10 burpee timer
– P90X Yoga

(see Moleskin)

@Chunks is your new AOQ of Westeros! Coffee requests complaints, suggestions, and feedback can all be directed to him. I myself will vanish, never to be seen again this side of the Cumby (jkjk I’ve already HC’ed for a Holly Jolly Christmas beatdown courtesy of @Chunks).

See above re: Christmas workout at Westeros.

It’s been a pleasure to serve you all, I’m grateful for this community of men, and the invitation by @Siri and @Michelin_Man to lead this past year.

Prayers for @Salpal boss during a time of mourning in what for many is a season of hope and joy.

Green Sally down.

Cardio and Core

AO: westeros
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Right Said, Black Lung, Pep, Natural Ice, Red Skull, Focker, Salpal, DintyMoore, Vector, Sherlock, Crawlspace, Pop-A-Lock, Tim the Toolman, Supernova, Spinal Tap, Detective Pikachu, Grape, Shiplap
FNGs: 1 Shiplap

WARMUP: Upon exiting his vehicle to his walkup music, Michelin Man warned the PAX to stretch before the disclaimer because MM wastes no time warming up. With the disclaimer aggressively given at 5:30 on the dot, a mosey then ensued.

THE THANG #1: First, the PAX ran around Elmington to the port-a-potty hill and held a plank for the six. Upon all in, the PAX sprinted up the hill 3x, with a mosey back and plank after each. MM then inquired of other PAX whether they came to work out (hat tip: Crablegs). Four PAX in succession answered in the affirmative and asked for 1 sprint extra, yielding a total of 7x sprints up the hill. Natural Ice also asked for a Bear Crawl, which YHC declined.

THE THANG #2: The PAX then mosey backed to the tennis courts and formed a circle, upon which time, Black Lung joined the group. The Thang #2 ensued. Each PAX in turn would call a number 1-10. MM would then provide an exercise corresponding to that number that the PAX would do for 1 minute. The number had to have special significance to the PAX (i.e. Tim the Toolman called 6 because he turned 60!!! today). There were two lists: Cardio and Core. I alternated between the two. Here were the numbers:

1. SSH
2. Plank Jack (not called)
3. Tuck Jumps
4. Mountain Climber
5. Squat Jump
6. Star Jump (not called)
7. Iron Mike
8. High Knees
9. Butt Kickers
10. Muhktars

1. V-Ups (not called)
2. Hollow Body Hold
3. American Hammer
4. LBCs (not called)
5. Scissor Kick
6. Box Cutter
7. Happy Crunchy Frogs (not called)
8. Bird Dogs
9. Leg Circles
10. Flutter Kicks

MARY: The PAX returned to the port-a-potty hill for one more sprint and a mosey to startex to finish. 1 burpee completed for Tim the Toolman (and Pep!) birthdays. Of note, Black Lung went back and did the 7x sprints after Mary.

1. Brewruck
2. NYD Convergence
3. LeanPax
4. New AOQ at Westeros NEXT WEEK!
5. Welcome FNG Shiplap!

COT: Many prayers offered, with Crawlspace aptly summarizing as “Everyone’s family.”

It was fun. MM Out.

Hoover Ball

AO: titan
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Chunks, Freakonomics, Red Skull, Recharge, Supernova, Crawlspace, Tim the Toolman, Focker, Solo Cup, Spinal Tap, hambone, Black Lung, preacherman, Good Morning America, Hitchhiker, Mr. Emcee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool and clear

Mosey to top of Dog Park
– Arm Circles (forward and back)
– Seal claps
– Overhead Press
– Michael Phelps
Slow and Low Squats – five count

Mosey to Volleyball courts
Split into 2-4 teams.

Hoover Ball
Medicine ball volleyball
Ball caught in front court must travel to back court on other side
Ball caught in back court must land in front court
Play the ball off the net within these rules
Scoring is like tennis – 15 – 30 – 45 – Match
Game is scored to first team to 5 points

All of this modified to both courts doing 5 merkins each time the heavy ball hit the sand.

Grunge Greatest Hits were played via Spotify

Mosey to StartX
Indigenous People Run with medicine ball

Ring of Fire with Med. Ball in middle while PAX held high plank. Goal was to be last PAX planking while keeping the med ball in the middle. Various activities kept those who left the circle occupied while @vector @timthetoolman and @goodmorningamerica battled to the end of our time.

A brief history of Hoover Ball origins were shared by Mr. Emcee. President Hoover typically did this activity on a regular basis and even held cabinet meetings following this regiment. Analysis of equipment was too firm and too prickly so perhaps the next Q will heed those suggestions.

Hobblin Gobbler on 11.23 at Green Machine

No Noise November continues

Praise/prayer for a good report on @Nancy on latest scans. Praise for @rightsaid and @crawlspace dad who was able to come home after open heart surgery last Friday. Continued healing for both.

The Haunted Doll

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Cuban Missile, Natural Ice, Frasier, Supernova, Slumlord, Freakonomics, Spinal Tap
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC, the old stretches


YHC asked his 6 year old daughter if by chance we had a haunted doll in the house. She proceeded to pull a terrifying Madam Alexander doll out of a bathroom drawer. This was an old doll given to her by my M, and so old that its head was literally hanging by a thread.

PAX was tasked with GETTING RID OF THE DOLL!

The thing:
1 pax instructed the group to do an exercise at the startdex, while he ran away from the group to ditch the doll some where far away. Once he returned after ditching the doll, the rest of the PAX went on a moseying hunt to find the cursed doll. If PAX could not find the doll a set of work out dice were invoked to give hot/cold clues to the dolls location. Work out dice consisted of a list of exercises (merkins, burpees, mt climbers etc) and a length of time or number of reps to perform the exercises.

Once the doll was found, we rinsed and repeated until of pax had a chance to ditch the doll.

Stairs were climbed and burpees were burped.

Thank you again for the opportunity to lead!
Natty Ice outtttt


Octoburpee, Stairs and Yoga

AO: handsomizer
Q: Chunks
PAX: Pep, Supernova, Right Said, Salpal, Freakonomics, Natural Ice, caprate, Spinal Tap, Grape, Rocket Mortgage, Cuban Missile, slumlord, Mario (F3 Huntsville), DoubleMint (F3 Richmond)
FNGs: None
Cool, Dark and a little foggy

41 SSH
Right over Left
Left over right
Good Mornings
Little baby Arm Circles forwards and backwards

10 Burpee Buy In – Focus on Form Don’t Rush

Pass the Speaker mosey to Stairs

10 Burpees at top of Stairs

Mosey Down Stairs

10 Burpees

Stairway to Heaven – Push up on each step to top – Jog across each landing

10 Burpees

Mosey Down Stairs

10 Burpees

Lunge up to first landing

10 Burpees

Both Feet Each Step

Squat each step

Partner Up Wheel Barrel

Switch Partner Up Wheel Barrel

10 Burpees
Mosey to Bottom of Stairs

10 Burpees
Run to Top of Stairs

10 Burpees

Mosey to Startex
10 Burpees
Octoburpee Challenge complete

Transitioned to Active P90X Yoga – Downward dog, Warrior 1, 2 and Reverse Warrior
5 mins of Dealer Choice
Night Moves Next week on 10/12
Firefox Game night
Toolman SSH on 10/27


Elden Ring George RR Martin Tribute

AO: westeros
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Spinal Tap, Chunks, DintyMoore, Detective Pikachu, Supernova, Black Lung, Pep, Hayes Carll – Solo Cup, hambone, Salpal, Tim the Toolman, Natural Ice
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Pax skipped through the initial warm up tutorial and proceeded as Leeroy Jenkins straight to Stormviel Castle. In route Pax encountered ravenous rats, after a 10 burpee battle that resulted in our death and respawn at the Startdex.

THE THANG: Over 2 miles of running to the top of love circle and 110 burpies. We laughed, we cried, we did some pull ups, squats and dips, a dragon killed us with a meteorite. A typical day in the Lands Between.

Rannis Rise and Glintstone Dragon Adula were conquered. Pax gained the Moonveil Katana.
The journey to become Elden Lord is far from complete.


MARY: 3 minutes of straight WW1s

I am always honored for the opportunity to lead

Onward and Upwards