Emd of summer 9Square Arena Challenge!

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack , Sooie, Siri
PAX: Bean Burger (Fairview, TN), Timber, Cable News, Cheeks, Siri, Sooie, Stu Cook, Wolfpack, Rosie
FNGs: 1 Rosie
CONDITIONS: Warm enough to sweat easily and cool enough to be comfortable.

WARMUP: SSHs waiting for Cheeks annnndddd mosey to the 9Square Arena. Shoulder-rama then stretches while 9Square rules explained

– King (center square) gets 1 point for each round they stay in the center.
– Two 15 minutes halves were played with a 1/4 mile Loose Caboose run at halftime
– Whomever has the most cumulative points gains title as International F3 9Square Champion of the Universe
– In between rounds…
– King does a burpee equal to amount of points won
– Corner squares do 5 Merkins
– Middle squares do 5 air squats
– If King is kicked out has to do a slalom cone run and sprint back (75-100ish yards)

By our expert math skills at least 250 reps of squats/merkins were performed and over 1500 yards were sprinted.

G-string was not in attendance and has forfeited his opportunity to defend his title. We missed ya buddy! Next time!

Sooie may or may not have been asleep and was heavily targeted by PAX. Made an epic run there at the end, but it just wasn’t enough…

FNG @Rosie made his mark at pain-train, but again… just not enough for the title…

All PAX gave it their all and all was given and in the end… our new… undisputed… INTERNATIONAL… F3 9SQUARE… CHAMPIOONNNN OF THE UUNNIIVEERRSEEEE….

Cable News!!!!

He has the height. He has the Burpee stamina. It was all CableNews on the morning show in the gloom this AM. Well done! Your name will live on forever on the PainTrain shovel flag!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergences coming… check the Slack.

F3 Fairview launching next Thursday!

COT: Find the fun in the hard stuff and make sure to bring a friend along when it gets real tough!

Hearts are for leg days

AO: the-knoll
Q: Malibu
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, G-string, Malibu, morning stār, Pitmaster, Sparrow, Stu Cook, The Banker, Timber, Stubs, Sooie, The Judge, BumbleBee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: another spectacular 72*

Malibu Special:
Mosey to the stop sign, circle up in the field, SSH, slow steady squats & Mericans, BAC+BBAC, stretching (dealers choice).

Deck of cards:
:heart: Step Ups
:diamonds: North, South, or Sweet) Carolina Dry Dockers
:spades: Twists, 2=1
:clubs: Sit-up variation, dealers choice

The constant shuffling kept us guessing and played some mind games in the gloom.

A quote board in my son’s classroom this year quotes an anonymous speaker: Everything is difficult, until it becomes easy.

Not because easy just happens, but through hard work. Facing difficulties head on and grinding through the hard work applies to faith as much it does fitness. In our fellowship at The Knoll, I experience how good and true this to come together, put in shared, hard work and leave a better man.

As we head into Labor Day, I reflect at the end of the day today on my gratitude for this group and the work we do together. Appreciate the chance to Q this week and see you all Tuesday. Have a great, holiday weekend!

Statistically impossible to get 80% of AO’s for Guliver’s travels. But you could try, it’s worth it.
9/11 convergence 0530 @ TN Capital steps.
Nashville F3 10th Anniversary coming up also.

El Cap needs help moving a couple of items. DM him for deets.

Prayers for the Judge’s brother, El Capitan in his move, and those intentions in the silence of our hearts.

It’s All in the Grind

AO: the-knoll
Q: Malibu
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, Ex-Pat, Malibu, morning stār, Papa Bear, Sooie, Stu Cook, The Banker, Timber, Wolfpack, BumbleBee, Smoltz, Samwise, Iowa
FNGs: None
Spectacular morning- clear skies, full of hearts, can’t lose.

Mosey to stop sign, circle up in field.
SSHx 20 with one amazing silent count of unified side straddle hopping in silent cadence.
Slow squat and push-ups, BAC and BBAC.
Mental prep for the Thang.

An old coach taught me that professionals grind out the work. For today’s grinds, work steadily but not frantically:
(1) 20 minute grind: 6x hand release push ups, 1 or 2 pull ups/reverse pull ups, 6x Lt. Dans
(2) 15 minute grind: 30 seconds of WWI/WWII (user choice), 30 seconds of twists, 30 seconds of standing founders up and down.
(3) Final Grind: SooieBrew

We need our bodies for life, work, and our vocations and men and fathers. Drawing from knowledge and training from a S&C coach Rob Shaul, that means we are professional athletes with particular, specific fitness demands. Our demands as- in my case a suburban dad- are perhaps different than other professional athletes but still there. We can best fulfill our individual callings in life when our bodies are capable of the mission before us.
Professionals are also willing to do the work when the tough gets going and relish the grind when it comes. Today’s workout gave us a time to set about our hard work steadily, not frantically but working through a long 20minutes and another 15minutes.
Being a professional athlete also demands a burden of constant fitnes. In my F3 journey I have found that this burden is best carried in the encouragement and presence of others, especially in The Gloom. Some days feel great, other days feel like a grind. Relish the grind! Put one foot in front of the other, and Just Keep Swimming! Cheers,

Gallivants Travels ends this week.
September 11 Convergence at 0530 at TN Capitol Steps, plan for an hour.
F3 Nash decade anniversary coming up too.

Prayers for presence, and peace amidst returning to school and work routines.