The 1975 World Tour

AO: the-castle
Q: SalPal
PAX: Snickers, Pink Slip, Strutter, hambone, Chunks, Pep, Dilbert
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Half-hearted SSH + squats

THE THANG: In honor of The 1975 (a shared passion of mine and Chunks), 4 sets of DORA, 75 reps each, each with a different method of travel:

Part 1:
Travel: Bernie Down/Run Back
– 75 Merkins
– 75 Air Presses
– 75 Dry Docks
– 75 Reptars

Part 2:
Travel: Broad Jump Down/Run Back
– 75 LBCs
– 75 Hammers (each side 1)
– 75 Mountain Climbers (each side 1)
– 75 Shoulder Taps (each side 1)

Part 3:
Travel: Shuffle Down/Run Back
– 75 Squats
– 75 Lunges (each leg 1)
– 75 Calf Raises
– 75 Apollo Ono’s (each leg 1)

Part 4:
Travel: Boo-Boo Bear Crawl Down/Run Back
– 75 WWIs
– 75 Burpees
– 75 Lt. Dan’s

Everyone got to part 4 at time, so we went back to startex for assorted routines to close.

MOLESKINE: PSA: Spotify Pleeb-ium throttles your max volume.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots going on in July: runs, launches, night moves, etc. Look at Slack. I’m your Q, not your personal planner. 2.0 support for Sunshine, see Slack for how to contribute.

COT: Praise for Snickers in the promotion, for my M and job search, for Sunshine and new 2.0. All other intentions spoken and unspoken.

Stay salty Nashville. Green Sally out.

SKA is not only a musical genre…. it’s a lifestyle

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Freakonomics, Salami, Blueliner, Cuban Missile, Strutter, BCG (F3 Harrisburg PA), Detective Pikachu, Red Skull, Spinal Tap, Old Maid, Natural Ice
FNGs: None
The majority of my musical teenage taste was focused on Rock and pretentiously seeking out Indie music. However my punk rock friends and Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 added a little SKA flavor to my Youth. After seeing this about Bart SKA-mpson, I felt inspired to dig into the genre and torture the PAX with my findings.

CONDITIONS: Amazing Sunrise

Mosey to the Stairs. PAX was informed that is the SKA man started yelling “Get it Up Get it Up Get it Up” we would have to stop what we are doing and run up the stairs…… spoiler alert that happened a few times.

SSH, LBAC, Seal Claps, Moroccan Night Clubs, OHP, Merkins
SKANKING – SKA version of an imperial walker – arms are more loose and your kind of hoping. Its a SKA thing…

Stair Run Race in pairs
Crossed soccer field with 2 lunges and a burpee broad jump, returned by SKANKing
Stair Run
Short 1 minute tabata – Reverse Lunges, Merkins
Stair Run
Bear Crawl down the soccer Field
Stair Run
Slow Alabama Prom Dates, Freddy Merks and Supermans
Stair Run, and second stair run to get the speaker 🙂

MOLESKINE: Its ok to like Bad Music, Dont Yuk the Their Yum

ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 8th at 7pm here at the Handsomizer location

Hunger Games Round 3 – BBQ and Board Games July 12 at 7pm at the Ice Haus

August 2nd Detective Pikachu is moving and needs your help. Beer and Pizza to be provided

COT: Praise for Detective Pikachu M getting a job at higher than asking salary

Cafe Prius

Lord of the Rings BD

AO: the-castle
Q: Sunshine
PAX: Strutter, hambone, Pep, Salami
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool, crisp, and moist

WARMUP: Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Low & Slow Squats, SSH

THE THANG: Tabata-style workout, 1:40 on, 20 sec rest. PAX move through all exercises at each station. Repeat until Mary.

Fellowship of the Ring
– You Shall Not Pass Thrusters (Coupon Thrusters)
– Curls for Arwen
– Anduin Canoe Crunches
Two Towers
– Helm’s Deep Squats (Coupon Squats)
– Two Towers of Power (Tower of Power)
– Toss the Dwarf (Coupon Swings)
Return of the King
– Mount Doom Climbers (Mountain Climbers)
– One Ring Hurleys (Bobby Hurleys)
– I Can’t Carry Your Burden… (Coupon Lunges)

Mary: Dealer’s Choice- LBCs, Flutter Kicks, 8-Count Body Builders, Dying Cockroaches

MOLESKINE: Samwise Gamgee’s speech at the end of Two Towers. It can be easy to get overwhelmed and despair at the darkness in the world. Look for the good to fight for.


COT: Strutter’s move. Sunshine’s M and 2.0 on the way