We Ran to Love Circles (+Burpees) AGAIN!

AO: westeros
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Crawlspace, Young and Restless, Tim the Toolman, Spinal Tap, Natural Ice – CBO, Pep, Michelin Man, bluemule, Puzzlah
FNGs: None

NOT cold (after a minute). Pep had some brand of gloves on.


Pre 5:30am warmup to “Lean On” by Major Lazer. I love :heart: that song.


The Pax learned to run :runner: to love :heart: circles :large_green_circle: today. And we did burpees. Q also called for Constant Movement (TM) meaning if we stopped, we did “resting” exercises.

Music: Throwback Bangers to the early 2000s. Debate between Natural Ice – CBO and Puzzlah over whether these songs were recorded in the ’90s or ’00s.Vector feeling really old now…

Thangs 1: We ran an Indian Run with a medicine ball :large_green_circle: in a circle :large_green_circle: around the park 3x, performing a running burpee apocalypse along the way. Sprinkled in copious Side Straddle Hops along the way to wait for various 6s, though overall the PAX kept up well. Pax loved :heart: it.

Thang 2: We then ran to the school loop and did timed runs around the circle :large_green_circle:. Each time we had to beat our time to decrease the burpee counter. First run was 32(?) seconds/5 burpees around and we made it all the way down to 21(?) seconds/1 burpee before failure to beat time. Much better showing than last week. Pep efficiently completed the circle :large_green_circle: runs. 1 pax carried the medicine ball :large_green_circle: on each trip. Pax loved :heart: it.

Thang 3: We ran to the bottom of the parking lot hill and did sprints up the hill with 5 burpees descending to 1 burpee after each sprint. 1 pax carried the medicine ball :large_green_circle: on each trip. Pax loved :heart: it.

We returned to startex to do SSH plus toss the medicine ball :large_green_circle: in a counter-clockwise fashion. Pax loved :heart: it.

Then we let our heart rates come down. Constant Movement (TM) completed. We run :runner: to love :heart: circles :large_green_circle:.



I honestly was in a terrible mood on Sunday, feeling very de-energized and burned out. This post really inspired my day so thank you for that PAX.

That-workout-from-Friday redux

AO: westeros
Q: CubCadet
PAX: DintyMoore, Vector, bluemule, Pep, SalPal, Spinal Tap, Michelin Man
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Brisk 32 but manageable

WARMUP: 25 SSH, WMH / GM OYO, mosey around the big field (on the pavement)

THE THANG: Yeah, I stole my own workout from Friday / Bomber. Modified it slightly to make it less confusing (based on anonymous feedback)

– Endzone: 5 SSH
– 10 yard line: 10 burpees
– 20 yard line: 20 WW1
– 30 yard line: 30 mountain climbers
– 40 yard line: 40 merkins
– 50 yard line: 50 squats
– 40 yard line: 40 ski jumpers
– 30 yard line: 30 American Hammers
– 20 yard line: 20 box jumps
– 10 yard line: 10 wide arm merkins
– Endzone: 5 SSH

Rinse / repeat in reverse order

Travel between yard lines as a group was half bear crawl / half lunge worms (lunge, lunge, inchworm forward, 2 merkins, inchworm back up)

Sprint length of the “field” – 1x

Mary – round robin, 25 reps each exercise for 8 minutes

Playlist as also a recycle: Super Bowl Halftime songs.

MOLESKINE: Things I learned today:

– DintyMoore is alive
– SalPal was 12 in 2011
– Prince was the greatest SB halftime act. Ever.
– Coffee at Dose is pretty cool (#lovingmysabbatical)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Congrats to those who finished Leanpax. Check slack for details on Brewruck and Night Moves coming up.

COT: Prayers for:
– People and critical care / research institutions impacted by government budget cuts, and struggling with uncertainty.
– Vector and family over his Mother’s passing
– Michelin Man dealing with some back issues (and our gratitude that he came to hang with us)
– SalPal dealing with some leadership challenges / change at work
– Intentions in our hearts.

Grateful for the opportunity to lead.

The Final Stretch of Leanpax

AO: titan
Q: Firefox
PAX: preacherman, Crawlspace, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Spinal Tap, Papa Bear, CubCadet, Young and Restless, Sherlock, Pep, Good Morning America, Wolfpack, Swap, Zinfandel, Toucan
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Barely a mosey to the Parthenon entrance and 20SSHs

To push us toward the finish line of leanpax, YHC prepared a playlist of songs about all the foods I miss (although, most of them I do not currently crave).

Thang 1:
PAX partnered up. One PAX stayed at the benches and did an exercise while the other ran the loop (which reminded me of a donut…), then swap. 2 rounds for each exercise
– Dips
– Bench flutters (on your six facing the bench, hover one foot above the bench, one foot below, then alternate)
– Bulgarian split squats

Thang 2:
Mosey over to the walkway closer to the playground. Staying in pairs, 1 PAX did a travel exercise, the other did a stationary exercise, run back and then swap. 2 times through per pairing of exercises.
– Murder bunnies & Imperial Hoppers (aerobic imperial walkers with a hop as your knee comes up to your elbow).
– Bear crawl & shoulder tap plank jacks
– Broad jump burpees & WW1s
– Crawl bear & Buzzsaw planks

Mosey back to Startex, 10 WW1s and a Hollow Body Hold till time.

MOLESKINE: Awesome support from the PAX picking up the 6. Those murder bunnies were brutal. Leanpax is hard, but worth it. Kudos to all the PAX participating.

– Game night!

– Vector and his family
– Gratitude for Papa Bear’s family gathering for 3.0’s baptism

40 second soul crusher

AO: handsomizer
Q: Freakonomics
PAX: Spinal Tap, Puzzlah, Natural Ice – CBO, Old Maid, Steak Knives (F3 Cape Fear), Butter Knife – F3 Knoxville, @duece-and-a-half
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: misty and warm

WARMUP: the usual


40 seconds max with 5 second transition of the following: merkins, squats, Carolina dry docks, lunges, burpees, shoulder taps. Sprint to next level in the garage and repeat 5 times.

Throw a round of bear crawls in, two rounds of max dips, and a few downward dogs at the end.

Natural Ice – CBO is hosting a Superbowl party. Hit him for more details.
COT: traveling mercy for the great down range guys who came out. Remember to be present and reflect on the good things God has given us.

Dirty Dora

AO: titan
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: Sherlock, Spinal Tap, bluemule, CubCadet, Tim the Toolman, Right Said, Pep, Steak Knives (F3 Cape Fear), Natural Ice – CBO, Aquaman, Deuce and a half
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Squats, LBCs, a little yoga stretching
Big long grapevine mosey

THE THANG: Dirty Dora

Pax Partnered up at the play ground for a typical Dora consisting of 100 cumulative merkins, 200 squats, and 300 LBCs. However there was a Dirt Dora Twist – before starting the cumulative exercise PAX had buy-in of 5 pull ups and 5 burpees, every round.

After completion we went for a bear crawl up the hill, because we do hard things.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lean Pax is getting close to completion

COT: Prayers were lifted!

7 PAX for 7 Degrees

AO: titan
Q: Right Said
PAX: Cropduster, Pep, Spinal Tap, bluemule, Tim the Toolman, Aquaman
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 7 degrees with a little wind making it feel colder

WARMUP: mosey around the promenade
good mornings and Willy Mays Hayes

5 Minute Musical Dance Experience:
Song: When a Fire Starts to Burn by Disclosure
SSHs for the duration but every time you hear the word “fire,” 1 burpee

100 merkins
200 squats
300 LBCs
partner bear crawls to the parthenon door

MOLESKINE: “Be a thermostat, not a thermometer”


COT: short and sweet. Gratitude for every worker who has to be outside today.

The Sign

AO: titan
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Firefox, bluemule, Chunks, Right Said, Blueprint, Tim the Toolman, Black Lung, Crawlspace, CubCadet, DintyMoore, Pep, Puzzlah, Sherlock, Spinal Tap, Good Morning America, Aquaman
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: clear and crisp

WARMUP: led by AOQ until 5:32
L/S Squats
Mosey to Parthenon entrance

Thing 1 –
10 rounds – Lap between each set
4 Burpees
8 Merkins
12 Squats
16 Mountain Climbers
20 SSHs

Thing 2 –
Mosey Merkin Complex x 10 stops
Push-up and shoulder tap (each side)
Push-up and knee tap (each side)
Push-up and toe touch (each side)
Push-up and swinging toe touch (each side)
Push-up (Mike Tyson)
Push-up (Inchworm into Squat)

90s R&B still slaps

The time is here to support 4:13 Strong with workouts each Tuesday (run) and Thursday (beatdown) at #stronghold

COT: Silent Meditation for 30 seconds

Up Next : Right Said

Stairway to Heavens

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: Shingles (F3 Wichita), Freakonomics, Old Maid, Grape, Spinal Tap, Purple Tiger, Natural Ice – CBO
FNGs: None
Conditions: Frosty and brisk. Perfect weather to embrace the gloom and crush the stairs.

We started off with a basic warm-up to shake off the morning chill and get the blood flowing: SSH, Stretches, Merkins, all the stuff

The Thang: Stairway to Heavens

Here’s a polished version of your text with minor adjustments for clarity and flow:

We completed a series of Stairway to Heavens on the 92-step staircase. The Pax performed an exercise movement up to the first platform, ran back down to the base, completed a burpee, and then ran up to the second landing to repeat the exercise. This process continued for all five landings, finishing with a final burpee at the top of the stairs. The movements included bear crawl push-ups (Bearway to Heaven), bunny hops, backward crab dips, squats, and lunges.

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead!

New Year, New You

AO: titan
Q: Grape
PAX: bluemule, Natural Ice – CBO, Right Said, Pep, Vector, The Merchant, hambone, Canned Heat, sooner, Spinal Tap, Shingles (F3 Wichita), Esposa, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: perfect for new beginnings

20 L&S Merkins
20 L&S Squats

THE THANG: slow mosey around the park, stopping every so often to do merkins until we had completed 2025 (ish) as a group

Partner up, one partner runs the walking trail as a timer as the other partner completes one set of:

Navy seal burpees
Elevated merkins (incline)
Elevated merkins (decline)
Ab thrusters
Regular squats

Mosey to the ellipse

Change partners, timer is running lap around the ellipse

Navy seal burpees
Elevated merkins (incline)
Original burpees
Ulgarian split squats

Back to startex to do like 3 more merkins each to make sure we hit our number

MOLESKINE: Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end


COT: sooner’s dog
Vector’s brother
Natural Ice – CBO’s courage
Pep’s project
Spinal Tap in his new role as AOQ of titan


Christmas Light Alert

AO: westeros
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: Wolfpack, Spinal Tap, Grape, DintyMoore, Pep, CubCadet, Vector, Young and Restless, Red Skull, Shingles (F3 Wichita), Tim the Toolman, Natural Ice – CBO, Steampunk, Tops
FNGs: None

WARMUP: The usual warmups with a few extra stretches

THE THANG: PAX embarked on the 3rd Annual Christmas Light Alert, exploring the festive streets of Westeros under YHC’s lead. This 2.6-mile mosey combined holiday spirit with heart-pumping fitness, as we stopped to honor neighborhood decorations with exercises:
– White Christmas Lights = 5 Iron Mikes (each leg counts as 1/2)
– Multicolored Lights = 5 Merkins
– Inflatable Deer or Standing Statues = 5 Burpees
The neighborhood showed up in force with decorations, and so did we. PAX powered through countless lights, racking up reps and burning 590 calories in the process.
Bonus Challenge: A festive bear crawl across the neighborhood bridge, adding some extra grit to the evening.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lean Pax is almost here!

COT: Prayers for Courage in the New Year