Not the Gauntlet

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, Stubs, Sparrow
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Anyone have the remote to hit Pause?


Tabata: 30 seconds on/20 seconds rest. 4 exercises, 2 rounds then run.

– Pull ups
– Squats
– Coupon Rows
– Piccolis
– Lap around park

– Pulls ups
– Lunges
– Coupon presses
– Box jumps
– Lap around park

Round 3
– Pulls ups
– Jump Squats
– Coupon curls
– Jump Squats
– Agility/Speed work

Mary: 2 rounds of
– 20 crunches
– 20 heel taps
– 10 Mountain Summits

Holding on to The Gauntlet workout until we have a bigger group :slightly_smiling_face:


COT: I’ve switched my tactics on teaching Link to clean up the living room to two mantras “What do you notice and what action is needed? Don’t put it down, put it away.” It’s helped a lot in keeping things clean, but I’ve also realized the importance of applying this to everyday emotional tasks as well. Encouragement to all PAX to take the time to ask yourself, “What do I notice in my life? What is working, what isn’t? And what actions do I need to take to stay on the right path?” also… when something comes up, let’s not put it down and out of sight… let’s figure out what we need to do with those emotions and put them away in the right spot.

4 Minutes Ain’t Nothin’

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: El Capitan, Ex-Pat, Sooie, G-string, Sparrow, Pebbles, Papa Bear, Wolfpack, Stubs, Timber, Smoltz (2.0), Rubiks (2.0), Link (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Chilly (43 degrees), damp, dark

WARMUP: SSH, Slow Merkins, Slow Squats, Don Quixotes, High Knees (talked about F3 mission, 5 core principles, credo between exercises)

THE THANG: AMRAP; 6 exercises, 4 minutes each, 1 minute rest in between
1. Burpees,
2. LT Dans (10, 15 yard murder bunny w/coupon, 9, murder bunny, etc.)
3. Perfect Merkins
4. Squats (level up option w/coupon)
5. Floor to Ceiling (coupon)
6. WWIIs
*option to jog 50 yrds and back for a break at any point during the 4 minutes

MOLESKINE: Hoping for dry grass, we got wet grass. No worries, the men of the knoll executed instructions with minimal mumble chatter. Everyone layered up nicely, and quickly began to shed layers. El Capitan provided some warm coffee afterwards to warm up the bones. Good push by all.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chiliteria this Sunday @ Shelby Park from 12:30p-2:30p. Sign up!

COT: My youngest’s 4th birthday is today (where is time going??) which has caused me to reflect on slowing down time and reflecting on each day I have. God has gifted us so much, including each day. Whenever I’ve given a gift to someone, I’ve wanted them to cherish it and use it. May we do the same with God’s gifts – show gratitude for our lives, pour into those around us, and not take our gifts and challenges for granted.

Thanks for putting in the work with me this morning, men!

I’m Not a Professional

AO: pain-train
Q: Sooie
PAX: Stubs, Sparrow, Sooie, Wolfpack
FNGs: None
Temperature: :pinched_fingers:
Light: :palm_down_hand: :palm_up_hand: :palm_down_hand:
Wetness: :-1:

OYO stretches head to toe while reviewing Mission/Core Principles/ Credo

Partner up for Dora with obstacle course. Each team to complete:
200 merkins
400 sit-ups
600 squats
Hero style finish
Partner A began work on the 200/400/600 while Partner B ran the obstacle course. PAX switched after Partner B completed the course.

The obstacle course was 4 cones, each spaced 15 yards apart. Cinder blocks at cones 2 and 3.
– Zombie crawl from cone 1 to cone 2
– Murder Bunny from cone 2 to cone 3
– The floor is lava (must remain on a cinder block at all times) from cone 3 to cone 4
– Lift Cindies onto table at cone 4
– Farmer carry from cone 4 to 3 (drop one cindie)
– single carry from cone 3 to 2 (drop cindie)
– Sprint/mosey/crawl from cone 2 to 1
– Switch with partner

Alas time proved to be our great adversary and lo, despite valiant efforts to complete the 200/400/600, the final tally was closer akin to 120/240/360. The floor is lava took longer than anticipated due to me not being a professional.

Isaiah 40:31
but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.

This verse has been on my mind lately and I’ve been thinking about the progression in the latter half of the verse: soar :arrow_right: run :arrow_right: walk. Sometimes we have the strength to soar through the situations life throws at us. Other times we can run. Sometimes all we can do is walk. The LORD supplies the strength we need where we are at.

10/20 Chili cookoff at Shelby Park. M’s and 2.0’s welcome. More deets coming to a channel near you.

Offered prayers for East Tennessee/North Carolina and all who are traveling over fall break.

Enjoyed :boar: :coffee: :tm: and launched a new AI/hardware tech company.

Funand games

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning stār
PAX: Sooie, Stubs, Sparrow, Ex-Pat, Bumble bee (2.0 / Q), the Judge (2.0)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: pass the soccer ball around and squats

Part 1:
2 v 2 soccer; those not playing exercise, winning team days in

Part 2:
Hide and seek tag

MARY: circle of fire with merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: big announcement coming in October at the knoll

COT: “courage” on 3

There are always some more cards to be dealt

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning stār
PAX: Wolfpack, El Capitan, Ranger, Sooie, Tea Party, AAA, Malibu, morning stār, Papa Bear, Stubs, Sparrow, Bumble bee (2.0 / Q), Link (2.0), Samwise (2.0), Iowa (2.0), The Judge (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: mild and dark

WARMUP: motivators 1 to 8

THE THANG: deck of pain
– Hearts = SSH (4ct)
– Spades = t-claps (4ct)
– Clubs = Carolina dry docks
– Diamonds = sit ups
– Ace is 1 rep, J/Q/K are 12 reps
– Joker is 10 4ct flutter kicks

MARY: dealer’s choice

ANNOUNCEMENTS: chili cookoff coming in October

COT: ball of man and “kindness” on 3!

MOLESKIN: this is Bumble bee’s second full Q … he’s growing in confidence which is so great to see. Appreciate the PAX creating an encouraging environment for him to learn and grow.

Stay curious my friends,

Tea Time

AO: the-knoll
Q: Tea Party
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, morning stār, Sooie, Sparrow, Ex-pat, Bumblebee 2.0
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: dark and 60s?

WARMUP: Costa Rica style yoga/stretching ending with the Bretzel body twist

THE THANG: 2 rounds of 9 tea-themed circuits in 1 minute intervals
– premium oolong pull-ups
– Cardamom tea kettlebell swings
– rose hibiscus raise your knees (step-ups)
– Tima tea toe-touches
– Paris yea swing pulls
– ginseng oolong jog/sprint around back-stop
– Mint peach tea bench merkins
– Lichee black tea lunges/lt. dans
– Pure assam plank

Cool down: 1 perfect burpee

MOLESKINE: Embrace the little sparks God gave you in your life that bring you joy, like tea drinking does for me. Those things make a difference for each of us, don’t let them go out and grow dull.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/14 F3 10 year anniversary Sevier Park

COT: prayers for hvacs, pregnancies, and moving. Strong Ceylon black tea drink and onion flavored tea biscuits devoured

9.10 Mystery Workout

AO: the-knoll
PAX: Sooie, El Capitan, Stubs, Sparrow, The Banker, Timber, G-string, morning stār, Malibu, Papa Bear, Bumblebee, Iowa, The Judge
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: mid 50s, damp grass.

WARMUP: -5 motivators
-10 lunges
-Baby arm circles and back BACs
-10 slow squats
-10 slow push ups
-mosey down to tree line and back

THE THANG: 8 rounds of a 2 minute AMRAP start with a 20 yard sprint/run, and then do 11 reps of designated exercise and then run back 20 yards and do another 11 reps until 2 minutes are up.
Round 1- 11 burpees
Round 2- 11 pushups
Round 3 – 11 air squat
Round 4- 11 mountain climbers
Round 5- 11 jumping jacks
Round 6- 11 jumping lunges
Round 7 – 11 Carolina dry dock
Round 8 – 11 tuck jumps

Finished with some Ultimate Frisbee

MOLESKINE: John 15:13
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

In remembering 9/11 tomorrow, let’s take a moment to think about and remember the ultimate acts of love shown by many on 9/11, and the many years after 9/11.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 workout at capital steps 5:30 am, Brig workout at 5:30 am


Sometimes the workout you end up doing isn’t the workout you planned but that’s okay because your intentions for the planned workout weren’t where they should’ve been.

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, G-string, Lady Liberty, morning stār, Sooie, Sparrow, Timber, Dr Stogie, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: :stars: 😎

Good Mornings OYO
Imperial Walkers
WMH (review mission/core principles/credo)
Loose caboose mosey

Tabata! 21 rounds.
12 seconds work
48 seconds active recovery/planks
Cycle through Merkins, Jump Squats, Plank toe touches. (20:23 total time)

Ultimate Frisbee ~10 minutes. Epic plays were made by all the PAX.

Recovery breathwork

This week the-knoll celebrates 1 year of being in the books. To commemorate it we did Tabata with 12 seconds on and a total workout time of 20:23 to commemorate the year we launched. I had planned a different beatdown, one that would’ve been harder and more self serving but ultimately felt it wasn’t the right time and my intentions weren’t in the right place. Instead we did a challenging workout that allowed some time for conversation as well. Reminded me that no matter what we do, let’s check our intentions and be mindful of why we do what we do.

9/11 convergence at the Capitol Steps.
9/11 convergence at The Brig (F3 Franklin) grassland park if the Capitol Steps is too far a drive.
9/14 F3 Nashville 10 year anniversary Sevier Park.

Prayers lifted. Sooie Brewie enjoyed.

On the Books Anniversary

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: The Banker, morning stār, Sooie, Sparrow, Tea Party, Papa Bear, Pit Master, Dr. Stogie, Stubs, Eagle (2.0), The Judge (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool, starry, perfect

Stretch OYO
Overhead claps
Seal claps
Don Quixotes
Motivators (from 5)

Split into 2 teams. Had 6 cones set up 15 yards apart. Each cone had a different exercise on it. Each team had to complete 200 reps of the exercise. The first team to finish the 200 reps captured the cone and added 25 reps to the next exercises.
1. Squats
2. Merkins
3. WW2’s
4. Monkey humpers
5. apollo ohno’s
6. Burpees

Next up a friendly game of capture the flag. Be warned Tea Party has some speed!

“Outdo one another in showing honor”
Romans 12:10

I’ve been incredibly blessed to witness the transformations in the lives of the men at the knoll. Took time to recognize and honor the men both present and absent.

9/11 convergence at the Capitol Steps
9/14 F3 Nashville 10 year anniversary

Prayers spoken and offered.

Hearts are for leg days

AO: the-knoll
Q: Malibu
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, G-string, Malibu, morning stār, Pitmaster, Sparrow, Stu Cook, The Banker, Timber, Stubs, Sooie, The Judge, BumbleBee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: another spectacular 72*

Malibu Special:
Mosey to the stop sign, circle up in the field, SSH, slow steady squats & Mericans, BAC+BBAC, stretching (dealers choice).

Deck of cards:
:heart: Step Ups
:diamonds: North, South, or Sweet) Carolina Dry Dockers
:spades: Twists, 2=1
:clubs: Sit-up variation, dealers choice

The constant shuffling kept us guessing and played some mind games in the gloom.

A quote board in my son’s classroom this year quotes an anonymous speaker: Everything is difficult, until it becomes easy.

Not because easy just happens, but through hard work. Facing difficulties head on and grinding through the hard work applies to faith as much it does fitness. In our fellowship at The Knoll, I experience how good and true this to come together, put in shared, hard work and leave a better man.

As we head into Labor Day, I reflect at the end of the day today on my gratitude for this group and the work we do together. Appreciate the chance to Q this week and see you all Tuesday. Have a great, holiday weekend!

Statistically impossible to get 80% of AO’s for Guliver’s travels. But you could try, it’s worth it.
9/11 convergence 0530 @ TN Capital steps.
Nashville F3 10th Anniversary coming up also.

El Cap needs help moving a couple of items. DM him for deets.

Prayers for the Judge’s brother, El Capitan in his move, and those intentions in the silence of our hearts.