Pop Quiz

AO: mistymountain
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Transporter, Sanders, AK-47, Jaeger, Tater, Mt Man x3
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Beautiful 64 degrees

WARMUP: cherry pickers, toy soldiers, and LBCs

THE THANG: Pop Quiz!!
PAX had to do a changing mode of travel (lunges, broad jumps, duck walk, etc) to move themselves to the correct answer to a multiple choice question.
Correct answers got gold stars, 20 SSHs. Wrong answers got 10 burpees.
Vermont is the 14th state and Franklin Pierce was the 14th president!

Repeat X10

Next up a modified route 66, Merkins on 1 end, 4 count flutters on the other.

Finished off with 4 mins of Mary.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout tomorrow at 9!!

COT: Thankful for these steadfast men who model great behavior to my kids and their own. Prayed for continued strength for all the HIM to continue being forces for good in their homes and communities.

Tortoise & Hare, v1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Chunks, Skeet, Hair Band, SalPal, Natural Ice, Hacker (Franklin), Michelin Man, Longhorn, Decaf, baggervance, Touchback, Cabana Boy, Moon Walk, Snooze, Clean Plate, Practice?, Night Light, Chef Boyardee, Cruise Line, LifeSaver, Skechers, Pick Me!
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Perfect 70 degrees with a beautiful sunrise just as promised.

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Tappy Taps, Squats, Stretches

THE THANG: RUN!!! – The first official three mile run for this class. Hair Band set the pace and the rest of us tried to keep up. The first 4:13 Strong finisher was Practice? at 25:03. We had one more 4:13 Strong man finish under the 30:00 (LifeSaver). All in time of 51:28 so there is a lot of room for improvement.

MOLESKINE: Thank you for coming out and helping the new class figure out what it means to run 3 miles. Before our next Tortoise & Hare, this group will have some opportunity to practice their running. We will run penalty miles Wednesday and Friday morning at 0530. Same distance and same course as today. All are welcome to join.

COT: Closed with a prayer for strength, courage and guidance.

Final Tortoise & Hare for Class 2

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Chunks, Right Said, bluemule, Decaf, Michelin Man, Longhorn, Skeet, Hacker (Franklin), Detective Pikachu, John Deere, Yak, Frozen, Westside, Pacer, C#, Triple Sevens, Blitz, Sgt Meatball
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A perfect morning for a run. 43 degrees, a beautiful sunrise, a train and a locked gate.

WARMUP: Westside took us through our warmup – SSH, IW, Stretches, Squats and Tappy-Taps

THE THANG: Pair up – each 4:13 Strong man picked an F3 running partner and set a goal time for the run. The pairings seemed to work well as today was our fastest run of the class. We were “All In” by 34:00 with 7 out of 8 4:13 Strong men setting a new PR.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day is this Friday, 11:30am. Come celebrate what these men have accomplished and stick around for some lunch and fellowship. It is one of the best ways to spend your Friday lunch hour.

COT: Red Skull closed with a prayer.


AO: the-castle
Q: Chunks
PAX: hambone, Pep, Right Said, Dilbert, Straight Racket (F3 Bowling Green, KY), Redline (Lucas from Bowling Green), Skeet, McAfee, Chicken Chaplain, Redline
FNGs: 2 Chicken Chaplain, Redline
CONDITIONS: Colder than the rest of the week and drizzle


Mosey around the AO
Circled up under the shelter
4 exercises for 20 reps
Imperial Walkers
LBAC – Reverse


Partner Up for a DORA
140 – Burpees
140 – Big Boy Situps
140 – LT Dans

Partner ran the tennis court perimeter.

Dealer’s Choice Mary to finish


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Launch of F3 Bowling Green 4/22

COT: Excited to see the growth in Bowling Green and Hendersonville.

Concrete vs Steel

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: Shocker (Mark Holmes), Dan Tanna, Young and Restless, toga, Grape, Dan and Dave, Skeet, Decaf, Red Skull, Right Said, Frozen, C#, Blitz, Sgt Meatball, Westside, Pacer, Triple 7, Yak, Wes (DR Seattle)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: More than Pleasant

WARMUP: No Warm Up – Played the Song “Great Day to Be Alive” as a 4 min warning and opportunity to stretch


TRIVIA Concrete vs Steel

Divided the 4:13 men into their fraternities and divided the rest of the PAX

Must perform a Burpee before answering the question
Q1 – Core Principles of 4:13 Strong
13 SSH
Q2 – Mission of F3

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Round 2 – Bible
Q1 – Noah’s Sons Names
BOMBS – Starting at 5 and adding 5 reps each exercise
Q2 – How many years were the israelites enslaved

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Round 3 – Finances
Q1 – Reasons to save money
BOMBS – Starting at 10 and adding 5 reps each excercise
Q2 – Who needs a budget

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Round 4 – Work
Q1 – What does OSHA stand for
BOMBS – Starting at 10 and addeing 5 reps each excercise
Q2 – What are two free things you can bring to the job

2 Column Caboose is Loose run with YHC setting the pace

Stopped at stop sign and walked back to the Startex together.

Last Question for 5 points:
What are the requirements to graduate 4:13?

Group stuggled to answer this question, so we settled it with a Ring of Fire won by West Side.

Game ended in a tie for the first time.

Always honored to lead at 4:13. Thanks, Chunks

SIGNING DAY 4/26 AT 11:30 AM! Come support these men as they start the real work at their new jobs.

Triangle of Sadness

AO: thestronghold
Q: Sunshine
PAX: Chunks, Red Skull, Dan Tanna, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Decaf, Hacker (Franklin), Swingline / Jason Aeverman, bluemule, Skeet, Dan and Dave, Shoota, McFly (Franklin), Sunshine (Franklin), Woopie (Franklin), Noble Virus (Franklin), Blitz, Fozen, C Sharp, Yeti, Sgt. Meatball, Pacer, Westside, Trajectory,
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool and damp

WARMUP: SSH, Mosey, Arm Circles, Seal Claps

THE THANG: 3 station beatdown. PAX separated into 3 groups and partnered up within those groups. Group 1 grabbed coupons for their station and we all moseyed to the bball court. Each group started at a different station and rotated throughout.

Station 1
Overhead Press

Station 2
Bolt 45s

Station 3
Big Boys
American Hammers (2=1)
Leg Lifts

Perform 5 reps of each exercise, then move on to the next station. After completing all 3 stations, go up 5 reps to 10 total. Next round, 15 reps. So on until Mary.

Mary consisted of the song “Roxanne.” SSH through the song, performing a burpee every time Roxanne is said.

MOLESKINE: Sometimes we act like life gets easier the older you get, always looking to the next stage you think will be easier than the present. Like this workout, though, it often gets harder. You may find your groove or sweet spot, but then you up it by 5 reps, making it more difficult. Moments like that are when you lean on your battle buddy.


COT: YHC was too busy trying not to splash merlot to finish up after Moleskine.

Tortoise & Hare

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: bluemule, Hacker (Franklin), Skeet, Longhorn, Decaf, Judy, Chunks, Buritto (Franklin), Yak, Frozen, Westside, Pacer, Trajectory, C#, Triple 7s, Blitz, Sgt Meatball
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: perfect running weather – 63 and no rain!

WARMUP: Yak took us through a warm up which included SSH, IW, and a little stretching.

THE THANG: RUN!!! 3 miles around the campus. No train, no rain, a little pain. We have multiple PRs this morning – 5 from the 4:13 Strong guys and a couple from the F3 crowd. Overall, a great morning at The Stronghold.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The 4:13 Strong annual fundraiser is this Thursday. Several of our men will be on the stage sharing a testimony or performing some original music. It is going to be a great night!

COT: Yak closed us with a prayer.

First One – Done!

AO: thestronghold
Q: Right Said
PAX: Dan and Dave, moneyshot, Betty Ford, Cowboy, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, Minnie Pearl, bluemule, Red Skull, Sunshine, Bill Dance, Wookie, D Pole, Comeback, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Pacer, Mix Tape, Milli Vanilli, For the Girls, Westside, Trajectory, C Sharp, Triple Seven, Blitz, Sergeant Meatball
FNGs: 9 Mix Tape, Milli Vanilli, For the Girls, Westside, Trajectory, C Sharp, Triple Seven, Blitz, Sergeant Meatball
CONDITIONS: Absolutely perfect at 57 degrees

Mosey to the front parking lot for:
– SSH, LBAC, R-LBAC, Seal Claps, Good Mornings, WMH
– Partner Up – 1 F3 PAX to 1 4:13 Strong Participant (we had the perfect number to get to our 1:1 ratio!)
Mosey to the basketball court with a quick stop at the Block Pile to pick up one block per pair.

Assemble along the baseline – Partner 1 works while Partner 2 moves the length of the court and back, swap and then hold plank for all in.
– Round 1: Block Curls, Suicides
– Round 2: Block Squat, Lunge
– Round 3: Overhead Block Press, Suicides
– Round 4: Block Wings, Suicides

Circle up for the Doomsday Circle (Ring of Fire) – Each man does one merkin, advancing around the circle until 500 merkins were completed. If a break was needed, complete 15 SSHs and then re-enter the circle.

Mary – Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercuries,

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The newest class is off and running. Thanks to the PAX from greenmachine who joined us this morning. It was great to have you out!

Six more weeks with this class. Come out and join them.

Tortoise & Hare – The Final Chapter

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Hair Band, Right Said, Judy, Longhorn, Skeet, Decaf, Woodpecker, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Evel Knievel, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 63 degrees and dry despite some distant lightning and thunder

WARMUP: Mr. Krabs led us through a thorough warm-up: SSH, IW, HW, WMH, Squat, Good Mornings

THE THANG: RUN!!! 3 miles. It was a little disappointing that no 4:13 Strong man set a PR on the final run of the 40 Days. At least Hair Band got a 2024 PR finishing in 20:37!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day is this Friday at 11:30. Come join us as we celebrate this class transitioning into the Work Phase of the program.

COT: Prayers for strength, guidance and wisdom as these men begin interviews and the job selection process.

Buns- Lightly Toasted on Both Sides

AO: thestronghold
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Red Skull, toga, Wedding Singer, Skeet, Young and Restless, Crawlspace, Right Said, Chunks, Decaf, Dan and Dave, Sunshine, Casual Friday, Dantana, WoodPecker, Tater-tot, Minions, Neanderthal, Sunshine, Iron Flush, Mr. Krabs, Goldilocks, Peach Pie, Evel Knievel, Princes Hot Chicken, Wookie
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Ripe with opportunity

Mosey through campus
50 SSHs
Grab cinderblocks and meet on basketball court

Split up into equal teams
Round 1:
1 person Lunge walk with block over head or in arms, rest of team blockees. First team to cycle through all players wins that round, winning team shout “done” when finished
(Plank until all in)

Round 2:
1 person duck walks w block, team members goblet squat
(Plann until all in)
Repeat, team with most victories puts the blocks away while everyone else does burpee apocalypse

Rinse & repeat

Burpee-apocalypse increasing to 10 (but I gifted the men a surprise set of 1 at the end instead of 10, so really we only went to 9)

I enjoyed how the teams held themselves accountable. It was especially interesting to me how quickly people forget the community around them when they’re tired and doing something difficult. Points driven home: take care of each other, push yourself to work hard even when it’s easy to slack off

– 4:13 5k this saturday
– bluemule leading the final Q for this class next Thursday the 29th
– Signing day for the men Friday March 1st
– F3 Franklin Half Marathon Saturday March 2nd, check Middle TN slack channel

– each man shared a prayer request or praise report: health, wellness, families, the class to complete the 40 day challenge with excellence, the men who didn’t make it, tests this week, newborn babies and babies on the way, traveling mercies, and unspoken prayers