$10,000 Pyramid

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Reveille, Meat Sweats
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool not chilly

WARMUP: stretching to warm up hammies and back

THE THANG: TTuT program week 6: Squat Pyramids

Finished out this regiment strong with 2 rounds of an 8 peak pyramid. My quads are definitely feeling it today.

MOLESKINE: Love for KBs continues to be a major unifying factor among the men of DD. Estimated minimum spend of $100 per PAX (so far). Rev is planning another regiment for us, can’t wait to see that.


COT: Praying for our friend Linus, Robert’s mom, and anyone else that could use some of God’s comfort.

Tortoise & Hare ep5

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: SalPal, Chunks, Michelin Man, Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, Tater (Skeet’s 2.0), Zoro, Ol, McDonald, Crockett, DreamCast, C Sharp, Vera Wang, World Tour
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Perfect 46 degrees and dark

WARMUP: Standard pre-run warm-up: SSH, Squats, HBWs, Stretch, WMH

THE THANG: Partner up and RUN!!

MOLESKINE: The tale of the Tortoise & Hare played out in real life today. Those that started off with a dead sprint were gassed by the first turn and never recovered the pole position. Those that started out with a deliberate pace maintained performance and set PRs.

Three 4:13 Strong men set a PR and Young and Restless set a PR. It was a great day to run.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The final Signing Day of 2024 will be on Friday 11/1 at 11:30. Come join us, celebrate the 7 men that are moving into the work phase and let 4:13 Strong buy your lunch.

The Struggle 003 is 11/1 – 11/2. We have a couple of open spots if you are interested. This is a fantastic experience that will push your physical and mental limits while forging deeper relationships with those you Struggle with. Let me know if you want more details or if you are ready to sign up.

COT: Prayers for family, healing comfort and direction.

Always have a buddy!

AO: thestronghold
Q: toga
PAX: Chunks, Dan and Dave, Red Skull, Right Said, Dan Tanna, toga, Skeet, Decaf, C Sharp, Snapper, DreamCast, Old McDonald, Coon Skin, Slash, Pearl, Vera Wang, Big Country, Old G, Humble Boxer, The Raptor(Miami), Zorro, Speedway, Filet O Fish, Ten Pack
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey to the gravel lot for some calisthenics and the always fun, scorpion stretch amongst the rocks.

THE THANG: Partner up with instructions to spend the rest of the workout with you partner. Work together and finish together!
Part 1: Execute Bear Crawls and Polar Bears down the gravel lot and back. Form up in 2 columns and mosey to the lot across from the STEM school.
Part 2: Partner carry across the slot, flapjack and return to the other side of the slot. Execute the same with wheelbarrows and repeato 2x more.
Part 3: mosey the entrance to the STEM school where P1 executes 12 rows on the bar while P2 hold people’s chair. Flapjack and repeato 2x more times. The PAX (RA!) did this without starting till everyone was holding the chair and mounted the bar and could not complete until everyone was done.
The finish: mosey back to the home lot, quick marry and done!

MOLESKINE: It’s always humbling to lead and know that the PAX (RA!) will follow your lead for the duration of the workout. This is always a gift, but it’s especially humbling when you realize all the change these men are dealing with. RESPECT!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: It’s been 6 years of our F3/4:13 symbiotic relationship. YHC can only hope that the men of 4:13 are getting as much out of this as the men of F3. Here’s to 6 more!

COT: Prayers for Chunk’s grandmother who is in hospice and for the strength, health and will of the men in 4:13. Let’s keep the 40 days rolling!

Stay Classy,

God Bless America (I got a copy in my truck)

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Linus, Skeet, Woodchuck, Flash, Meat Sweats
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: beach weather (according to McAfee)

WARMUP: 3x Turkish getups each side after OYO streching

THE THANG: Squat Pyramid!! Two Times!!
1x Press 1x Clean 1x Squat 1x Renegade Row
up on Squats till we hit 5 reps, then back down.

Finished off with 100 KB Swings. Hoo lawd!

MOLESKINE: Did you know Jesus had a brother? How did the bible get put together? We’ve got 2 more Wednesdays with Woodchuck before he ships off for a while. Let’s enjoy them.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Half Marathon at 7:00 at Don Fox Park this Saturday!

COT: Beautiful words were spoken to lift up those in need in prayer; thankfulness and gratitude for the things we have in this life were expressed.

Tortoise & Hare, S5E1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Young and Restless, Focker, Skeet, Michelin Man, Hair Band, Natural Ice, Right Said, Crawlspace, Chunks, Tater (Skeets 2.0), Dopplerganger (F3 Smokies), C Sharp, Zoro, Pearl, Snapper, Speedway, World Tour, Ten Pack, Crockett, Slash
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 75 degrees and humid with a nice mist for the finish

WARMUP: The standard pre-run warm-up: SSH, IWs, Squats, Stretching

THE THANG: RUN!! Three miles plus more to pick up the six

MOLESKINE: It is great to be back at it after a two week break. It is a little heavy knowing that 15 men are counting on 4:13 Strong to help them rewrite their future, but the load is much lighter knowing that my F3 brothers are here to help. Thank you all for showing up this morning.

COT: Prayers for family, healing, strength, focus and growth.

Heavy Hands Light Hearts

AO: mistymountain
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Linus, Flash, Sanders, Transporter, Mountain Men Craig Brandon and Randall, Young Master Tater
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Whispers of Fall

WARMUP: Little Baby Arm circles in cadence, hollow body hold + one arm press/hold, weighted American Hammers

THE THANG: Superset City!
1. Dumbbell squats + offset Merkins
2. RDL + Curls
3. Lunges + tricep extension

3 minutes to get through each round, I was absolutely gassed I hope the PAX were too.

Mostly though I was so grateful and happy to hear some of your favorite quotes and verses that help us each to live our lives in the best possible way. I’m proud of this group.

COT: prayers for David’s job search, healing for those in need, safe travels for those on the road

The Standard

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: Dan and Dave, Salami, hambone, Schnauzer, Young and Restless, Hair Band, Pole Dancer, Dan Tanna, Shocker (Mark Holmes), toga, Skeet, Spinal Tap, Grape, Right Said, Natural Ice, caprate, Red Skull, C Sharp, Snapper, DreamCast, Old McDonald, Coon Skin, Slash, Pearl, Vera Wang, Big Country, Old G, Humble Boxer, The Raptor(Miami), Zorro, Speedway, Filet O Fish, Ten Pack,, Big Bird
FNGs: 1 Big Bird

WARMUP: No warm up. Gave a 5 min warning to do some stretching.


Circle up and partner up 1:1 F3 – 4:13
Welcome with Disclaimer and the standard: Push yourself

Then explain that during the workout the F3 & 4:13 men are to get to know each other with the F3 man prepared to give the 4:13 man a nickname at the end of the workout.

Right Said recited the Mission of F3.

Then we run in two lines with the F3 man on the left and his partner to his right. The partners sprint to the front as a team when I call out Front. We ran a mile around the campus, Train caused a little pivot to get the whole mile

At 1 mile we stopped and did a set of BOMBS starting at 5 and each exercise increasing the reps by 5 to 25 Squats. Then I talked briefly about how Mental Toughness is perishable. Just because you finished mental toughness week doesn’t mean it lasts forever, you must requalify every day.

Then we ran again following the same method I yelled Front and then stopped for another set of BOMBS starting at 5. Then talked briefly about 1 second decisions. Between now and the end of the 40 days they will have to make a lot of 1 second decisions. It only takes one of those to lose everything. You must gain control of your mind when all you want to do is quit. Cause at some point you will want to quit.

Ran back to start ex with a detour out onto foster ave and around the corner following the same method for a final set of BOMBS starting at 5. Then talked briefly on Performing without Motivation. Right now you have a purpose to finish the 40 days, but there will be times when you don’t have an easy goal like that and you have to Perform without Motivation, you just have to do it. Use these next 40 days to gain control of your mind and body. All these men here and the others that will take this journey with you want to see you succeed and win. But it’s not given without work. This program will push you, but will also support you. Take advantage of this opportunity, forget about your past and live in the present.

Circled up for the naming ceremony. The PAX did not disappoint with some good names this class.

We had and FNG that Red Skull named Big Bird.

Thanks to everyone that came out and the atlantis men.

Always an honor to lead you men.

Strength and Honor,

COT: C Sharp asked to lead the closing prayer in the ball of Man.

Boat Body – Pontoon Rock

AO: bomber
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Cream Cheese, Dirtbag, Tim the Toolman, CubCadet, Crawlspace, Marcus Wilcock (Homer), Black Lung, McAfee, Papa Bear, Hedwig, Firefox, Skeet, Spinal Tap, Linus, Strings, Tater, Dirtbag
FNGs: 1 Dirtbag
CONDITIONS: Felt like the last Friday of Summer

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Squats, Arm Circle, Air Press, M Night Clubs,

THE THANG: 3 mile mosey with periodic merkins and core

We took off for a mosey and as we hit the trail, Robert Frost’s words echoed in my mind – two paths diverged in a yellow wood. But unlike the poet, there was no luxury of contemplation. With the last shirtless weekend of summer calling I ditched my plan and pushed the PAX through the 3 mile loop around McCabe.

Three miles of sweat and glory lay ahead, punctuated by surprise stops for merkins and core-busters. The Playlist? Pure pontoon rock – think yacht rock’s rowdier country cousin. As we pushed through, letting the six catch up at each pit stop, we sculpted our summer bodies with every step.

MOLESKINE: No one was planning on running that far, and everyone pushed through it! Do Hard Things

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Big shout out to Strings and Marcus Wilcock (Homer) joining us down range from the UK, and also Linus from Tacoma WA!

growruck.com/event/gte-55/ is Sept 20-22 if you can make a last minute trip across the pond

COT: Prayers were lifted!

Thank you men of bomber and DintyMoore for inviting me to lead. It was great to come back to the original AO where I first joined F3 4 years ago!


Just What The Doctor Ordered

AO: devilsden
Q: Flash
PAX: Woodchuck, Skeet, Linus, McAfee, @Meatsweats
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Almost but not quite Fall

WARMUP: OYO Stretching

THE THANG: KB Routine:
6 Overhead Presses per Arm
6 Pause Squats per Arm
8 Bent over Rows per Arm
12 KB Swings per Arm
12 sit-outs per side

MOLESKINE: Robert has a Chrysler not a Subaru, robots don’t lift the boxes, Saturn has 2 moons, world history has a bunch of dudes with weird names, insurance companies – are they actually the bad guys?, the American medical system is a racket, Ozempic 4 lyfe

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Need to find a KB workout for September



AO: mistymountain
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Linus, Transporter, McAfee, Rockies, Skeet, Sanders, Mountain Men x 4, Tater
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Big Mosey around CDP

Four Rounds x 14 Reps

14 SSHs

Flying Squirrel Burpees
American Hammers
Curls –
One Lap – 400m Run
No Cheat Merkins

14 SSHs

Finished with Mosey and Mary Go Round

This workout was in honor and memory of falcon who passed away earlier this year during the naming ceremony of his first workout in St. Louis.

He was the 14th member of the PAX that day. We did 14 reps of each exercise in his honor although the original work out was 26 for the last two digits of his zip code where he volunteered regularly and I missed that part.

9/11 Memorial Convergence – Percy Warner
9/14 F3 Nashville Anniversary Convergence
Misty Mountain traveling to bomber next week
Skeet still looking for some Spartan Men
Orienteering begins at Centennial Park

Coffeeteria was aided by the best sunrise to date on my gullivers-travels-challenge :sunrise: