Merry Christmas from the family

AO: atlantis
Q: sooner , Oatmeal
PAX: Oatmeal, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Siri, Subway, SalPal
FNGs: None
Active warm-up

Mozy over to pizza hut

Santa appears out of the gloom… he looks a lot like oatmeal

Christmas Night
Santa/Oatmeal pulls a gift out of the bag and the PAX has to deliver; The pax are reindeer, led by rudolph who have to deliver gifts. Each round, Santa/Oatmeal picks off a pax from the reindeer who does an exercise while the rest of the pax delivers to playground locations specified on the card; santa’s crew of injured reindeer grows during each round of present delivery

Gift delivery travel: Native Reindeer Run around the water tower to “Whoville” aka the playground

Penalty for forgetting rudolph

Christmas Morning
Open each gift to find two unique exercises (25 each). One is naughty and one is nice. Flip a disc to determine exercise. Gating price to either be nice or get forgiveness for being naughty is Christmas/Oatmeal trivia.

Bag 1: ice skaters / Mountain jumpers; each side is half
Bag 2: elven merkins / eleven flutters aka hand release merkins with a star Superman or reverse flutters (low plank + flutter kicks); 4 ct
Bag 3: Frosty jumps / walks; low squat duck walk or broad jump; 1 is 1
Bag 4: Twinkling Star of Bethlaham or manger madness aka side straddle hops 4 CT or star jumps but with 180 rotation); 1 is 1
Bag 5: Ornamentation or Tree toppers aka plank ups or one-legged alternating box jump reaching for the tree top on the jump; each side is half
Bag 6: sleigh rides or Jingle bell rock aka Supermans or happy crunch frogs but with arms elevated verticaly instead of horizontally; 1 is 1
Bag 7: Christmas mornings aka 8 CT body builders; 1 is 1… We didn’t do this one

Santa had a loose interpretation of the rules. We did exercise for the record.

COT: healing, comfort and guidance


tag your favorite trivia question in comments

Partner Murph

AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles
PAX: Sooie, Stubs, Timber, The Banker, Papa Bear, Étouffée, Siri
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold, frosty, 20deg

Side Straddle Hops
Half mile mosey
Slow Merkins
Slow Squats


Murph with a partner. 100 pull ups, 200 merkins, 300 squats total as a team. 1 partner ran 200meters while the other was working.

11s on the hill – Carolina Dry Docks & Iron Mikes

I used to think a virtuous man impressed others with feats of strength on the battlefield. I’m realizing now that the real battle starts in the mind. It’s the struggle to get up with the alarm, choosing to do the right thing, push when things fee hard. These small acts of will are what make a man virtuous and strong.

Inspired by all of you who choose to wake up early and do something hard.

LeanPax starting soon.

COT: Prayers offered


AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Timber, Siri, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Chilly but not too bad

WARMUP: Stretches and SSH


Played in traffic
– 20 minute run down 70 (on the sidewalk)
– 5 merkins for every oncoming car that drives by
– 5 squats for every oncoming truck or bigger that drives by
– 5 burpees for a padiddle
– 5 second speed pick up everytime a vehicle going same direction passes

Ring of Fires
– Squat ROF to 10
– Lap around PainTrain with hill sprint
– Merkin ROF to 10
– Lap around PainTrain with hill sprint
– Burpee ROF to 5
– Lap around PainTrain with hill sprint
– BB Sit-ups ROF to 10

MOLESKINE: Apparently nobody drives trucks at 5:30am in Bellevue. Need to remember to pay the random Padiddle car doing laps $5.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Keep eye on slack for F2 events

COT: just replaced my living room floor. Came with some frustrations along the way but so worth it in the end. Reminder to PAX to push through minor setbacks and focus on the bigger wins ahead.


AO: pain-train
Q: Timber
PAX: G-string, Half Lyfe, Pitmaster, Siri, Stubs, Timber
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 50 degrees

WARMUP: SSH, slow burpees, runner’s lunge stretch (covered core principles, mission, credo)

THE THANG: Run 2.1 loop with a burnout exercise every 5 minutes. Exercises: inverted rows (AMRAP until you have to pause), squat jumps/iron mikes (AMRAP in 1 minute), merkins (AMRAP until you have to pause), lunges for ~100 yards, burpees (AMRAP for 30 sec) right into continuous broad jumps (for 30 seconds)

MOLESKINE: I enjoyed the fellowship on the run; burpees into broad jumps for 1 minute burns; Pitmaster executed a flawless lift of G-string’s gigantic stone (still in the back of his truck from Thursday’s the-knoll beatdown) before departure

ANNOUNCEMENTS: no-noise-november still ongoing

COT: Arnold Schwarzenegger one said that the most important rep in a workout was the last one. Push until you don’t think you can get another rep, and then get one more. May we continue pushing ourselves (sometimes modifying down, sometimes up) to keep getting better.

Thanks for the push this morning!

Old Reliable

AO: atlantis
Q: Young Pawn
PAX: Toothless, Siri
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Nippy with a few rain drops

WARMUP: GMs, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, low and slow squats, pitcher stretch

THANG 1 Circle of Savings :man-lifting-weights:
Circled up with our coupons and each picked an exercise for his station. Rotated through stations while one pax ran a lap, rotated each time the runner returned.

THANG 2 Pawn’s Game :black_joker:
PAX wait with SSHs while one runs a lap and then draws a 2 card blackjack hand. He then counts cadence for that exercise. Score determines the reps, high suit determines the exercise.
:diamonds:: Merkins
:spades:: LBCs
:clubs:: Squats
:hearts:: Burpees
Toothless came out strong by drawing a blackjack of hearts as the first hand which meant 21 burpees – and lots of mumblechatter. 🂾🂱

Closed with a few minutes of stretching.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grow School Saturday morning at stonewall and various Thanksgiving day events in the works, stay tuned.

COT: It’s been a hard long summer and one that hasn’t seen me posting very often. I know I need to do things: (1) go back to doing the things that strengthen me like sleeping, praying, and working out. And (2) ask for help. I tried to demonstrate both in this BD with two thangs I’ve led before and I know work well and by asking other PAX to help lead. What do you know you need to do but have been letting slip? Join me in getting back on track.

KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid)

AO: the-knoll
Q: G-string
PAX: Stubs, AAA, Pebbles, Timber, morning stār, El Capitan, Sooie, Ex-Pat, Siri, Papa Bear, Sparrow, Bumblebee, the Judge, Rubix
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool and damp

– Seal Claps
– Overhead Press
– Mission and Credo while stretching
– High Plank with 5 merkins for each of the 5 core principles

– Brief run to the far stop sign with stops
– 10 Burpees
– Politician two houses
– 10 Iron Mikes
– Karaoke two houses
– Wounded Bear Crawl
MAIN THANG: Partner up for a DORA
– 100 Pullups
– 200 Bulgarian Split Squats
– 30 yard Bear-crawl
– One partner crawls while the other does reps. Alternate bear-crawl and crawl-bear

Count the number of sets each pair took to complete the work (35 total). 7 PAX over the HC count (thought it was 8 because I didn’t count the 2.0 HC).
Set out to finish with 8 sets of:
– 35 merkins
– Hill Sprint

T-Claps to Timber, Pebbles, and AAA for completing six sets.

I tried for a long while to come up with a super involved workout that would have taken as much time to explain as it would to do. But then I remembered to just keep it simple. Do lots of just a few exercises, and it’ll work. Sometimes I get so bogged down in the details that I forget simplicity. How often things go better if we do them the straightforward way.
Also, we often say to “modify as necessary,” with the thought of modifying down, but what about modifying up? How often do we challenge ourselves and really try hard? Today I wore a weight vest to challenge myself a bit more, and it was brutal! I felt like it was my first workout all over again. Seek out challenges when they are available.


-Thankful for our veterans

The Gauntlet

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, Cheeks, Sooie, Timber, G-string, Pitmaster, Stubs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Little mist in the air. Perfect to hit the gauntlet.



Timer set to 30 minutes

Cones set out all 10-20 yards apart. Performed an exercise at each cone and movement between cones as listed below:
– Walk
– Squat
– Mosey
– Merkin
– Mosey
– Crunch frog
– Mosey
– Burpee
– Mosey
– Coupon suitcase carry
– Bear crawl
– Sprint

Started with 1 Rep and increased reps by one each lap.

Ended with 5 minutes of breathing and Yoga

Tclaps to G-string and Timber for completing 16 LAPS! That’s 136 reps of squats, merkins, crunchies and burpees. Phew!!

Tclaps to all the PAX who came out and pushed today!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: tussle coming. Volunteers needed.

No Noise November has begun. Grab an accountability partner and tone down the electronic use and tone up self reflection.

COT: Reminder to all PAX that to get stronger you have to add reps. Don’t be afraid to push yourself!

Not the Gauntlet

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, Stubs, Sparrow
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Anyone have the remote to hit Pause?


Tabata: 30 seconds on/20 seconds rest. 4 exercises, 2 rounds then run.

– Pull ups
– Squats
– Coupon Rows
– Piccolis
– Lap around park

– Pulls ups
– Lunges
– Coupon presses
– Box jumps
– Lap around park

Round 3
– Pulls ups
– Jump Squats
– Coupon curls
– Jump Squats
– Agility/Speed work

Mary: 2 rounds of
– 20 crunches
– 20 heel taps
– 10 Mountain Summits

Holding on to The Gauntlet workout until we have a bigger group :slightly_smiling_face:


COT: I’ve switched my tactics on teaching Link to clean up the living room to two mantras “What do you notice and what action is needed? Don’t put it down, put it away.” It’s helped a lot in keeping things clean, but I’ve also realized the importance of applying this to everyday emotional tasks as well. Encouragement to all PAX to take the time to ask yourself, “What do I notice in my life? What is working, what isn’t? And what actions do I need to take to stay on the right path?” also… when something comes up, let’s not put it down and out of sight… let’s figure out what we need to do with those emotions and put them away in the right spot.


AO: westeros
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: caprate, CubCadet, Grape, Hedwig, Pep, Salami, Siri, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Young and Restless, FinePrint
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Smelled like victory

25 SSHs
5 Five-count deep lunge
5 Five-count Willy Mays
25 SSHs

Mosey to bridge
Dora – part 1
100 merkins – partner 1 runs across bridge then starts merkins, partner 2 does pushups then runs when he reaches other side, confirm total count then run back across bridge while partner 2 continues merkins, repeat until you reach 100. 4-6 total

Mosey from 100 to base of love circle and plank for 6

Dora – part 2
200 lunges – each leg
Partner 1 lunges while partner 2 runs the circle

Plank for 6 when done

Dora – part 3
Top of Love Circle
300 Alabama Prom Dates
150 each partner

Mosey back to Shovel Fla -er, I mean Start X w/ stops along the way to wait for the six.

Congrats to Vanderbilt on the biggest upset and their programs history. It was nice to see First Bank without one of their goal posts. We also were able to rile up the neighborhood a little bit with our Vanderbilt centric playlist.

Chili Cook Off coming at you. 2.0 and M friendly at Shelby Park.

Pain Lab :petri_dish: :test_tube: :lab_coat: making some noise on Saturdays at Northwest Nashville YMCA.

Prayers for Western NC flood relief/recovery. Prayers for Middle East tensions and intentions.
Prayers for Young and Restless celebrating 18 years of marriage and hopes for a family.

Go Back to Go Forward

AO: atlantis
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: Pole Dancer, Schnauzer, Toothless, Siri, Tea Party, Strutter
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Foggy under the sea, but beautiful stars in the sky

Arm Circuit
Some good ole fashioned stretching before moseying down to England Park

Shout out to Tea Party, Pole Dancer, and Schnauzer for getting lost with me in the Nations for the pre-party for 2+ miles.

Sprint 50 m, Yves Pull (run backwards 25) all the way down the street.
At each backwards stop, complete 15 of each exercise (one exercise per lap):
T- Tuck Jumps
O- Os and Xs
W- Worst Merkins (Wide, Regular, Diamond)
N- Nolan Ryans

Moseyed back under the sea and tried to make Rattlin Bog a thing–except hold a plank for the song and do alternating shoulder taps at each level.
Finished with some Elbows to Knees to get to 6:15.

2 miles run total according to my Strava.

This week (Tuesday) marked the 15th anniversary of my move from Boston to Nashville–not knowing anyone, no money, and no real plans. I also moved into a new house over the weekend. Boy, how times have changed. In that reflective mood, we discussed where we were in 2009 and some of the challenges we faced before and where we are now.

Check out T-shirt link in -f3-nashville-general

COT: Let’s help Sirifind a new job. Connections welcome. For all the partners, especially parents out there to remember to find space for one another, and for safe travels.