An Excuse to Work Legs

AO: atlantis
Q: Hair Band
PAX: SalPal, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Puzzlah, Siri, Pothole
FNGs: 1 Pothole

Mosey 1 laps around soccer fields
Good mornings
Cherry pickers
Willie mays hayes
Cowboy hip rotations (fwd & bck)
50 SSHs

30 sec high knees + 10 perfect merkins
Repeat 10 times

15 Drop squats + sprint parking spaces
Repeat 8 times

Lunge walk around parking lot

4-5min of 10 burpees + 10 v ups alternating

In a world of well rounded workouts, Hair Band seems obsessed with getting our legs solid as marble. Complaints from the pax about leg soreness will be seen as badges of honor from Hair Band and only seek to fuel his love of leg based workouts. If anything, Hair Band feels like a merciful Q in that he allowed us to do Merkins.

• Night Moves hosted by SalPal March 6th, check his preblast for details
• AOQ Grow School coming back atcha Saturday March 22nd stonewall tel:0600-0800
• Spring Fling hosted by Natural Ice – CBO, check main channel for details
• May CSAUP coming your way

• prayers for work transitions and changes happening, prayers for men looking for work, prayers for babies on the way, over all health and well being

Thanks for letting me Q, this was a fun workout and due to my lack of bringing a speaker the mumblechatter was mumbling.

Welcome to Pothole!

Rock on,

Hair Band :sign_of_the_horns:

Go to church or the devil will getchya!

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Stubs, Siri, G-string, Pitmaster, Wolfpack, FLO, Waffle, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Shorts are back on the menu!

WARMUP: The usual suspects.

Run to Bellevue Church of Christ
10 rounds of:
10 second high plank hold
10 merkins
10 second rest

Run to Bellevue Baptist Church
10 rounds of:
10 second low squat hold
10 squats
10 second rest

Run to Cross Timbers Freewill Baptist Church
10 rounds of:
10 second hollow body hold
10 big boy sit-ups
10 second rest

Run to Bellevue Presbyterian Church
10 rounds of:
10 second low plank hold
5 burpees
10 second rest

Run back to red caboose

Loved the counting rhythm we organically fell into. I think it really helped us lock into the workouts and push it together.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: biscuit run march 1st. Boardgame night Feb 28

COT: My mom sent me a book of daily devotions as she felt it may be good to bring into our COTs when I lead. The thoughtfulness of wanting to share something that was meaningful to her because she felt it would help me too really made an impact on me this week. It made me ask myself the question, am I actively listening to others and am I actively supporting and providing for them based on what I hear? Encouragement to PAX (including myself!) to listen more and take action to better the lives of those around us. Thanks Mom 😀

2 minutes is short for a song but long for an exercise

AO: pain-train
Q: Stubs
PAX: Wolfpack, Pitmaster, Half Lyfe, FLO, Siri, Stubs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: wet ground, warm air

SSH x 20
BACs x 10
BACBACs x 10
Moroccan Night Clubs x10
Mission of F3
5 Slow Mercans for each principle
Slow Squats x5
Willie Mays Hays OYO
Mosey to get coupons

I put together a playlist of songs that are 2 minutes or less
Broke it up into three 5 song segments with a minute of rest in between.
Each round was around 9 minutes of work.

Round 1
Incline Mercs
Step ups with Coupon
Flutter Kicks with Coupon
Bear Crawl around gazebo

Round 2
Goblet squats with coupon
Bent over Rows with Coupon
Floor to ceilings with coupon
Plank jacks

Round 3
Incline Mercs
Step ups with Coupon
Flutter Kicks with Coupon
Bear Crawl around gazebo

Mosey to Return coupons head to play ground
Ended with Ring of Wolfpack
All pax hold plank while each takes turns doing ascending # of pull-ups
We got to 3

MOLESKINE: Sticking with the theme for the week. We’re not in this alone. Lean on each other.

Approaching final stretch of LeanPax
Franklin Biscuit Run
Upcoming Game Night
Check Slack

COT: silent prayer and coffeteeria

4-Stop Neighborhood Burn

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: Siri, El Capitan, Malibu, Sooie, Stubs, Wolfpack, Papa Bear, Sparrow, Pebbles, Pitmaster, @FLO, @AAA, @Iowa (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Just cold enough


SSH x25
Bacs & BacBacs
Yes, No, Maybes
Willie Mays Hays
Down Dog
Runners stretch
Back Stretches
Butterfly with deep breathing exercise


Part 1

Neighborhood Mosey with work at four stopping points.

At each stop: 10 burpees, 15 overhead presses, 20 crunches, 25 squats

Rest :60 after each burn + share the 5 core principles of F3 + mission & credo

Final stop: plank crawl along curb as a group from one lit lamppost to another

Part 2: Cooldown

>From curb, as a group, slow lunge up the hill.

We played three rounds of Bear Crawl Battle Royale (Iowa was the juggernaut!)

Round of MARY


My family has been out with the flu the last week & a half and my wife, unfortunately, has had the worst round of it. It has been humbling as a father & a dad to take care of her and my girls while she’s been sick. I’ve felt incompetent and clueless at times but it’s also been a good experience to grow. I’ve enjoyed the increased time spent with my girls as we’ve recovered together. Embrace those moments of incompetence & grow from them! It’s a good reminder of how much teamwork parenting & running a house requires. :pray:


Joy & thanksgiving for Sparrow’s new little one and for his wife’s healthy delivery!

Mystery V-Q on Thursday!! :party_parrot: :olive:


Nameorama, Countorama, and coffeteria enjoyed.

Grateful for y’all!


Total Body AMRAP

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Puzzlah, Half Lyfe, Wolfpack, FLO, Pole Dancer, Lady Liberty, Siri, Stubs, G-string, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Love when 27 feels warm.

WARMUP: Mosey to pick up coupons, mosey to the playground. 10 SlowSquats. 10 Slow Merkins.


3 rounds of 10 minute AMRAP.
10 reps of 3 exercises.
Run around inner path at 5 minute mark.
5 reps of each exercise for remaining time.

Round 1:
Goblet Squats w/ coupon
Bavarian Deadlifts w/ coupon

Round 2:
Iron Mikes
Big Boy Sit-ups w/ coupon
Blockees (Burpee w/ coupon press)

Round 3:
Monkey humpers
Alternating V-ups
Coupon curls

MOLESKINE: Solid mumble chatter throughout as usual here at PT! Unintentional Guitar Hero playlist slaps.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax, Spartan race, biscuit run, check the slack!

COT: Patience. I’m struggling with it with the kids at the moment. Constantly reminding myself to take a breathe, give some grace, and take a little longer to connect before responding. Encouragement to Pax to do the same. Where can you find patience with yourself and those around you through the day?

Ten Trees

AO: the-knoll
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, Wolfpack, Stubs, Half Lyfe, Pebbles
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold for the first 10 minutes

WARMUP: SSHs til Siri gets out of his car. What was he doing in there?

Mosey to get coupons and carry to river table.

Ten Trees:

Split into two groups. One person runs and touches a tree while the other completes a workout. You cannot touch the same tree twice throughout the workout.

River table: Coupon Squats

Walk to playground with coupon over head

Playground: Bent over Rows

Walk to back stop with coupon over head

Backstop: Floor to Ceilings

Walk to street with coupon over head and return them to Pebbles house. Mosey back to startex.

Thang 2 – PlankUps Ring of Fire
Pax lines up at pull up bars. Everyone holds a high plank. First Pax does a pull up goes back to high plank, second pax follows, all the way down the line. When complete, Pax rotates so first is last and everyone moves up. Now hold low plank and go for two. Rotate. High plank for 3 pull ups each. Rotate. Low plank for 4 pull ups. Rotate. High plank for five.

MOLESKINE: There are not ten trees close to the backstop

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax, push up challenge, Franklin’s Biscuit Run, Spartan code in general channel

COT: struggled to get out of bed this morning. Only reason I made it is because I was leading and I knew others depending on that. Made me think… I led therefore I showed up, but how often in my life am I showing up to lead? How often am I being intentional about not just being in a place, but taking on leadership… Am I being proactive about finding opportunities to lead? Encouragement to Pax to seek out places in their life where they can show up.

Iron & Fire

AO: pain-train
Q: Sooie
PAX: Wolfpack, Half Lyfe, Siri, G-string, Cheeks, Sooie, Stubs, Pitmaster
FNGs: None
Balmy 33 degrees.
Fire playlist courtesy of Wolfpack

Loosen up OYO.
Circle up on our six and fire up the bellows: 30 breaths Wim Hoff style to the rhythm of “We Will Rock You”.
Hammer the Anvil: on the last breath transition to high plank. Exhale. AMRAP merkins on a single breath. TClaps to G-string for getting the most reps…probably like 100 or something.
Plank head, shoulders, knees, and toes 5x OYO
Plank jacks 5x in cadence

Mosey to get cinder blocks.

– 15lb dumbbell farmer carry around the perimeter of the playground holding the dumbbell by the weight rather than the handle. After 1 lap, PAX rotate to next station.
– IYT MERKIN: plyo merkin with hands and feet leave my the ground. Arms make an “I”, then arms make a “Y”, then arms make a “T”
– SUPER IYT: superman position arms in “I” position gripping 5lb dumbbells. Move arms to “Y”, move arms to “T”, back to “Y”, back to “I”

All PAX completed each station. Mosey around the perimeter then repeat. Timer exercise for second round was 12lb dumbbell punches 20x.

New years intentions have a better chance of success in the presence of community.

Hearing regarding ADA compliant equipment to Harpeth Knoll parks Thursday, January 9th. Thanks Stubs for putting this on our radar!

Prayers and requests lifted. Enjoyed the delicious :wolf: :coffee: for coffeeteria

Merry Christmas from the family

AO: atlantis
Q: sooner , Oatmeal
PAX: Oatmeal, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Siri, Subway, SalPal
FNGs: None
Active warm-up

Mozy over to pizza hut

Santa appears out of the gloom… he looks a lot like oatmeal

Christmas Night
Santa/Oatmeal pulls a gift out of the bag and the PAX has to deliver; The pax are reindeer, led by rudolph who have to deliver gifts. Each round, Santa/Oatmeal picks off a pax from the reindeer who does an exercise while the rest of the pax delivers to playground locations specified on the card; santa’s crew of injured reindeer grows during each round of present delivery

Gift delivery travel: Native Reindeer Run around the water tower to “Whoville” aka the playground

Penalty for forgetting rudolph

Christmas Morning
Open each gift to find two unique exercises (25 each). One is naughty and one is nice. Flip a disc to determine exercise. Gating price to either be nice or get forgiveness for being naughty is Christmas/Oatmeal trivia.

Bag 1: ice skaters / Mountain jumpers; each side is half
Bag 2: elven merkins / eleven flutters aka hand release merkins with a star Superman or reverse flutters (low plank + flutter kicks); 4 ct
Bag 3: Frosty jumps / walks; low squat duck walk or broad jump; 1 is 1
Bag 4: Twinkling Star of Bethlaham or manger madness aka side straddle hops 4 CT or star jumps but with 180 rotation); 1 is 1
Bag 5: Ornamentation or Tree toppers aka plank ups or one-legged alternating box jump reaching for the tree top on the jump; each side is half
Bag 6: sleigh rides or Jingle bell rock aka Supermans or happy crunch frogs but with arms elevated verticaly instead of horizontally; 1 is 1
Bag 7: Christmas mornings aka 8 CT body builders; 1 is 1… We didn’t do this one

Santa had a loose interpretation of the rules. We did exercise for the record.

COT: healing, comfort and guidance


tag your favorite trivia question in comments

Partner Murph

AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles
PAX: Sooie, Stubs, Timber, The Banker, Papa Bear, Étouffée, Siri
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold, frosty, 20deg

Side Straddle Hops
Half mile mosey
Slow Merkins
Slow Squats


Murph with a partner. 100 pull ups, 200 merkins, 300 squats total as a team. 1 partner ran 200meters while the other was working.

11s on the hill – Carolina Dry Docks & Iron Mikes

I used to think a virtuous man impressed others with feats of strength on the battlefield. I’m realizing now that the real battle starts in the mind. It’s the struggle to get up with the alarm, choosing to do the right thing, push when things fee hard. These small acts of will are what make a man virtuous and strong.

Inspired by all of you who choose to wake up early and do something hard.

LeanPax starting soon.

COT: Prayers offered


AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Timber, Siri, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Chilly but not too bad

WARMUP: Stretches and SSH


Played in traffic
– 20 minute run down 70 (on the sidewalk)
– 5 merkins for every oncoming car that drives by
– 5 squats for every oncoming truck or bigger that drives by
– 5 burpees for a padiddle
– 5 second speed pick up everytime a vehicle going same direction passes

Ring of Fires
– Squat ROF to 10
– Lap around PainTrain with hill sprint
– Merkin ROF to 10
– Lap around PainTrain with hill sprint
– Burpee ROF to 5
– Lap around PainTrain with hill sprint
– BB Sit-ups ROF to 10

MOLESKINE: Apparently nobody drives trucks at 5:30am in Bellevue. Need to remember to pay the random Padiddle car doing laps $5.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Keep eye on slack for F2 events

COT: just replaced my living room floor. Came with some frustrations along the way but so worth it in the end. Reminder to PAX to push through minor setbacks and focus on the bigger wins ahead.