Final Tortoise & Hare for Class 42

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Skeet, Right Said, Hair Band, Chunks, SalPal, Longhorn, baggervance, bluemule, Natural Ice, Decaf, Cabana Boy, Moon Walk, Tealfin, Midnight Club, Practice?, Night Light, Chef Boyardee, Cruise Line, LifeSaver, Dr. Seuss, Skechers, Double Flush
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 70 degrees – perfect weather for setting a PR

WARMUP: Circle Up 1 min late as YHC lost track of time while pairing pace setters with runners. Standard warm-up of SSH, IWs, Squats and stretching.

THE THANG: Every 4:13 Strong man was assigned an F3 man who was charged with setting and holding a pace. The pairings and pace assignments ensured that every 4:13 Strong man would be able to set a PR if they stayed with their pacer.

The pacers did a fantastic job. The 4:13 Strong men not so much. We had two reach a new PR and two that came very close. The other eight turned in a pretty pathetic final run.

MOLESKINE: You may be set up for success, but succeeding still requires effort. The 4:13 Strong men had everything they needed to turn in their best run of the class…the only thing lacking was the attitude and the effort.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day for this class is this Friday (6/28). We will gather at 11:30am. The ceremony will begin around 11:40am and will last less than 30 minutes. Lunch and fellowship will follow. Come join us and help celebrate what these men have accomplished.

COT: Practice? jumped in to close out our morning. Following the COT he shared that was his first time leading a group prayer.

Tortoise & Hare v5

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Hacker (Franklin), Judy, baggervance, SalPal, Chunks, Right Said, Decaf, Cabana Boy, Moon Walk, Tealfin, Midnight Club, Practice?, Night Light, Chef Boyardee, Cruise Line LifeSaver, Dr. Seuss, Skechers, Double Flush, Pick Me!
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: The summer humidity finally found The Stronghold. It was a sticky 77 degrees at 0530.

WARMUP: Circle Up for the standard pre-run warm-up: SSH, IW, Squats, Stretches, WMHs.

THE THANG: Partner Up, Set a Goal, RUN!! Today we saw 5 new PRs! The runners were “All In” by 40:17. Our Rucker was in by 50:00.

MOLESKINE: It is easier to do hard things when you have a partner to encourage you.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day for this class is next Friday, 6/28 at 11:30. Come join us, celebrate the accomplishments of this class and enjoy some Hot Chicken and Mac & Cheese.

COT: Prayers for clear minds, strong hearts, wisdom and courage.

#the Prostitute comes to Hendersonville

AO: the-castle
Q: Strutter
PAX: hambone, Pep, SalPal, Splitter, Sunshine, Dilbert, Country Parkour, Pink Slip, Outta Bounds (OB), Under the Table, Chunks, Outta Bounds, Pink Slip
FNGs: 2 Outta Bounds, Pink Slip
CONDITIONS: Hot and sweaty.

WARMUP: Mosey to the tennis court parking lot. Disclaimer. 10 each in cadence IST, Hillbillies, Abe Vigodas (Windmills), and Long Snappers.

THE THANG: Mosey up the hill to Hazel Path. We began working the corners in an up and down ladder. 1-2-1-2-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Corner 1 – 5 burpees.
Corner 2 – 10 Merkins. Sometimes in cadence, sometimes OYO.
Corner 3 – 15 squats. Sometimes in cadence, sometimes OYO.
Corner 4 – 20 Carolina Dry Docks. OYO.
Corner 5 – 50 LBCs in cadence.
Once we returned back to the start of our ladder, we moseied back for Mary.
Freddy Mercury’s
Mercury Freddy’s
Box Cutter
Cutter Box
A voice from the crowd yelled “We don’t go until 7 o’clock!”, so we ended there.

MOLESKINE: we welcomed in 2 new FNG’s. Glad you joined us Outta Bounds, and Pink Slip.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5k price goes up today. Any interest in a spot on the Bourbon Chase team?

COT: We prayed for spoken and unspoken requests, for our soldiers, LEOs, First Tesponders. It was not by chance that I found this group. Thank you for allowing me to lead today.


AO: atlantis
Q: Grape
PAX: SalPal, Firefox, Schnauzer, Puzzlah, Pole Dancer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: typical shoulder burner to help YHC’s shoulder be ready for all the burpees that were to come

20 SSH
10 OH Press
10 OH Clap
10 Seal claps
10 Moroccan night clubs
9 burpees for Puzzlah being 3 minutes late and missing the first 3 exercises (see, 3×3 makes 9, so we did 9 burpees, get it?)
Mosey to the big parking lot

THE THANG: SalPal asked me to be psychotic, so we had a crazy workout

Partner work, one partner runs while the other does the exercises. The twist is that every time both partners had completed an exercise, then both had to do burpees before moving on. Then repeato sans burpees until time. Key is constant motion

C- Carolina dry docks
R- regular squats
A- ab thrusters
Z- zebra kicks
Y- IYT’s

Mosey to startex for 5MoM

MOLESKINE: really enjoyed the vibe at Ramblin’ Joes and appreciate 100% PAX participation in coffeeteria

ANNOUNCEMENTS: night moves, 5k, check slack

COT: prayers for SalPal M in job hunt and pregnancy
Prayers for Pole Dancer M in job hunt
Prayers for Firefox and relationship with parents


My Eras Tour

AO: titan
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: DintyMoore, Spinal Tap, Old Maid, Tim the Toolman, Salami, SalPal, Michelin Man, Elmer (DR from Raleigh), Escobar (DR)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Reminiscent of the glory years

WARMUP: Mosey around the park. Stretch: World’s Greatest Stretch, Calves.

My eras were an attempt at 4 decades of fitness, so 4 sets of workouts that were organized around my athletic endeavors of hockey, basketball through high school, football through college, Rugby through my 20s, and a classic F3 dora that got edited for time. I would have incorporated a lot more sprinting (suicides, 55s, etc.), but I have been working through some foot pain (Thanks to Spinal Tap for the recs that I will try out).

Hockey/Plyometric station:
– Broad Jump
– Speed hop
– skaters
– skaters with a pause
– launch off one leg into a sprint

Basketball/Lower Body station:
4 rdsx10 reps each of:
– Air Dramas (Squat then extend up onto your toes)
– Hold squat shoulder circuit (Palloff press)
– Iron Mikes
– Tuck Jumps

Football/Full Body:
38 Up Downs going around the circle like Dan Campbell in that Hard Knocks episode.

4 rds of:
– Bear crawl 10 m
– 10 Dancing Bears
– 10 Merkins
– Sprint Back 10 M

F3 pivot to a few rounds of partner lateral runs 20 m, while partner does plank shoulder taps, then Freddie Mercuries, then SSHs. Not quite enough time for a Dora.

about 8 minutes of Mary back at the flag.

Described some of the srummaging techniques that I pivoted away from during coffee that I will come back to in the future after some encouragement.

As I was looking at the environs on Google Maps to plan out the Q, I noticed that the landmark that our alphabet overlords highlight is the Taylor Swift Bench. I didn’t know it was there and didn’t bother to seek it out, but modern stardom, longevity, and fandom/activism were discussed. A bird that had seen better days awaited us where I put down cones to warn us of what was to come.

2.0s welcome at bomber on 6/14
Salami Dash at the Castle 5k that includes tickets to future Nashville SC game
COT: Prayers for travel, discretion with new work opportunities, and Pep DR in San Francisco.

Appreciated this fine group of HIMs for my first Q at Titan working through some beginner’s trudge.

Tortoise & Hare v4

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Hacker (Franklin), Natural Ice, Chunks, Right Said, Hair Band, Decaf, Longhorn, SalPal, Cabana Boy, Moon Walk, Tealfin, Midnight Club, Clean Plate, Practice?, Night Light, Chef Boyardee, Cruise Line, LifeSaver, Dr. Seuss, Skechers, Double Flush, Pick Me!
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Absolutely Perfect. 57 degrees with a beautiful sunrise.

WARMUP: SSH, Squats, Hill Billy Walkers, Stretch, WMH.

Partner up and RUN! We had three PRs this morning, and everyone was in by 45:10. Cruise Line did 1.6 miles with a 30lb Ruck and was waiting for everyone at the finish line.

Circle up for some Mary while we waited for the six to come in. We did PAX choice and made it about 1/2 around the circle before calling “Time”.

COT: Prayers for perseverance, wisdom and courage.

Empty Chairs at Empty Tables

AO: atlantis
Q: SalPal
PAX: SalPal
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Foggy and gloomy.

WARMUP: Light stretching.

THE THANG: Short solo jog.

MOLESKINE: The difference between solitude and loneliness is the willingness to embrace that quiet space alone. Glad I was able to turn today into a quiet morning of reflection and easy running.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: ….but don’t worry, the bitterness and saltiness will be back in short order, so I guess I’ll have to take it out on the poor souls at bomber tomorrow.

COT: Sending well-wishes and prayers to the usual suspects, hoping that summer travel is treating you well, and looking forward to seeing you out there next week!

Murph Training

AO: bomber
Q: Grape
PAX: CubCadet, Focker, SalPal, Pep, Vector, Papa Bear, Sherlock, DintyMoore, Wet Wipes, Hedwig, Breadsticks, Humble Brag (DR- STL)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC F, LBAC R, and then more SSH as Focker arrived late

THE THANG: Ran around McCabe and made various stops to complete sets of 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, and 15 squats until we had run 2 miles and done 100/200/300

Subbed pull ups for burpees on a couple of sets

Threw in some lunges at one point

Lots more SSH as well

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout on 6/8 at 9am at Green Hills Park

COT: seemed like a lot of people were/are going through some kind of loss or transition. Prayers for the HIM


Tortoise & Hare, v1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Chunks, Skeet, Hair Band, SalPal, Natural Ice, Hacker (Franklin), Michelin Man, Longhorn, Decaf, baggervance, Touchback, Cabana Boy, Moon Walk, Snooze, Clean Plate, Practice?, Night Light, Chef Boyardee, Cruise Line, LifeSaver, Skechers, Pick Me!
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Perfect 70 degrees with a beautiful sunrise just as promised.

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Tappy Taps, Squats, Stretches

THE THANG: RUN!!! – The first official three mile run for this class. Hair Band set the pace and the rest of us tried to keep up. The first 4:13 Strong finisher was Practice? at 25:03. We had one more 4:13 Strong man finish under the 30:00 (LifeSaver). All in time of 51:28 so there is a lot of room for improvement.

MOLESKINE: Thank you for coming out and helping the new class figure out what it means to run 3 miles. Before our next Tortoise & Hare, this group will have some opportunity to practice their running. We will run penalty miles Wednesday and Friday morning at 0530. Same distance and same course as today. All are welcome to join.

COT: Closed with a prayer for strength, courage and guidance.

Last Minute

AO: westeros
Q: Grape
PAX: Vector, Pep, Hedwig, OfficeSpace, SalPal, Spinal Tap, DintyMoore, caprate, Tim the Toolman
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: beautiful, the only thing gloomy was SalPal’s attitude


V Ups

Several sets of this with some moseys

Tennis court Mary and ping pong (exercises at the four corners, fifth group would travel to a corner and start doing the exercise and supplant that group who would then travel to the next corner, etc)

Mosey to the stairs for three sets of a baby Bearway

Mosey to startex for more Mary

MOLESKINE: it was fun whipping something up on the fly! If you would have told me two years ago that I would be leading a workout group of 10 guys and would be able to fill a 45 minute workout with virtually no prep, I would have thought you were crazy. Grateful for what this organization has meant to me.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout on 6/8 at 9am at Green Hills Park

COT: prayers for friends and colleagues who have lost loved ones
