Because It’s My Destiny To Be The . . .

AO: westeros
Q: Vector
PAX: Grape, DintyMoore, Chunks, Pop-A-Lock, SalPal, Spinal Tap, Sherlock, Right Said, Pep, Young and Restless, Hedwig
FNGs: None
Conjuring up this week’s theme, I felt we all needed a little bit of a push to make us better, because as “the kids” say, “No PAIN, no gain.”

CONDITIONS: Painfully pleasant, start of autumn, gloomy morning

WARMUP: To start the pain, we did W-O-R for the duration of Depeche Mode’s extended remix of “A Pain That I Am Used To.”
30 SSH, 30 LBAC, 30 Air Presses, 30 RLBAC, 30 Squats.

To reflect the missing HCs from the PAX, the group had to do 9 burpees. Then we repeated the above until end of song . . . 8 minutes later.

A Pain That I Am Used To – Depeche Mode
King of Pain – The Police
Pain Lies on the Riverside – Live
Joy and Pain – Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock
Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? – Culture Club
Pain – De La Sol (f. Snoop Dogg)
Hurts So Good – John Cougar
Sucker for Pain – Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons
Everybody Hurts – R.E.M.

PAIN #1: 50 reps of
Prisoner squats
Ass Kickers
Imperial Walkers
Normal Julgarian Split Squats (“Free Julgaria!”)
Then sprint up and down hill.

PAIN #2: 50 reps of
Plank Jacks
Alabama Prom Dates
Incline Merkins
Normal LBCs
Sprint the hill.

Mosey to Startex for Mary where a grand time was had by all

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brewsday Tuesday this week – Check the Slack

COT: Prayers for Chunks on the passing of his grandmother and SalPal as his wife navigates restarting work life. Was fantastic to have SalPal back out, as his special brand of saltiness fit the theme perfectly . . . Thankful as always for all of the HIM who push me and each other to be better. SYITG, Vec

Tortoise & Hare – Run 2

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Decaf, Chunks, Crawlspace, Longhorn, Judy, SalPal, Right Said, Michelin Man, hambone, Focker, bluemule, Detective Pikachu, Parkman, Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Temper Tantrum, Peso, Unc, Tampax, Skid Mark, Ling Way, Soft Soap, Trajectory
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool 79 degrees with 87% humidity. It was hard to tell if we were running or swimming.

WARMUP: Oval Up…SSH, Squats, IWs, Stretches

THE THANG: RUN!! 3 miles around the campus. Crawlspace took off and wasn’t seen again until the finish line. 8 of our 12 4:13 Strong men set PRs this morning! We were “all in” in 41:22. It was a great morning of encouragement and hard work. Thank you SalPal and Michelin Man for providing the entertainment while the six worked his way to the finish line.

MOLESKINE: Thank you to all the F3 support this morning! You all have no idea the magnitude of the impact your presence has on the 4:13 Strong men. Keep coming back!


COT: Baby Boy took over the COT and closed us out with a prayer of gratitude.

Back 2 School!!! :books:

AO: atlantis
Q: Toothless
PAX: Pep, Schnauzer, SalPal, Siri, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: True to it’s name, we were underwater at atlantis – swimming through the air


– 30 x SSH
– 10 x WMH (oyo)
– 10 x Windmills
– 15 x Overhead Claps
– 15 x Seal Claps
– 15 x Moroccan Night Clubs
– 15 x Imperial Walkers


School Bus Route
Start with a one-mile Indian run “school bus” with stops along the way. Head around the park perimeter toward Morrow and the rec center, turn right and follow outer path all the way around by the river and almost to post before cutting across above the fields to the treatment plant.

Every time the rotation completes 2x the stop sign comes out and the PAX have to give 10 Prisoner Squats. After all, schools are basically prisons. Aim for 100+ squats, 10+ stops.

Core Subjects
Split into groups, post up at each station with 1 group running around the water tower as a timer. The other groups split up and go to 1 of 4 stations, performing an exercise until the runners return.

– “Apart” vs “a part”
– Hello Dollys, spread those legs “apart”

– Ratios, multiplication
– Captain Thors 1:4 ratio of Big Boy Sit-ups to American Hammers

– Inertia
– J-Lo’s, it takes force to stop movement in a given direction

– First public school in the country predates the country’s founding
– Boston Latin School founded in 1635
– 1 Clerkin, 6 Supermans, 3 Peter Parkers, 5 Mountain Climbers

Once PAX complete each station and are back to their “homeroom”, they serve detention. Complete 20 burpees. SSH in silence to get out of detention, otherwise 20 more burpees, repeat til successful.

Mosey back to post & stretch til time


You would think with this small of a group of PAX and as sharp as they all are that we would have gotten out of detention in one go, but alas! Turns out this Breakfast Club did not want to part ways, so they stayed in detention til the end. YHC was merciful and cut 5 burpees from the penalty each time, leading to a total of 50 burpees to close out the workout.

Also YHC was surprised that no one recognized the Schoolhouse Rock! Rocks songs that played during our core subjects round, including the fabled I’m Just a Bill.

– Announced the 5k which looks like it went well
– HUGE announcement about the goings on this week at atlantis, HC for an AOQ transition!! :trident:

Prayers for…
– Siri’s work dynamic and conversation
– SalPal’s wife’s career journey
– Schnauzer’s wife’s friend who lost her husband while expecting their second

As always, it was an honor to lead men! See you this Thursday!!! :trident:
— Toothless :tooth:

Tortoise & Hare, ep 1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Right Said, Chunks, bluemule, Michelin Man, Focker, Natural Ice, SalPal, Decaf, Longhorn, Judy, Duncan (F3 Waxhaw), Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Temper Tantrum, Bumble Bee, Peso, Unc, Tampax, Skid Mark, Long Way, Soft Soap, Trajectory
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 73 degrees and very humid

WARMUP: SSH, Squats, IWs, Right over Left, Left over Right, WMH

THE THANG: RUN!! The first 3 mile run for the new class and for some of our F3 PAX. The 4:13 Strong men started of in a sprint and made it to the first turn before they started walking. We had a fast finish of 26:15 and an “all in” time of 38:34. Not bad for the first run. We will do one more run before breaking into Pace Groups.

Thank you Michelin Man for leading the wrap up exercises as we brought in the six.

MOLESKINE: Thank you to my F3 brothers for coming out this morning. Your presence makes a huge difference for the 4:13 Strong men.

COT: Prayers for strength, wisdom, courage and endurance.

Tour de Nations

AO: atlantis
Q: Schnauzer
PAX: SalPal
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 70 degrees, high humidity


Run to Treaty Oaks.
Run the loop with 20 air squats, 20 lunges, 20 push ups. x2
Run down Lousiana. Bear Crawl random hill.
Back to West Park for 10 dips x2 in pavilion. 30 step ups.
More running. Tabata air squats. More running back to parking lot.
Sprints x 10
Deep squats x10

MOLESKINE: 2.64 miles when all said and done. Very hot and humid. Originally planned for basketball mid-workout but audibled due to wet courts and few PAX. We went off campus for a bit, but returned to West Park quickly because we wanted to be near the guy who sprints around the baseball field every morning.

Dash at the Castle 5K. Geodis Park, Saturday 7/27
Night Moves at Bicentennial Park, Saturday 7/20 at 1830

Prayers for healthy pregnancy
Prayers for injured and downrange PAX
Prayers for Schnauzer’s wife’s friend who recently lost her husband

Coffeeteria at White Bison

1,2,3 Dora

AO: the-castle
Q: Pep
PAX: Dumpster Fire (F3 Naperville), Donatello, SalPal, Chunks, hambone, Strutter, Knuckles, 2
FNGs: 1 2
CONDITIONS: Summer, not heavy humidity

– 20 little baby arm circles + reverse
– 20 seal claps
– 20 imperial walkers

Run around lacrosse field
– 100 burpees
– 200 dips
– 300 fire hydrants

July 12 – meat and games at Natural Ice’s house
July 13 – brew ruck
July 20 – night moves

– Knuckles – 22 year old son trying to find his way in the world
– SalPal’s wife – low iron
– Chunk’s daughter – returns from Nebraska today.

Once Upon a Time in 13 Rowdy Colonies

AO: greenmachine
Q: Hair Band , Black Lung
PAX: Dumpster Fire (F3 Naperville), Pebbles, moneyshot, Hipster, McAfee, The Merchant, Rocket Mortgage, Works for a Guy, Natural Ice, bluemule, DintyMoore, Dilbert, Good Morning America, Cowboy, El Capitan, Wolfpack, SalPal, Hair Band, Sparrow, Tim the Toolman, Black Lung, Esposa, Grape, Country Parkour, Under the Table, Haggis, Strutter, Chunks, Michelin Man, Focker, Fake Job, Late to The Party
FNGs: 2 Fake Job, Late to The Party
CONDITIONS: bright and swampy

30 SSH, 5 Good Mornings, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats. 10 LBAC, 10 Reverse LBAC, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Hillbillies.
Thing 1: Burpee Apocalypse (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

A salute to the 13 colonies.
1. 10 New York Yurpee (Burpee Variation. Merkin at bottom of burpee is a clap-merkin and on up portion there are 2 tuck jumps per burpee).
2. 30 Virginia V-Ups
3. 50 South Carolina Side Straddle Hops
4. 30 Rhode Island Iron Mikes (2-count)
5. 30 New Hampshire Hand Release Merkins
6. 50 New Jersey Jump Squats
7. 50 Connecticut Crunches
8. 35 Maryland Merkins
9. 50 North Carolina Dry Docks
10. 50 Massachusetts Mountain Climbers (2-count)
11. 50 Georgia Gorilla Humpers
12. 50 Pennsylvania Plank Jacks (2-count)
13. 50 Delaware Dips

Run half lap around the track and start from the top. 3 rounds.

Total reps 1776.

This workout was a beast sprung most from the tortured mind of Black Lung
We had 5/34 men completely finished the work out
We finished by reading the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence & saying the pledge of allegiance

Preamble: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


– SalPal requests prayers for his baby on the way and his baby they just pulled from daycare


AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles
PAX: El Capitan, Sparrow, SalPal, Sooie, morning stār, AAA, The Banker, FLO, Tebow, Tea Party, Malibu, voucher, Bookworm
FNGs: None

Don Quixotes
Slow Merkins
Slow Squats
Stretch On Your Own
Disclaimer Given
Mission Stated
Core Principles Recited

Thang 1
DORA (modified) – partner up, one person runs 100M while the other performs reps of the following exercises. Repeat until all reps are done.
200 Dips
100 Burpees
50 Pull Ups (100 swing ups)

Thang 2
11s on the hill
Carolina Dry Docks
Lt. Dans

MOLESKINE: Our role as men is hard. For me it feels like the entire day is dealing with truckload after truckload of crap that comes my way. This is the battle, to not become discouraged or shirk my responsibilities in the face of daily struggles. Keep battling.

Welcome :party_parrot::party_parrot:Tea Party :party_parrot::party_parrot:
Brewsday TONIGHT
the-knoll will be closed on July 4th so everyone go to greenmachine for a convergence!
Gulliver’s Travel challenge all of July and August
Check slack

COT: Prayed for 2 children to find a home, 13-year wedding anniversary, and all present.

Sharknado: Tara Reid has big hits.

AO: the-castle
Q: Strutter
PAX: hambone, SalPal, Pep, Chunks, Splitter, Horshack (Ohio)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: allegedly humid.

WARMUP: getting out of the car and Mosey to start was all the warmup we needed.

THE THANG: Sharknado: a series of 5 exercises each followed by a lap around the 🏰.
1) 10 burpees
2) diamond merkins
3) WWII’s
4) merkins
5) scorpion dry docks
Each lap was approximately .1 miles.
Repeato until the Q got 2 miles, 4 rounds.

I have certainly enjoyed getting to know the Pax, and I look forward to seeing you all in the gloom.


Prayers for Pax going through hard times.

The Fourth F

AO: atlantis
Q: Firefox
PAX: SalPal, Pole Dancer, sooner, Oatmeal, Subway, Siri, Toothless
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Misty with a light haze of bugs

WARMUP: Mosey down to the farthest field, plus some SSH, WMH, and GM.

Part 1: F3 Disc Golf
All PAX were given a disc golf putter. A Kanjam goal was set at the other end of the field. PAX had to get their disc into the goal in as few throws as possible.
– Lunge walk to the landing spot of your first throw
– Bear crawl to the landing spot of your second throw
– Murder bunny to all subsequent landing spots until complete
We multiplied the best and worst scores to determine how many burpees to do, which I believe ended up being 3 x 5 on the first pass.

We repeated this except doing bear crawls to the first landing spot and murder bunnies thereafter. Results were much better with us doing 3 x 4 burpees on the second round.

Thang 2: Ultimate!
Between points, scoring teams did 10 merkins, scored-upon teams did 5 burpees.
SalPal Pole Dancer Toothless and Subway (shirts) versus YHC, sooner Oatmeal and Siri (pasty white skins). It was a back-and-forth affair to start until Team PWS started pulling ahead. Shirts made a nice mini-run at the end.

MOLESKINE: Thanks for the push to pivot on the plan today. The real birthday Q at bomber tomorrow!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Oh so many. Check the calendar. Off the top of my head:
– Hunger Games
– Brewsday farewell to Bareback
– Night Moves
– Run at Geodis

– Disappointment to process and new challenges to navigate for SalPal and family
– Road trip well wishes for Toothless

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! Post any favorite moments/plays in the thread!