An Excuse to Work Legs

AO: atlantis
Q: Hair Band
PAX: SalPal, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Puzzlah, Siri, Pothole
FNGs: 1 Pothole

Mosey 1 laps around soccer fields
Good mornings
Cherry pickers
Willie mays hayes
Cowboy hip rotations (fwd & bck)
50 SSHs

30 sec high knees + 10 perfect merkins
Repeat 10 times

15 Drop squats + sprint parking spaces
Repeat 8 times

Lunge walk around parking lot

4-5min of 10 burpees + 10 v ups alternating

In a world of well rounded workouts, Hair Band seems obsessed with getting our legs solid as marble. Complaints from the pax about leg soreness will be seen as badges of honor from Hair Band and only seek to fuel his love of leg based workouts. If anything, Hair Band feels like a merciful Q in that he allowed us to do Merkins.

• Night Moves hosted by SalPal March 6th, check his preblast for details
• AOQ Grow School coming back atcha Saturday March 22nd stonewall tel:0600-0800
• Spring Fling hosted by Natural Ice – CBO, check main channel for details
• May CSAUP coming your way

• prayers for work transitions and changes happening, prayers for men looking for work, prayers for babies on the way, over all health and well being

Thanks for letting me Q, this was a fun workout and due to my lack of bringing a speaker the mumblechatter was mumbling.

Welcome to Pothole!

Rock on,

Hair Band :sign_of_the_horns:

That-workout-from-Friday redux

AO: westeros
Q: CubCadet
PAX: DintyMoore, Vector, bluemule, Pep, SalPal, Spinal Tap, Michelin Man
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Brisk 32 but manageable

WARMUP: 25 SSH, WMH / GM OYO, mosey around the big field (on the pavement)

THE THANG: Yeah, I stole my own workout from Friday / Bomber. Modified it slightly to make it less confusing (based on anonymous feedback)

– Endzone: 5 SSH
– 10 yard line: 10 burpees
– 20 yard line: 20 WW1
– 30 yard line: 30 mountain climbers
– 40 yard line: 40 merkins
– 50 yard line: 50 squats
– 40 yard line: 40 ski jumpers
– 30 yard line: 30 American Hammers
– 20 yard line: 20 box jumps
– 10 yard line: 10 wide arm merkins
– Endzone: 5 SSH

Rinse / repeat in reverse order

Travel between yard lines as a group was half bear crawl / half lunge worms (lunge, lunge, inchworm forward, 2 merkins, inchworm back up)

Sprint length of the “field” – 1x

Mary – round robin, 25 reps each exercise for 8 minutes

Playlist as also a recycle: Super Bowl Halftime songs.

MOLESKINE: Things I learned today:

– DintyMoore is alive
– SalPal was 12 in 2011
– Prince was the greatest SB halftime act. Ever.
– Coffee at Dose is pretty cool (#lovingmysabbatical)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Congrats to those who finished Leanpax. Check slack for details on Brewruck and Night Moves coming up.

COT: Prayers for:
– People and critical care / research institutions impacted by government budget cuts, and struggling with uncertainty.
– Vector and family over his Mother’s passing
– Michelin Man dealing with some back issues (and our gratitude that he came to hang with us)
– SalPal dealing with some leadership challenges / change at work
– Intentions in our hearts.

Grateful for the opportunity to lead.

KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid

AO: atlantis
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Puzzlah, Pole Dancer, SalPal, Son of Red Skull
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, Shoulder Burns


PAX worked through a circuit of:
– Incline Merkins
– Dips
– Decline Merkins
– Sandbag Carry

Sandbag carry was the “timer”. Once everyone completed two sandbag carries we took a run around the football fields.

Second circuit of:
– Dips
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Dips
– Sandbag Carry

Went until all PAX completed two sandbag carries and took another lap around the football fields.

MOLESKINE: It was a quick one with a good mix of strength and cardio.


COT: Leading is encouraging and uplifting. Where in your daily life are you looking for opportunities to lead and take on responsibility?

Someday We’ll All Enjoy Running, But Not Today

AO: westeros
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Chunks, Grape, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Michelin Man, Pep, SalPal, Son of Red Skull, Red Skull, Young and Restless, bluemule, CubCadet, Sherlock, Vector
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a bit chilly, a bit damp

Good mornings
Cherry pickers
Willie mays hayes
Cowboy hip rotations (fwd & bck)
50 SSHs
High knees
Butt kicks

Mosey to parking lot hill
2x 50% sprint up hill, jog down
2x 75% sprint up hill, jog down
2x 90% sprint up hill, jog down

3 Sets
20 Squat jump with knee tuck (40 drop squats as modification)
50 Iron mikes (25e)
15 merkins
Hard sprint up hill (85% effort), jog down (30-40% effort)

In cadence squats on Hair Band count

Mosey to jungle gym for as many rounds of
25 pull ups and running a lap around the drop off circle as possible

A thought I had during the beatdown: how we, as individuals, approach a workout together is often a reflection of how we live our lives in relationship with others.

Another thing I learned today: if I see people shorting themselves in an exercise, it fires me up. I have more to say on this matter but it’s probably better I don’t.

Shoutout to DintyMoore for being a monster and raising his lactaid threshold this morning.

– AOQ Grow School coming to a saturday soon near you
– Spring CSAUP in the works
– Spring fling led by Natural Ice – CBO
– 4:13 Strong Dinner fundraiser April 24th

– health and wellness for friends & family, prayers & praises for employment

Rock on and don’t cheat yourself out of getting better,

Hair Band

Oh Hill No!

AO: the-castle
Q: Strutter
PAX: Chunks, Pep, hambone, SalPal, Son of Red Skull, Salami, Tea Party, The Merchant, Strutter
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Not raining! As promised.

WARMUP: The warmup consisted of the following exercises, all in cadence:
20) SSH’s
20) Imperial Storm Troopers
40) Arm Circle Complex
A short Mosey to the base of the hill.

THE THANG: Run to the top of the hill and return for an exercise. We performed these in sets of 3.
The first 3 trips were paired with 10) merkins IC.
The next 3 trips up the hill featured 10) American Hammers IC.
The 3rd set of hill climbs were followed by a merkin complex consisting of 10) merkins OYO (that fulfilled the 70/day requirement of a few of the Pax), 10) Wide Grip merkins IC, and 10) Diamond merkins IC.




Tortoise & Hare – Run #1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Chunks, Hair Band, Right Said, Crawlspace, hambone, Young and Restless, SalPal, Skeet, Take 3, D Pole, Jackie Moon + 9 FNGs waiting to be named on Thursday
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A chilly 19 degrees

WARMUP: SSH, IW, Squats, Stretching

THE THANG: Pair up and RUN!!

MOLESKINE: What a great first run for the new class. Everyone finished sub 40:00 today. Thanks for the great F3 support this morning.

COT: Prayers for strength, courage and wisdom

Start leanpax

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Vector, CubCadet, Hair Band, Grape, Young and Restless, Puzzlah, Salami, Black Lung, SalPal, Michelin Man, The Merchant, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Blueprint, sooner, bluemule, Sherlock, Boomerang
FNGs: None
Did I already say cold?

– imperial walkers
– Hillbillies
– Good mornings

-trivia pep guardiola theme
– hold plank till right answer is called
– pax with right answer tells us how many burpees to do

– Dora:
– Timer : run the circle at the school drop off
– 100: pull ups
– 200: windshield wipers
– 300: fire hydrants

– JUICE day (?in place of brews day)
– Leanpax (bagels are processed food)
– Aoq bootcamp (coming quarterly)

Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See

AO: atlantis
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: SalPal, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Still, calm, and an icy 26°

WARMUP: Mosey along the path, active warmups, stretching. Dinty approached through the mist and we finished up with side straddle hops for warmth before getting going.


Hearts- Merkins
Diamonds- Swing Pull Ups
Clubs- Squats
Spades- WW1’s

On every single-digit card, add one Burpee. On Aces, do 5 burpees and a lap around the water tower.

Perfectly timed, we finished our last card as the clock struck 6:15.

MOLESKINE: Catching up after the holidays!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: LeanPax kicks off next week, Juice Day in development? TBD

COT: Prayers for Salpal’s wife on the job hunt, Dinty’s son’s upcoming surgery, a resolution to administrative problems, and the recovery of my in-laws from the flu

PLAYLIST: Inspired by my new Christmas tradition of buying records with my brother-in-law with gift $$, this is a medley of two artists whose debut albums I snagged for myself, Gang Starr and Busta Rhymes.

Dew & Dora

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Hanes
PAX: DrRupp, Focker, Oatmeal, SalPal, sooner, Toothless
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Tropical Winter + Puddles

Jog around the track, sprint to front

MTN Climbers
American Hammers
Bobby Hurleys (jump squats)
Freddie Mercury’s

Control – run down the long straight on track and back, keep working out till All In. Change exercise.

Mosey to flag, 1 round of toe taps


ANNOUNCEMENTS: NYD Convergence led by Grape. Lean Pax.

COT: Prayers for those who have lost loved ones during the Holiday Season. Prayers for healthy families and travel. Prayers for individuals who may have some trauma during this season.

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” -Maya Angelou

You can’t always control your environment or the things that happen to you, but you can always try to change your outlook or the way you choose to see something or someone.
The Challenge: Be the positive change wherever you are and encourage others with your effort to shape the things that you can change.

Shout out to Oatmeal and sooner for delicious coffee and encouraging and supporting another great AM in the gloom.


Merry Christmas from the family

AO: atlantis
Q: sooner , Oatmeal
PAX: Oatmeal, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Siri, Subway, SalPal
FNGs: None
Active warm-up

Mozy over to pizza hut

Santa appears out of the gloom… he looks a lot like oatmeal

Christmas Night
Santa/Oatmeal pulls a gift out of the bag and the PAX has to deliver; The pax are reindeer, led by rudolph who have to deliver gifts. Each round, Santa/Oatmeal picks off a pax from the reindeer who does an exercise while the rest of the pax delivers to playground locations specified on the card; santa’s crew of injured reindeer grows during each round of present delivery

Gift delivery travel: Native Reindeer Run around the water tower to “Whoville” aka the playground

Penalty for forgetting rudolph

Christmas Morning
Open each gift to find two unique exercises (25 each). One is naughty and one is nice. Flip a disc to determine exercise. Gating price to either be nice or get forgiveness for being naughty is Christmas/Oatmeal trivia.

Bag 1: ice skaters / Mountain jumpers; each side is half
Bag 2: elven merkins / eleven flutters aka hand release merkins with a star Superman or reverse flutters (low plank + flutter kicks); 4 ct
Bag 3: Frosty jumps / walks; low squat duck walk or broad jump; 1 is 1
Bag 4: Twinkling Star of Bethlaham or manger madness aka side straddle hops 4 CT or star jumps but with 180 rotation); 1 is 1
Bag 5: Ornamentation or Tree toppers aka plank ups or one-legged alternating box jump reaching for the tree top on the jump; each side is half
Bag 6: sleigh rides or Jingle bell rock aka Supermans or happy crunch frogs but with arms elevated verticaly instead of horizontally; 1 is 1
Bag 7: Christmas mornings aka 8 CT body builders; 1 is 1… We didn’t do this one

Santa had a loose interpretation of the rules. We did exercise for the record.

COT: healing, comfort and guidance


tag your favorite trivia question in comments